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$Indabank111's SNE 6-Max Hyper Thread $Indabank111's SNE 6-Max Hyper Thread

06-04-2012 , 07:20 AM
$Indabank111's SNE 6-Max Hyper Thread Quote
06-04-2012 , 08:39 AM
The tone of your other thread sounds like bragging because you wrote it that way. You are shoving your upward graphs in everyone's face. It's like Bernie Madoff blogging "I'm really sorry for stealing all of that money. Here are screenshots of my bank accounts. Look how much I had. Here are photos from the parties with hookers and blow. Here is my lamborghini. Like I said, I'm really sorr-Oh look, here's me with the president." People aren't taking it out of context. YOU wrote it that way. I'm not criticizing you for writing it that way. I'm just pointing out that you probably wrote it that way because it's how you feel. You're not really that sorry. You are proud of it. That's the impression I am getting.

As an aside, Gramps you are better than that child molestation analogy. Haven't you learned that there are some things you don't make analogies about? You don't compare your team's halftime deficit to the jews facing the holocaust, etc. Of course the analogy works on one level, but when you have to put that disclaimer at the end you know you are in trouble, like when you start a sentence by saying "I am not a racist, but..." Btw, I am terrible at analogies and I know how hard it can be to think of a good one. But it's best not to take short cuts.
$Indabank111's SNE 6-Max Hyper Thread Quote
06-04-2012 , 11:43 AM
Happy to see you are getting crushed at the $200's. Hope your bad luck continues.
$Indabank111's SNE 6-Max Hyper Thread Quote
06-04-2012 , 11:45 AM
Originally Posted by Inyaface
Happy to see you are getting crushed at the $200's. Hope your bad luck continues.
+1, its all wrong that he can continue on this site
$Indabank111's SNE 6-Max Hyper Thread Quote
06-04-2012 , 11:52 AM
You flat out stole money from thousands of players and you did this repeatedly. It doesn't matter how many apology threads you make, you don't deserve to be a part of the poker community or to be earning money from poker. You don't even deserve to be a part of society, you deserve jail time. Until you make up for your wrongdoings (and then some) that's just how it is.

You owe the people you scammed and they need to be paid immediately. It doesn't matter if FTP seized your accounts, you spent it on partying, or gambled it away, the debt is still on you. Any money you make whether it be from poker or elsewhere isn't yours, it needs to go straight to the players who you stole from.

If you are genuinely sorry and need help setting up a compensation fund for those you have wronged feel free to PM me.
$Indabank111's SNE 6-Max Hyper Thread Quote
06-04-2012 , 12:42 PM
Originally Posted by Sly Caveat
As an aside, Gramps you are better than that child molestation analogy. Haven't you learned that there are some things you don't make analogies about? You don't compare your team's halftime deficit to the jews facing the holocaust, etc. Of course the analogy works on one level, but when you have to put that disclaimer at the end you know you are in trouble, like when you start a sentence by saying "I am not a racist, but..." Btw, I am terrible at analogies and I know how hard it can be to think of a good one. But it's best not to take short cuts.
I think a Russ Hamilton/gambling-analogy would have been a better one, for sure.
$Indabank111's SNE 6-Max Hyper Thread Quote
06-04-2012 , 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by Gramps
I think a Russ Hamilton/gambling-analogy would have been a better one, for sure.
Yes. Good one.
$Indabank111's SNE 6-Max Hyper Thread Quote
06-04-2012 , 02:23 PM

guys feel free to use this in any thread he posts in and link to either his "apology" or this thread or w/e.
$Indabank111's SNE 6-Max Hyper Thread Quote
06-04-2012 , 02:38 PM
@ Zima - I worked with $indabank from the ground up and helped cultivate the player he is now, I obviously didn't just throw 20k at someone whose name was compromised. The reasons for that went beyond my immediate bottom line and still do, hence jeopardizing my reputation in this thread opposed to waving a white flag. I agree with Sly Caveat's description of his first thread, so I think in hindsight that this deserved to get derailed to the extent it has - I'm hoping that going forward he's allowed to update his progress without too much harassment, not saying its undue but I think Siq has a pretty effective banner for making sure everyone knows what happened lol Good luck Gabe/everyone else following the thread!
$Indabank111's SNE 6-Max Hyper Thread Quote
06-04-2012 , 02:40 PM
@SiQ, grow up, im sure if you made a mistake, you wouldn't want it bought up in every single thing you want to do.

its ridiculous to come and troll someones thread, especially when they're showing remorse for their actions.

if twoplustwo wished to ban the OP, they would have done.

PC & G threads are not a place where you can come and troll just because your still mad. Show some respect at least.

Also, lol at a fund for paying back players, you seriously think you can come up with a method that reimburses the players accurately?

how can you even put a price on what the players lost? how much do you think the OP actually profited from the colluding aspect of his games? perhaps only 30% of his profits were as a result of having this information.

Sorry for de-railing OP, think your getting unfair attention when you've showed remorse and just want to move on.

Lastly, if people have responses, pm me, carrying this on itt is jst going to be contradicting myself.

good luck.
$Indabank111's SNE 6-Max Hyper Thread Quote
06-04-2012 , 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by YouFaiil
Also, lol at a fund for paying back players, you seriously think you can come up with a method that reimburses the players accurately?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but that's like someone coming to you and saying, "Hey, I'm not sure what I owe you so I'm just not going to pay you since I can't figure it out".

I know you'd rather me PM you, but people have the right to know that they are owed money and that the OP isn't able to clear off his debts just because it is difficult to come up with an accurate number.

Last edited by Simplicity8; 06-04-2012 at 03:03 PM. Reason: quotation grammar is hard
$Indabank111's SNE 6-Max Hyper Thread Quote
06-04-2012 , 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by YouFaiil
its ridiculous to come and troll someones thread, especially when they're showing remorse for their actions.

if twoplustwo wished to ban the OP, they would have done.

PC & G threads are not a place where you can come and troll just because your still mad. Show some respect at least.

Also, lol at a fund for paying back players, you seriously think you can come up with a method that reimburses the players accurately?

how can you even put a price on what the players lost? how much do you think the OP actually profited from the colluding aspect of his games? perhaps only 30% of his profits were as a result of having this information.

Sorry for de-railing OP, think your getting unfair attention when you've showed remorse and just want to move on.

Lastly, if people have responses, pm me, carrying this on itt is jst going to be contradicting myself.

good luck.
Not all "trolling" is equal. Calling out a cheater and calling out people who stick up for him isnt trolling in my book. Sorry that some people dont want to let OP keep this thread as motivation/bragging material.

As far as reimbursing players, all the money and rakeback he netted in games he MAed goes into a fund. Players who feel wrong can get on a list and be paid a % depending on how many games they played with him. Give people like two months to get on list then pay out. Obv he might have won some if he was playing alone, but dude cheated and should pay back every cent he won in those games.

Or he could just donate all the money he profited to a charity. Im sure the players affected would rather have that than OP keeping the money. But i dont see either of these happening because OP (and his buddies) seems to want to forgot this ever happened and move on. gl with that.

OP's apologists make to make people who criticize out to be jealous haters or trolls. But consider this. There are players out there right now who are considering whether or not to cheat. Do we want them to see that OP cheated, gave a halfhearted apology that came off a little braggish, never paid back anyone, and was accepted back into the community. Or do we want them to see that people who cheat are going to be ostrarcized from the community.
$Indabank111's SNE 6-Max Hyper Thread Quote
06-04-2012 , 03:25 PM
youfaiil, you obviously don't take poker very seriously and have no idea what you're going on about or how serious what he did is. it's theft, he stole money directly from players - and his apology wasn't really an apology, and he made no effort to try to right what he did... from what I see it's likely that he only said anything because Scotty was going to out him.

i don't hate the guy and hope he dies. theres even a chance that if i met him IRL i'd get along with him despite his past. when you come up in gambling circles you're going to come across cheaters/scummy people and it's hard to not get along with some of them - but you have to know their place as only entertainment and not forget who they really are - even if I was friends with OP I'd still never allow him to be involved in anything involving me and money and I'd still want people to know about what he did so he doesn't get another chance.

and yes, i've made mistakes just like everyone else has, but if i was sorry i would try to make up for those mistakes and i wouldn't dare stick my face out so arrogantly around the people that I have wronged.
if I did what he did and truly felt sorry I would do anything to make things right (offer to donate winnings to a chosen charity?) I would say NOTHING on 2p2 unless it was to actively help other people and I wouldn't turn down any chance to apologize for what I did if someone brought it up.

OP is no one special to me, besides being a scammer, I don't remember if I ever played him, I've made more $ than him (on the square) and he doesn't play in games that I play now. I have no jealousy at all towards this scammer and I have no personal vendetta against him aside from him being a thief and me wanting to make the life of a poker scammer harder.
$Indabank111's SNE 6-Max Hyper Thread Quote
06-04-2012 , 07:01 PM
$Indabank111's SNE 6-Max Hyper Thread Quote
06-04-2012 , 07:30 PM
Where is he playing and screen name? He Ma'ed on FT correct
$Indabank111's SNE 6-Max Hyper Thread Quote
06-04-2012 , 08:35 PM
Stars, $indabank111.

yes, he MA'd on FTP (7 accounts). would make 2 at a time in order to have two accounts on a table and collude with those accounts against the other players at the tables.
$Indabank111's SNE 6-Max Hyper Thread Quote
06-04-2012 , 09:26 PM
Why all the hate? I only stole afew grand while people like Chris Fergussion and Howard Lederrer stole millions! If they can do it, so can I right?
............... When Fulltilt was around, i really thought I was being cheated, guess Iwas correct.
............... OP consider yourself very fortunate because if this was not online poker and say you stole a few grand instead from a store or bank you would be sitting in a prison cell for afew years. Hopefully you have really realize the seriousness of what you have done and not becuase you have been caught.

Allthough, I think you should be banned from all poker sites if at least fora few years but since Pokerstars is letting you play, I hope you stay clean from now on. Goodluck to you!
$Indabank111's SNE 6-Max Hyper Thread Quote
06-04-2012 , 09:37 PM
I think Gramps and Siq both had very good assessments of the situation. If I were OP, I would cease these fruitless attempts at gaining some kind of forgiveness or good standing within the poker/2+2 community. It is just simply not going to happen.

At the same time, I think it is abundantly clear that OP is a very, very good sng player, and will probably continue to make more money than most people could ever hope for. It's really a shame, because from the looks of things, this guy could have probably made more money playing it straight up than by repeatedly cheating and having his money confiscated, not to mention the ruining of his reputation within the online poker community.
$Indabank111's SNE 6-Max Hyper Thread Quote
06-04-2012 , 09:40 PM
What really disgusts me is that his accounts were shut down several times, but that he just kept on stealing. Pretty horrifying people will do this without interference from their conscience, considering I even waited until I was 18 to begin playing (as it was against the TOS).
$Indabank111's SNE 6-Max Hyper Thread Quote
06-04-2012 , 10:16 PM
Weird to think that there are people on 2+2 would be sympathetic towards a criminal just because he says he is sorry. I'm sure many judges have let of guys for fraud and theft because they said they were really sorry and would never do it again.

Ffs guys he is a theif and one that got caught multiple times and still continued to steal. Total scumbag ainec
$Indabank111's SNE 6-Max Hyper Thread Quote
06-05-2012 , 01:45 AM
Originally Posted by SiQ

guys feel free to use this in any thread he posts in and link to either his "apology" or this thread or w/e.
Did you also tell his mom and the principal of pokerstars? Also, where's the vulgar name calling, and telling him to eat dog poop?

Stop being a child; you are terrible at it.

Last edited by bjsmith22; 06-05-2012 at 01:51 AM. Reason: Aaaand I should probably state that I am in no way condoning $indabanks actions.
$Indabank111's SNE 6-Max Hyper Thread Quote
06-05-2012 , 04:02 AM
lol, sick edit bjsmith

how anyone can defend this scumbag is beyond me.

how anyone can do business with this scumbag blows my mind.

bigbluff, it sucks you decide that money means more to you than your reputation. at least to me, your rep as a business person is tarnished. i know my thoughts might not mean anything to you on this, as you have seemed to have justified it in your own head, but kinda ****ty.

Originally Posted by bigbluffzinc
@ Zima - I worked with $indabank from the ground up and helped cultivate the player he is now, I obviously didn't just throw 20k at someone whose name was compromised.

i think you are missing my point. how do you get into business with him in the first place. did you know about his cheating? did you realize he was a good player, and decided to get into business with him because you could make a lot of money? It just blows my mind that you are in business with him. how can you not see this looks awful on your reputation?

The reasons for that went beyond my immediate bottom line and still do, hence jeopardizing my reputation in this thread opposed to waving a white flag.

Dont understand this line really. care to explain it a bit more please

I agree with Sly Caveat's description of his first thread, so I think in hindsight that this deserved to get derailed to the extent it has - I'm hoping that going forward he's allowed to update his progress without too much harassment,

I hope this thread is endlessly trolled and this scumbag is run out of the communtiy and shunned like every other cheater should be.

not saying its undue but I think Siq has a pretty effective banner for making sure everyone knows what happened lol

What's the smiley face for at the end of this sentence. yeah, this is a real funny thing we are talking about here. he only stole 6 figures from other regs. boy, that sure is funny.

Good luck Gabe/everyone else following the thread!

Like minded people hang out together.

Last edited by Zima421; 06-05-2012 at 04:24 AM.
$Indabank111's SNE 6-Max Hyper Thread Quote
06-05-2012 , 07:03 AM
I totally agree zima,

Why is 2+2 condoning what this scumbag is doing by having him on this site, if he was remorseful of the actions he took, then he would have done something about it and asked a more senior/experienced person of the community to help him work out how he can calculate what money he owes to EVERY SINGLE player he has played with and effectively robbed.

I really cant believe that people are actually following this idiot let alone doing business with him, its really beyond all morals.

You people that are following this guy really need to have a think to yourselfs and realise by doing so your just as bad as him.
$Indabank111's SNE 6-Max Hyper Thread Quote
06-05-2012 , 10:22 AM
Originally Posted by nameyourbet
You people that are following this guy really need to have a think to yourselfs and realise by doing so your just as bad as him.
This statement is the stupidest thing I've ever seen.
$Indabank111's SNE 6-Max Hyper Thread Quote
06-05-2012 , 10:45 AM
+1 That is one dumb statement not dumb hysterical!
$Indabank111's SNE 6-Max Hyper Thread Quote
