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$Indabank111's SNE 6-Max Hyper Thread $Indabank111's SNE 6-Max Hyper Thread

07-14-2012 , 08:05 PM
So it's been a fun July so far. I realized a few days ago that I won't be able to mix CAP/Hypers until after September 1st when me and my gf move into our new apartment. I did some variance calculations and there's too great of chance of me going on a bad swing in hypers and CAP at the same time since my sample size will be smaller, abi will be higher, and my win rate lower while mixing :[

That means I spent almost a month learning how to get good at a new game and now I won't be playing it much at all for the next 1 1/2 months lol. Oh well, I'm still glad that I did it. I feel like my game is better than ever and talking strategy with other sickos is never going to be a bad idea.

On a random side note, I was on my way to having an 8k day a week ago when the power for all of East Toronto went out. I had my laptop and backup mobile internet connection ready but I couldn't log back into Stars because their software thought I was still logged in on my desktop. After talking with support about it I guess they call that a "hanging login". That cost me 4k in just sng buyins and I don't even want to know how much in game equity I lost :[ Went out and bought a backup battery for my computer/moniters/internet connection just in case it happens again but it was an expensive lesson to learn.

Here's my CAP graph of all hands so far/by stakes

I've been told that I'm playing fine so it seems like CAP's EV line likes to swing like Hypers.

Speaking of those pesky things...

Swings like this are exactly why it's tough to mix both. So the plan is to just pound out Hyper volume and study study study. Don't want to make volume or profit goals but the general plan is to keep doing P90x with my gf, grind 7 hours a day and study another 2, and then have one day off from everything per week. It's a pretty extreme plan but it's time to put the nose too the grindstone and make some money.
$Indabank111's SNE 6-Max Hyper Thread Quote
07-14-2012 , 08:17 PM
I've also made a post in my old multi-accounting thread in Internet poker. I'm going to be donating money to charity for my past actions and I explain how I arrived at the amount chosen.

I'd appreciate if someone would like to post on the subject that they keep it to that thread.
$Indabank111's SNE 6-Max Hyper Thread Quote
08-24-2012 , 03:55 PM
VPP count?

Downswing size?

Double ban-hammer report?
$Indabank111's SNE 6-Max Hyper Thread Quote
09-30-2012 , 08:00 PM
Originally Posted by starting gun
VPP count?

Downswing size? Hugeeeeee ;] But I do make money sometimes as well.

Double ban-hammer report? I'm not really worrying about it at the moment and I respect whatever decision is made when the times comes.
Here's to getting ready for a huge October and putting the crush on!
$Indabank111's SNE 6-Max Hyper Thread Quote
09-30-2012 , 08:13 PM
pathetic update

cg on the 1m tho

Last edited by Mecastyles; 09-30-2012 at 08:26 PM.
$Indabank111's SNE 6-Max Hyper Thread Quote
09-30-2012 , 11:30 PM
$Indabank111's SNE 6-Max Hyper Thread Quote
10-01-2012 , 04:58 AM
gz on SNE baby!
$Indabank111's SNE 6-Max Hyper Thread Quote
10-01-2012 , 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by Mecastyles
pathetic update

cg on the 1m tho
lol Quads, I saw your original post <3

Originally Posted by crispoker10
tyty :]

Originally Posted by ver gato
gz on SNE baby!
Thanks, I appreciate it!
$Indabank111's SNE 6-Max Hyper Thread Quote
10-01-2012 , 12:58 PM
Here's my sick volume for September that got me to SNE...

$Indabank111's SNE 6-Max Hyper Thread Quote
10-01-2012 , 01:54 PM
gratz man, good to see you setting up the repayment/chairty fund thing as well, some people will still be mad i guess but at least your doing something.

$Indabank111's SNE 6-Max Hyper Thread Quote
11-01-2012 , 09:30 PM
Originally Posted by YouFaiil
gratz man, good to see you setting up the repayment/chairty fund thing as well, some people will still be mad i guess but at least your doing something.

Thanks, I'm just glad I'm able to do some good in regards to my past!

Here's Octobers results, not all that much better volume wise sadly. I've been going to the gym a ton and have been making much better nutritional choices. I'm close to being in the best shape of my life and it feels great. These last few weeks I started studying much more optimally and really putting in the hours.


I started getting hypnotherapy with Elliot Roe ( a few weeks ago and the results have been amazing. My overall mindset about working has completely changed and I can't believe I'm saying this, but I've started to enjoy playing poker again. It's been years since that happened and I love it. That in turns leads to me wanting to work more and put in the volume I need to make the money I want.

I woke up pretty late since last night was Halloween but still managed to put in a solid 4 hour session while getting 11k vpps.



Here's to putting in volume and getting to 1.5 mill vpps!
$Indabank111's SNE 6-Max Hyper Thread Quote
11-01-2012 , 10:05 PM
11k VPPs in 4hr :O mbn. Year graffe?
$Indabank111's SNE 6-Max Hyper Thread Quote
11-01-2012 , 11:11 PM
Originally Posted by wayneking7
11k VPPs in 4hr :O mbn. Year graffe?
100's and 200's have been going off pretty well lately, now if they'll just add higher buyins..... :]

Here's my yearly graph but it's for hypers only. Didn't see much a point in keeping my hands from 18's and 50/50's since they only slowed my DB down.


See ya in the games and gl!
$Indabank111's SNE 6-Max Hyper Thread Quote
11-02-2012 , 12:30 AM
Good effort mate, not too many harsh swings in there considering the ABI.
$Indabank111's SNE 6-Max Hyper Thread Quote
11-02-2012 , 11:25 PM
Originally Posted by wayneking7
Good effort mate, not too many harsh swings in there considering the ABI.
Thanks man, I've still gone on about 3 200ish buying swings this year pre-rb but RB just increases your roi so much that the swings aren't terrible :]

I wanted to put in 2 four hour sessions today but hadn't played bball since Monday so decided to gym it instead. Played ball for about 3ish hours and it was late when I got home so only put in one block of games. Had another awesome session with Elliot and looking forward to the grind tomorrow!


$Indabank111's SNE 6-Max Hyper Thread Quote
11-03-2012 , 12:12 AM
how much were u down in 5050s and 18mans?
$Indabank111's SNE 6-Max Hyper Thread Quote
11-03-2012 , 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by Mecastyles
how much were u down in 5050s and 18mans?
<3 you Quads, just looked it up and it seems I was a RB pro in them this year!

$Indabank111's SNE 6-Max Hyper Thread Quote
11-03-2012 , 10:41 AM
I dont agree.
$Indabank111's SNE 6-Max Hyper Thread Quote
11-03-2012 , 10:38 PM
Originally Posted by moneyinthebank1
<3 you Quads, just looked it up and it seems I was a RB pro in them this year!
more like snake-back pro AMIRITE?

get it?

because you steal from ppl!
$Indabank111's SNE 6-Max Hyper Thread Quote
11-04-2012 , 08:59 PM
Didn't grind at all yesterday. Ended up running errands with my gf for half the day then grabbing dinner/ a movie with family.

Today I put in my biggest day in terms of volume/hours for a while and got a bit over 16k vpps. Obviously not happy with the results but they'll come around. Probably still gonna put in a good study session before I play again.



Month Vpps
$Indabank111's SNE 6-Max Hyper Thread Quote
12-05-2012 , 03:30 AM

hows the grind going?
$Indabank111's SNE 6-Max Hyper Thread Quote
12-05-2012 , 05:18 AM
Originally Posted by Zima421

hows the grind going?
Maybe you should consider a hobby and some class...
$Indabank111's SNE 6-Max Hyper Thread Quote
12-05-2012 , 06:05 AM
what would a hobby do? took me 3 seconds to write that post. if i have 20 hobbies, it wouldnt have effected one of them negatively.

some class? i will try and be more classy towards scumbags in the future. my apologies bigbluff/$inda
$Indabank111's SNE 6-Max Hyper Thread Quote
12-05-2012 , 07:22 AM
Originally Posted by bigbluffzinc
Maybe you should consider a hobby and some class...
**** you bbz, you're scummy, a dbag, and lack class for backing this shady scammer piece of ****.
$Indabank111's SNE 6-Max Hyper Thread Quote
12-05-2012 , 10:12 AM
So was he banned or is he on a huge downswing? Also, how's the charity donating going?
$Indabank111's SNE 6-Max Hyper Thread Quote
