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I live in my car. Turning 21 in 2months. Then turning pro to chase my dreams. Come watch. I live in my car. Turning 21 in 2months. Then turning pro to chase my dreams. Come watch.

05-29-2018 , 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by BERRI SOUR
Something that helped me a lot with poker and finding success was living with someone that is currently being a success player. Maybe you should find someone and try and live with them and possibly get staked by them. I think it would do you a world of good. I understand you have your present path you're on but there are other higher-ev/steeper trajectory ways to accomplish the same goals.

Agreed with paying 20-25 for real apartment and spending minimal $$ on food. I lived off ramen when I was broke, everyone has to pay their dues or else you're going to have a low quality of life for longer than necessary that's suppressed due to poor spending habits preventing you from escaping.
Thanks for the advice berri! Right now I’m zoned in on getting to this 2k goal so I can get back into the streets of poker 10hrs of Doordash a Day, tbh I thought it would take me 40days looks like it might be 20 with the way things are going.
I live in my car. Turning 21 in 2months. Then turning pro to chase my dreams. Come watch. Quote
05-29-2018 , 11:04 PM
Day3 Worked 11am-8pm and made +$107. Going to now take 100 again and put it in the 2k fund. Excited to see I may have underestimated how much I can make if I work all day. I think I will be able to put 100 away a day which means in 20days of hard work I can have a bankroll for live cash.

I live in my car. Turning 21 in 2months. Then turning pro to chase my dreams. Come watch. Quote
05-30-2018 , 03:37 PM

I have followed the last handful of your threads, and have been generally supportive of you for the most part.

On April 8th you said you have $5,000. On May 24th you said you have $1,400. What the heck happened to the money man? From your posts, it didn’t seem like you lost that much. You were obviously making some money from door dash as well during this time...

If this money was lost playing poker, then I don’t really think savings up money from work to go play poker is a spectacular idea...

I know that you currently are okay with your current life/living situation. I just hope that in the future, you will have the finances to be able to IMPROVE your life/living situation if your future self wants that.

Rooting for you man, whatever you decide to do
I live in my car. Turning 21 in 2months. Then turning pro to chase my dreams. Come watch. Quote
05-31-2018 , 03:11 PM
Originally Posted by sam1chips

I have followed the last handful of your threads, and have been generally supportive of you for the most part.

On April 8th you said you have $5,000. On May 24th you said you have $1,400. What the heck happened to the money man? From your posts, it didn’t seem like you lost that much. You were obviously making some money from door dash as well during this time...

If this money was lost playing poker, then I don’t really think savings up money from work to go play poker is a spectacular idea...

I know that you currently are okay with your current life/living situation. I just hope that in the future, you will have the finances to be able to IMPROVE your life/living situation if your future self wants that.

Rooting for you man, whatever you decide to do
How’s it going Sam. I’m saving up another 2k from doordash to be properly bankrolled. I would say I had some financial troubles in my life that I needed to take care of with a mix of losing at poker. Thanks for rooting for me man.
I live in my car. Turning 21 in 2months. Then turning pro to chase my dreams. Come watch. Quote
05-31-2018 , 03:13 PM
Day4 Didn’t work much doordash yesterday because it was my cousins graduation and since I barely see my family (which I should do more of) I thought it was best to take the day off and spend time with them. Had a good time.

Now I’m currently in a tire shop about to get a used tire because I just got a flat. And after I get this fix I can start Day 5

I live in my car. Turning 21 in 2months. Then turning pro to chase my dreams. Come watch. Quote
05-31-2018 , 03:54 PM
why does this thread get so much less attention than 6betme's thread, even though it's basically the same? (trying to be a live pro)
I live in my car. Turning 21 in 2months. Then turning pro to chase my dreams. Come watch. Quote
05-31-2018 , 04:10 PM
Because this kid is likeable.

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I live in my car. Turning 21 in 2months. Then turning pro to chase my dreams. Come watch. Quote
05-31-2018 , 04:28 PM
And not destined to fail spectacularly...
I live in my car. Turning 21 in 2months. Then turning pro to chase my dreams. Come watch. Quote
05-31-2018 , 04:40 PM
I live in my car. Turning 21 in 2months. Then turning pro to chase my dreams. Come watch. Quote
05-31-2018 , 05:25 PM
Originally Posted by Rich Checkmaker
And not destined to fail spectacularly...
I live in my car. Turning 21 in 2months. Then turning pro to chase my dreams. Come watch. Quote
05-31-2018 , 11:23 PM
Day 5 Started off not so great with a Flat tire, but after I got that fixed I did doordash from 1pm-8pm made +$135 So now I’m going to add another $100 to the 2k fund.

I live in my car. Turning 21 in 2months. Then turning pro to chase my dreams. Come watch. Quote
06-02-2018 , 11:39 AM
Day 6 was a pretty easy day in terms of Doordash, I made +127$ but this money will not be going in the 2k fund today. My phone bill is due June 21st but I rather just pay it now. So still $400/$2,000

Today is Saturday and I plan on working all day. The thing about Saturday and Sunday is that if I grind all day like I have been I should make $150+ easy since it’s the weekend. So yeah just updating. Day 7 will be on it’s way at 11am-9pm. Talk soon
I live in my car. Turning 21 in 2months. Then turning pro to chase my dreams. Come watch. Quote
06-03-2018 , 01:12 AM
Day 7 In the books. Pretty chill day overall. Since my girlfriend doesn’t work Saturday Sunday she stays with me the whole time I’m on Doordash from 11am-9pm which helps so much to stay happy and motivated. This is all voluntary from her which is so pure from her.

Anyways made +$127 kinda was slow from 2-5pm which is why I didn’t cross $150. Still happy tho and this means I’ll put another $100 into the 2k fund. $500/$2,000

So I’m 1/4 of the goal complete. Has been a great break from poker and I must say I find myself missing the grind and wanting to go play a late night session, but I understand that I need to make this 2k so I can have a decent roll. Just having a decent roll for 1/2 will give me the patience to sit there and put in the hours to move up the stakes and achieve my dream.

Tomorrow is Sunday the busy day of the week for Doordash. I hope to make $150+ tomorrow. Going to smoke a Joint with Charmaine then head to bed. Goodnight everyone talk to you tomorrow
I live in my car. Turning 21 in 2months. Then turning pro to chase my dreams. Come watch. Quote
06-03-2018 , 05:11 PM

Great thread!

Originally Posted by RUBRUB12
9am-11am I hang out with my GF. 1130am-2pm I study poker/ go to the park. 2pm-215pm I drop off my GF. 230pm-630pm play poker. 630pm-11pm GF 11pm-3am poker. That leaves 6hrs for sleep. Seems like I need to reduce GF time lol.
When you get back on the live grind, let your GF know sometimes you’ll have to play a little later and sleep through your 9a-11a time. What days did you play? Friday and Saturday nights are mandatory.

Originally Posted by RUBRUB12
Doordash till I get to 4K.
Doordash is a great plan. Once you have your bankroll where you want it, you should consider keeping some doordash hours for guaranteed income to pay expenses.

Originally Posted by RUBRUB12
Hero AK raises from UTG2 to 16$ in a Kill Pot (straddle pot)

CO makes the call

SB makes the call


Sb checks. Hero Checks. CO bets 22$

SB calls. Hero calls

Turn: K SB checks. Hero Checks. CO bets 45$

SB calls. Hero calls.

River: K SB checks. Hero checks. CO checks back ATo Hero wins.
Must bet the river!

Originally Posted by RUBRUB12

When designing my calling range the main point should be to connect on many different flop textures so our range will not be transparent( obv this is 1/2 so being transparent is not that big of an issue)
Zero reason to worry about that at LC 1/1/2.

Originally Posted by RUBRUB12
Hand #1

MP opens for 12$, 1call12$, Hero is on the BTn with AQ and makes the call. SB calls the 12$ as well. 4ways to a flop.

Flop:A58 MP continues for 24$, only Hero Calls 24$

Turn:K MP bets 40$, Hero makes the Call

River: 5 MP bets 60$ Hero snap calls thinking we chop now. MP shows a K and says NH while he mucks.
Gotta 3-bet there!

You can prob make about $20/hr in the 1/1/2 game at night, maybe a little more Friday/Saturday nights. Don’t know about other times.
I live in my car. Turning 21 in 2months. Then turning pro to chase my dreams. Come watch. Quote
06-03-2018 , 08:30 PM
What's up OP? Just read your whole thread in 1 go, good stuff!

I'll be in Silicon Valley for a job interview Thursday and Friday. Normally play at M8trix when I am there, but might make the drive up to Lucky Chances if it gives me a chance to donk some money off to you.

Are you close to being back on that live grind yet?
I live in my car. Turning 21 in 2months. Then turning pro to chase my dreams. Come watch. Quote
06-04-2018 , 12:04 AM
Hello El Diablo and KatoKrazy Ty for the love ❤️

KatoKrazy I’m at $600 as of tonight so not quite at my 2k goal, but almost there. Good Luck at the tables!
I live in my car. Turning 21 in 2months. Then turning pro to chase my dreams. Come watch. Quote
06-04-2018 , 12:53 AM
Day 8 complete and man it was the smoothest day by far. Cool little +$191 Sunday is always the best day I swear. Plus Gane 2 of the NBA finals never hurt . So going to add $100 to the 2k fund. $600/$2,000

That concludes the first week of nonstop Doordash and no poker.

Brings us to $600 saved, a used tire and my bills for June paid. $1400 more away but honestly I don’t even like to think that far. 1 day at a time. And after doing 1 whole week of grinding 11am-9pm I can probably clear $100 a day to put into the 2k fund and get my ass back to the tables
I live in my car. Turning 21 in 2months. Then turning pro to chase my dreams. Come watch. Quote
06-04-2018 , 01:05 AM
El Diablo I played all days a lot of volume on the weekend. My girlfriend is the nuts she wouldn’t mind me playing 6days straight lol. So playing through our 9am-11am shouldn’t be a problem, but I just love having breakfast every morning with her it’s just our thing you know .
I live in my car. Turning 21 in 2months. Then turning pro to chase my dreams. Come watch. Quote
06-05-2018 , 12:26 AM
Day 9

Easy day again. Doordash is getting very smooth. I’m going to the same restaurants so they make the deliveries easier, which is great. I’m honestly enjoying this break a lot from poker. I will be more than ready when my bankroll allows me to play.
I live in my car. Turning 21 in 2months. Then turning pro to chase my dreams. Come watch. Quote
06-05-2018 , 03:45 AM
Nice work ethic, a great change!

GL on the dream, keep it up!
I live in my car. Turning 21 in 2months. Then turning pro to chase my dreams. Come watch. Quote
06-05-2018 , 11:30 AM
Originally Posted by rubilacza
Nice work ethic, a great change!

GL on the dream, keep it up!
Thank you rubilacza for the support!
I live in my car. Turning 21 in 2months. Then turning pro to chase my dreams. Come watch. Quote
06-05-2018 , 01:06 PM
JoAnn’s Cafe my favorite breakfast spot. $13.6 for this and a perfect coffee to go. Yum Yum.

Scramble: Chorizo, Cajun Sausage, and Mozzarella Cheese.
I live in my car. Turning 21 in 2months. Then turning pro to chase my dreams. Come watch. Quote
06-05-2018 , 08:21 PM
paying that much for bfast while broke, living in a car and trying to save money up for a grinding br seems absurd
I live in my car. Turning 21 in 2months. Then turning pro to chase my dreams. Come watch. Quote
06-05-2018 , 08:29 PM
Originally Posted by jdawg91
paying that much for bfast while broke, living in a car and trying to save money up for a grinding br seems absurd
Breakfast most important meal of the day cuuuhzz...

Not paying rent and making 150ish a day doordashing im sure he is spoiling himself on eating cause he aint got a lotta other
expenses. 13 does seem a little steep
I live in my car. Turning 21 in 2months. Then turning pro to chase my dreams. Come watch. Quote
06-05-2018 , 09:40 PM
Ok ok you caught me I splurged a little on breakfast. It did feed Charmaine and I so felt worth it
I live in my car. Turning 21 in 2months. Then turning pro to chase my dreams. Come watch. Quote
