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I live in my car. Turning 21 in 2months. Then turning pro to chase my dreams. Come watch. I live in my car. Turning 21 in 2months. Then turning pro to chase my dreams. Come watch.

05-16-2018 , 02:52 PM
Played a very short session as I mentioned but I would like to give 5 hands I played last night. They might not be interesting but they are the hands that made me money.


UTG kills the pot. BTN calls 8$, Hero is in SB with KK and raises to 30$ only the BTN calls

Flop: 962 Hero continues for 40$ the BTN makes the call

Turn: J Hero jams his last 130$ in the middle BTN folds.

Hand #2

UTG raises to 12$ UTG+1 calls 12$, Hero is in BTN with JJ and makes the call of 12$, SB calls as well

Flop: Q82 UTG bets 30$ only Hero makes the call

Turn: T checks to Hero who checks back.

River: checks to Hero who throws out a bet designed to get called but also see if I can bluff this guy later on in the match when he Cbets checks twice. I bet 24$ he folds.

Hero raises to 12$ with TK in CO only the BTN calls

Flop: 624 Hero continues for 16$ the BTN makes the call

Turn A Hero bets 60$ BTN folds.


UTG limps CO makes it 12$ Hero has JJ and raises to 48$ gets back to UTG who ships 125$ meh hero just folds cause she’s so tight I would fold KK to her preflop shove. She says “nice fold brother” as she slams two red Aces.

After that hand I was up 92$ and decided it was already 234am and I could book a win and get some rest.

Last edited by RUBRUB12; 05-16-2018 at 03:17 PM.
I live in my car. Turning 21 in 2months. Then turning pro to chase my dreams. Come watch. Quote
05-16-2018 , 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by Rich Checkmaker
I think you are flatting too wide and why are you flatting JJ and 3betting AJos? Do you always flat with JJ and 3bet with AJos?
In general We should be more likely to defend our hands by calling in position and re raising out of position.

When designing my calling range the main point should be to connect on many different flop textures so our range will not be transparent( obv this is 1/2 so being transparent is not that big of an issue) also another important ponit is to ask our self what 3betting actually does. 3bets on avg punish the worst hands in our oppents opening range more severely than calling does, since calling allows him to see a flop.

3betting makes dominated hands fold. Where I’m getting with this is you can structure your range based on what you know about your opponent. Flatting JJ on the BTN can be a great play against MP but I wouldn’t fault anyone to 3bet. Based on this player pool the way I structure my range is based on how I know my opponent will react.

So for example if I 3bet AQs vs MP IP it can actually be a bad play because this forces my opponent to fold hands that we dominate. We can win a much bigger pot on Q and Ace high boards since these are the flop textures that occur most frequently.

I choose to 3bet AJo and KQo vs MP IP because I much rather take it down preflop and these hands have great blocker effects.

Calling with JJ in position vs MP is just what I like to do and I raise QQ+ AKs and to throw in bluffs ( A5s-A4s, T8s, 97s) these hands are specifically picked because they can play well postflop and connect on the 9high and lower flops. While these 8high or lower flops only occur about 6.8% of the time for me I chose to stick to a more value heavy raising range but just wanted to explain what my “balance range” looks like.

Another point Ace high flops occurs 20.4% single high card. King high single high card 17.1%, Qhigh 14.1%, Jhigh 11.4% Ten high 9%, Nine high 6.8%

These numbers are good to understand when I designed which hands I put in different ranges vs the position.

This doesn’t mean these ranges are perfect but they are good for beating the game I currently play in. Hope this helps.

Last point: when I design my preflop defending ranges I’m more concerned with connecting on flops which occur at a high frequency. For example missing King flops is much more problematic than missing a seven high flop since king high flops occur more often.
I live in my car. Turning 21 in 2months. Then turning pro to chase my dreams. Come watch. Quote
05-16-2018 , 04:00 PM
Are these ranges 100%? Meaning do you flat 100% of the time with JJ against a MP open and never 3bet?

Also you said you were gonna post 5 hands, then posted 4. You owe us a hand!
I live in my car. Turning 21 in 2months. Then turning pro to chase my dreams. Come watch. Quote
05-16-2018 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by Rich Checkmaker
Are these ranges 100%? Meaning do you flat 100% of the time with JJ against a MP open and never 3bet?

Also you said you were gonna post 5 hands, then posted 4. You owe us a hand!
Very player dependent but mainly yes. VS the CO I would be more inclined to raise with JJ IP. In general you should even Flat QQ in the CO vs UTG for example.

Or even flatting QQ-55 MP vs UTG. For example I’m 3betting JJ from the following:

VsCO 3betting the SB and BB with JJ is preferred.

VsButton 3bet JJ in SB and even TT now.

Also I like to have a flatting range vs MP in the SB. I choose JJ-77, AKo(sometimes)- AQo, AQs, KQs

I know I said 5 oh well I’ll put 6 tomorrow from tonight’s session
I live in my car. Turning 21 in 2months. Then turning pro to chase my dreams. Come watch. Quote
05-16-2018 , 09:51 PM
Didn’t do Doordash today. Decided to spend the day with Charmaine since she didn’t have work. Ate at this very nice breakfast spot.

About to head to the casino soon to put in a session till 3am will report after.
I live in my car. Turning 21 in 2months. Then turning pro to chase my dreams. Come watch. Quote
05-17-2018 , 05:57 AM
Pretty swingy session some hands I’ll post tomorrow. Won 345 on the night. Felt like I played very well. Time for bed now


I live in my car. Turning 21 in 2months. Then turning pro to chase my dreams. Come watch. Quote
05-17-2018 , 05:58 AM
great thread, full support for you to move up the stakes and move out of your car!
I live in my car. Turning 21 in 2months. Then turning pro to chase my dreams. Come watch. Quote
05-17-2018 , 06:18 AM
Originally Posted by giegling
great thread, full support for you to move up the stakes and move out of your car!
Thanks man love the support! It’s what keeps me going
I live in my car. Turning 21 in 2months. Then turning pro to chase my dreams. Come watch. Quote
05-17-2018 , 07:04 AM
Damn, I've read almost every post of this. In the beginning I thought you were going to fail pretty fast (as the whole thread maybe), but apparantly you're not ;-)
You're also made some questionable decisions lol but I'm happy you're doing ok.

For myself I've been going "pro" for 6 months now, grinding the $3.30-$22 MTTs on Stars. Variance is a ***** tho, I'm still up but the last big cash (1k+) is 3 months ago or something... So it get's a little frustrated. But after 1k tournaments i'm still up ROI-wise (40%) and BB/100-wise (11/bb/100), so I think I just keep going :-)

For study I use Red Chip Poker's CORE. I can surely recommend it, it's only $5 a week so if you're a new player and have no bankroll yet it's certaintly worth it!

I live in my car. Turning 21 in 2months. Then turning pro to chase my dreams. Come watch. Quote
05-17-2018 , 01:14 PM
Originally Posted by Questje
Damn, I've read almost every post of this. In the beginning I thought you were going to fail pretty fast (as the whole thread maybe), but apparantly you're not ;-)
You're also made some questionable decisions lol but I'm happy you're doing ok.

For myself I've been going "pro" for 6 months now, grinding the $3.30-$22 MTTs on Stars. Variance is a ***** tho, I'm still up but the last big cash (1k+) is 3 months ago or something... So it get's a little frustrated. But after 1k tournaments i'm still up ROI-wise (40%) and BB/100-wise (11/bb/100), so I think I just keep going :-)

For study I use Red Chip Poker's CORE. I can surely recommend it, it's only $5 a week so if you're a new player and have no bankroll yet it's certaintly worth it!

Good luck on the grind buddy! Tournaments can be brutal. Keep grinding my man.
I live in my car. Turning 21 in 2months. Then turning pro to chase my dreams. Come watch. Quote
05-17-2018 , 02:34 PM
Yesterday was a fun day I was up 100 down 100 for the first 4 hrs then I won a few big pots, lost some medium pots and finally stacked the big fun player in the game which is alwasy great.


CO limp, BTN limp, SB limp. Hero is in BB and raises to 24$ With AQh CO instantly rips 93$ we snap call( he was tilted cause I was squeezing at a high frequency in this game) He shows A8 hits an 8 on the flop so we lose that one to start the night.

Played at that table for two hours got nothing done then the game breaks. I sit down at my new table with about 120$

Hand #2

Won a few hands at the new table then found a great spot to bluff river against a passive rec

CO makes it 8$ Hero Flats 8$ on BTN with J9 BB calls as well

Flop: Q25 CO bets 14$ I make the call, B.B. folds.

Turn. T CO bets 20$ (small bet at this point I know he doesn’t have a Q maybe some worst flush draws or a weak pair, plan is to just call here in position and bluff rivers if we miss.)

River T checks to us Hero bets 48$ and the CO makes the fold Hero looks at CO and say “good fold I had ya” (felt like saying that will give me credit later on in the match)

Hand #3

New player just sits down played quite a bunch with him. Seems like he try’s his best to play big pots with me and tries to out play me.

Limp UTG (new player) I raise in MP with QQ to 16$ and get 4 callers

Flop: T82 big blind leads for 12$ and the new player raises to 28$ Hero has a very easy flat here so we make the call. BB folds

Turn Jc and the new player rips it for 95$ we call and he shows K9 Hero wins


Best hand of the night this hand happens around 2am been playing with this player since 8pm and we have been very friendly, chatting it up but he understands when we are in a hand I’m out to get his chips no mercy

He raises to 12$ ( notes on him just extremely wide preflop and passive postflop unless he has a piece.) Hero looks at AK in BB and raise to 48$
He makes the call

Flop: 926 hero continues for 65$ He makes the call.

Turn A I had about 280$ to start the hand and he had around 450 the pot at this point is 226$ and I have about 160 behind decided to check here and give him the rope if he has AJ or AQ but I was thinking at the time he had more like TT-QQ he bets 65$ and Hero C/R to 160$ He calls pretty quickly and shows QQ

River 6 so that was a nice one to scoop. Swingy session for sure but glad I got 6hrs in off to the casino later tonight will update later on
I live in my car. Turning 21 in 2months. Then turning pro to chase my dreams. Come watch. Quote
05-17-2018 , 05:01 PM
Life updates?

How is the bankroll?
How is your living situation?
Have you considered going back to school or getting a job that could turn into a career?
I live in my car. Turning 21 in 2months. Then turning pro to chase my dreams. Come watch. Quote
05-18-2018 , 01:19 AM
Just got to the casino putting in a session as we speak will report later.
I live in my car. Turning 21 in 2months. Then turning pro to chase my dreams. Come watch. Quote
05-18-2018 , 05:33 AM
Peaked at 200 profit, then I was down 100 but we end the 5hr session with a -25$ lost. Could of for sure kept playing but it just felt good to be back to almost even after being stuck in a pretty big suckiut I faced earlier in the match that I’ll post tomorrow. Just decided I’ll be happier with a -25$ lost. Gonna get some rest and report some hands tomorrow goodnight

I live in my car. Turning 21 in 2months. Then turning pro to chase my dreams. Come watch. Quote
05-19-2018 , 03:15 AM
Fell aslee in the car again with Charmaine the alarm didn’t go off haha. So just got here at the casino it’s 12:14am let’s see what we can get done.
I live in my car. Turning 21 in 2months. Then turning pro to chase my dreams. Come watch. Quote
05-19-2018 , 07:02 AM
Been playing for about 4hrs and I have a 735 stack. Since I don’t have to drop Charmaine off to work tomorrow might just play a long session. Have a great table so far. Will report some hands when I finish this session.
I live in my car. Turning 21 in 2months. Then turning pro to chase my dreams. Come watch. Quote
05-19-2018 , 08:33 AM
Just lost a massive pot my AA got cracked by the al mighty 87o

Hero on the BTN kill pot makes it 30$ With AA very loose Asian guy calls. Been playing with him all session reads are he likes to blow up seen him raise the flop all in with a gut shot and he hit against someone’s set.

Flop: 979 checks to Hero who bets 50$, man raises to 200$ Hero tanks but after thinking fir awhile decides to Move all in villain had around 550 to start the hand and I covered. He tanks for quite some time and says “he has to call “ calls his remaining stack. With 87

Turn: 5

River 6 hero’s is now down to 170$ at this point I was kinda feeling the tilt coming lol decided to go home and book a 30$ lost what a crazy session lol.

I live in my car. Turning 21 in 2months. Then turning pro to chase my dreams. Come watch. Quote
05-19-2018 , 04:45 PM
lol has to call
I live in my car. Turning 21 in 2months. Then turning pro to chase my dreams. Come watch. Quote
05-19-2018 , 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by Rich Checkmaker
lol has to call
I live in my car. Turning 21 in 2months. Then turning pro to chase my dreams. Come watch. Quote
05-19-2018 , 07:05 PM
GL man! Subbed to the thread. I grind on Bovada 50nl, i've started a thread a bit ago as well. Way to leave when the tilt came on that's not always easy. Keep at it!
I live in my car. Turning 21 in 2months. Then turning pro to chase my dreams. Come watch. Quote
05-19-2018 , 09:54 PM
Originally Posted by TzurrR
GL man! Subbed to the thread. I grind on Bovada 50nl, i've started a thread a bit ago as well. Way to leave when the tilt came on that's not always easy. Keep at it!
Thank you so much for the sub! ill check out your thread Good luck at the tables.
I live in my car. Turning 21 in 2months. Then turning pro to chase my dreams. Come watch. Quote
05-20-2018 , 06:34 AM
Got to the casino at 2am looking to stay till 10am I have 23.7 hrs logged in so far so I need to stay 8hrs each day to hit my 40hrs a week. I should have came earlier but caught up in some activities with Charmaine. I’ll update when I’m finished. Talk soon
I live in my car. Turning 21 in 2months. Then turning pro to chase my dreams. Come watch. Quote
05-20-2018 , 11:50 AM
Played for 6hrs was up about 80$ at peak then decided to leave down 24$. Didn’t feel like playing anymore. Was pretty tired and again I rather just book this small loss and come back later tonight. Happy I was able to put some hours in at least.
I live in my car. Turning 21 in 2months. Then turning pro to chase my dreams. Come watch. Quote
05-20-2018 , 06:22 PM
Originally Posted by OFA
Life updates?

How is the bankroll?
How is your living situation?
Have you considered going back to school or getting a job that could turn into a career?
This please.

Originally Posted by RUBRUB12
Fell aslee in the car again with Charmaine the alarm didn’t go off haha. So just got here at the casino it’s 12:14am let’s see what we can get done.
So am I right to assume that you live in your car with your girlfriend and you have no short-term plans of changing your lifestyle?

I'm asking out of curiosity, not to be disrespectful.

Good luck with your challenge!
I live in my car. Turning 21 in 2months. Then turning pro to chase my dreams. Come watch. Quote
05-20-2018 , 07:27 PM
Originally Posted by 6bet me
This please.

So am I right to assume that you live in your car with your girlfriend and you have no short-term plans of changing your lifestyle?

I'm asking out of curiosity, not to be disrespectful.

Good luck with your challenge!
I do not live with my girlfriend. I do live in my car at the moment. Grinding to save money to be able to get my own spot with Charmaine. That’s the short term goal. She still lives at home with her parents. She just spends the nights with me a lot to keep me company. And most times we fall asleep in the car together and when We wake up I drop her off and go to the casino. Then I see her in the morning for breakfast that’s the cycle.

I live in my car. Turning 21 in 2months. Then turning pro to chase my dreams. Come watch. Quote
