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Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals

07-25-2018 , 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by 6bet me
Besides, I'd rather live in Melbourne than Sydney. Our casino is bigger. And poker is my priority.

If you’re going to be an online grinder, who cares which casino is bigger?
If poker is your priority, why aren’t you studying, and playing tons?

Going busto looks to be your priority based on your behaviour in and out of this thread.

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Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
07-25-2018 , 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by Kelvis
Anyone with a $50M company probably doesn't want to make that a <$50M company.
Perhaps. It's quite a significant thing to name drop though "oh by the way, I'm friends with the CEO of a multi-million dollar company".

Originally Posted by 6bet me
I don't know how to program, I'm not good at marketing and I don't have a finance degree. There's not much I could do there.

Besides, I'd rather live in Melbourne than Sydney. Our casino is bigger. And poker is my priority.
Doesn't matter, you don't need to be good at anything. My dad used to know a guy who was also friends with a successful CEO. The guy had no qualifications or experience, but he was hired into a decent paying management position. Simply because he was friends with the CEO, no other reason.

Ask him, I'm sure he'd be able to make room for you at the company. Even if it's just making coffee for the managers, it's got to be better than delivering pizzas, surely?
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
07-25-2018 , 03:21 PM
Finance and marketing degrees are overrated. Well if you think they're worth something, else they're not overrated. It doesn't take a genius to be on the same level in a short period of time.

Ask him when he's drunk. He might just say yes or offer a trainee program or something. Now you don't deserve the position but this is how like 50% of people get their jobs, most of them aren't qualified for anything they do really. If you don't abuse that you let them get a head start for no reason.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
07-25-2018 , 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by 6bet me
I don't know how to program, I'm not good at marketing and I don't have a finance degree. There's not much I could do there.

Besides, I'd rather live in Melbourne than Sydney. Our casino is bigger. And poker is my priority.
If I had a friend who was CEO of a 50M dollar company I would learn finance, programming, and whatever else I needed because for me the interviews and qualifications etc. would be a mere technicality.

Has he talked to you about work? I'm just picturing you telling him "I'm down to my last 3k but it's all good because I'm on the fast track to poker stardom so thanks but no thanks my decamillionaire pal".
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
07-25-2018 , 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by 6bet me
I don't know how to program, I'm not good at marketing and I don't have a finance degree. There's not much I could do there.

Besides, I'd rather live in Melbourne than Sydney. Our casino is bigger. And poker is my priority.
For programming just take some online classes. You won't be as skilled as other programmers obv but that should be enough to get your foot in the door as a junior tester or something.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
07-25-2018 , 03:56 PM
I'm hearing some more solid advice ITT, so I can guess whether or not it gets listened to.

Kind of gutted I can't make it to Star this weekend
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
07-25-2018 , 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by mirage01
You guys putting in far more effort than OP deserves..
Good call, I've been saying this for some time now. OP is obviously a bit soft upstairs and people are still trying to give him real life, applicable advice. He can't or won't take it though, his brain doesn't function like that of a normal adult.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
07-25-2018 , 04:41 PM
CEO's of $50M companies probably need their own personal chauffeur driver. You can wear like a little hat and hobnob with all the upsidedown movie stars like Mel Gibson and Kangaroo Jack.

Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
07-25-2018 , 05:57 PM
Originally Posted by 6bet me
I don't know how to program, I'm not good at marketing and I don't have a finance degree. There's not much I could do there.

Besides, I'd rather live in Melbourne than Sydney. Our casino is bigger. And poker is my priority.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
07-25-2018 , 06:03 PM
Have a fun time in Sydney!
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
07-26-2018 , 03:29 AM
I will be playing the 6max tourney on Sunday if you around. Some other Aussies who lurk 2+2 will be there playing that as well.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
07-26-2018 , 04:30 AM
Originally Posted by skuzlad
I will be playing the 6max tourney on Sunday if you around. Some other Aussies who lurk 2+2 will be there playing that as well.
I can't make it then. My flight leaves Sydney at 7am Sunday morning... unless I win a jackpot, then I can skip the flight and extend my holiday lol.

I'll most likely be at The Star on Friday night, but it depends on my schedule. There are so many things to do here like visit the zoo, aquarium, go on a ferry, go to the fish market, go to Kings Cross, etc. I'm struggling to find the time to do everything on such a short trip.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
07-26-2018 , 04:39 AM
Cross is dead sir. If you want nightlife places like Newtown are probably better. Unless you really want to see the strippers.


With the lockout laws that crippled the Cross nightlife, coincidentally the Star was a huge beneficiary and is a big party spot on Saturday nights. A more cynical man than me might hypothesize that they had a hand in the 'safety at night-time' crackdowns.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
07-26-2018 , 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by DianeAbbott
Me feeling bad for a guy makes me a douche? Ok pal, good one.
naw, but being the kind of guy that talks **** about other people at the poker table to your neighbor to show how smart you are, all while the guy is sitting there no less, sure does.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
07-26-2018 , 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by Shai Hulud
If I had a friend who was CEO of a 50M dollar company I would learn finance, programming, and whatever else I needed because for me the interviews and qualifications etc. would be a mere technicality.
so much this. Programming is maybe the one area too where its laughably easy to learn it on your own with all the resources out there, and where having a degree doesn't mean all that much.

Hell, take one of those bootcamp courses, im sure they have them in australia. In 6-12 weeks youve got a guarunteed job at your buddys company, and can still play poker on the side. Sure as **** beats whatever **** job you are going to end up in when you bust.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
07-26-2018 , 05:39 PM
Originally Posted by Alobar
naw, but being the kind of guy that talks **** about other people at the poker table to your neighbor to show how smart you are, all while the guy is sitting there no less, sure does.
Talks ****? Lol. I genuinely felt bad because that guy is going to lose a lot of money playing that way and I didn't say it in front of him obviously. Thanks for your input though, really valuable.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
07-26-2018 , 06:02 PM
Was watching National Lampoons Vacation yesterday and immediately thought of OP's Sydney vacation. I will be disappointed if we don't get at least a few levels of stoopid during his trip.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
07-27-2018 , 12:37 AM
Originally Posted by skuzlad
I will be playing the 6max tourney on Sunday if you around. Some other Aussies who lurk 2+2 will be there playing that as well.
boom - see you there
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
07-27-2018 , 04:29 PM
Results don't matter.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
07-27-2018 , 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by 6bet me
Results don't matter.
hoping this is a reminder before you play and not a justification for poor results. gl tonight if you haven't played yet
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
07-27-2018 , 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by 6bet me
Results don't matter.
Results are the only thing that matter. I'm talking about medium to long term results. Not just a few sessions. If your medium to long term results stink, you most likely stink.

Whatever lines you are taking are not working. They are not optimal and its time to admit that to yourself. If you prefer to say "Results dont matter, I know Im playing well" even though there is evidence to the contrary around every corner, then I dont know what to tell you.

My use of the word "you" is for anyone who thinks results don't matter. Not for OP specifically.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
07-27-2018 , 04:50 PM
Originally Posted by 6bet me
Results don't matter.
Yeah because landlords accept Sklanksky bucks.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
07-27-2018 , 06:22 PM
Originally Posted by 6bet me
Results don't matter as long as I have a bankroll to support the swings.

My mantra for poker is: "Results don't matter, decisions do.". This is no longer true if you don't have the bankroll to support good decisions that don't turn out good.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
07-27-2018 , 06:48 PM
Originally Posted by 6bet me
Results don't matter.

Good luck trying to pay your rent with Sklansky dollars.

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Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
07-27-2018 , 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by 6bet me
Results don't matter.
Long term, results definitely do matter. And short term they matter too if you're down to your last $2.5k and have $2k/month expenses.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
