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Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals

05-24-2018 , 04:16 AM
Op fails to realize that these dollar amounts which seem huge to him are actually quite small to the average 5/T player.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
05-24-2018 , 06:46 AM
OP you raise the turn leaving yourself just over a pot sized bet left and then you try and rep the queen by betting 43% of pot? I would've called as well. If you can't pull the trigger for the full amount you're playing too high.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
05-24-2018 , 07:34 AM
re the recent trolling posts

Eholeing at #518

It's not made up at all - I've sat op a few times and had a mate see his plo gutshot hand.
otherwise yeah def
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
05-24-2018 , 10:17 AM
Well it was a good thread while it lasted. Now it’s too obvious.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
05-24-2018 , 10:18 AM
pretty sure his river bet sizing was trying to make a bluff look value heavy and in the process making it ineffective. typical mediocre reg play
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
05-24-2018 , 10:27 AM
Any advice, support, criticism or anything for me?
Took a while, but I just finished this highly entertaining thread. You have received plenty of advice, support and criticism. Here is a little bit more:
  • You absolutely need to execute better BRM.
  • You need to stop talking about how you are going to study poker, eat better, stop spending money on luxuries, get enough sleep and work out regularly.
  • You need to start studying poker, eating better, curbing luxury expenses, getting enough sleep and working out regularly.
  • Since you are going all-in on making a living from playing poker, you have to become more serious about planning over a long-term horizon (not two weeks or two months).
  • Become more accountable, to yourself and to others. The reason people post something like "I'm taking a full week break from poker" or "I'm not going to join any 5/10 game until I have $XX thousand in my bankroll" is because verbalizing goals/plans to others is supposed to help them more accountable. This doesn't seem to be working for you. When you post such a statement, try your best to stick to it.
  • I listed it above, but I'm repeating for emphasis: you need to study poker more. Take a large chunk of the hours you spent delivering pizzas and use those to study.
  • Read The Mental Game of Poker by Jared Tendler
  • Read Willpower by Roy Baumeister

Also, remember that the vast majority of posters (and lurkers) in this thread want you to be successful. The criticism (about poker and BRM specifically) is nearly 100% constructive. A lot of us see past versions of ourselves in your posts, and are offering up the hard-earned wisdom from mistakes made. It's not coming from a place of jealousy or hate or envy.

I'm matter which direction this goes, it should continue to be highly entertaining. Best wishes for success.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
05-24-2018 , 10:59 AM
Originally Posted by daniel9861
Well it was a good thread while it lasted. Now it’s too obvious.
Yes i guess ive slowly arrived at same conclusion. Its just too much complete stupidity in here over a longer period of time for this not to be one huge level and trollingthread.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
05-24-2018 , 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by daniel9861
Well it was a good thread while it lasted. Now it’s too obvious.
Hasn't he had 2 big losing sessions at 5/10/20 since quitting his job with a $7k poker roll + $600 life roll + $1.5k emergency funds? I still don't think it's a troll though.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
05-24-2018 , 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by SpinMeRightRound
Hasn't he had 2 big losing sessions at 5/10/20 since quitting his job with a $7k poker roll + $600 life roll + $1.5k emergency funds? I still don't think it's a troll though.
The hands he has recently posted are from sessions he played a few weeks ago.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
05-24-2018 , 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by Petrucci
Yes i guess ive slowly arrived at same conclusion. Its just too much complete stupidity in here over a longer period of time for this not to be one huge level and trollingthread.
Definitely not a troll. These people actually exist. I could point you in the direction of some other fascinating PG&C / H&F threads if you require more evidence
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
05-24-2018 , 01:58 PM
I was jealous of all the attention this thread is getting over mine until I started reading all the replies. Not the kind of attention I want...
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
05-24-2018 , 03:32 PM
This is almost 100% not a troll. Definitely reads as very genuine to me. People who think this is a troll are probably also more likely to think that the Earth is flat imo.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
05-24-2018 , 04:24 PM
If donking off $1000+ from a $7000 BR with a dumb bluff is genuine then OP's "career" is going to be very short-lived indeed.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
05-24-2018 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by Rich Checkmaker
This is almost 100% not a troll. Definitely reads as very genuine to me. People who think this is a troll are probably also more likely to think that the Earth is flat imo.
Yes because the chances of being trolled by some random dude over the internet for laughs is just as likely as the Earth being flat.

I think it started as a genuine thread but at some point he got annoyed with people giving him life advice and now he’s trolling.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
05-24-2018 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by daniel9861
Yes because the chances of being trolled by some random dude over the internet for laughs is just as likely as the Earth being flat.

I think it started as a genuine thread but at some point he got annoyed with people giving him life advice and now he’s trolling.
I see and hear reality for what it is. Trust me, I hear Laurel and I see a black and blue dress. Thread is genuine. Those who think otherwise also probably hear Yanny or see a white and gold dress.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
05-24-2018 , 04:39 PM
Of course Rich wouldn't think it's a troll. OP's story probably sounds perfectly rational to him.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
05-24-2018 , 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by BroadwaySushy
Of course Rich wouldn't think it's a troll. OP's story probably sounds perfectly rational to him.
I understand what you’re getting at here but by that logic Rich also has to be trolling, no?

I’m agnostic on whether OP is trolling. I think he is deliberately eliciting a reaction by posting absolute spew hands and lolbad life decisions but that’s not the same thing as inventing absolute spew hands and lolbad life decisions.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
05-24-2018 , 06:31 PM
His spew isn't that bad overall. If he works on his game these bad lines he takes should go away.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
05-24-2018 , 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by 6bet me
A big bluff I pulled at 5/5/10

From the same session as the other hand. Villain in question was the guy that shrug-called the $500 jam the previous hand. I view him as moderately aggro postflop but loose-passive preflop. Stacks are $2k effective this hand.

Hero raises $35 HJ with 55
Villain 3bets $75 BTN (first time I'd seen him 3bet pre)
Hero calls $75 dx

Flop ($155) is Qs Qh Td

Hero checks
Villain bets $80
Hero calls $80 (it was close between flatting here and folding. We're only slightly ahead of AK)

Turn ($315) is Qs Qh Td Th

Hero checks
Villain bets $160 (I think he rarely has Qx or Tx. I'm putting him mainly on JJ/KK/AA/AK. I think that there's a tonne of Qx in my range when I flat pre so this should be a credible bluff)
Hero raises to $500
Villain looks visibly frustrated but sigh calls $500

River ($1315) is Qs Qh Td Th 6h

Hero bets $575

Villain calls $575 fairly quickly with AJhh

Jesus, that bluff was bad even for my standards lol.
Call OTT with the nut low was A+ too
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
05-24-2018 , 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by Dream Crusher
His spew isn't that bad overall. If he works on his game these bad lines he takes should go away.
The problem is, all he has is himself and this forum (which is not very helpful when it comes to discussing good worthwhile strategy). No teacher, no mentor, no friends to discuss poker. Sports players have coaches, singers have vocal coaches, traders have mentors. You think big name stars in these competitive fields got to the top on their own? No, they have huge teams and support networks to help them get to the top of their chosen field. This guy has no one and thinks he can get to the top all on his own.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
05-24-2018 , 07:23 PM
Originally Posted by SpinMeRightRound
The problem is, all he has is himself and this forum (which is not very helpful when it comes to discussing good worthwhile strategy). No teacher, no mentor, no friends to discuss poker. Sports players have coaches, singers have vocal coaches, traders have mentors. You think big name stars in these competitive fields got to the top on their own? No, they have huge teams and support networks to help them get to the top of their chosen field. This guy has no one and thinks he can get to the top all on his own.
Youre wrong: OP has all people in this thread to guide him! He has mirage, a gto wizard, rich checkmaker, a live poker strategy expert, wise as a monk, spirit123 for sociology tips and a lot of other people for lifestyle advice.

Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
05-24-2018 , 08:47 PM
Originally Posted by SpinMeRightRound
The problem is, all he has is himself and this forum (which is not very helpful when it comes to discussing good worthwhile strategy). No teacher, no mentor, no friends to discuss poker. Sports players have coaches, singers have vocal coaches, traders have mentors. You think big name stars in these competitive fields got to the top on their own? No, they have huge teams and support networks to help them get to the top of their chosen field. This guy has no one and thinks he can get to the top all on his own.
He doesn't need to get to the top anytime soon. His goal presented in the OP was to beat 1/3. He has yet to demonstrate the ability to do this but beating 1/3 is not rocket science. He still has a long way to go but he can do it if he dedicates himself.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
05-24-2018 , 09:05 PM
Originally Posted by Dream Crusher
He doesn't need to get to the top anytime soon. His goal presented in the OP was to beat 1/3. He has yet to demonstrate the ability to do this but beating 1/3 is not rocket science. He still has a long way to go but he can do it if he dedicates himself.
Ok, but he's also said several times that he wants to play high stakes and make $300k+ a year.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
05-24-2018 , 09:33 PM
Originally Posted by SpinMeRightRound
The problem is, all he has is himself and this forum (which is not very helpful when it comes to discussing good worthwhile strategy). No teacher, no mentor, no friends to discuss poker. Sports players have coaches, singers have vocal coaches, traders have mentors. You think big name stars in these competitive fields got to the top on their own? No, they have huge teams and support networks to help them get to the top of their chosen field. This guy has no one and thinks he can get to the top all on his own.
This isn't true. I have a bunch of poker friends and some of them are genuine crushers. My closest friend can beat midstakes online and I discuss a tonne of strategy with him. I met up with him last night and I'm meeting him today too.

I don't think any of my hand histories were that bad. I don't know why people seem to think that this is a troll thread. Sure, some of the plays I made might've been suboptimal. Maybe I pulled the wrong bluff at the wrong time. Maybe my bet sizing was slightly wrong (although I can justify the bet sizing: I don't need to size huge on super dangerous boards like QQTT or 9JQK). But is it really that bad, to the point where people think that I'm making this stuff up?
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
05-24-2018 , 09:44 PM
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
