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Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals

07-30-2018 , 06:27 AM
Agree with Venice, its pretty concerning thinking what kind of place OP seems to be in mentally.

Just got to hope its not as bad as his lasts "i want to crash and burn hard" post could make it seem like.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
07-30-2018 , 06:29 AM
Originally Posted by venice10
Unfortunately, it won't be.

The OP was already posting on tilt before he got to the casino. Even if he manages to get lucky today, he's going to lose all the money soon. My concern at this point is that his posts give the sense that he doesn't expect to need any money after tonight's session

I don't know if Australia has a national suicide hotline, but he's in a dangerous place.

OP, nobody wants you to do that. Everyone wants you here with us. Call for help.
Originally Posted by venice10
Unfortunately, it won't be.

The OP was already posting on tilt before he got to the casino. Even if he manages to get lucky today, he's going to lose all the money soon. My concern at this point is that his posts give the sense that he doesn't expect to need any money after tonight's session

I don't know if Australia has a national suicide hotline, but he's in a dangerous place.

OP, nobody wants you to do that. Everyone wants you here with us. Call for help.
Originally Posted by 6bet me
That's exactly it. I want to go down with a bang. I want to feel the pain in one sudden rush. Make it quick and make it memorable.

Then I won't have to worry anymore. No more false hope. No more uncertainty. I'll know exactly where I stand.
Yeah this quote from OP is pretty disturbing and sounds like something you hear from a suicidal person. Sounds like he's actually looking forward to busting which is really messed up.

Agree it sounds like he won't need money anymore. I hope that's some undisclosed backup plan like moving in with friends or family and not what it sounds like....
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
07-30-2018 , 06:39 AM
Gambling addicts want to feel swings, action and especially pain. Losing is just an inevitable result that is actually the achievement. To them nothing feels better than feeling sorry for themselves after dusting off 2k. The backup plan does not even exist because that would hinder achieving the ultimate result.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
07-30-2018 , 06:45 AM
Originally Posted by Kelvis
Gambling addicts want to feel swings, action and especially pain. Losing is just an inevitable result that is actually the achievement. To them nothing feels better than feeling sorry for themselves after dusting off 2k. The backup plan does not even exist because that would hinder achieving the ultimate result.
Thanks for this insight. Interesting knowledge, even though i knew some of these elements before- but not everything.

For example i didnt know that feeling sorry for themself after torching off money is a big part of the "rush" so to say. This is disturbing tendencies though, and seems like this twisted mental behaviour have premises in common with other mental problems like hurting yourself or people that is addicted to drama in their lifes or have to be the center of attention all the time. Because if they dont,they feel like a loser/zero.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
07-30-2018 , 07:05 AM
I mean it's nothing scientific or anything but I have observed my customers for a long time. First of all it is never their fault, no matter what. They always have bad luck, getting ****ty cards or the planets don't line up correctly. They always have some "rational" explanation for some idiotic play they made or how they were correct to put in half their stack because pot odds or the way he gave off a tell (which always turns out incorrect). Mostly they are desensitized to money, which is dangerous because that is actually somewhat required to be a poker player, which means playing lower is never going to work because that way they don't feel enough.

The feeling sorry for themselves is sort of necessary because else rational thinking could take over and cause them to take actual steps to improve. If it's just bad luck there is no reason to stop jumping stakes. Maybe the next time will work out. You can't keep 3betting KQo without at least convincing yourself it is breakeven at worst.

The reason why I tried letting OP cool down and formulate a plan was to test if he was even remotely capable of not gambling for a few days. It didn't stick. I cannot help someone this so the only hope is that he finds a therapist that at least has a fundamental understanding of statistics and expected value. If not OP will not accept a single thing, and I wouldn't even blame him. I couldn't talk to someone about gambling who thinks poker is the same as roulette for more than 3 minutes without taking the piss.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
07-30-2018 , 08:44 AM
Gotta realize you're deep in self-destruction mode OP. You gotta find a way to resist that illogical death urge. Listen to the well-meaning amongst us & use your remaining $$$ to cover your expenses while getting your friend to hook you up w/ a job, etc. You need structure & consistency in your life. Poker provides ZERO structure & ZERO consistency. Stop framing your life as a "pass" or "fail" test. You're not old, and hopefully you've learned something about your own limitations. That's a good thing. Move on. You're a smart (though incredibly naive / hard-headed) person and can bounce back if you really want to, but you have to start reorienting your goals immediately.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
07-30-2018 , 10:23 AM
Originally Posted by Lordkjun
1) OP was employed with steady income. Now OP is unemployed with no income.

2) OP was over rolled for 1/3. Now OP is under rolled for life.

3) OP's GF used to have a **** smartphone. Now she has a great smartphone.

4) OP didn't know how to cook before this thread. OP is now knows how to not starve to death.

5) OP never lost money in Sydney before. Now OP has that on his resume.

Lot's of changes.

Sent from my LGMS631 using Tapatalk
What? I mean since 10 pages ago when he was nearly bust...
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
07-30-2018 , 10:37 AM
yo 6,

My man - I have seen this story before a lot (25+ years in the biz). I know you think you are unique and are the only person who knows what you feel like. You are not. You are in the process of going down a nasty rabbit hole and you are about to enter a whole new level of pain. Please take a step back and regroup. I am not a shrink - but if you wanna talk hit me up.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
07-30-2018 , 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by 6bet me
Well to be fair, I didn't exactly get outplayed that AQ vs 62 hand.

Could I have played the hand differently? Sure. Maybe I could've found a highly exploitable fold on the turn or river. But the fact that I was put in a position where I had to make that exploitable fold in the first place, was caused by a bad run of cards.
I'm not talking about that hand specifically, I'm talking about all the hands you've played.

First of all, if you want to stick with poker, you need to sort out your discipline ASAP. If you degen away your money playing casino games or playing while drunk, you will always go broke, no matter how good you are. This should be your first priority to fix, before you even play another hand of poker.

Second, drop the ego, cut out those big fancy -EV bluffs which are losing you tons of money, and realize you're not as good as you think you are. Actually put some work into your game (not going on vacations or playing computer games) and gain some self-awareness and humility. Right now, you are a fish, there's no doubt about that. But by working on your mental game and technical skills, you can become a good player. You don't have to remain as a fish.

The way I see it, poker for you is an ego-driven get rich quick scheme. You don't love poker, you just love the money and the feeling that you can feel superior to someone else at the poker table by pushing them off hands. You desperately want to prove to your family and friends that you are not a university dropout who works as a dead-end pizza boy. You want to prove to them that you are a success, that you can make something of your life. This is totally the wrong mindset to have if you want to make a success out of poker. You need to love the game, have a strong work ethic and not make plays based on your ego/insecurities.

Anyway, top priority for you right at this very moment is to get a job. You need income to pay for expenses.

Originally Posted by venice10
I don't know if Australia has a national suicide hotline, but he's in a dangerous place.

OP, nobody wants you to do that. Everyone wants you here with us. Call for help.
I'm not sure he meant it like that (well I hope he didn't anyway). I think he was referring to poker, not ending his life.

Last edited by SpinMeRightRound; 07-30-2018 at 01:38 PM. Reason: spelling
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
07-30-2018 , 01:32 PM
man, I was actually feeling bad for you OP, wasnt going to kick you when you were down and was trying to think of some meaningful advice that might actually be helpful or at least some words of encouragement.

Then I read this

Originally Posted by 6bet me
Not busto yet. Still a few more buyins to burn through lol. At the rate I'm going, I expect that maybe I'll lose a 500bb pot as a 60% favourite, followed by running my KK into AA, followed by flopping a set and getting it cracked by a frontdoor flush, followed by 3betting some AQ/AK hands and bricking each time. Then I'll have reached completion.
and I instantly felt stupid.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
07-30-2018 , 06:03 PM
(from reading advices on your first page of posts in this thread)

a lot of posters here dont even play, but they post . a lot.

and because they dont play, they dont even realize that removing playable hands from your range, makes you a nit IN THE EYES OF OTHER PLAYERS AT THE TABLE.

so yeah, aj is bad because aq and ak exist, kq is bad because same hands exist, then dont play these bad hands, play 2% of all hands , because those hands are good.

good luck making money with 2% good hands and rest fold
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
07-30-2018 , 06:09 PM
Mediocre troll post, 4/10.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
07-30-2018 , 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by beatmydeuces
(from reading advices on your first page of posts in this thread)

a lot of posters here dont even play, but they post . a lot.

and because they dont play, they dont even realize that removing playable hands from your range, makes you a nit IN THE EYES OF OTHER PLAYERS AT THE TABLE.

so yeah, aj is bad because aq and ak exist, kq is bad because same hands exist, then dont play these bad hands, play 2% of all hands , because those hands are good.

good luck making money with 2% good hands and rest fold

Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
07-30-2018 , 06:13 PM
beatmyduences sounds like one of OP's dead beat friends.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
07-30-2018 , 06:18 PM
i bet you're upset feeling like one of many

take an hour or two. it will sink in
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
07-30-2018 , 07:38 PM
Originally Posted by beatmydeuces
i bet you're upset feeling like one of many

take an hour or two. it will sink in
because some 1/3 monkey is really going to fold KQ when we 3 bet AK and AQ, just because they haven't seen us 3 bet AJ.

Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
07-30-2018 , 10:51 PM
Originally Posted by beatmydeuces
(from reading advices on your first page of posts in this thread)

a lot of posters here dont even play, but they post . a lot.

and because they dont play, they dont even realize that removing playable hands from your range, makes you a nit IN THE EYES OF OTHER PLAYERS AT THE TABLE.

so yeah, aj is bad because aq and ak exist, kq is bad because same hands exist, then dont play these bad hands, play 2% of all hands , because those hands are good.

good luck making money with 2% good hands and rest fold
Yeah last time I raised AK in EP BTN was going to call but then he said "wait a minute. I've never seen you raise AJ here. Something is off." And he and everybody just folded.

Nah I'm joking I got like three calls.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
07-31-2018 , 12:01 AM
You doing good OP?
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
07-31-2018 , 03:28 AM
Can we organize for someone to stake OP for the sake of extending the lolz a bit longer? It should be +ev I heard he crushes 1/3.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
07-31-2018 , 09:04 AM
Originally Posted by mirage01
Can we organize for someone to stake OP for the sake of extending the lolz a bit longer? It should be +ev I heard he crushes 1/3.
So who wants to burn a small pile of money know I think I'd get more satisfaction actually burning the money. Rather than all the worrying about how long it's going to take OP to figure out how to operate a lighter.

Though I don't get why his millionaire bud can't stake him. Offering a job would be better obviously but if OP came to him with some evidence he's a winning player and just needs a backer, that's like 5 bucks for him. Though...the evidence of being a winning player might be hard. But hell if I were that rich and actually close friends with OP like he says I'd I might just take it on faith and be like "here have 10k good luck bud".
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
07-31-2018 , 09:27 AM
You might be being to harsh. I reckon it's better than 50/50 that OP would win money at a 1/3 stake. He's obviously not terrible and so far at least he seems like a decent, honest guy. I think there's a reasonable chance that he would have a lot more respect for someone else's money than his own and play accordingly.

Or he could just not give a **** and torch it but I'm putting the chance of that at less than 50%
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
07-31-2018 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by dogarse
You might be being to harsh. I reckon it's better than 50/50 that OP would win money at a 1/3 stake. He's obviously not terrible and so far at least he seems like a decent, honest guy. I think there's a reasonable chance that he would have a lot more respect for someone else's money than his own and play accordingly.

Or he could just not give a **** and torch it but I'm putting the chance of that at less than 50%
Don't most people tend to go the opposite direction if it's someone else's money? LAG it up? Jump stakes? No real financial risk.

But yeah I'm exaggerating. As I've said before I think OP has the raw talent to beat 1/3 pretty solidly. Whether he could maintain his A game for more than 10 minutes before going into boredom tilt then losing tilt then spewing off stacks of cash in degen games is the bigger question. And addicts fundamentally can't be honest about their addictions even if they seem to be honest otherwise.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
07-31-2018 , 02:38 PM
Pattern of previous behaviour strongly suggests that backing a guy like this is just lighting money on fire.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
07-31-2018 , 06:21 PM
The OP logged in 36 hours ago, but didn't post. I'm going to guess the session 48 hours ago went pretty much as everyone, including the OP thought it would.

OP, I hope you don't post again. Not because I dislike you or think you're a bad poster. Poker and you just don't mix well. Flogging yourself one more time in front of everyone won't do you any good and whatever short term joy others might get from it doesn't outweight the cost to you personally. Turn this page in your life. You paid alot for it. Get something of value from this doing something else.

You aren't the first person to flame out in poker. You won't be the last. Take some comfort in that. At least you tried.

PS. You really don't want to end up like this guy.

Last edited by venice10; 07-31-2018 at 06:28 PM.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
07-31-2018 , 06:48 PM
Originally Posted by venice10
The OP logged in 36 hours ago, but didn't post....
That's such a nice cute gif avy man, nice
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
