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Grinding in Australia, Cambodia, Malaysia, Indonesia and Taiwan Grinding in Australia, Cambodia, Malaysia, Indonesia and Taiwan

03-18-2015 , 06:32 AM
1 yes and its probly half the price at resturants. 2 days ago i went to this place and they had caramelized pork and tofu and it was amazing for about 7$. You would prob play like maybe double that in australia. And in the groceries, they do have western food and some of it is expensive. like $1 for an apple and orange. sometimes you can get two apples for a $1. Im stop eating bread, everyone knows white bread is the unhealthy version. So most people like me would think, ok then so wholemeal is healthy.. its not healthy its just less healthy. i was eating one loaf a day and wondering why i kept eating and eating. so did a little research and some bad things happen to your body when it even the so called heart healthy bread. Of course occasionally i wouldnt give a **** and eat it. but as my main poker food not eating it anymore. so i think that leaves me with fruits and tuna. Ham seems kinda expensive, havent seen a proper butcher yet. i think iot was like $4 for 200g n not sure if its proper ham. did see a chicken in the other grocery store so might check that out. having hard time eating veggies cus im not eating resturant food and cant cook in my hotel. think il buy a carrot or something and maybe look into getting supplements. but hotel food is amazing if thats what you where talking about.

2, i just bought my cellcard today. smart sim wasnt grindable but this other sim is meant to have better connections and stuff. just need to find good wifi if your at hotel or you can prob connect good at your house if you rent.

3, you can create bank here, but some banks dont accept neteller or skrill but some might im not 100% sure. but you can still use your Brazilian account, might just cost you 4$ each withdrawal.

4 bongo has good memory and i use to do the same because i cant be ****ed scrolling through 500 pages. there is another thread on cambo with alot more trolls but alot more help.
03-18-2015 , 07:28 AM
I keep thinking about getting a maid and my own place.
03-18-2015 , 07:49 AM
Get your own place and a girlfriend - much better choice imo.
03-18-2015 , 09:57 AM
Il find a Cambodian girlfriend? lol That sounds hard, especially with a language barrier. I dont want a relationship anyway not yet already had one for two years. if anything a ****buddy or prostitute would be fine lol
03-18-2015 , 12:26 PM

I just slept for like a lil bit cus for sum reason lately ive only been sleeping like 5 hours. and then needing to sleep later on..But yea i had a nightmare and when you stop smoking weed. dreams come back to you cus when you smoke alot of weed you have basically no dreams.And when you quit your meant to have alot of nightmares for a while.

So i was like trapped in this room/building thingy and what was blocking my way was little and big tigers. and the big tiger sounded like the growl that those big slow zombies make on dead island. but yea i found a way out and had to go on like roof and jump down and like grab on to these sticks which where like hitting me in the nuts on the way down/out lol.

So yea maybe that means im going to have to go through alot of pain to get out of cambodia lol

i just found a yummy healthy combo. green apple pieces dipped into natural yogurt mmm

Last edited by shark4045344; 03-18-2015 at 12:39 PM.
03-19-2015 , 12:16 AM
Hey have you considered getting backed/ coaching for mtts ? Been following your story, thought it may benefit you, helping u improve while taking off the strain with downswings. Check out are low/mid staking thread if your interested.

One last question , What is the weather like this time of year , when does the season change ? Keep up the good work
03-19-2015 , 05:55 AM
Originally Posted by shark4045344
Il find a Cambodian girlfriend? lol That sounds hard, especially with a language barrier. I dont want a relationship anyway not yet already had one for two years. if anything a ****buddy or prostitute would be fine lol
That's pretty much what I ment with "get a girlfriend" in your case

Last edited by Bobo Fett; 03-22-2015 at 09:18 PM.
03-19-2015 , 06:45 AM
I havent tried staking because, Im at the skill level i should be at so i dont need to be staked for my level, and only 50/50 staking seems fair to me. If i got staked for a big event it would just be gambling because i dont have the skills to win at those stakes long term. I would consider being backed if i lost all my money but not sure anyone would want to back someone like that anyway lol I know it helps with varience but im already using brm so i got that covered.

I have never taken a chop at final table and i never will, that's not poker. I would rather go for the bigger win and im not worried if i lose more. These people if they got asked to quit poker for 10 million dollars they would probably say yes. They want money more than total victory. I wouldnt be able to sleep at night if i took a chop and then won i. i have belief in myself that i can win it and win more, dont care about not making more profit or losing thats being greedy and insecure.
03-19-2015 , 08:01 AM
Wana see something trippy.
03-19-2015 , 08:20 AM
Snap thought of this thread when i saw this earlier
03-19-2015 , 07:25 PM
This video is better

Makes more sense to me.

The other guy probably owns a porn company or got payed by them to create a video.
03-19-2015 , 10:23 PM
Watching porn is TERRIBLE for you. There are a lot of people facing dysfunctional erection problems due to porn addiction (desensitization to sex) and many other mental issues. After reading and watching some stuff, I've cut online porn 100%
03-21-2015 , 11:11 PM
yayy finally tried street food and its like the best because its so cheap.. 1$ for an egg with those white beany looking things and i think noodles and maybe bok choy in all this sauce... was so good il prob have 1 of them everyday especailly for the egg.. my body has been craving proper food so hard.. it doesnt like eating fruits all day lol
03-23-2015 , 12:24 AM
Went into supermarket. bought $6.75 worth of stuff and paid with a 10$ note she gave me $13.25 change haha score getting drunk tonight lol na jokes. she was first worker to not do there bow greeting to me maybe she doesnt even work there lol..

Went to first local khmer resturant where tourists dont go. bought fried rice cost 2$ not sure if thats cheap?. tried to pay 2000 riel lol

Losing alot of money on poker ever since those deep runs ive had nothing. i think ive lost maybe 500$ maybe more. going to study more and play less tables. feeling fatigued very easily which could be because i havent smoked weed or touched alchol in like 2 weeks. and its a withdrawal sympton of both plus i havent grinded this heavy since i was back in australia. i think just starting to get some momentum back and post alot of hands on 2+2. if you give me that deep run again i wont make that AQ mistake again. Feeling a bit worrying my roll getting small its about 1.7k+ i have 300$ life roll and flight money home. 1-2 months i could be flying home. hope not im due for a big win. But i love the motivation this is giving me to study harder.

My birthday tommorow. was thinking bout getting drunk or stoned, i always celebrate **** back in aus with either or. new years eve get drunk christmas get drunk birthday get drunk, australia day get drunk lol or stoned.. its like i dont know how to celebrate with out it. feels like walking to me lol.. i think tommorow i should just buy heaps of yummy food and try approaching girls lol

Last edited by shark4045344; 03-23-2015 at 12:47 AM.
03-23-2015 , 06:31 AM
Yeah, going to a actual restaurant even in Cambodia won't get you far with 2000 riel
03-23-2015 , 06:56 AM
Is it wierd when i got to get massages. Like in the first 5 minitues when she is touching me i can feel an erection nearly coming and u have to try and think of something else lol.. after first 5 min its fine.. i so want to bang her tho lol
03-23-2015 , 07:00 AM
I think you just need to finally bang some chick at all.
03-23-2015 , 08:33 AM
a chick for your birthday seems like a must... especially since you could be heading home if no results before next birthday...
03-23-2015 , 09:11 AM
Let the erection happen man haha

subbed and following!
03-23-2015 , 09:34 PM
yes. sharks birthday. something epic is happening..... surely
03-23-2015 , 09:53 PM
bongo's on it
03-24-2015 , 03:45 AM
On a downswing and have spent like 60$ today.. **** it, **** poker. If i lose all my money because of poker at least i spent some on myself.

Just started drinking south eastern australian chardonnay ay yea yeaaaa represent. taste nice as ****. way better than beer. Actually really nice compared to other wines. called cedar creek.

Beer here is super cheap 3$ for a 6 pack but the wine here isnt as cheap as it should be. They must have no wineries here.

Listening to this trippy mix while i drink wine in my hotel like a fancy ****er lol

Im affraid if i get a hooker i wont be able to get it up. because of weed and porn. thats why i want to wait a little while.

Might go out somewhere but i havent been out here at night time. I feel like dancing. this mix making me dance alot subconsciously lol

been trying to find some night club that can dance on tuesday night not sure but wasting time.. need to just skull some wine and then let the wine take me somwhere.. i prob should wear my running shoes. but i wont. didnt say on here but i went out in siem reap again and i ended up running away from people again this time tuk tuk drivers but was feed up of the **** people gave me for last time so. was no point saying haha

Last edited by shark4045344; 03-24-2015 at 04:08 AM.
03-24-2015 , 03:49 AM
Shark listen to Bongo, he is a wise man .
03-24-2015 , 04:21 AM
i remember once I use to prefer porn over sex.. felt like too much effort to travel to girls house and then do a workout.. Porn felt way more stimulating and im not the only one who feels like this. thats called porn addiction, you crave porn not real sex. real sex is actually less stimulating for your brain then real sex... well real sex with the same person, i think if it was a new sex partner every time it wouldnt matter. but with same person it fades and with porn you can go to 20 new people in 5 min and your brain doesnt know the diffrence.

Im worried alot of my skills/play with poker was stoned. and im worried if i play soba im going to have to re-learn them.. not sure alot of my poker years where high and some werent not sure how much. but thats a worry

The other mix was just a warm up.... this is the real deal
this mix is really good for workouts, used it the other day.

Last edited by shark4045344; 03-24-2015 at 04:27 AM.
03-24-2015 , 06:23 AM
man.. just get a massage then and see if it gets you 'in the mood'.. I mean in cambodia and you haven't even touched a girl yet, not even treating yourself to stg other than wine for your birthday? what's the downside if you don't get it up? 3$ ? maybe on the contrary, you won't get it down after you try
