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Grinding in Australia, Cambodia, Malaysia, Indonesia and Taiwan Grinding in Australia, Cambodia, Malaysia, Indonesia and Taiwan

04-09-2015 , 01:48 PM
I only went out once partying on pub street. most of the time i got drunk i just got wasted in those two places, or on pub street in a sad non partying way lol. i was usually to wasted by 10pm or something. im not doing that anymore.. im a ****wit on alchol.. bongo lock and yazzx hated me after talking to me when i was drunk plus i get robbed by lady boys and hit with poles/knife defiantly not going to drink

I like pp, i was there and didnt touch anything for like 2 weeks. and focused on exercise and poker and all that. My best nights where getting drunk in the red fox and smoking alot of joints, i meet heaps of westeners and had awesome conversations and was even smoking a joint with a hot like 25 year old. And i was the one who started the conversation. thats what i want to be like when im soba.

Yea i went to the temples high on weed and had like 1 beer on a mountain bike was pretty good esp angkor what that would be a good spot to light up some weed.

I want to travel to shv and kep and new places and i will soon. My roll is getting pretty low. my main focus at the moment is poker..

How do you live on 2$ a day? like what type of food do you eat? Im trying to eat pretty low.
04-09-2015 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by shark4045344
bongo lock and izzit hated me after talking to me when i was drunk plus i get robbed by lady boys and hit with poles/knife defiantly not going to drink

How do you live on 2$ a day? like what type of food do you eat? Im trying to eat pretty low.
a) that was not me i do not have you on skype, yazz...

b) $2 a day? week? That was a joker... It's about $150/month for air con/hot water and rent+bills, We spend around $10 each a day on food, western food.
04-09-2015 , 02:18 PM
Siem Reap gotta be the worst place in Cambodia to party. There's 1 kinda club and another kinda bar/club on pubstreet.. the rest is restaurant/pub that aren't good to party. Went for the temples but still wanted to do something in the evening. Resorted to asking and riding with dodgy tuk tuk drivers where we could party.. Nothing found. Best part of the place is the weed pizzas and the temples.

Also this shark guy, at first I didn't understand how you could get that drunk in Siem Reap.. then I realized oh wait it's so bad you keep wanting to drink and try to make the most of it. It least you're okay? Good luck man.

Last edited by di0d80; 04-09-2015 at 02:27 PM. Reason: crazysharkietales
04-09-2015 , 02:29 PM
Ok cool thanks.
04-09-2015 , 02:37 PM
Please fight each other and film it. I'll ship 50$ to the winner. Obv a fight to the death.
04-09-2015 , 02:53 PM
im always wondering if these broke bro's lying is because of lack of brains or simply the only defense they have when they are clueless

i normally dont response to such ******ed accusation but im so far from being an anorexic who could not get out of a wet grocery bag that i need to again show that every single of your post are lies.

This is actually after 6months of "chair rest" because of injuries. So at my smallest in years. From december~ pre-picture to see how good 5x5 is on someone who hasnt done anything but sit for months

please dont confuse atheltic and healthy with skinny on the verge of death from nutriment deficiency.

best regards my lying friends.
04-09-2015 , 02:59 PM
^^^ hahahah i cant believe what just happened......
04-09-2015 , 05:13 PM
6 dot guy is actually winning the thread. Especially with that upper body pic.
04-09-2015 , 06:40 PM
Pls 6.s, more mirror selfies. You haven't shown how obnoxious you are yet.
04-09-2015 , 06:42 PM
forgot to post *no h0m0*

@eyes, u jelly?
04-09-2015 , 07:24 PM
That photo isnt him. haha this is what i found on his facebook.


04-09-2015 , 07:27 PM
OMG someone on internet questioned my manliness must take half naked selfies to defend my honor
04-09-2015 , 11:28 PM
Shark, we have a lot in common lol. RSDTyler is great indeed.

I just think you shouldn't get on that leftist line
"This john-sympathetic economic Darwinism avoids the question: Do all women have the right to live without the sexual harassment or sexual exploitation of prostitution or is that right reserved only for those who have sex, race or class privilege?"

You are not responsible for taking care of the prostitutes. If they consent on making a deal with you that exchanges sex for money, it is not immoral. An even if it was, morality is an illusion.
04-10-2015 , 12:15 AM
Originally Posted by Mzbourg
6 dot guy is actually winning the thread.
If you think typing pure nonsense in 98% of posts is winning...then yeh youre right. Is there people on these forums who doesnt think hes a troll/****** (thin line between the two)?
04-10-2015 , 03:05 AM
6 months chair rest.

yeah okay hahaha

I don't even want to weigh in on anything else but 6 months chair rest. GTFO man. Thats offensive to anyone who works out.
04-10-2015 , 03:11 AM
HI shark, first of all, i wsh you good luck with everything in Cambodia there.I think its pretty cool that you talk so openly about some of your issues.
About the girl thing, i have been living for 5 years in Thailand, and i can guarantee that in Thailand having sex with a non-bar girl or whatever is wayyyyyyy better(they give it their alll because they like you, not for the money). What worked for me in Thailand, was learning the language. It helps you immerse and talk to girls more easily(contact gets way easier). It can open doors that stay closed if you do not learn the language. That is my advice to you, if you are planning to stay there long-term.Most girls(normal) love it when you show interest in their country and make an effort to learn the language. It is not easy for a foreigner, but in my case i can say, it was more than worth it. Still is.I have fully immersed in Thailand,eat where the Thai eat, go out where they go out, love my life and think most farangs there are totally ****ed up and give foreigners a bad name.Bragging about bar-fining girls is what everybody can do, it is easy.
Well anyways, good luck to you man, willl follow the thread.
04-10-2015 , 04:15 AM
Originally Posted by Kralex
6 months chair rest.

yeah okay hahaha

I don't even want to weigh in on anything else but 6 months chair rest. GTFO man. Thats offensive to anyone who works out.
This is the before chest rest pic

04-10-2015 , 04:17 AM
Thanks amateur and i looked at learning Cambodian the other day but it costs 7 an hour which is way too expensive. I did see a free class online tho.

I just tried suger cane juice for first time super healthy and so cheap. move over alcohol lol
04-10-2015 , 05:06 AM
I probably shouldn't do this because of my roll but tommorow im putting 75$ on the horses. Ive got a 25$ bonus bet and also they have powered up odds which is 10% increase i think...

Not sure exactly but ive been really smart with my horse betting and only played maybe a few times and have probably profited around 800$ and waited for offers like this. Last time back in Australia i deposited 450$ and withdrew around 1k lol i wish i could again. And that was like the last time i played.

i think poker has taught me alot of good lessons about gambling lol I dont like gambling i think its stupid idea and a waste of money but if anything comes close to poker it would be horse racing. It has skills and you are versing the other punters and the bookies take a cut i think its 2% or 10% of the total pool.


Those are my deposits

and these are my withdrawals.. so profit is 689$.. i kinda feel like ...l... after this post lol im just excited for tommorow.

i dont really know how to pick a horse, i just use a predictor to help me haha.

Last edited by shark4045344; 04-10-2015 at 05:32 AM.
04-10-2015 , 05:39 AM
I dont know about other countries. but in australia in primary school and maybe high school we where forced to watch melbourne cup day and i ****ing won some jelly beans and i remember feeling so ****ing good like winning a massive tournment hahaha that could be the reason why i got into poker/gambling lol They get them hooked while there young haha... sorry to the grammer trolls out there tried to post in same thread but ran out of time.

Dam my brain is ****ed sometimes i grind my ass of and other times i procrastinate like this lol
04-10-2015 , 06:05 AM
I think arcades do far more to get em hooked while they're young than winning candy at school haha. Every time I've gone in an arcade I'm struck by the similarity to a casino.
04-10-2015 , 07:38 AM
Originally Posted by Burnss
If you think typing pure nonsense in 98% of posts is winning...then yeh youre right. Is there people on these forums who doesnt think hes a troll/****** (thin line between the two)?
I know you been going full mongoloid last few posts, but it was sarcasm. I figured the ''Especially with that upper body pic'' would give that away. Dude is a total moron, no idea why people still argue with him.
04-10-2015 , 08:16 AM
I can't believe this **** is real life anymore
04-10-2015 , 08:42 AM
..i.. post leg pics you skinny ******
04-10-2015 , 08:47 AM
Originally Posted by Mzbourg
I know you been going full mongoloid last few posts, but it was sarcasm. I figured the ''Especially with that upper body pic'' would give that away. Dude is a total moron, no idea why people still argue with him.
I dont even understand how a person who's been playing poker for years and also posting strat for years can still be a mediocre micro player and call other people morons

That's way above shark's level of bipolar insanity

We all know jealousy is a hard thing to deal with and you're definitely doing a bad job at it.

Im sorry you're a failure at life and your body is **** even compared to someone who had not left his chair for months, that's no reason to try and make friends by bashing him.

btw if you have not noticed, while you're mad and full of hatred. Im laughing my ass out and having a blast.
