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400K VPP in less than 50 days! 400K VPP in less than 50 days!

12-15-2012 , 04:24 AM
all up in your games gramps

allllllll up in emmmmmmmmm\

i played a few hypers before. pretty sure i am a loser in them. you are welcome for giving some of dat cash back.
400K VPP in less than 50 days! Quote
12-15-2012 , 08:57 PM
Been a pretty sick day so far already..
Was down over 9K at some point, took a quick break and played another one hour or so after, and won a lot of it back. Feels very good because a -9K or more day sucks, even though it's very possible and standard.. I hope I don't jinx myself and doom the rest of my games because I'll probably play some more today..

839500 VPP atm, progress could be a bit better, but I'm happy with that number.

Playing fairly well for the most part, taking some good lines postflop (yes, with <25BB lol) and not misclicking too much.. Occasionally making an ICM suicide misclick/misreading of stacks which is not good but hopefully this will improve (it has been daily I think). Wrist is still getting sore halfway through sessions which sucks but not much I can do about that when I'm playing so many tables.

On another note I just wanna take a few minutes to rant a little.. Most of you are probably aware of the Sandy Hook Elementary School tragedy that occurred recently, if not take a few moments to Google it. I don't want to be one of those guys who just posts condolences and stuff without actually caring or thinking much about it but I guess I wanna share some thoughts about the whole thing.
It's obviously a terrible event that happened and like most people I feel for the families, friends etc of those involved.. Someone on my Facebook posted this earlier and even though it is a bit angry or whatever I think he does raise some good points.. I was gonna describe it only at first, but think it's probably fairest to quote the entire thing word for word..

"I do not judge nor do i discriminate and having said so i sincerely send my condolence to the families affected by the school massacre yesterday in the USA. It's good to see that the queen, The leaders of France, England and most other western countries are expressing their concerns, but where the **** are you when over 30000 people in Syria children and women are slaughtered you hypocrites. So it is ok for you to kill kids in the middle east, south america and Africa and call it collateral damages but when something that is so small compared to the rest of the world takes place close to home you start licking asses. You arrogant piece of ****, take a look at what's going on in Burma, Syria, Palestine, the Congo, Sudan, Somalia and all the unnamed countries."

He raises a good point that there is a lot wrong with the world and things like this happen on a daily basis on a much bigger scale, and it is somewhat ignorant for everyone around the world to be so upset about this event when all these problems exist around the world.. I guess part of the reason is parents feel more scared that it "could happen to anyone, even their own children" etc when it's in an ordinary school in America, whereas in their mind, even if sub-consciously they think they are safe for the terrors in countries in the Middle-East, etc..

Also this is a bit random, but still related.. I don't really know exactly what the right words to describe what I'm trying to say are, but I really, really respect any teacher (or anybody in general) who puts their own life on the line to save children (again, or anybody in general). For one, in truth I honestly don't know for sure if I could do it myself should the situation arise. This reminded me of from a tragedy from a few years ago, and I'm sure there are many other examples (like the boyfriend who died protecting his girlfriend in the Colarado batman premier etc.

I really hope this doesn't come across the wrong way but after downswing 9K today I was feeling a bit bad in general and after reading a few of the updates about Vicki Soto I felt much better from the (Insert positive description here) about what she did.. I really can't think of the right words for it but hopefully people know what I mean. To be clear I'm obviously not saying "life could be worse than losing 9K" or anything douchey like that.

/end rant

gl all
400K VPP in less than 50 days! Quote
12-15-2012 , 09:06 PM
Oh and got berated by a fish, don't even know what happened but was probably a suck out or something. Lol, he did apologise later so kudos to him I guess. Tbh I'm more offended at the insults of the girl in my avatar (QuadVQuadMe's sister obv) than the cancer wishes to me and my family!

"Hope she gets banged by nigggggers" rofl

400K VPP in less than 50 days! Quote
12-15-2012 , 10:08 PM
On a happy note....been enjoying following this thread since I found it a couple days of luck hitting sne

on the sad note of the shooting from CT so it def hits close to home although am lucky to not know anyone personally that is directly affected by the tragedy. It is definitely unfair that tragedies in some other parts of the world aren't given as much attention and I would assume comes down to what the media believes brings them ratings. This school shooting is specifically troubling also because it is hard to imagine how someone can kill so many innocent children. It makes me really sad because when something like this happens it just reminds you that there are some ****ed up people in this world who are capable of doing terrible things for no reason.
400K VPP in less than 50 days! Quote
12-15-2012 , 10:12 PM
Thanks for the gl wishes.

Yeah unfortunately part of it is the media.. If a very popular show for one day decided to show some of the brutal stuff that happens elsewhere close up, I'm sure a lot of people would feel bad too (although maybe not as bad, due to the lack of being able to relate as mentioned earlier). RE: Ratings etc, someone (somewhat well known in the poker community, actually) said on Facebook something along the lines of it's really disgusting that reporters would put a mic and camera in the face of a young child who just endured hours of probably the scariest thing in their life to date, to interview them.

But yeah what you said is right, one of the worst things in the world would be the experience some of the parents were put through, (even not knowing if your child is ok alone, let alone finding out the worst had happened..)
400K VPP in less than 50 days! Quote
12-16-2012 , 12:34 AM
"Hope she gets banged by ******s" lmao.
Weird how fish get so affected by losing lol
GL man
400K VPP in less than 50 days! Quote
12-16-2012 , 12:40 AM
jus read through this thread...sick volume.. gl yo
400K VPP in less than 50 days! Quote
12-16-2012 , 09:33 PM
Originally Posted by ValuetownJL
GL man
Originally Posted by tetrahydr0cannabin
jus read through this thread...sick volume.. gl yo
Thanks guys

Was kinda disappointed that the volume yesterday and today wasn't as good as I generally expected, I guess Saturday and Sunday a lot of players are playing MTTs etc. The volume wasn't exactly bad but I was "only" getting 2600VPP/hr or something instead of 3000 like most weekdays recently
Games are still dead as ever, and I'm pretty sure I was guilty of being the 6th to sit in a few games too..

Results are going meh, feel like I am running a little bad in general but overall things are going fine, and I just want to finish off SNE. Definitely a bit jealous of others who are finished, grats to jdawg.

400K VPP in less than 50 days! Quote
12-16-2012 , 11:50 PM
have fun with chasing those vpps over the xmas period.
400K VPP in less than 50 days! Quote
12-17-2012 , 02:13 AM
Originally Posted by Zima421
all up in your games gramps

allllllll up in emmmmmmmmm\

i played a few hypers before. pretty sure i am a loser in them. you are welcome for giving some of dat cash back.
*Shaking fist at neighborhood kids from porch...err...*

The good news OP is that the games may get better the last week+ of the year if you're still grinding it out. Lotta regs will be done, plus the holiday/vacation fishies to feast on.
400K VPP in less than 50 days! Quote
12-17-2012 , 07:49 AM
well don't be jealous, should be happy one of the regs is out your games for the next 2 weeks
400K VPP in less than 50 days! Quote
12-18-2012 , 08:27 PM
Originally Posted by Gramps
*Shaking fist at neighborhood kids from porch...err...*

The good news OP is that the games may get better the last week+ of the year if you're still grinding it out. Lotta regs will be done, plus the holiday/vacation fishies to feast on.
Yeah this for sure makes sense, and some of the last days of last year were pretty good, softness wise for mid-high stakes SNGs.. However I also want to finish kinda early and take some time off, because next year I wanna work hard again and not be too slack by taking tonnes off of January. In truth it seems I may be grinding Xmas and the day or so after though, I don't mind since as said numerous times ITT I don't celebrate it really and the days after are more important anyway since most friends will be busy on Christmas itself.

Been grinding a bit most days and it's going alright, starting to head back in the positive direction which is of course great and more than welcome. Still got 135K More VPP to go, but 100% this will be done. I can make 20K a day fairly comfortably if/when I want to, and maybe more if I really work at it. A lot of days I'm being a bit slack and doing considerably less though :P

I think in general I'm the type of person who will always get what needs to be done, done, but I leave things to the last minute rather a lot.. In high school/university I'd usually do month long assignments in the last night and stay up if needed (I guess more so in school because in uni the time lines are more consistent with how much time you actually need lol)..

Today went well so far, I basically broke even pre rake-back (which is very good both in terms of reaching SNE as well as hourly/profit) but unfortunately for the first time in a while I got pretty tilted mid-session. I didn't play worse or make spite plays because of it, but just murmured a few curses etc and at some point typed some berating etc. Apologies to the one or two regs who experienced some of that, my intentions are not evil
Had a few ******ed Brazillian fish do terrible suicidal stuff like limp/call shove with Q9s BvB when stacks where 2/12/14 or something and saw a few too many flips lost lol. I mean I'd love to game select next year and crush it, but at the same time if I'm "only" playing like 10 tables or something, I just get way too bored and spazzy. I also agree with a few good regs who have a similar situation that stacking can be more +EV overall even if you miss some reads just because watching so many all-ins is hard mentally, but obviously the best thing to do is just work on your mental game until this isn't important, since it shouldn't be.

Anyway on cool note I've worked out something with a friend of mine (not a 2p2er) and it looks like I'm going to be playing a decent amount of live next year, starting with the Aussie Millions. Really looking forward to this and the other events, and hopefully binking something.

Results to date:

400K VPP in less than 50 days! Quote
12-20-2012 , 07:26 PM
Variance sucks

116K More to go, really looking forward to finally finishing. Probably won't be until a couple days after Christmas though, heh.

Gonna play more now, hopefully won't lose a billion more today, -8K today so far :s
400K VPP in less than 50 days! Quote
12-20-2012 , 08:12 PM
gl rest of the way out sir!
400K VPP in less than 50 days! Quote
12-20-2012 , 09:04 PM
sick challenge, gl
400K VPP in less than 50 days! Quote
12-21-2012 , 12:31 AM
Originally Posted by jdawg91
gl rest of the way out sir!
Originally Posted by aesthetics24
sick challenge, gl
Thanks guys

Ended today with a bit over 15K VPP I think, 110K more to go still..
Was down around 8K pre-rakeback which isn't fun though.

A few random things to share~

Hand heads up vs. a fish.

Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #15084741

BB: 1,415 (17.7 bb)
Hero (SB): 1,585 (19.8 bb)

Preflop: Hero is SB with K T
Hero completes, BB checks

Flop: (176) 2 Q 8 (2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets 80, BB calls 80

Turn: (336) Q (2 players)
BB checks, Hero checks

River: (336) Q (2 players)
BB bets 200, Hero calls 200

Results: 736 pot
Final Board: 2 Q 8 Q Q
BB showed 9 J and lost (-368 net)
Hero showed K T and won 736 (368 net)

Standard suck-out, re suck-out, re-re suck-out

I didn't even see the hand, but I found this kinda funny lol
400K VPP in less than 50 days! Quote
12-21-2012 , 03:46 AM
Op who is the girl in your avatar?
400K VPP in less than 50 days! Quote
12-21-2012 , 03:57 AM
Share some thoughts about her and I will answer (although to be fair it's mentioned a few times ITT already heh)
400K VPP in less than 50 days! Quote
12-21-2012 , 03:59 AM
Originally Posted by OMGClayDol
Share some thoughts about her and I will answer (although to be fair it's mentioned a few times ITT already heh)
stars avatar is i believe your friends sister. not sure about 2p2 avatar.
400K VPP in less than 50 days! Quote
12-21-2012 , 04:08 AM
Originally Posted by TheTyman9
stars avatar is i believe your friends sister. not sure about 2p2 avatar.
both are sexy as well.
400K VPP in less than 50 days! Quote
12-21-2012 , 04:15 AM
gl man
400K VPP in less than 50 days! Quote
12-21-2012 , 04:40 AM
Originally Posted by Johnmanouras
both are sexy as well.
Originally Posted by TheTyman9
stars avatar is i believe your friends sister. not sure about 2p2 avatar.
Lol sorry I misread his question, but you are right.. The avatar is just a random from Google, pretty sure she isn't a known model or anything, get asked about that a lot..

Originally Posted by DonBartos
gl man
400K VPP in less than 50 days! Quote
12-21-2012 , 05:05 AM
Just thought i saw her in some sims 3 advert on twitch.
400K VPP in less than 50 days! Quote
12-21-2012 , 05:13 AM
when i look quickly it looks like Hayden Panettiere (spelling?) but it isn't her unfortunately.
400K VPP in less than 50 days! Quote
12-22-2012 , 11:39 PM
Lol running super crappy, but whatever. Not much else to say and I don't wanna whine too much, just not running well in races, on bubbles, blah blah

Just hoping to finally finish soon and run a bit better for the final few sessions. About 75K more VPP to go..

400K VPP in less than 50 days! Quote
