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Winrates, bankrolls, and finances Winrates, bankrolls, and finances
View Poll Results: What is your Win Rate in terms of BB per Housr
Less than 0 (losing)
6 6.32%
0 0%
7 7.37%
8 8.42%
16 16.84%
35 36.84%
Not enough sample size/I don't know
23 24.21%

07-15-2010 , 07:39 PM
Good luck, rumy!
Winrates, bankrolls, and finances Quote
07-15-2010 , 08:02 PM
gd luck Rumy! U say u've played in London, have u played at the Vic? if so, whats it like in comparsion to mainland EUrope in terms of skill level.

I've heard its better than most of Europe but whenever I have played there it has been easily beatable.

if u could elaborate it might set me up for a poker holiday soon
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07-15-2010 , 08:11 PM
I have a feeling this will be moved to the goals and challenges forum.
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07-15-2010 , 08:24 PM
GL, hope u succeed but this is the wrong forum for this thread.
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07-15-2010 , 09:38 PM
Originally Posted by AcePlayerDeluxe
This will be moved to the goals and challenges forum.
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07-16-2010 , 03:30 AM
Originally Posted by Curlee1987
gd luck Rumy! U say u've played in London, have u played at the Vic? if so, whats it like in comparsion to mainland EUrope in terms of skill level.

I've heard its better than most of Europe but whenever I have played there it has been easily beatable.

if u could elaborate it might set me up for a poker holiday soon
Probably going to move this thread to HUNL and not clog up this one. I have indeed played at the Vic and when I was there, it was incredibly soft. Of course, I was there on a weekend, playing mostly in the evenings where games are soft virtually everywhere. The Vic impressed me overall though. They had a wide range of games, the dealers were very competent, the rake was high but not nearly as high as many places in Europe (think 20 euro cap in Amsterdam), and the room was spacious. Definitely a good place to play.
Winrates, bankrolls, and finances Quote
07-16-2010 , 10:49 AM
Please keep it going in this forum, as your challenge is appropriate to content here. I have a hard enough time following the 3 forums I read here, I don't want to have to add a fourth
Winrates, bankrolls, and finances Quote
07-16-2010 , 01:04 PM
LOL. I play 2/5 and take shots (at which I get absolutely owned and lose half my br) at 5/10 everytime my br gets to 10k.

Its life and taking shots is what makes it worth living.
Winrates, bankrolls, and finances Quote
07-20-2010 , 10:41 AM
Hi everyone,

I've searched through the forums but didn't seem to find an answer to my questions on win rate so here goes...

Basically I'd just want to know whats the typical win rates i.e. BB/hour or BB/100 (if you keep track of hands you played), for $1/2 live games and other stakes. And at what kind of win rate would you consider someone to be "crushing" that level?

I understand that this question may be more style/table/card room dependent, but I'm just looking for an overall guideline. This is mostly because I feel I've been lucky and would like to see what kind of downswing I should be expecting and would also like to know at what rate I can grow my bankroll after accounting for my poker expenses.
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07-20-2010 , 10:47 AM
Originally Posted by sushiparlour

I've searched through the forums...
No you haven't
Winrates, bankrolls, and finances Quote
07-20-2010 , 10:49 AM
Try the B&M forum specifically, I think there is STILL a thread on the front page (if not page 2) dealing with this exact topic.
Winrates, bankrolls, and finances Quote
07-20-2010 , 10:53 AM

yea i searched previously and found the above thread and am reading through it at the moment, but after 6 pages still haven't found an actual guideline mostly just talk on bankroll with comments on win rate. i can't seem to find any precise figures.

sorry if its been stated.. maybe i'm just blind or skim read too much.. if so could anyone direct me to the relevant post. thanks.
Winrates, bankrolls, and finances Quote
07-20-2010 , 10:57 AM
Originally Posted by zunni74
Try the B&M forum specifically, I think there is STILL a thread on the front page (if not page 2) dealing with this exact topic.
thanks zunni. i found the thread that I think you're talking about didn't think of checking B&M was just searching through this sub-forum.
Winrates, bankrolls, and finances Quote
07-20-2010 , 10:58 AM
$1/2 NL has a typical win rate of $20 for an averageish player, $30ish for someone crushing the game.

$2/5 NL is about $35 for the average player, and I have heard winrates in the realm of $55-60 for those who crush the game.

$5/10 can straddle ~$100 per hour, but those I know who play it say the variance is insane.
Winrates, bankrolls, and finances Quote
07-20-2010 , 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by zunni74
Try the B&M forum specifically, I think there is STILL a thread on the front page (if not page 2) dealing with this exact topic.
I'm surprised Rapini hasn't moved that thread to here.
Winrates, bankrolls, and finances Quote
07-20-2010 , 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by IWearSportsJerseys
$1/2 NL has a typical win rate of $20 for an averageish player, $30ish for someone crushing the game.

$2/5 NL is about $35 for the average player, and I have heard winrates in the realm of $55-60 for those who crush the game.

$5/10 can straddle ~$100 per hour, but those I know who play it say the variance is insane.
Wow... I think these are a bit high with the exception of the 2/5.
Winrates, bankrolls, and finances Quote
07-20-2010 , 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by AcePlayerDeluxe
Wow... I think these are a bit high with the exception of the 2/5.
Yes, they're high... though this may be more of a nitpick with the term "average".

Money comes off the table every hand in the form of rake and tip. Casino poker is a negative sum game. By definition, an average player is a losing player.
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07-20-2010 , 01:45 PM
I know 5/10 players who make $100 per hour off of rich fish, although I agree with the $1/2 estimate being a bit high. By average, I mean has a firm grasp of ABC poker, if you develop an understanding of ranges, semi-bluffing, and making good folds, it can go into the mid-to-high 20s.
Winrates, bankrolls, and finances Quote
07-20-2010 , 03:08 PM
I have been playing live for 5 years, the last three of which poker has been my main source of income. Because of the economy my job produces much less income than it used to, and I recently took a shot at moving to Vegas to become a full-time pro. It has been five months and I wanted to share some observations in this forum.

1-average stack sizes have more to do with win rate than the size of the blinds. Most live casinos have increased their max buy-in at 1/2 and 2/5 (to 300 and 1k, respectively), which certainly has an effect on the amount of money you can win in a NL game. Most of the discussion thus far in this thread has not focused on this fact.

2-The quality of the hours you play is far more important to your winrate than the number of hours you play. It is much better to take days like Monday and Tuesday for relaxation and study, because the games are noticeably more nitty during those times. Just think Local=Nit and you'll be in the ballpark. Notice that study time is included. Don't skip it, even if you're on a heater.

3-Know your leaks! Everyone has them. Mine are playing too long, playing to get even (usually reason for leak #1), and not giving bad players respect for a good hand in a weird spot. Even though they are infrequent, plugging these leaks completely would boost my winrate pretty dramatically. One way I'm attacking the problem of getting quality hours without playing too long is to break up my sessions into either 2 or 3 2 hour blocks (so 4 or 6 hours with breaks)

4-The vampire schedule that most live players like to keep is pretty bogus imo. First of all, all live players like to keep it, which means that there is little/no reciprocality there. Second, having balance in your life (and possibly other people to talk to, eat with, exchange bodily fluids, etc.) is very important in keeping one's sanity. Unless the people in your life also keep this schedule, finding ways to spend time with them will be difficult. My solution is to look for casinos hosting afternoon tourneys and play there starting around 2pm. I find that most players at this time are either tourists, tourney donks, stuck, or all three. Very good action at those times imo. Not to say that I don't play late on the weekends, but I want to balance my life so it includes time for things besides poker.

5-There are a lot of delusional live players out there who use selective memory to justify tons of -EV actions. Do not under any circumstances listen to them or allow yourself to become one. To combat this I carry a Voice Recorder that i used to save the EXACT details of key hands I play throughout my sessions. Then I can use PokerStove or w/e to determine whether I actually did what I think I did. This goes for both winning and losing hands, obv. Takes discipline, but well worth it.

So, that's out there. Flame away
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07-20-2010 , 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by dBbBb
I have been playing live for 5 years, the last three of which poker has been my main source of income. Because of the economy my job produces much less income than it used to, and I recently took a shot at moving to Vegas to become a full-time pro. It has been five months and I wanted to share some observations in this forum.

1-average stack sizes have more to do with win rate than the size of the blinds. Most live casinos have increased their max buy-in at 1/2 and 2/5 (to 300 and 1k, respectively), which certainly has an effect on the amount of money you can win in a NL game. Most of the discussion thus far in this thread has not focused on this fact.

2-The quality of the hours you play is far more important to your winrate than the number of hours you play. It is much better to take days like Monday and Tuesday for relaxation and study, because the games are noticeably more nitty during those times. Just think Local=Nit and you'll be in the ballpark. Notice that study time is included. Don't skip it, even if you're on a heater.

3-Know your leaks! Everyone has them. Mine are playing too long, playing to get even (usually reason for leak #1), and not giving bad players respect for a good hand in a weird spot. Even though they are infrequent, plugging these leaks completely would boost my winrate pretty dramatically. One way I'm attacking the problem of getting quality hours without playing too long is to break up my sessions into either 2 or 3 2 hour blocks (so 4 or 6 hours with breaks)

4-The vampire schedule that most live players like to keep is pretty bogus imo. First of all, all live players like to keep it, which means that there is little/no reciprocality there. Second, having balance in your life (and possibly other people to talk to, eat with, exchange bodily fluids, etc.) is very important in keeping one's sanity. Unless the people in your life also keep this schedule, finding ways to spend time with them will be difficult. My solution is to look for casinos hosting afternoon tourneys and play there starting around 2pm. I find that most players at this time are either tourists, tourney donks, stuck, or all three. Very good action at those times imo. Not to say that I don't play late on the weekends, but I want to balance my life so it includes time for things besides poker.

5-There are a lot of delusional live players out there who use selective memory to justify tons of -EV actions. Do not under any circumstances listen to them or allow yourself to become one. To combat this I carry a Voice Recorder that i used to save the EXACT details of key hands I play throughout my sessions. Then I can use PokerStove or w/e to determine whether I actually did what I think I did. This goes for both winning and losing hands, obv. Takes discipline, but well worth it.

So, that's out there. Flame away
nice post, especially #1.
Winrates, bankrolls, and finances Quote
07-22-2010 , 09:29 AM
On average with a large sample size, how much is good money to be making per hour at a 1/2 table? The past week ive been making about 50-70 bucks for 4 hours of playing.

Also if your playing in a overall loose 1/2 game, is it worth buy in max for 250 or are my 120$ buy-ins sufficient.

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07-22-2010 , 10:20 AM
ALWAYS buy in for the max! An early double up and you just threw away $130
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07-22-2010 , 10:23 AM
Originally Posted by GoCrazyFolks
ALWAYS buy in for the max! An early double up and you just threw away $130
Fair Enough, Ill buy-in Max tonight, I feel like my game is going to be much looser. May be a good / Bad thing.
Winrates, bankrolls, and finances Quote
07-22-2010 , 10:32 AM
Originally Posted by gregp18
Fair Enough, Ill buy-in Max tonight, I feel like my game is going to be much looser. May be a good / Bad thing.
Just take what the table is giving you.... some nights i'm a mad man other night i nit up........ Just play YOUR game and adjust accordingly.... GL
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