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"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread "The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread

01-21-2020 , 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by Donat3llo
Not a start up as we're well over 1k employees across multiple countries/offices now, it was when I joined at ~100 people. We're not public yet, though it's on the road map. My current project of 2.5 years is directly related to that goal, but we'll see.
Ahh I see. Well good luck I hope it pans out.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
01-21-2020 , 06:13 PM
Fire Her crowd,

Uh, hello! She’s not the old owners problem after he sells to someone else. Who gives any ****s about her being a problem for the next guy, just keep her cool until you offload the business.

LOL at liquidating over her being difficult, do you even entrepreneur, bro?
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
01-21-2020 , 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by bwslim69
Yeah I don't think firing her is the right call her. Everyone needs to take the butthurt out of the equation (easier said than done). Her naivete is unsurprising.

I actually think these small private business are an incredible opportunity for someone looking to get into business for themselves. Small businesses are notoriously terrible at succession planning. I have clients that I try to talk to them about this WAYYYYY in advance and they simply can't or won't make the time to think about it. It's a huge problem. There are market inefficiencies here that simply aren't present in public markets.

For example, I have a client that does computer consulting...they have some degree of Fed clearance (not sure exactly) and do $15M/year gross. There are 4 owners who take about $2.5M-3M annually in comp. All owners are 55+. This is a business that should sell for $18-20M (or considerably more) and I can't get them to focus on it. I don't get it.

And I find this to be true of the guy billing $300k as a plumber up to businesses billing in excess of $25M. Blows my mind.
Tell us more. And tell me how to find guys like you in my area that know about these kinds of businesses.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
01-21-2020 , 06:15 PM
Originally Posted by Mr Spyutastic
I'm jealous you got the time to run nsuns lol. I don't have the 3hrs a day to run it unfortunately.

I did 700 the other day no wraps, no chalk, no bar, no weights.

But seriously that's pretty solid.
lol...I scanned the thread while at the gym and came back to this post to give you some props...
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
01-21-2020 , 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by bwslim69
Mr Spyu

I see you are doing with in the Postle thread. Any cliffs on the latest? I heard he dodged being served a few weeks ago
I don't think anyone except for the plaintiffs and defendents really know much.

My speculation is that really nothing will come of it outside of some small settlement. And it's going to take a couple of years probably before everything is settled.

I'm sure Postle will just continue playing at Thunder Valley or Capitol or something unless he just decides to move to another state.

I'm still not sure how I feel about Justin's involvement overall. I have met him a few times personally and knew him back when he was the tournament director at Casino Royale which was a small local joint. I actually won the first tournament he ran there.

He was a very nice guy, friendly and likeable. I thought he did a great job as a TD at Stones and did a lot to promote the game and have some good tournaments. There was something that occurred saying he stole money from a prize pool or something like that when he worked at Casino Royale. Honestly I don't even know if that's 100% true or not.

Kind of as an aside I used to play this 2/5/10 game that ran once a week at Casino Royale where Harlan played. We have hundreds of hours of playing together so I'm very familiar with how he plays. What I find interesting is that Postle defenders try to use Harlan's playing style to defend Postles. And it's not even close. Harlan made wrong bluffs/calls all the time. He did run like Garret Adelstein in all the big pots, but there's a difference between just running hot in spots where your Top pair holds up or you go all in w/ a FD and get there everytime vs a set and sitting on the river and playing perfectly time and time again.

Anyways if this thing ever did go to court with a jury I'm pretty confident Postle would win. The avg juror is going to have a view like how you see these people come into the thread and be like, "There's no proof, so he ran hot so what?, etc." You have to have a good understanding of poker to be able to understand why it can be so certain he cheated and I'm not confident the avg lay person who doesn't play poker will be able to comprehend that.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
01-21-2020 , 06:25 PM
Originally Posted by johnny_on_the_spot
i've been adjacent to probably about 5 small business being run through my family. but no, i specifically have never run one. i get to hear about all the problems though. i'm not sure what you're getting at though
sorry, on phone and in a rush.

my point was that 200k profit/inc salary for the owner is a pretty small business...I'm guessing less than 10 employees but IDK.
And this person is probably the employee best positioned to take over, which means she's senior and experienced and therefore valuable.
And probably also hard to replace because experience is useful and good employees are really ****ing tough to find for small businesses

so getting rid of her (probably also illegal....'we fired her because she wouldn't buy our business' seems shaky to me but IDK US employment law) will be disruptive and damaging to the business' operation and also to it's potential value to other potential buyers

and other potential buyers don't grow on trees for small businesses as Slim has already suggested.

so liquidating either her or the business (which I'm assuming you didn't mean because 'we ran the business into the ground because that ***** employee didn't buy it from us' seems even more lol) hurts the owners and more than anybody else

imo, this is on the owners way more than the employee. Yes, she's not getting a grasp of the value of the company but for them not to have been talking with her/others about this over a period of months and years is shambolic
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
01-21-2020 , 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
sorry, on phone and in a rush.

my point was that 200k profit/inc salary for the owner is a pretty small business...I'm guessing less than 10 employees but IDK.
And this person is probably the employee best positioned to take over, which means she's senior and experienced and therefore valuable.
And probably also hard to replace because experience is useful and good employees are really ****ing tough to find for small businesses

so getting rid of her (probably also illegal....'we fired her because she wouldn't buy our business' seems shaky to me but IDK US employment law) will be disruptive and damaging to the business' operation and also to it's potential value to other potential buyers

and other potential buyers don't grow on trees for small businesses as Slim has already suggested.

so liquidating either her or the business (which I'm assuming you didn't mean because 'we ran the business into the ground because that ***** employee didn't buy it from us' seems even more lol) hurts the owners and more than anybody else

imo, this is on the owners way more than the employee. Yes, she's not getting a grasp of the value of the company but for them not to have been talking with her/others about this over a period of months and years is shambolic
i think you misunderstood what i meant. i never said fire her, i would absolutely not do that, as i said in posts above (i'm one of the few who said not to fire her i believe). nor did i mean that the business was run into the ground. i said 'liquidate', meaning the business, ie sell the 750k they have in stock, if they can't find get a reasonable offer. the initial post said this was a very niche business. perspective owners for niche businesses are going to be hard to find, especially if the owners have a small timetable to sell; but i'm sure they know who their competitors are and could probably unload their stock through them.

people don't talk about stuff in small businesses sometimes. my wife was working at a place that just randomly sold. after the fact they found out it was rushed because of medical issues with the old owner. some of the employees were a little upset because they all had a stake in the business (ie their employment) and would have thought about possibly buying it. the new owners sucked. a bunch of people left. yada yada yada. point is, not everyone knows when they're going to stop running their business. sometimes it happens out of the blue.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
01-21-2020 , 06:50 PM
right, but liquidating the business is even worse... you walk away from 200-250k of annual cash flow (and the potential value of the sale to the owners in their retirement)

if it was my business and there was a clear impasse on selling to this employee, I'd aim to lock her in for an additional 12/18 months with a really generous bonus incentive type scheme while I attempted to sell the business to somebody else
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
01-21-2020 , 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by Mr Spyutastic
Anyways if this thing ever did go to court with a jury I'm pretty confident Postle would win. The avg juror is going to have a view like how you see these people come into the thread and be like, "There's no proof, so he ran hot so what?, etc." You have to have a good understanding of poker to be able to understand why it can be so certain he cheated and I'm not confident the avg lay person who doesn't play poker will be able to comprehend that.
I'll take any bet you wanna make on that.

I'm a little late to the game on this. I just started paying attention to poker again this month. (Aside: Someone please put Matusow out of his misery. Jesus, there's a living anti-drug commercial if I ever saw one)

Anyway, I saw a chart where they plotted the results of the best players. Then way out on the edge of the screen was a dot that represented 'potripper'. Then, you zoom way the **** out and find Postle's data point way out in outer ****ing space. I think a jury can understand that.

Joe Ingrams breakdowns are pretty great. It's not really the hand analysis itself. Joe really highlights all the times Mike could have bled off a few chips to keep the charade believable, but instead laughs in a person's face and crushes them for an extra few bucks.

Finally, he wasn't working alone. He couldn't have been. And maybe it could just be him and justin, but I doubt it. All the friggen memes they put out like "Power of Postle Thinking", "A-Postle" dressed like jesus. Cmon. A lot of the commentary is really suspect, not just from Justin. "Mike's so great!" "oh wow only Mike could do that!", "All hail Mike!!". Who talks like that? At some point, every single one of these guys is going to get deposed by a professional and then we'll find out what the **** they really know. Zero chance these clowns stay loyal to each other. Would you trust another poker player not to rat you out?
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
01-21-2020 , 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by reaper6788
Tell us more. And tell me how to find guys like you in my area that know about these kinds of businesses.

A lot of thoughts here. I'll give them to you later. But I ABSOLUTELY think this is an overlooked market with huge potential to be tapped the right people
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
01-21-2020 , 07:20 PM
Anyone else having issues accessing tpt on their browser? It seems fine on the app, but I can’t get it on my laptop
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
01-21-2020 , 07:26 PM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
right, but liquidating the business is even worse... you walk away from 200-250k of annual cash flow (and the potential value of the sale to the owners in their retirement)

if it was my business and there was a clear impasse on selling to this employee, I'd aim to lock her in for an additional 12/18 months with a really generous bonus incentive type scheme while I attempted to sell the business to somebody else

I think I figured out our issue. When I read the initial post, I took it as owners want to sell relatively quickly. You’re thinking that have more time. Obv neither of us know. I agree with you that if they have time, they just keep the business going and work on getting a potential buyer
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
01-21-2020 , 07:31 PM
Originally Posted by LowStakes
I'll take any bet you wanna make on that.

I'm a little late to the game on this. I just started paying attention to poker again this month. (Aside: Someone please put Matusow out of his misery. Jesus, there's a living anti-drug commercial if I ever saw one)

Anyway, I saw a chart where they plotted the results of the best players. Then way out on the edge of the screen was a dot that represented 'potripper'. Then, you zoom way the **** out and find Postle's data point way out in outer ****ing space. I think a jury can understand that.

Joe Ingrams breakdowns are pretty great. It's not really the hand analysis itself. Joe really highlights all the times Mike could have bled off a few chips to keep the charade believable, but instead laughs in a person's face and crushes them for an extra few bucks.

Finally, he wasn't working alone. He couldn't have been. And maybe it could just be him and justin, but I doubt it. All the friggen memes they put out like "Power of Postle Thinking", "A-Postle" dressed like jesus. Cmon. A lot of the commentary is really suspect, not just from Justin. "Mike's so great!" "oh wow only Mike could do that!", "All hail Mike!!". Who talks like that? At some point, every single one of these guys is going to get deposed by a professional and then we'll find out what the **** they really know. Zero chance these clowns stay loyal to each other. Would you trust another poker player not to rat you out?

You’re still gonna end up with jurors who have mentalities of:

-They’re gambling, those people got what the deserved
-it’s gambooling. I won $x last 6 times I was in Vegas

And no amount of intellectual processes will make them understand.

Honestly, the second a graph comes out, you’re gonna lose people. Especially people “who were never any good at math”
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
01-21-2020 , 07:35 PM
Originally Posted by LowStakes
I'll take any bet you wanna make on that.
Not sure why you are so confident. A good defense lawyer could make the plaintiff look pretty dumb and vice versa of course. I think you overestimate the ability of the avg person who doesn't play poker to really understand what went on here. With no "hard" evidence like they say it's going to be very difficult I think. Even though you and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt he cheated. I think a good defense lawyer could easily muddy the waters to the avg juror where they wouldn't convict.

Who knows though I'd be surprised if it even makes it to the courtroom.

I've watched all the streams and all the Joey podcasts on it. You don't have to convince me, but as these things often go he will probably not get much real life repercussions.

Look at Russ Hamilton, Howard Lederer, Chino Rheem, Chris Ferguson.

As much as it would be nice to get justice I don't think I've ever seen it in the poker world. He's likely to get off and no one's going to do anything about it.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
01-21-2020 , 07:37 PM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
Anyone else having issues accessing tpt on their browser? It seems fine on the app, but I can’t get it on my laptop
Yeah was happening to me too. Must be the Korean hackers spamming the network again.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
01-21-2020 , 07:43 PM
Originally Posted by Mr Spyutastic
Yeah was happening to me too. Must be the Korean hackers spamming the network again.

Because Koreans hate gambling?
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
01-21-2020 , 07:53 PM
Originally Posted by Mr Spyutastic
Not sure why you are so confident.
Too many people had to be in on it. There's no way someone doesn't crack.

It's a civil case now because all they have is a preponderance of evidence. But once someone sings it can become a very serious criminal issue. Then I wonder how many are gonna have Mike's back when they're facing legit prison time.

I'm not a lawyer or anything but that's what I'm going with until a lawyer tells me different.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
01-21-2020 , 08:02 PM
Originally Posted by LowStakes
Too many people had to be in on it. There's no way someone doesn't crack.

It's a civil case now because all they have is a preponderance of evidence. But once someone sings it can become a very serious criminal issue. Then I wonder how many are gonna have Mike's back when they're facing legit prison time.

I'm not a lawyer or anything but that's what I'm going with until a lawyer tells me different.

How many people do you think had to be in on this?!? It’s not like they needed 20 people. It could have been Mike and 1 to 2 other people.

Me thinks you’ve been watching too much law and order... “no way someone doesn’t crack” lol. Ok buddy
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
01-21-2020 , 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by johnny_on_the_spot
How many people do you think had to be in on this?!?
Mike, Justin, at least two other announcers, plus whoever was responsible for the memes, and whoever was responsible for that graphic of the stones poker logo in jail at the top of their twitter feed.

Oh and everyone in casino management who was involved in the original "investigation"

How many people is that? I'm guessing 5 to 8

EDIT: Don't forget the players who refused to join the lawsuit. What's that about?
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
01-21-2020 , 08:19 PM
Originally Posted by LowStakes
Mike, Justin, at least two other announcers, plus whoever was responsible for the memes, and whoever was responsible for that graphic of the stones poker logo in jail at the top of their twitter feed.

Oh and everyone in casino management who was involved in the original "investigation"

How many people is that? I'm guessing 5 to 8

EDIT: Don't forget the players who refused to join the lawsuit. What's that about?

This isn’t a meth ring. There was never going to be enough money to entice 5 to 8 people to commit grand larceny on camera, where its known only a small number of people have access to things. People can be stupid, but I have a hard time believing that many are that stupid for that little of amount of money

The people who didn’t join could have had any number of reasons, the main being the chances of recouping money isn’t high and it’s a time suck. Some people would probably rather just move on.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
01-21-2020 , 08:24 PM
Originally Posted by LowStakes
Mike, Justin, at least two other announcers, plus whoever was responsible for the memes, and whoever was responsible for that graphic of the stones poker logo in jail at the top of their twitter feed.

Oh and everyone in casino management who was involved in the original "investigation"

How many people is that? I'm guessing 5 to 8

EDIT: Don't forget the players who refused to join the lawsuit. What's that about?
I do think it's very likely there was 1 other person involved. But you saying at least 2 announcers were in on it plus others is just so off. You sound as ridiculous as Postle's defenders but on the other side of the spectrum.

I'd be willing to bet 0 announcers were involved.

Also you don't even know if someone else was even involved so to base your whole assumption that Postle will get convicted is a pretty far reach.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
01-21-2020 , 08:27 PM
Originally Posted by johnny_on_the_spot
Because Koreans hate gambling?
Well done. But they post links to online casinos so these must be the group that like it.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
01-21-2020 , 08:33 PM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
right, but liquidating the business is even worse... you walk away from 200-250k of annual cash flow (and the potential value of the sale to the owners in their retirement)

if it was my business and there was a clear impasse on selling to this employee, I'd aim to lock her in for an additional 12/18 months with a really generous bonus incentive type scheme while I attempted to sell the business to somebody else

This guy gets it

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
01-21-2020 , 08:45 PM

Go outside kiddo
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
01-21-2020 , 10:52 PM
Alright guys, let's not pile on LS for his opinion. He's on a short leash for flame wars, so he's either limited in his response, or it's kind off entrapment. It's fine to disagree with him, but do so politely, please.

FWIW, I agree that I don't think the announcers were in on it. I think they were just slow on the uptake, and AP figured it out/outed it first. With MP winning a ton and Justin talking it up, I think it would be easy to get caught up in the memeyness of it all.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
