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"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread "The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread

09-08-2020 , 09:58 PM
Originally Posted by RoadtoPro
Serious (well compared to this thread)

Rob, can you explain itt why you keep saying leaving poker is the dream?

Is it dissimilar to similar to saying the same thing about a professional athlete?

Seems counterintuitive for you/anyone else to have reached your goals after years of hard work & dedication and then go “ight imma head out”?

Or are you saying you just played poker for the money?

Congrats on your success btw. Good for you to transition out successfully.
Hey RTP, serious Robfarha here and I haven't written a post explaining anything poker related in a long time. Most of my content/venting etc came through podcast form but I'm happy to answer your question as best I can.

First off, yes, I played poker basically for money. If you care about people thinking you're good, your legacy, your instagram/twitter follows, getting into "cool" poker social circles you're a straight up loser imo. There's certainly some additional benefits that come being a pro (freedom is one that gets constantly brought up, which I agree with), but at the end of the day, the goal is not glory - it's money.

I never wanted to play the biggest games I could, or to be on the cover of CardPlayer or have 100k followers or anything like that. My goal initially was to play five years - save money and start some businesses. It took me a bit longer than that due to spending/young and dumb kid with 100k etc, but eventually I got there and did what I wanted to.

I made lots of connections in Poker and spread my wings that way. I think of myself as smart, hard-working and sociable. It's tough to have all three - most poker players are completely insufferable. To even get something going on time with poker people is a huge strech. I've had several situations with business relationships where people didn't text me back, brush off emails etc. I take things like that as huge disrespect and immediately move on. That behavior is commonplace in poker.

I got out because the environment is incredibly toxic, both from regs and pros. It gets better at higher stakes but even in those cases it sucks. Take young SABR for example, as much I think he's an insufferable tryhard - the example where he's being criticized for allowing a whale to do scummy things is accepted by everyone, it's not just SABR.

The highstakes ecosystem was drying up (its great right now tbh), but that mentality of "oh hes a whale so he can do basically whatever" - that **** is cultivated in poker and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't guilty of that myself early in my career. As I got older and branched out and actually playing poker became less and less of my income, I had more and more freedom to tell some guy who was treating a dealer poorly to chill tf out. I'm 5'10 220 and thicc.

So yeah - basically grinding live will crush your soul, bend your morals, mess with your perception of life/money etc all of this is mostly negative.

I have almost zero poker friends. Maybe 3. That's by design. Nothing more tilting than hanging out with people who want to prop on everything and discuss EV and talk HH and **** like that - it's not fun, its horrible.

Most people in poker are incredibly selfish and will sell you out in an instant. There was big drama in Vegas 10/20+ where certain pros took whales out of the game to play private. The excluded pros thought they were "friends" with the pros who formed the game and felt backstabbed. It's a dog eat dog world and largely no one gives a **** about you.

I manage/own businesses in a few different sectors in gambling and work with others. I can say with 100000000% confidence that having those people as coworkers is infitnely better than sitting at a table and grinding Bellagio 5/10 with whats basically a bunch of truly douchey regs, or truly nerdy 0 social skill regs, all the while we are sitting there hoping that some scum of the earth drug dealer or otherwise revolting human being I'd never have a desire to interact with outside of poker decides to sit down and blast 5k.

Poker warps your brain, largely for the worst.

Yes there are positives.

Squid Face told me all this irl when we first met, maybe ten years ago or so - and he was completely right.

Make your money, move onto something else. Don't get the stuck on the hamster wheel. Life has stresses, but poker magnifies it.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
09-08-2020 , 10:00 PM
Originally Posted by JMurder3
Everyone is moving here from CA so real estate prices are actually decent right now.

Doesn't really matter, though, why would anyone move from their custom built house???
i just looked at my builders website and its 70k more than when i bought it

we're doing good JM3 don't let the haters get to you, they're just jealous
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
09-08-2020 , 10:02 PM
Originally Posted by RoadtoPro
Feels- yes but I didn’t think that's applied to people who made it no?
Grinders like to think that the pros that disappear just didn't "make it" but most of them that leave after a few years move on to bigger and better things. Grinding poker over a long period of time sucks for the vast majority of people that have done it. Most of the people that continue to grind for years and years, do so because they are trapped and don't see a good way out.

There are of course some exceptions of people that truly love grinding poker day after day year after year, but this is the exception rather than the rule and it's foolhardy to think that you will fit in this category (especially if you want to be challenged intellectually as much as you claim).

Originally Posted by RobFarha
This needs to stop. Insulting me is fine but off limits topics include

1.las Vegas
2. Custom built home in Las Vegas
3.bridgeport connecticut
Are there photos of this house? What's the square footage on that CUSTOM BUILT home?

Originally Posted by andees10
You'd think being a 1/2 or 2/5 player is worse than being a pedophile they way they're talked about itt. This is the llsl forum ffs. Disgusting
Says the guy that plays higher than 2/5. If you check the sex offender databases you'll find that there is actually a lot of overlap between the two groups (LLSNL and pedophiles).

Originally Posted by JMurder3
Everyone is moving here from CA so real estate prices are actually decent right now.
Prices are decent everywhere because the fed has dropped interest rates and pumped money into the system.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
09-08-2020 , 10:06 PM
One can make a decent living playing low stakes for a living. There is nothing wrong with that. Most people that do it for years and years are miserable though and that's the crux of my problem with it. If you love doing it then more power to you.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
09-08-2020 , 10:06 PM
Originally Posted by RobFarha
i just looked at my builders website and its 70k more than when i bought it

we're doing good JM3 don't let the haters get to you, they're just jealous
I don't have a custom built house tho. They started building it before I bought it with finishes I would have chosen anyway, so I'm not in that exclusive club :/
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
09-08-2020 , 10:12 PM
Haven't got all the way through this BS, but far enough to say ELE and SABR and the R-twins can just put each other on ignore right now. This is asinine.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
09-08-2020 , 10:16 PM
I've never put anyone on ignore. Yeah I talk a little **** sometimes but it's all in good fun and I never try to bring anyone down. I call it like I see it. If you take cheap shots at me don't expect me to pull punches.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
09-08-2020 , 10:20 PM
Respekt for not using ignore.

Also, don't think it's asinine whatsoever. This has brought some real entertainment to the thread and I appreciate all involved.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
09-08-2020 , 10:22 PM
i ignored garick
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
09-08-2020 , 10:23 PM
Originally Posted by JMurder3
I don't have a custom built house tho. They started building it before I bought it with finishes I would have chosen anyway, so I'm not in that exclusive club :/
When we bought my wife's Mini, they almost sold us on a custom build. We were buying from a fixed-price seller in Germany (thank god), so the price was the same for any given set of options. We figured my wife's dream car, and there was one on the lot that had the everything she wanted except roof rails and only one thing she didn't really want to pay for (sunroof). It was even the color scheme she wanted. We could have saved like $350 with the custom order and got it in like 4 months, or buy the one on the showroom floor. So she went over and licked it to claim it, and then we did the paperwork. No ragrets.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
09-08-2020 , 10:26 PM
Originally Posted by Dream Crusher
Respekt for not using ignore.

Also, don't think it's asinine whatsoever. This has brought some real entertainment to the thread and I appreciate all involved.
Are you in agreement with me?

Adesanya schools Costa
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
09-08-2020 , 10:28 PM
Originally Posted by Garick
So she went over and licked it to claim it, and then we did the paperwork.
We see a lot of relationships that started that way in my line of work...
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
09-08-2020 , 10:33 PM
Originally Posted by RobFarha
I can say with 100000000% confidence that having those people as coworkers is infitnely better than sitting at a table and grinding Bellagio 5/10
I had forgotten how "normies" outside of the poker world view life and treat others. Poker is so contentious, combative, and negative..there's a completely different world happening outside the poker room.

Had to chuckle at Bellagio 5/T, which has earned its bad reputation from coast to coast.

Originally Posted by RobFarha
Poker warps your brain, largely for the worst.
I was just thinking about the high percentage of mentally ill people in poker. Even in this thread (and the one preceding it) maybe half of the posters are mentally ill. Ok, that may be a bit high, but there are a lot of mentally ill people here and i think the poker rooms have an even higher percentage.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
09-08-2020 , 10:37 PM
I take offense to calling Rob and I the r-twins. That word has no place in here. Use “special” instead before I untuck that shirt old timer.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
09-08-2020 , 10:40 PM
Originally Posted by RobFarha
Hey RTP, serious Robfarha here and I haven't written a post explaining anything poker related in a long time. Most of my content/venting etc came through podcast form but I'm happy to answer your question as best I can.

First off, yes, I played poker basically for money. If you care about people thinking you're good, your legacy, your instagram/twitter follows, getting into "cool" poker social circles you're a straight up loser imo. There's certainly some additional benefits that come being a pro (freedom is one that gets constantly brought up, which I agree with), but at the end of the day, the goal is not glory - it's money.

I never wanted to play the biggest games I could, or to be on the cover of CardPlayer or have 100k followers or anything like that. My goal initially was to play five years - save money and start some businesses. It took me a bit longer than that due to spending/young and dumb kid with 100k etc, but eventually I got there and did what I wanted to.

I made lots of connections in Poker and spread my wings that way. I think of myself as smart, hard-working and sociable. It's tough to have all three - most poker players are completely insufferable. To even get something going on time with poker people is a huge strech. I've had several situations with business relationships where people didn't text me back, brush off emails etc. I take things like that as huge disrespect and immediately move on. That behavior is commonplace in poker.

I got out because the environment is incredibly toxic, both from regs and pros. It gets better at higher stakes but even in those cases it sucks. Take young SABR for example, as much I think he's an insufferable tryhard - the example where he's being criticized for allowing a whale to do scummy things is accepted by everyone, it's not just SABR.

The highstakes ecosystem was drying up (its great right now tbh), but that mentality of "oh hes a whale so he can do basically whatever" - that **** is cultivated in poker and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't guilty of that myself early in my career. As I got older and branched out and actually playing poker became less and less of my income, I had more and more freedom to tell some guy who was treating a dealer poorly to chill tf out. I'm 5'10 220 and thicc.

So yeah - basically grinding live will crush your soul, bend your morals, mess with your perception of life/money etc all of this is mostly negative.

I have almost zero poker friends. Maybe 3. That's by design. Nothing more tilting than hanging out with people who want to prop on everything and discuss EV and talk HH and **** like that - it's not fun, its horrible.

Most people in poker are incredibly selfish and will sell you out in an instant. There was big drama in Vegas 10/20+ where certain pros took whales out of the game to play private. The excluded pros thought they were "friends" with the pros who formed the game and felt backstabbed. It's a dog eat dog world and largely no one gives a **** about you.

I manage/own businesses in a few different sectors in gambling and work with others. I can say with 100000000% confidence that having those people as coworkers is infitnely better than sitting at a table and grinding Bellagio 5/10 with whats basically a bunch of truly douchey regs, or truly nerdy 0 social skill regs, all the while we are sitting there hoping that some scum of the earth drug dealer or otherwise revolting human being I'd never have a desire to interact with outside of poker decides to sit down and blast 5k.

Poker warps your brain, largely for the worst.

Yes there are positives.

Squid Face told me all this irl when we first met, maybe ten years ago or so - and he was completely right.

Make your money, move onto something else. Don't get the stuck on the hamster wheel. Life has stresses, but poker magnifies it.
This is gold, tyvm for taking the time . Really wish you well man. Serious RobFarha would wipe the floor w/ Not Serious RobFarha. Any day.

i have a journal on my phone full of valuable insights like this one, and while feelie and dreamcrusher dominate it (from this thread)- sqwid, Garick, and others are supporting characters.

i have some comments and follow ups, but I'll save them for the future before the grumpy spyu types flame me for humoring myself excessively (lol).


carry on
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
09-08-2020 , 10:42 PM
Originally Posted by Randal_Graves
Are you in agreement with me?

Adesanya schools Costa
No, I'm not at all. I think Adesanya is a great fighter and a great champion but I think the same of Costa. I don't think Costa is just this big strong dude. His work ethic is 2nd to none and he receives outstanding coaching.

I think Adesanya's best chance will be via KO, which he'll have the opportunity to do since Costa will have to come inside. In the end though I think Costa will get inside and will implement his gameplan though. I expect a war, like Adesanya vs Gastelum but Gastelum is no Costa.

That being said I suck at sports betting so don't take my advice. I tend to do much better in these big fights though but still my opinion means jack ****. I think this is going to be an amazing fight. Both of these dudes are worthy of being champion and I'm somehow more pumped for this than even Khabib vs Gaethje.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
09-08-2020 , 10:43 PM
be nice to Garick guys, imagine if the NVG crew was modding this thread.

DreamCrusher and I would have been banned at least ten times this year.

"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
09-08-2020 , 10:44 PM
Originally Posted by andees10
You'd think being a 1/2 or 2/5 player is worse than being a pedophile they way they're talked about itt. This is the llsl forum ffs. Disgusting

Btw pizza in vegas is worse than Connecticut. And I don't even need to try it ive seen the nasty **** trooper eats in his vlogs.

What wrong with CT pizza?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
09-08-2020 , 10:44 PM
you guys should seriously start a discord channel.

its 100x better than this boomer ass forum

the only downside is you don't get random drop ins/new people.

The messaging interface is wayyyy better.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
09-08-2020 , 10:45 PM
Originally Posted by Randal_Graves
I take offense to calling Rob and I the r-twins.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
09-08-2020 , 10:46 PM
Originally Posted by Dream Crusher
No, I'm not at all. I think Adesanya is a great fighter and a great champion but I think the same of Costa. I don't think Costa is just this big strong dude. His work ethic is 2nd to none and he receives outstanding coaching.

I think Adesanya's best chance will be via KO, which he'll have the opportunity to do since Costa will have to come inside. In the end though I think Costa will get inside and will implement his gameplan though. I expect a war, like Adesanya vs Gastelum but Gastelum is no Costa.

That being said I suck at sports betting so don't take my advice. I tend to do much better in these big fights though but still my opinion means jack ****. I think this is going to be an amazing fight. Both of these dudes are worthy of being champion and I'm somehow more pumped for this than even Khabib vs Gaethje.
Lol. Gastelum is 50x the technical striker that Costa is. Makes sense he gave Izzy trouble. Adesanya is gonna make this juiced up gorilla look silly. Costa best chance is a KO and he doesn’t have one straight up KO in the UFC. He’s also gonna gas out after 3 rounds. The guys he’s stopped in the UFC are like 4-21 in their last 25 fights combined.

If you want some juice free action lmk
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
09-08-2020 , 10:56 PM
Dafuq is a discord channel

Plz bee xplaynin 4 da uldz

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
09-08-2020 , 11:03 PM
private group chat
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
09-08-2020 , 11:06 PM
its like an aol chatroom miami

you can copy/paste pictures, sticky posts, even voice chat!!!

instead of having to post individual messages its just a chatroom
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
09-08-2020 , 11:11 PM
So the same as signal / WhatsApp / etc

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
