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Petition to bring back 200nl (and possibly 100nl) Petition to bring back 200nl (and possibly 100nl)
View Poll Results: Bring back 100nl?
Yes, bring back 100nl, they are amazing entertainment
17 16.67%
No, 100nl posters are dumb and bad at pokers
41 40.20%
SobraoluckBoX is a huge fish and I love having him at my tables
18 17.65%
The mods are awful and can never do anything right
15 14.71%
slammedfire is the greatest person alive
11 10.78%

07-28-2008 , 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by Kelisitaan sucks now, no traffic, every day I log on and there's only like 3 threads that are even contributed to. Who would have ever predicted this...
You are welcome to post in the SSFR forum if those are the posts which interest you.
07-28-2008 , 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by CalledDownLight
then why dont you guys post some ****ing strat hands a few times a week
cause posting strat on here for every single person and their mother to see is ******ed?
07-28-2008 , 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by soah
You are welcome to post in the SSFR forum if those are the posts which interest you.
but we are the busto furum...
07-28-2008 , 08:41 PM
Originally Posted by EPiPeN11
cause posting strat on here for every single person and their mother to see is ******ed?
most people here would disagree, hence why we have a bunch of active strat forums. Just bc you and keli are whiny, selfish, arrogant, money-craving, self-obsessed narcissists does not mean everyone else in the forum or poker world is.
07-28-2008 , 08:46 PM
Originally Posted by CalledDownLight
most people here would disagree, hence why we have a bunch of active strat forums. Just bc you and keli are whiny, selfish, arrogant, money-craving, self-obsessed narcissists does not mean everyone else in the forum or poker world is.
Yes, this forum is just buzzing with

And no, it's called being smart...maybe if you were good at poker and could think for yourself, then you wouldn't be posting strat either, but of course since you're not good or smart that's not really an option. Keep thinking that not wanting to post strategy in a public forum for everyone and their mom to see is being "selfish" and "money-craving" would I ever want to educate the fish when it provides absolutely 0 benefit to me
07-28-2008 , 09:00 PM
it would just kind of suck playing 24 tables and having 7 guys at each table who have read you explaining your thought process on a bunch of different hands.
07-28-2008 , 09:03 PM
Originally Posted by v214
it would just kind of suck playing 24 tables and having 7 guys at each table who have read you explaining your thought process on a bunch of different hands.
kind of is a huge understatement
07-28-2008 , 09:20 PM
anyone that says helping others understand the game of poker is "not" hurting their game or winrate is full of crap. the only real reason to help someone is have them move up into a limit you play so that it would be profitable for you. helping a regular that you are playing against everyday is pretty much asking for trouble. might as well just play with the cards face up if you are gonna tell someone exactly how you play. donkeys and fish already have hud to assist them and thats enough to get them to multitable when in all honesty they can probably only play 2-3 tables decent. at least of couple people on here are honest or straight forward enough to say that they refuse to post strat because it will hurt their game. its okay to help here and there but to just come out and announce your all the knowledge you have acquired over years and years it would be an understatement to say this is just plain stupid. every has paid their dues when they first started out and people are still paying their dues. these people might be marginal winners but obviously everyone has room to improve. cant we all just be honest here and say "i refuse to help someone at my limit because f*ck them!"?????

Last edited by srkbigdaddy; 07-28-2008 at 09:28 PM.
07-28-2008 , 09:27 PM
Originally Posted by srkbigdaddy
anything that says helping others understand the game of poker is "not" hurting their game or winrate is full of crap. the only real reason to help someone is have them move up into a limit you play so that it would be profitable for you. helping a regular that you are playing against everyday is pretty much asking for trouble. might as well just play with the cards face up if you are gonna tell someone exactly how you play. donkeys and fish already have hud to assist them and thats enough to get them to multitable when in all honesty they can probably only play 2-3 tables decent. at least of couple people on here are honest or straight forward enough to say that they refuse to post strat because it will hurt their game. its okay to help here and there but to just come out and announce your all the knowledge you have acquired over years and years it would be an understatement to say this is just plain stupid. every has paid their dues when they first started out and people are still paying their dues. these people might be marginal winners but obviously everyone has room to improve. cant we all just be honest here and say "i refuse to help someone at my limit because f*ck them!"?????
Actually, another reason to help people would be because I genuinely like them; however, if I helped someone for that particular reason, it would be giving comments over AIM, not being a ****** and posting it for everyone else to see as well. But yes, I agree, I refuse to help people at my limit because **** them...but seriously, if helping someone get better at poker would have 0 effect on my game, I'd probably help everyone, even the busto caged animals.

Anyway, this forum is dead...funeral services are 1 week from Wednesday, everyone is invited (even the busto caged animals, but you probably should get permission from your masters), 11:00am at Stoneyard Cemetary...then back to my house for grieving/refreshments

Last edited by Kelisitaan; 07-28-2008 at 09:33 PM.
07-28-2008 , 09:44 PM
keli, if you need ever need coaching in the game of bocce please send me a PM. I recently finished in 2nd place at my family's annual bocce tournament this past 4th of July. I would have finished first but the sobraoluckbox of bocce ended up sucking out in the finals. I have won 4 out of the last 5 titles so it is safe to say i'm the best ever in the new england bocce league*

$239/hr is my standard rate.... for you $235/hr, via AIM of course

In person it would be $237/ hr plus you'd teach me how to win at pokah

*new england bocce league is not an official trademarked league but me and my drunk relatives take it pretty serious during the weekend of the 4th....
07-28-2008 , 09:53 PM
I dotn mind posting some strat, Its pretty much advertisment for my coaching services. I def leave some of my most important thoughts on a hand for people who actually pay for it, But if i post my thoughts on a hand here its def not a level.
07-28-2008 , 10:05 PM
Getting a couple of PMs asking where Stoneyard Cemetary's at 1523 Centre St, Newton MA...directions to my house from the Cemetary will be provided at the Cemetary (gonna print out info and just give it to everyone).

Also, if you guys want to do something extra, I'd suggest bringing some flowers to lay on the tombstone.
07-28-2008 , 10:45 PM
07-28-2008 , 11:08 PM
in class with some slow ass wifi so excuse the breaks in my english lol. anyways, back to my point of posting strat. those that believe its okay to charge people for coaching, are these the same people bitching that people dont share strats and only post nonsense? i mean, honestly, some of you guys are a great help to people that ask questions and post hands. i actually posted my thoughts here and there on a few hands and got flamed...... what do i say to this? FU. its like a ******ed argument. some people coach and charge, some people help for free, some people help and get flamed. this is a forum for poker, yes, we can all agree, but is this also a chat forum for poker players. dont know why people complain either way...........
07-29-2008 , 12:45 AM
strategy is what i came here for originally but sadly it can't be discussed properly here, because of the competitive nature of poker in general as well as the immaturity(?) + lack of anonymity which leads to what we have, mazes of deception and what have u. It seems that this specific community want to shun development or proactive discussion, i don't know why, but I don't particularly want to contribute much either now b/c of reasons stated above
07-29-2008 , 01:28 AM
Originally Posted by srkbigdaddy
in class with some slow ass wifi so excuse the breaks in my english lol. anyways, back to my point of posting strat. those that believe its okay to charge people for coaching, are these the same people bitching that people dont share strats and only post nonsense? i mean, honestly, some of you guys are a great help to people that ask questions and post hands. i actually posted my thoughts here and there on a few hands and got flamed...... what do i say to this? FU. its like a ******ed argument. some people coach and charge, some people help for free, some people help and get flamed. this is a forum for poker, yes, we can all agree, but is this also a chat forum for poker players. dont know why people complain either way...........
Well in your case this is mostly because you halfstack, so everyone is like LOL RELOAD PREFLOP. Which is dumb because there are obvious advantages and disadvantages to each stack size, which if someone cannot recognize, they aren't very good.
07-29-2008 , 01:53 AM
Originally Posted by CalledDownLight
most people here would disagree, hence why we have a bunch of active strat forums. Just bc you and keli are whiny, selfish, arrogant, money-craving, self-obsessed narcissists does not mean everyone else in the forum or poker world is.
lol wtf when did u become an illlogical douchebag (maybe u were all along and I never noticed?) If so shame on me I guess, at least I know that you are one now.

Anyway I have been nice to almost everyone on these forums. I am def not arrogant (I almost never brag), nor am I selfish (I help my friends out in poker and in real life, just not for the entire forum to see).

I learned almost nothing from 2+2 so I don't feel the need to "give back" considering that the only people whining and bitching are the people who either can't think for themselves and need to be spoonfed, can't use logic, are leaches, or are too cheap to pay for a coach (usually they are all of these combined).

If you actually were good at poker and could make a lot of money off poker u would understand where I am coming from. If u actually used logic and common sense u'd realize everytime u help someone out on 2+2 ur basacally helping whoever views this forum out (hint: since u seem to struggle with logic, it's a lot) and it hurts u a lot. I know this is probably a newflash to u, but poker IS a game about money, and it's most peoples on heres job. The whole point is to make money, and helping out thousands of people hurts the amount of money u make. Even if you generally like that person and want to help them out, you use aim or pm or whatever so that everyone who is viewing the forum can't see.

Instead u need people to post strat for you because u struggle to win at higher stakes and have a bunch of leaks. Sorry if this post sounds so harsh and that I am stooping to ur douchebag level, but when someone calls me out i'm not going to take it lightly (especially a person i've been nice to and never badmouthed).

Also if u are such an unselfish person, why don't u do free coaching? Oh wait, it's because ur a hypocrtical douchebag who will probably make some ******ed response to this because u can't even think with logic or common sense.

Last edited by EPiPeN11; 07-29-2008 at 01:59 AM.
07-29-2008 , 02:30 AM
Oh yeah and before u ask, I post on this forum because I enjoy talking to poker players (and am friendly with a lot of them) because most of them are logical, interesting, funny, and can relate to what I do for a living.
07-29-2008 , 02:33 AM
Originally Posted by EPiPeN11
i knew you always had a little rambo in you
07-29-2008 , 02:46 AM
Originally Posted by ship_it_trebek
Well in your case this is mostly because you halfstack, so everyone is like LOL RELOAD PREFLOP. Which is dumb because there are obvious advantages and disadvantages to each stack size, which if someone cannot recognize, they aren't very good.
i doubt you really care what i personally think of you, but just by your comment it shows you arent some idiot that thinks there is only one way to play. im glad you can see that there are good and bad to all stack sizes, which basically means you should play to your strengths. anyways <3 nice to see more people on here who actually are honest and know wtf they are talking about sometimes.
07-29-2008 , 02:50 AM
lol half stacks wtf reload preflop, ur horrible at poker if u dont play full stack.
07-29-2008 , 11:01 AM
Originally Posted by srkbigdaddy
i doubt you really care what i personally think of you, but just by your comment it shows you arent some idiot that thinks there is only one way to play. im glad you can see that there are good and bad to all stack sizes, which basically means you should play to your strengths. anyways <3 nice to see more people on here who actually are honest and know wtf they are talking about sometimes.
Yeah I agree with this, playing to ur strengths is very important in poker and in life as well.

And people who bash ur 60bb stack size don't know much about poker, you can def win that way, and I can list at least 5 pros of it over a 100bb stack. There are some def cons as well (just like with a 100bb stack), and I personally do better with a 100bb stack, but u can still be a sick good player with a 60bb stack (infact one of the best players on stars midstakes imo is mustangino who plays with like a 70bb stack).

People who outright bash it/people who use it really don't know much about poker.
07-30-2008 , 12:16 AM
Originally Posted by EPiPeN11
lol wtf when did u become an illlogical douchebag (maybe u were all along and I never noticed?) If so shame on me I guess, at least I know that you are one now.

Anyway I have been nice to almost everyone on these forums. I am def not arrogant (I almost never brag), nor am I selfish (I help my friends out in poker and in real life, just not for the entire forum to see).

I learned almost nothing from 2+2 so I don't feel the need to "give back" considering that the only people whining and bitching are the people who either can't think for themselves and need to be spoonfed, can't use logic, are leaches, or are too cheap to pay for a coach (usually they are all of these combined).

If you actually were good at poker and could make a lot of money off poker u would understand where I am coming from. If u actually used logic and common sense u'd realize everytime u help someone out on 2+2 ur basacally helping whoever views this forum out (hint: since u seem to struggle with logic, it's a lot) and it hurts u a lot. I know this is probably a newflash to u, but poker IS a game about money, and it's most peoples on heres job. The whole point is to make money, and helping out thousands of people hurts the amount of money u make. Even if you generally like that person and want to help them out, you use aim or pm or whatever so that everyone who is viewing the forum can't see.

Instead u need people to post strat for you because u struggle to win at higher stakes and have a bunch of leaks. Sorry if this post sounds so harsh and that I am stooping to ur douchebag level, but when someone calls me out i'm not going to take it lightly (especially a person i've been nice to and never badmouthed).

Also if u are such an unselfish person, why don't u do free coaching? Oh wait, it's because ur a hypocrtical douchebag who will probably make some ******ed response to this because u can't even think with logic or common sense.

good try, but i have done free coaching in the past.
07-30-2008 , 12:24 AM
also, the money is only part of poker, not the whole reason or even the major reason i play.

furthermore, posting strat is not because i feel the need to give back but rather bc its stimulating and interesting
07-30-2008 , 12:27 AM

You guys could make fun of me and call me a piece of **** and stuff if you want. I really don't give anything back to the forums, and am generally an ass. So you guys could just get along and all gang up on me, sound good? no?
