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The permanent affect of multitabling on your brain The permanent affect of multitabling on your brain

08-04-2012 , 02:08 AM
What do you do/have you done to replace the mental stimulation that was/is mega multitabling internet poker?

I can't even watch tv shows online anymore without having a chat convo and/or grinding the internet at the same time.

When I listen to music, I'm doing at least several other things at the same time.

I can't even watch sports. Even if I wanted to I couldn't scrounge up an ounce of fk to give.

I and most of my friends/peers who were successful mid-high stakes multitablers before BF are now lost, whether they realize it or not.

I don't see how I could ever find something(s) that is capable of stimulating my mind on a level even close to what multitabling internet poker did.

Have you considered the same? If so, have you had any luck finding a way to move on?

*Mods pls don't move this, believe it or not, I trust the readers in this forum to have constructive responses more than anywhere else on 2p2, though I am open to suggestions for a more effective/efficient location.*
The permanent affect of multitabling on your brain Quote
08-05-2012 , 01:52 AM
Totally feel what you are saying.

Had a v. similar experience, though not from multi-tabling.

Have worked on a trading floor job since 2007..... 4 computer screens.... prices and market data coming through every screen... changing by the second. Plus IMs coming in from different brokers/traders/sales ppl etc.....

It completely ruined my ability to focus for prolonged period of time.

I began to have trouble sitting down concentrating on only one thing... be it TV a 3 page research report.

Slowly I have begun to correct the problem.... by using a timer for myself.... setting small time increments (starting at 20 min..have increased it to 45 min..)..I forced myself to only focus on one thing (ie. reading a book) during that time... at the end, the alarm sounds and I get to do whatever.

Also, I started forcing myself to go see movies in theaters... where there is no laptop, no texting...forced concentration.

Slowly, I feel like I am getting the ability to focus back.... however, it IS a constant struggle. I don't know if I can ever go back to just sitting and reading a book for 2 hours again.... but I will try.


The permanent affect of multitabling on your brain Quote
08-05-2012 , 05:45 AM
same here, completely get what your saying even tho not sure it's about multitabling but it may be as simple as the poker online lifestyle.

I sometime think my brain is completely ****ed up. I can't focus on one thing at the time. I used to love writting, like dissertations and stuff, now I feel I can't write a simple rational post on 2+2 such as this one. 24 tabling 3/6+ is def the **** and it drained me physically and mentally for a few years.

What I found to help is, like said above, planning. Set up an alarm every morning, try to eat healthy at regular time, get dedicated time just to relax, do sport whatever. I'm still struggling a ton so will keep an eye on this thread.
The permanent affect of multitabling on your brain Quote
08-05-2012 , 09:45 AM
Don't think it's permanent. At first everything is slow and sucks, but after a while you adjust. IMO.
The permanent affect of multitabling on your brain Quote
08-05-2012 , 12:15 PM
I gotta say, that sounds like it really sucks. Although I haven't experienced that myself, I'm going to give some thoughts on some things that I think might help.

Exercise that requires intense concentration - eg. yoga or martial arts

Learn to meditate - gives your brain a chance to relax so that you don't require the overstimulation

When watching tv/movies - there's a lot more going on under the surface in most things... start looking for things that aren't as obvious and you might find it harder to zone out

I'll give it some more thought, and the other suggestions also seem worthwhile.
The permanent affect of multitabling on your brain Quote
08-05-2012 , 01:41 PM
i think this thread would do better in SSFR or MSNL.

personally, i've always had problems concentrating. i think poker attracts people like this more than it shapes people to feel this way.

i do sometimes wonder if poker (either live or online) has some sort of affect on mental/physical health. sometimes i think my posture might be a little worse from being at the computer a lot. and i've heard some people speculate that live poker pros look older faster (long/late night sessions).
The permanent affect of multitabling on your brain Quote
08-05-2012 , 02:30 PM
Some things I find that help keep a stable mindset, focus better, spaz less often, and balance out your life when playing poker as pro- yoga 6x/wk, 7-8 hrs of sleep every night, wake up ard or exactly at the same time every morn, no gf/wife unless she's super super chill, get laid at least once/mth, do something social (like walk your dog at the beach or hang out at a bar) for an hour every day (and force yourself to actually talk to random ppl so you develop your social skills otherwise leann tweeden makes fun of you for not knowing how to talk to girls), don't play at a lvl where you have to take more than one day of wrk off your schedule each mth bc of super mindfuq sessions (also don't play hyper maniac lagtard style every single sess), don't txt and play (don't bring your ipad to the tbls either), drink lots of water and take lots of quick 2-5m pee or stretch breaks (esp when losing)
The permanent affect of multitabling on your brain Quote
08-05-2012 , 02:48 PM
I think u just have to relearn how to enjoy the little things in life. A sunset, a stranger being nice to you, a laugh with friends and the list is endless. I know it sounds silly but when u learn to appreciate all of the little things it makes you feel much more full as a person. Physical activity is huge as well. Doing anything physical Always helps clear my mind.
The permanent affect of multitabling on your brain Quote
08-05-2012 , 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by StarberryBSD
Also, I started forcing myself to go see movies in theaters... where there is no laptop, no texting...forced concentration.
last movie i saw in the theaters was avatar and i walked out around half way through....i'm fkd
The permanent affect of multitabling on your brain Quote
08-05-2012 , 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by mike dexter
Don't think it's permanent. At first everything is slow and sucks, but after a while you adjust. IMO.
v poss, it just seems like it is because it's been well over a year and I haven't noticed any change(s)

Originally Posted by vinivici9586
personally, i've always had problems concentrating. i think poker attracts people like this more than it shapes people to feel this way.
good point, def something to further consider

Originally Posted by dankness3
Physical activity is huge as well. Doing anything physical Always helps clear my mind.
been grinding the gym 5-7 days a week for the last several months and it's def v +eV esp in regard to things like energy, focus, and morale but not sure I can say it's had much or any noticeable impact on the things I mentioned in the OP
The permanent affect of multitabling on your brain Quote
08-05-2012 , 03:47 PM
Awesome thread, pretty much agree with everything said thus far. I actually have had a serious problem with basically enjoying anything, especially during and for a very long period post going for SNE twice. It has taken me literally a year to become a more "normal" person but I still am no where near where I was before years of mass multitabling online poker. I haven't read a book in years, I can only read articles. Television shows I have to watch on netflix while browsing and sports I don't watch unless I have 3 fantasy football stat-trackers up. I'm distracted basically instantly and have no short term memory. It really sucks, but the effects do go away slowly. I'm actually interested in people talking about teaching themselves to read again and relearning certain things. I think I might give some of those ideas a try.
The permanent affect of multitabling on your brain Quote
08-05-2012 , 03:54 PM
I don't think this problem is specific to poker. It's a problem our entire generation is having. For example, think about how everyone uses social media, listens to music, texts, checks email, and surfs the web simultaneously. A Stanford study found that multi-tasking reduces productivity and efficiency while also being detrimental to focusing.
The permanent affect of multitabling on your brain Quote
08-05-2012 , 04:02 PM
^Agreed. Playing a bunch of tables just seems to exacerbate it.

I remember that I would sometimes be bored playing 9 tables and open up Facebook in the middle of a session, we just can't get enough stimulation.
The permanent affect of multitabling on your brain Quote
08-05-2012 , 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by jimmyvjv13
I haven't read a book in years, I can only read headlines.
The permanent affect of multitabling on your brain Quote
08-05-2012 , 04:11 PM
just coming here to say hi while I'm watching a movie lol
The permanent affect of multitabling on your brain Quote
08-05-2012 , 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by MrHickey
oops, I meant to write "I only read articles" but wrote headlines instead due to effects of what we're discussing in this thread
The permanent affect of multitabling on your brain Quote
08-05-2012 , 06:02 PM
Same. Can't do one of anything. fml.
The permanent affect of multitabling on your brain Quote
08-05-2012 , 06:09 PM
This is probably gonna sound weird, but what I've been doing for the last few months is... pho. You know, the Vietnamese noodle soup? It is oddly therapeutic.

Do this: Go to a nice quiet pho place ALONE. Go at like 2:30pm, after the lunch rush, before dinner so it'll probably be just you in there. Turn your phone off. I cannot stress being alone enough. Order the biggest bowl they have of some beef pho. Put in the bean sprouts and jalapenos , pick the basil leaves off the stems and put them in, squeeze in the lime juice, add some hoisin and sriracha. Stir it up.

Now just go at it. Chopsticks in your dominant hand, spoon in your other. A bite of beef with some basil, a sip of that delicious broth, a bite of some noodles, more broth. Go slow. Take your time. There is no rush. Nothing matters right now. Just a man and his soup. No distractions.

Do this and you will feel much more calm and relaxed for the rest of the day.
The permanent affect of multitabling on your brain Quote
08-05-2012 , 06:12 PM
was watching tv show i downloaded to my computer the other day

was also browsing internet and having several convos obv

found myself not even paying attention to one of the shows i wait all week to watch

ended up having to rewind several times to catch up on the video i missed (was listening/paying attn to most of the audio) because it was running in the background (convos and internet grinding takes both of my monitors lawlbviously)

realized i seem to just be more comfortable when all these things are going on at once, even if i'm not fully focused on them all equally

came to 2p2 for halp (where else?)
The permanent affect of multitabling on your brain Quote
08-05-2012 , 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by HundredsOfStuff
paging Kelisitaan
The permanent affect of multitabling on your brain Quote
08-06-2012 , 12:46 AM
If you have jalapenos with your pho, make sure you wash your hands before you take a p;ss.
The permanent affect of multitabling on your brain Quote
08-06-2012 , 09:58 AM
Originally Posted by HundredsOfStuff
This is probably gonna sound weird, but what I've been doing for the last few months is... pho. You know, the Vietnamese noodle soup? It is oddly therapeutic.

Do this: Go to a nice quiet pho place ALONE. Go at like 2:30pm, after the lunch rush, before dinner so it'll probably be just you in there. Turn your phone off. I cannot stress being alone enough. Order the biggest bowl they have of some beef pho. Put in the bean sprouts and jalapenos , pick the basil leaves off the stems and put them in, squeeze in the lime juice, add some hoisin and sriracha. Stir it up.

Now just go at it. Chopsticks in your dominant hand, spoon in your other. A bite of beef with some basil, a sip of that delicious broth, a bite of some noodles, more broth. Go slow. Take your time. There is no rush. Nothing matters right now. Just a man and his soup. No distractions.

Do this and you will feel much more calm and relaxed for the rest of the day.
really weird you posted this, as I randomly did this recently forgetting my phone at home, and felt rather relaxed.

Agreed with everything said already in this thread. I find it extremely hard to focus on anything for more than a few minutes now. The mind still moves a million miles per hour, but nothing really satisfies that rush that 24+ tabling gave it. Usually have to have tons of props going on in a live game to make it interesting at all.
The permanent affect of multitabling on your brain Quote
08-06-2012 , 07:49 PM
I'm probably in the minority here but I've never had much trouble focusing for an extended period of time if I care at all about what I'm focusing on.

I find that being on the internet (browsing facebook/twitter/reddit aimlessly) really numbs my brain unlike anything else in my life though. In fact I'd argue that my quality of life (and my productiveness and attention span) is exponentially improved the less time I spend on the internet.

Limit yourself on internet time imo and force yourself to read books, spend more time outdoors and/or with friends. I've read 7 or 8 books in the last couple months and I've never been a reader. Cannot recommend it enough. Oh and read nonfiction ldo.

IMO everyone should read this book whether or not you have a focusing/mind wandering problem:

Like someone else said, I think it's more of a generational problem than an online poker problem. If you still can't focus then either get on some meds or harden the **** up
The permanent affect of multitabling on your brain Quote
08-06-2012 , 10:32 PM
I haven't noticed any problems like those you guys mentioned
The permanent affect of multitabling on your brain Quote
08-07-2012 , 06:32 AM
i rather have problems focussing on something like reading a book than taking a bunch of meds so i can read a book..
The permanent affect of multitabling on your brain Quote
