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The permanent affect of multitabling on your brain The permanent affect of multitabling on your brain

08-08-2012 , 02:18 AM
I have a hard time focusing sometimes, but I'm not sure if its because of poker although it's possible.
The permanent affect of multitabling on your brain Quote
08-10-2012 , 05:09 PM
I have a good suggestion: Put on music in head phones.
For me music pretty much turn off most of my thinking and I can focus on a single task while doing it in high efficiency. Works just as good when training and it somewhat stops me from feeling under stimulated.
The permanent affect of multitabling on your brain Quote
08-11-2012 , 06:42 AM
i have difficulty listening to music and reading, or pretty much any action that needs some level of concentration
The permanent affect of multitabling on your brain Quote
08-11-2012 , 07:48 AM
amazing topic!

my usual relax moment after longer sessions is ~watching tv in the background while watching show on PC while posting on 2p2 while reading a newspaper
The permanent affect of multitabling on your brain Quote
08-11-2012 , 02:13 PM
Towards the end of my sne quest ( late 2010- early 2011) I made a rule for myself that I basically wouldn't use my computer unless it was to play poker. This worked wonders for my game and in march 2011 I had my best month ever. Basically what it did was help keep me really fresh for all of my sessions. Because I had been doing something completely different before playing, I was actually finding myself extremely excited when I sat down to play. My sessions would generally last an hour to 2 hours and as I result I almost never felt burnt out from poker. In addition it also greatly improved the time I spent away from the tables. If I was hanging out with friends, watching tv reading ect., I was able to be fully a part of whatever I was doing. I would strongly recommend doing this is u are still plAying poker, or if u work primarily on your computer.
The permanent affect of multitabling on your brain Quote
08-11-2012 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by pattay
I haven't noticed any problems like those you guys mentioned
Same here, probably the opposite of what you guys are mentioning. If I'm watching a movie/TV series, I don't want any distractions; I'll get really annoyed if someone tries to talk to me. If I listen to music, I usually listen through every song and don't skip anything on my playlist. It probably has to do with different personalities and may not be related to 24 tabling poker.
The permanent affect of multitabling on your brain Quote
08-13-2012 , 08:12 PM
Surprised this hasn't been mentioned yet (maybe it has and I just skimmed past it):


It is the perfect counterbalance to the poker lifestyle. Go a couple times a week. Try different types. I prefer restorative yoga as it is just highly relaxing and meditative. The name for it is quite appropriate--I feel "restored" after every session. It's just a quick and convenient way of taking a step back from the fast-paced world we live in and spending an hour or so truly being in the moment. Just existing and nothing more.

It has had a very positive impact on my life and game since I got into it, and I encourage all my poker friends to give it a try.
The permanent affect of multitabling on your brain Quote
08-13-2012 , 09:31 PM
I am a robot professional poker player

The permanent affect of multitabling on your brain Quote
08-14-2012 , 12:45 AM
what did i just watch
The permanent affect of multitabling on your brain Quote
08-14-2012 , 12:38 PM
Originally Posted by bigoiltrader
wake up ard or exactly at the same time every morn, no gf/wife unless she's super super chill, get laid at least once/mth,
Im sorry.
The permanent affect of multitabling on your brain Quote
08-14-2012 , 01:14 PM
I'm not. All you married dudes look miserable with zero exceptions.
The permanent affect of multitabling on your brain Quote
08-14-2012 , 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by TucoRamirez
I'm probably in the minority here but I've never had much trouble focusing for an extended period of time if I care at all about what I'm focusing on.

I find that being on the internet (browsing facebook/twitter/reddit aimlessly) really numbs my brain unlike anything else in my life though. In fact I'd argue that my quality of life (and my productiveness and attention span) is exponentially improved the less time I spend on the internet.

Limit yourself on internet time imo and force yourself to read books, spend more time outdoors and/or with friends. I've read 7 or 8 books in the last couple months and I've never been a reader. Cannot recommend it enough. Oh and read nonfiction ldo.

IMO everyone should read this book whether or not you have a focusing/mind wandering problem:

Like someone else said, I think it's more of a generational problem than an online poker problem. If you still can't focus then either get on some meds or harden the **** up
Definitely agree with this. 24-tabling is just a another example of our generation's tendency to just mindlessly switch rapidly from activity to activity or topic to topic or website to website, which is basically just exposing your brain to complete insanity it is vastly unused to. You end up essentially rewiring your brain to have a 5 second attention span and forcing it into a semi-ADD state, making it seemingly impossible to focus on a single task for long periods of time.

So whether its pho, or yoga, or reading books, the solution to this is take up activities that requires your single-minded focus for significant periods of time without the crazy bursts of constant activity/switchery that you're accustomed to. Something like golf or archery are also good examples - they force you to be 'in the moment' physically but aren't so filled with frenetic energy and craziness that you have plenty of time to actually contemplate and be alone with your thoughts, while still being free of the insane stimulation that twitter/youtube/internet provide.
The permanent affect of multitabling on your brain Quote
08-14-2012 , 02:38 PM
I have the same problem. It's become very annoying. I do surf the internet, rail nosebleed tables and chat while watching a movie or a serie on my other screen. I get very bored when nothing is going on on my other screen.

When i get to the grind, which isn't often, i grind 4 tables of speed poker (which is not only changing tables everytime you fold, but also has only 7sec to act. As I understand, it's not this way on every network) and i STILL chat and browse the internet. Wtf ...

However, i can concentrate whne i have nothing on the side to use. If i watch a movie downstairs on my TV, without a comp next to me, i can get through the movie (eventhough i'll check my phone every ~15min).

Kinda weird ... Glad I'm not the only one lol.
The permanent affect of multitabling on your brain Quote
08-19-2012 , 10:17 PM
Originally Posted by Mossberg
Surprised this hasn't been mentioned yet (maybe it has and I just skimmed past it):


It is the perfect counterbalance to the poker lifestyle. Go a couple times a week. Try different types. I prefer restorative yoga as it is just highly relaxing and meditative. The name for it is quite appropriate--I feel "restored" after every session. It's just a quick and convenient way of taking a step back from the fast-paced world we live in and spending an hour or so truly being in the moment. Just existing and nothing more.

It has had a very positive impact on my life and game since I got into it, and I encourage all my poker friends to give it a try.
for sure a very beneficial option.
Possible alternatives would me meditation and autogenic training.
The permanent affect of multitabling on your brain Quote
08-29-2012 , 10:06 PM
Originally Posted by Mossberg
Surprised this hasn't been mentioned yet (maybe it has and I just skimmed past it):


It is the perfect counterbalance to the poker lifestyle. Go a couple times a week. Try different types. I prefer restorative yoga as it is just highly relaxing and meditative. The name for it is quite appropriate--I feel "restored" after every session. It's just a quick and convenient way of taking a step back from the fast-paced world we live in and spending an hour or so truly being in the moment. Just existing and nothing more.

It has had a very positive impact on my life and game since I got into it, and I encourage all my poker friends to give it a try.

The truth. I've gone for years and it has only improved my gameplay among many other aspects of life.

Where are you going in Vancouver, Moss?
The permanent affect of multitabling on your brain Quote
08-30-2012 , 10:55 AM
My family says I seem a little more "distracted", but I just assumed it was some old age thing. Maybe it's all the mutitabling. When you play too many, you just constantly feel like you're rushing, and so you are just training yourself to feel like things aren't normal unless you have too many things going on simultaneously. Over time, you can probably train yourself out of this behavior. Not uncoincidentally, I'm finding poker a lot more enjoyable since I cut down my tables by 30+%, and looking at the little details in the hand.

Also, not a jab, but not sure if drug use exacerbates the symptoms.
The permanent affect of multitabling on your brain Quote
08-30-2012 , 11:53 AM
As a follow-up to the yoga suggestions: If you're high energy there are wonderful hot yoga classes that will push you, and if you're low energy there are restorative/yin classes which function to open your hips and let you breathe easier. Plenty of stuff in between, but the purpose is to open your body (especially your hips as poker players sit while they work) and to practice mindfulness (which can occur through repeating all kinds of actions with diligence).

I can also recommend cooking at home without the tv/computer/phone on, and eating outside on warm days.

Last edited by Kralok; 08-30-2012 at 12:00 PM.
The permanent affect of multitabling on your brain Quote
08-30-2012 , 01:26 PM
Originally Posted by DoubleFly
Also, not a jab, but not sure if drug use exacerbates the symptoms.
I'd be glad to say if there were any noticeable correlation but there just isn't

not to say that smoking 2-5 blunts a day over all those glory years didn't have consequences, both good and bad, but i'm fairly certain it doesn't have any relevance in this discussion as the "symptoms" are the same whether i've been smoking or not
The permanent affect of multitabling on your brain Quote
02-24-2013 , 05:18 PM
Pretty demoralizing, demotivating read from someone who's supposed to know best :
The permanent affect of multitabling on your brain Quote
02-24-2013 , 09:31 PM
funny that i posted this 6 months ago

my gf also feels like she's talking to a brick wall when i'm not focused on her....although leatherass and I have relatively similar poker careers (mass multitabling full ring cash for years on end) so not necessarily surprising
The permanent affect of multitabling on your brain Quote
02-25-2013 , 08:01 AM
some people just are brick walls when talking to, doubt poker has such a huge effect on it because there are so many mass grinders who arent socially awkward in any way
The permanent affect of multitabling on your brain Quote
02-26-2013 , 11:18 AM
I miss watching football (soccer) on tv and actually taking in whats happening. I realise now that I havnt sat down and just watched a game in about 3 years as I'm always grinding at the same time. Theres a lot to be said for staying active though and taking time out for exercise/girlfriends etc
The permanent affect of multitabling on your brain Quote
02-26-2013 , 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by AllorNuffink
I miss watching football (soccer) on tv and actually taking in whats happening. I realise now that I havnt sat down and just watched a game in about 3 years as I'm always grinding at the same time. Theres a lot to be said for staying active though and taking time out for exercise/girlfriends etc

Same here. I used to be a huge football fan, but nowadays, I fall asleep or wonder off when I watch games. Funnily, I am able to watch NBA games due to them being much more dynamic and action packed.
The permanent affect of multitabling on your brain Quote
10-20-2013 , 02:09 PM
I had a doctor ask me what I do for a living the other day. When I said I play online poker he asked "Oh, how does that work?" But I wouldn't waste my time explaining cause he's not gonna get it.

The brain is obviously able to handle mass amounts of info and decisions over extended periods of time. Even if stress is involved sports like hockey and tennis are just as intensive mentally and just as stressful. The younger generations know this and live it, older generations just generally can't keep up.

If there is increased chance of stroke playing poker, it comes from poor diet and lack of exercise, and factors such as smoking or not smoking/eating enough weed/hemp.

Whats more likely is that stimulated brains are healthy brains. For most mass tabling will keep their brain witty sharp and plastic. But for those that patternize the game better, perhaps from more experience, they might no longer stimulate their brains at the same level, and their thinking processes might atrophy some.

We can combat this by picking up new tasks. Or by either specializing or generalizing. But because of such plasticity, its doubtful people here have this issue. Most will naturally expand their learning knowledge and skill. Success in this form breeds confidence which becomes a catalyst for the process.

The issue I think players have is they are putting multitasking and stillness at opposite ends of the spectrum. We should be viewing them as skills to be practiced studied and learned. We have outlined in this thread the purpose for meditation as well as the method which is time practice and study.

Another thing to point out is while doing a single task, the issue might not be the tendency to slip towards multitasking, but rather the brains decision to reprimand or supress/control itself. That inner voice that say "did I just read that page?" is the unneeded friction that hinders the mind. Again I think this is what meditation is for. We should not be afraid of or deny the subconscious and its ability to retain information that the consciousness may or may not.

I also suspect that a missed contributor to stroke and heart/brain problems is neck and posture issues. It doesn't take much of a misalignment to create a vast variety of nervous system and cardiovascular problems. Pretty much every ailment in the book can be caused by such issues. Yoga obviously serves this and shouldn't be considered separate from meditation as they are really to be the same thing.

We tend to view these things as ancient and spiritual but really our current culture and daily life just sucks and is counter intuitive.

There is no way I could sit through a 3 hour movie in a theater, I get offended when my peers ask me too
The permanent affect of multitabling on your brain Quote
10-20-2013 , 02:30 PM
The gf thing is a separate issue. She wants you to respond to her like her gf's do not the way you would natural think conversations should be. She wants you to reaffirm and reiterate her points (and then drop them and move on). She wants you to agree with her when she is speaking agreeably and agree with her when she is being disagreeable. To interject with nod's of 'yup' and 'un huh' 'you are right' 'wow thats terrible' She wants to dance with you in conversation without you ever talking the lead but while still actively participating. Then when her emotions are spent and her thoughts are expelled she wants validation for no specific reason. Then she wants you to show you care by asking if she feels better. Then she wants to do you.
The permanent affect of multitabling on your brain Quote
