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***Official "It Lives, It Lives" Chat Thread*** ***Official "It Lives, It Lives" Chat Thread***

03-11-2011 , 03:42 AM
Just got home from hanging out with bgp at Venetian. Really good d00d, although he made me feel kinda like a chick when he refused to lemme pay for my own dranks & walked me to the parking garage

I guess he can afford it tho. He's going to be taking drunk peoples' $$$ at Venetian all night.

Turns out he's prob not a pedo...we were checking out women of a legal age

Gnite y'all.
03-11-2011 , 05:42 AM
thinking of the hand i posted here now I think I could have 3bet/folded to a shove.

Also i think 3betting VS this vil, since i still believe hes a std fit n fold passive player, will be a hand easily played out.

Basically i know hes checking back all hands on flop except a set or 2pair, so I can cbet 100% of flops, if he calls, I know im done and only bet for value if I hit my K or Q.

03-11-2011 , 08:22 AM
Originally Posted by ashley12

Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: California
Posts: 1,396

He'll be back. People asked for the rules to be enforced more strictly. They apply to ILCD, too.
03-11-2011 , 09:09 AM
wat happen? i don't wanna get ban
03-11-2011 , 10:36 AM
As a sidenote, I hope I win harder than Charlie sheen at teh pokers tonight
03-11-2011 , 10:41 AM
Originally Posted by masaraksh
As a sidenote, I hope I win harder than Charlie sheen at teh pokers tonight

Epic Winning at that link.

I was bangin' 7 gram rocks, thats how I roll... I have only one gear... GO!

I'm a total frickin rock star from Mars
03-11-2011 , 10:51 AM
Omg I need to get this on mp3. I wish this song could just start blasting in the background every time I 3bet
03-11-2011 , 11:14 AM
lol that will set the tone for tonight. epic winning all the way

so bgp's not a pedo eh? i guess alizee is like 26 now... fair enough. i jumped to conclusions.
03-11-2011 , 12:01 PM
Played last night for 4 hours and finished up $175. Wanted to stay longer but I was exhausted and had a busy day today.
Typical night for me - no big hands, and my second biggest pot was from when I played bluff catcher on the river against an aggrofish. I hope no one ever tells him his overbet on the river is a tell.
03-11-2011 , 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by BigSkip
I hope no one ever tells him his overbet on the river is a tell.
You should tell him that if he had bet more you couldn't have called...
03-11-2011 , 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by Percula
You should tell him that if he had bet more you couldn't have called...
LOL. I think I will.
03-11-2011 , 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by 8o8
lol that will set the tone for tonight. epic winning all the way

so bgp's not a pedo eh? i guess alizee is like 26 now... fair enough. i jumped to conclusions.
Well, to be fair there weren't any minors in the casino, so I can't be 100% sure
03-11-2011 , 07:43 PM
Originally Posted by JMurder3
Well, to be fair there weren't any minors in the casino, so I can't be 100% sure
ya ima say jury's still out
03-11-2011 , 10:15 PM
In a sports bar watching the Big East tournament. On my 5th 7 and 7, now trying to convince a 21 year old waitress to make a decision she will regret. Would do things to her that would make her ashamed to be a mammal.
Damn I love my life.
03-11-2011 , 10:23 PM
No dice.
FML. Obviously she needed to be on the 5th 7 and 7.
03-11-2011 , 10:59 PM
BigSkip dont u have like a family n ****?
03-11-2011 , 11:44 PM
Originally Posted by BigSkip
No dice.
FML. Obviously she needed to be on the 5th 7 and 7.
Decided that leading you along any further was -EV since you were getting to the point of being too drunk to tip her much more.

Penthouse forum is


that way, FYI.
03-12-2011 , 12:10 AM
Originally Posted by venice10
Decided that leading you along any further was -EV since you were getting to the point of being too drunk to tip her much more.

Penthouse forum is


that way, FYI.
She played it like the nuts. I was so in the bag I still over tipped.
I'll be back though. She will have another chance to make a poor life choice.
03-12-2011 , 12:16 AM
03-12-2011 , 02:41 AM
my stats are showing that the amount of volume on the forum the last few days has dropped about 15%,
but the amount of content is roughly the same.
03-12-2011 , 03:31 AM
Originally Posted by stampler
my stats are showing that the amount of volume on the forum the last few days has dropped about 15%,
but the amount of content is roughly the same.
03-12-2011 , 05:46 AM

WTF people! I see posts where people are thinking that "6xBB to 8BB" is a big raise. That 200BB is deep.

I mean WTF are people playing, because it sure the hell isn't live NL poker.

When I see someone open for 3XBB or 3xBB +1BB for every limper, I instantly think this is a player that has never played live, or never played live with anyone that wasn't also a OL formula player.

200BB is deep LMAO. Come on, before the OL poker boom, most NL hell most games period did not have caps, minimums yes, caps no way. You sat with as much as you wanted to, and no one, and I mean absolutely no one blinked an eye if someone bought in for 500BB. Thinking 200BB is "deep" is more OL thinking.

Even with todays 100BB caps being pretty much standard for most venues, thanks to some lame ass programmers on the first OL systems picking 100BB because it was a nice round number... With the extremely loose nature of live LLSNL it is nothing for someone to double or triple their 100BB BI.

IMO and IME 500BB is where "deep stacked" poker starts to come into play live, and really it becomes closer to 1000BB in practice.

Seriously people this is a live forum, lets start thinking and acting like its live and not like its OL. Poker is poker, but when you start changing your plays based on the dynamics of a situation, you have to frame it correctly. Someone with 50+ VIP and opening for 6xBB to 10xBB OL is not normal, it is normal in a live setting. Someone sitting with 200BB+ on a OL table is rarer than it is on a live table and you almost never see someone sitting 500BB+ OL, but you can walk any major poker room on a Friday night and see multiple examples of it.


Ok back to normal routine.
03-12-2011 , 09:37 AM
I have a lower PFR size then most. I think its correct to raise slightly more hands then people here advocate, but to a lesser amount because 1) our postflop edge vs complete mouthdroolers and 2) If we play on a table with ourselves, half a dozen random breakeven semi-regs and two REALLY bad players, then the 6 players who arent completely awful will pick up if we play some typical tight aggressive 13/9 style with our standard raise size being 8x+1, and we can lose action with a big preflop equity edge.

Obviously on a Saturday night where we have 2 breakeven semiregs and 6 complete fish that call too much then yeah, sure make it 8x or whatever and that is all good. But in non-prime games I think that in small markets in particular, we do have to make a little bit of an effort to be a bit less straightforward.

*Admittedly this is in a 2/3nl game where the max BI is 66bb. When I play 5/5 which is either a 100bb or 200bb game depending on who is in it and what they want, I usually up my open from around 5x to closer to 7x. If the table is super deep then we should be raising more, but focusing more on playing position then anything else....
03-12-2011 , 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by Percula

WTF people! I see posts where people are thinking that "6xBB to 8BB" is a big raise. That 200BB is deep.

I mean WTF are people playing, because it sure the hell isn't live NL poker.

When I see someone open for 3XBB or 3xBB +1BB for every limper, I instantly think this is a player that has never played live, or never played live with anyone that wasn't also a OL formula player.

200BB is deep LMAO. Come on, before the OL poker boom, most NL hell most games period did not have caps, minimums yes, caps no way. You sat with as much as you wanted to, and no one, and I mean absolutely no one blinked an eye if someone bought in for 500BB. Thinking 200BB is "deep" is more OL thinking.

Even with todays 100BB caps being pretty much standard for most venues, thanks to some lame ass programmers on the first OL systems picking 100BB because it was a nice round number... With the extremely loose nature of live LLSNL it is nothing for someone to double or triple their 100BB BI.

IMO and IME 500BB is where "deep stacked" poker starts to come into play live, and really it becomes closer to 1000BB in practice.

Seriously people this is a live forum, lets start thinking and acting like its live and not like its OL. Poker is poker, but when you start changing your plays based on the dynamics of a situation, you have to frame it correctly. Someone with 50+ VIP and opening for 6xBB to 10xBB OL is not normal, it is normal in a live setting. Someone sitting with 200BB+ on a OL table is rarer than it is on a live table and you almost never see someone sitting 500BB+ OL, but you can walk any major poker room on a Friday night and see multiple examples of it.


Ok back to normal routine.
you go, Percula!!

ya, this internet kid sits next to me t other day.
sayin' that he final tabled a Venitian 'deepstack', he said, "we were soooo deep"
i said, "what, 60bb?"
he said, "yeah"

from what i understand, this game was meant to be played 1000bb deep, plus.
thats how it was played before tourneys and, of course OL.
in a way, capped 'NL' games are an entirely different animal.

don't get bitter, though, just take advantage of ppl who think they are deep, when they are'nt.
like that kid.
I extrapolated all the mistakes he would make, not being experienced live,
and i totally nailed it.
he did everything i thought he would.
gave live Villians way too wide a range.
went for FE thats not there,
repped hands that Vs are'nt capable of caring about, ect...
gotta love it.
its so damn predictable.

also love the 'advice' i've seen in the Forum that you should tighten up PF super-deep. LOL.

Last edited by stampler; 03-12-2011 at 03:03 PM.
03-12-2011 , 05:23 PM
Why do people think deep stack poker is so much different.

We all read poker books. They explain what your strategy is for what stack size. Basic fundamental stuff.

If most of you guys are playing 500+bbs deep stack poker. I think you guys should move up. My bankroll is not solid enough to be playing 500+bbs on a deep table.

You guys either have big bankrolls?

Or not playing in a big city casino.

I have played up to a 1000 bbs. But that is practice I don't really count practice.
