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Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions

11-07-2022 , 08:50 PM
Originally Posted by donkatruck
1/2 super late (3am Saturday). We have KK in the SB. A million limps and we make it $18. BB $200 (we cover) calls. 1 other caller less $100. Standard

Flop $60ish. Ks8s3s. We lead $25, BB goes $50, fold. Is this just a jam here? I think checking is terrible as check through is a disaster and I think calling his raise or raising not AI is bad. Just looking if I'm just horribly wrong here.

Jamming is only slightly -EV if V only has a flopped flush.

Against a flush, we’re a 34.4/65.6 dog.

The pot is currently 18x3+25+50 = 129 (we’ll just say the extra limps cover the rake) + 132 (Vs remaining stack, assuming he never folds) = 261

We have 157 remaining

157/(261+157)= 37.6% equity

If there is any chance that V folds a flush here, has AsXx, or a smaller set, getting money in is a slam dunk

Just calling and if another spade comes (17%) or a brick comes on the turn, our equity drops to the low 20s and calling a jam is much more -EV, as we would need 31.5% equity, meaning we should technically fold

The other scenario is we call and the board pairs on the turn, V is practically drawing dead but it might kill the action. There is a 15% chance this happens.

All in all, for ~80 bb in a cash game, I probably just jam. Min raises in monotone flops tend to be non nut flushes IME, so ~32% of the time on the turn your action dries up.

Honestly, jamming here is a rare example when better may fold and worse may call because most people would never fold a set here but they may fold a non-nut flush thinking you’re raising with the nut flush
Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Quote
11-07-2022 , 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by donkatruck
1/2 super late (3am Saturday). We have KK in the SB. A million limps and we make it $18. BB $200 (we cover) calls. 1 other caller less $100. Standard

Flop $60ish. Ks8s3s. We lead $25, BB goes $50, fold. Is this just a jam here? I think checking is terrible as check through is a disaster and I think calling his raise or raising not AI is bad. Just looking if I'm just horribly wrong here.
You’re shallow enough that it doesn’t really matter, but you want to keep pots small on monotone flops, since ranges are inelastic. Bet small here with your TPTKs, your sets, your flushes, and your NFDs.
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11-07-2022 , 09:10 PM
Originally Posted by johnny_on_the_spot
Jamming is only slightly -EV if V only has a flopped flush.

Against a flush, we’re a 34.4/65.6 dog.

The pot is currently 18x3+25+50 = 129 (we’ll just say the extra limps cover the rake) + 132 (Vs remaining stack, assuming he never folds) = 261

We have 157 remaining

157/(261+157)= 37.6% equity

If there is any chance that V folds a flush here, has AsXx, or a smaller set, getting money in is a slam dunk

Just calling and if another spade comes (17%) or a brick comes on the turn, our equity drops to the low 20s and calling a jam is much more -EV, as we would need 31.5% equity, meaning we should technically fold

The other scenario is we call and the board pairs on the turn, V is practically drawing dead but it might kill the action. There is a 15% chance this happens.

All in all, for ~80 bb in a cash game, I probably just jam. Min raises in monotone flops tend to be non nut flushes IME, so ~32% of the time on the turn your action dries up.

Honestly, jamming here is a rare example when better may fold and worse may call because most people would never fold a set here but they may fold a non-nut flush thinking you’re raising with the nut flush
I have never seen or heard of a player folding a flopped flush in this situation to a jam for comparable BBs
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11-07-2022 , 09:40 PM
Is there a consensus best app from the Google App store for tracking live poker results?
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11-08-2022 , 05:32 PM
Line check.

Last night, haven't been at the table for more than an hour, it's pretty loose, with a humongous calling station. Main villain is loose, but not as much as the rest of the players. VPIP a hair above 30%.

7 Handed 1/3 Effective stack $450 or so, Hero raises QhTh to 15 from Ep. Main villain calls in CO or BU, Loose Passive calls from the BB.

Flop (45) QdJh8h

Hero bets 25, V1 calls, V2 folds.

Turn (95) 5h

Hero bets 55, V1 calls.

River brick ( i think 2d).

Hero bets 145, Villain shoves 275.


I am thinking I played this well and there's no way of getting away if I am coolered. What say you?
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11-08-2022 , 06:11 PM
Card removal makes your hand very vulnerable.

QhJhTh8h5h all gone. What does that leave? A lot of A-x suited. K-x suited. And 79 and 67. More combos of the former. And is V shoving with 78hh?? Whatever value hands V may have would have been weirdly and horribly played (QJ/sets/9T). There is also the spazz factor that shows up every once in a while. You are getting a hell of a price ($130 to win $750) so probably can't fold.
Sigh call, not fist bump dealer call. Expect to lose well over 50% of the time.
Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Quote
11-08-2022 , 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by OvertlySexual
Line check.

(…)River brick ( i think 2d).

Hero bets 145, Villain shoves 275.


I am thinking I played this well and there's no way of getting away if I am coolered. What say you?
$130 to win $630 with the third nuts, yeah you gotta call lol.
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11-08-2022 , 08:49 PM
Thinking it over I am wondering whether going for 3 streets of value with a Q high flush is too ambitious. With some players it may make sense with others not.

Maybe I could triple barrel A high flushes and check call K high, Q high and lower flushes. After all villain should have a decent chunk of AhXx type of hands that they may be tempted to turn into bluffs.
Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Quote
11-10-2022 , 10:25 AM
Originally Posted by OvertlySexual
Thinking it over I am wondering whether going for 3 streets of value with a Q high flush is too ambitious. With some players it may make sense with others not.

Maybe I could triple barrel A high flushes and check call K high, Q high and lower flushes. After all villain should have a decent chunk of AhXx type of hands that they may be tempted to turn into bluffs.
I think check calling river with the K high flush would be a disaster. I don't think it's too thin at all to go for three streets of value with Q high flush. People will pay you off with far worse.
Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Quote
11-10-2022 , 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by OvertlySexual
Line check.

Last night, haven't been at the table for more than an hour, it's pretty loose, with a humongous calling station. Main villain is loose, but not as much as the rest of the players. VPIP a hair above 30%.

7 Handed 1/3 Effective stack $450 or so, Hero raises QhTh to 15 from Ep. Main villain calls in CO or BU, Loose Passive calls from the BB.

Flop (45) QdJh8h

Hero bets 25, V1 calls, V2 folds.

Turn (95) 5h

Hero bets 55, V1 calls.

River brick ( i think 2d).

Hero bets 145, Villain shoves 275.


I am thinking I played this well and there's no way of getting away if I am coolered. What say you?
I fold preflop but I'm a nit.

I'm either/or on the flop. Think check/calling is fine. If any of these guys is really loose on calling the flop then betting for value is probably better.

I'm fine with the turn bet.

I'm fine with the river bet.

Lol, stoopid spot now. There's like only a few worse flushes (97hh, 76hh, 64hh, much more than that, really?). And most reasonable players just sigh call those down against someone 4barrelling for fear of running into a bigger flush. My initial reaction is to just fold because we just got check/shoved on the river at 1/3 NL after showing massive strength on every street. But I dunno, do we see enough spazzy AhKx for this price? The weird thing that I can't quite wrap my head around is that almost everyone with the nut flush here doesn't have the guts to check both the turn and the river.

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11-10-2022 , 02:03 PM
Anyone ever have the entire table strategize against them?

I found out people were telling the fish at the tables not to play a hand against me.
Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Quote
11-10-2022 , 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by AAJTo
Anyone ever have the entire table strategize against them?

I found out people were telling the fish at the tables not to play a hand against me.
Most players at the table are losing players but are aware enough to know who the winning players are and are jealous of them. This is mostly just a manifestation of that jealously, but also perhaps an indication that you should be working on the social part of your game.

I'm guessing the best way to combat it is to at least be social / fun conversationalist / etc. at the table, especially with the fish, and make it a fun thing for when they win a hand (especially against us).

Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Quote
11-10-2022 , 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by gobbledygeek
Most players at the table are losing players but are aware enough to know who the winning players are and are jealous of them. This is mostly just a manifestation of that jealously, but also perhaps an indication that you should be working on the social part of your game.

I'm guessing the best way to combat it is to at least be social / fun conversationalist / etc. at the table, especially with the fish, and make it a fun thing for when they win a hand (especially against us).

It certainly is jealousy and its always the slightly losing boomer whos had the game pass them by over the years and the only way they can avoid dipping into being an even bigger losing player is to collude. I do try and make the game more fun for the casual players and usually fist bump them when they stack me etc but if the fish have multiple people telling them not to play a hand with me it doesn't seem like there is a lot I can do.

My thoughts so far are to show more bluffs but a large % of my winrate is double/triple barreling those boomers off of top pair already. Im trying to think of ways to combat this without bringing conflict openly to the table which is probably not the best idea.
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11-10-2022 , 03:13 PM
I mean, do you just play with the same 10 guys? Otherwise, you likely play in a large enough player pool where every single table doesn't announce aloud to the fish as you're sitting down that no one should ever play a hand with as you.

Besides, fish are gonna fish, so I wouldn't even worry too much about it. They have 97sooted (that can win a BBJ!), what, they're not going to see a flop? And they hit a 7 on that flop, what, they're not going to see a turn?

Definitely wouldn't bring conflict to the table. And I probably wouldn't show any bluffs either. I would probably just do what you're doing and wouldn't worry too much about it.

Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Quote
11-10-2022 , 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by gobbledygeek
I mean, do you just play with the same 10 guys? Otherwise, you likely play in a large enough player pool where every single table doesn't announce aloud to the fish as you're sitting down that no one should ever play a hand with as you.
I certainly play in a small player pool, my casino only has 1 table running unless its friday+saturday. I get up from the table to get some water and people start talking about me from what Ive been told.
Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Quote
11-10-2022 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by AAJTo
I certainly play in a small player pool, my casino only has 1 table running unless its friday+saturday. I get up from the table to get some water and people start talking about me from what Ive been told.
If I hear a player saying something like that about me, which has happened, i make it known to the fish that the guy is a nit and proceed to give away some rather minor obvious things about the guy to the new player. From across the table in between hands in front of everyone. If the boomers want to go after your winrate by “teaching the fish”, I like to let it be known I can also teach if that is how we are playing.

Kind of a different scenario but the same principle applies, Some **** bag on HCL the other day was berating everyone whenever he won a hand. Completely off the wall stuff. So big hand comes up and Eric Perssons takes him for over a quarter million in a pot and gives him his own medicine. **** talks him hard for about 5 minutes, unrelenting **** talk. Batman guy started crying like a 4 year old. If Perssons was like that with everyone then it would be ridiculous, but he knows who (also went after Helmuth) and how to go after people. Batman guy looked like a fool, in more ways than one in the exchange, and will likely never go back to berating hisopponents with the same gusto ever again. My advice is watch the Perssons video and fight fire with fire.
Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Quote
11-10-2022 , 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by larry the legend
If I hear a player saying something like that about me, which has happened, i make it known to the fish that the guy is a nit and proceed to give away some rather minor obvious things about the guy to the new player. From across the table in between hands in front of everyone. If the boomers want to go after your winrate by “teaching the fish”, I like to let it be known I can also teach if that is how we are playing.
I am the nit and ive been absolutely destroying the game. Ive been playing WAY more lately because I found out about this and Im just waiting for someone to ask why I am always at the casino so I can reply something along the lines of "if I think people are working against me here I am just gonna play more, I was playing 30 hours a month but now I am going to be playing 100 hours a month because of it".
Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Quote
11-10-2022 , 04:55 PM
A situation like this normally arises not just due to style of play, but also social reasons. Maybe try to work on being better for the game?
Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Quote
11-10-2022 , 08:47 PM
Originally Posted by AAJTo
Anyone ever have the entire table strategize against them?

I found out people were telling the fish at the tables not to play a hand against me.
You want people to fear you. Use it to your advantage.
Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Quote
11-10-2022 , 08:54 PM
Assuming you are winning, in that small of a room you are rightly seen as a drain on the game. Do you have other options?
Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Quote
11-10-2022 , 09:41 PM
Originally Posted by AAJTo
Anyone ever have the entire table strategize against them?

I found out people were telling the fish at the tables not to play a hand against me.
Back when I played limit at the Borg all the good players were friends and one told me that when I got moved from the must move to the main game one of the fish started to complain that I was too good for the game when he saw me walking over.

But I’m social, outgoing and joke around with the table, I just play ruthlessly.
Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Quote
11-10-2022 , 10:42 PM
Just recently took a shot at 2/5, always played 1/2 or 1/3 before that. I'm about a $15/hr winner at 1/2 so I thought it'd be a good idea to try 2/5 for the first time.

8-handed, 520 effective stack, button straddle to $10
I have JJ UTG
I raise to 30 (perhaps I should raise more?)
Cutoff calls, button calls (I have no history with them, all I can say is that they're not nits)
Flop: Q46 rainbow
I check
Cutoff bets 30
Button calls

This is a pretty trivial fold, right? And is checking fine on this flop? I feel that Qx is a large part of both of their ranges, and it's not like there are any draws except 57. I appreciate any criticism in this hand.

I am getting good pot odds of 5:1, but if I'm drawing to a set, I'm not even deep enough to be profitable even if I stack them every time I make a set.
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11-10-2022 , 10:48 PM
how big is your room? do they know you are shot taking?

I lean hard on people shot taking - I know they are out of their comfort zone especially when the straddle is on.

I personally 4x my opens including when there is a straddle

I will generally c bet here for value.

If you check to me here I am pretty much betting all day long if I know you are shot taking/playing weak tight
Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Quote
11-10-2022 , 10:54 PM
Originally Posted by squid face
how big is your room? do they know you are shot taking?

I lean hard on people shot taking - I know they are out of their comfort zone especially when the straddle is on.

I personally 4x my opens including when there is a straddle

I will generally c bet here for value.

If you check to me here I am pretty much betting all day long if I know you are shot taking/playing weak tight
Generally about 25-30 tables running at once. I doubt anyone knows I'm shot-taking. I haven't been to this cardroom in many months. So by betting, you think I'm getting value straight draws, smaller pocket pairs, and even 6x and 4x?
Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Quote
11-10-2022 , 11:26 PM
Very easy fold, yes—CO is betting with a guy to act after, and Button is calling with an UTG raiser still in the hand. This is an easy check-fold, yep. (Though there’s nothing wrong with leading for a third-pot some of the time, too, on a flop that dry.)

If it was a slightly different order—say, the Button and the BB were the two players who called your raise, and the action on the flop went BB check/you check/ Button bets/BB folds—you could call and see a Turn. But this specific combo makes it an easy fold, you’re just too unlikely to make it to showdown with the best hand (even if you are ahead now).
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