Originally Posted by Garick
Yeah, that was exactly my thought process. Figured I was basically flipping against his range, and snap called. I had him pegged at JJ+, AK, maybe a couple of combos of Ace-face suited, and several combos of lower PPs.
Posted it here because I wasn't sure if I just ran in to the top of his range or mis-ranged him badly.
As everyone who noticed my earlier post in the chat thread already knows:
I dont think you mis-ranged him badly, and its kind of a setup with QQ with these dynamics.
That being said, as i thouched upon in my other post, in my opinion its a mistake (potenially a big one if the decision point here is for even deeper stacks) to give unknowns villains too wide of a range in a spot like this with no further proof/reads on what they are capable of 4 bet shipping pre.
Just because we on 2+2 or other skilled players who pays attention to table dynamics and whats happenning at the table- and that we would adjust in a certain way (widening our 4 bet range if we get 3 bet alot for example), doesent mean that your typical 1/3 villain will do the same thing.
Like, many 1/3 villains simply arent capable of showing up with hands like 99-1010 or AJ/AQ here, even if they have been hammered on alot, and even if they are on semitilt. They simply just wait it out until they manage to pick up a premium before they take a stand.