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Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions

11-13-2015 , 07:23 PM
Originally Posted by mtagliaf
by default I would say more likely strong (JJ+), until you see this specific villain 3Betting light and showing similar tendencies.

Even if it was AK, what do you plan to do about it? Are you going to turn whatever hand was worth a call into a 4bet bluff, trying to get a bad LAG to fold AK? Seems like a bad decision.
well, my default in this particular case was to see a flop, so 4b bluffing was out of the questions.

I should've been more clear in my original post.

does TT becomes a set muncher, and if we whiff on, say, on a 8 high board, are we calling at least one bet and folding to most DB on the turn that don't necessarily contain an A, K, Q, J?
Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Quote
11-14-2015 , 05:02 PM
we're deep into "it depends" land here. Villain reads, bet size tells, etc all matter here.
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11-18-2015 , 10:42 PM
How do you guys range your Vs at a 1/2 limp/callfest when player's limp and limp/calling range is almost the same at almost any two suited/connectedish cards?

Ex. You hold AQ and make it 10$ from LP over 3 limpers and the flop is seen 5 ways (including you).

Scenario 1: Flop (~50$) QJ5, if you c-bet this for 25 and get called do you shut down?

Scenario 2: Flop (~50$) 569, if you c-bet this for 25 and get called do you shut down?
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11-18-2015 , 11:04 PM
Scenario 1 depends on how my opponents behave while calling. I'm not c-betting Scenario 2.
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11-18-2015 , 11:34 PM
Never shutting down on one unless turn is like Kx, Tc or 9c. Almost every other turn card gets a second bullet. Also betting more than half pot.

Probably won't cbet hand two.
Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Quote
11-18-2015 , 11:40 PM
Originally Posted by JackInDaCrak
Never shutting down on one unless turn is like Kx, Tc or 9c. Almost every other turn card gets a second bullet. Also betting more than half pot.

Probably won't cbet hand two.
Reasons for not c-betting hand two? Just because we whiffed or because it smacks Vs ranges? Or both?
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11-19-2015 , 12:01 AM
Originally Posted by Stupidbanana
How do you guys range your Vs at a 1/2 limp/callfest when player's limp and limp/calling range is almost the same at almost any two suited/connectedish cards?

Ex. You hold ANot Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions:QNot Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions: and make it 10$ from LP over 3 limpers and the flop is seen 5 ways (including you).

Scenario 1: Flop (~50$) QNot Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat QuestionsJNot Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions:5Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions:, if you c-bet this for 25 and get called do you shut down?

Scenario 2: Flop (~50$) 5Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions:6Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions:9Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions:, if you c-bet this for 25 and get called do you shut down?
I'd raise pre somewhere 13-20 to attempt to avoid 5 ways.

Scenario 1, wouldn't be shutting down, either b/f 3 streets OR check behind turn and b/f or call most rivers.

Scenario 2, generally not a cbet, cbet and shut down not good as every 7 8 9 or 2 overs will give action at a minimum
Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Quote
11-19-2015 , 12:06 AM
If you are called in scenario 1, it's super standard/basic to bet blank turns. This is regardless of whether the game is low stakes or high stakes or whether it is live or online. I really don't understand why you would even consider slowing down on a blank turn.
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11-19-2015 , 01:05 AM
Originally Posted by Stupidbanana
Reasons for not c-betting hand two? Just because we whiffed or because it smacks Vs ranges? Or both?
Because there's no good reason to c-bet. My thought process isn't to c-bet by default anytime I raise preflop.
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11-19-2015 , 03:01 AM
Five handed with a middle straightening board and you hold ace queen high you can c/f your whole life and never worry about the 10% of times you had the best hand. Two or three handed we can talk about cbetting.
Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Quote
11-20-2015 , 09:51 AM
Reggy $1/2 game with $500 stacks and loose reasonably competent players.

Hero sat down in last 20min. Image to the regs is a snug winning TAG.

V is a young American Indian who covers everyone. Straddling. Saw him raise out of his straddle. Seeing most flops.

HH1: bunch of limpers V raises J8o to $10 OTB, 5 callers. Board JxJc8cQd5x checks to CO who bets $18 into $60, V flats, SB calls. CO bets $45 OTT into $120ish, V and SB calls. Checks to V OTR who bets $300 into $250 and everyone folds and he shows

HH2: UTG raises to $10, V calls w. T4s in EMP, SB calls. Board Tc4c2x5sKx Checks to V who bets $10 into $30, SB calls, UTG calls. Checks to V OTT who bets $20 into $60,SB c/r to $40, UTG folds, V calls. SB bets $55 into $140 OTR, V calls

UTG straddles to $5, nittish player ($100) calls UTG+1, hero raises TT to $20 (meh...should have made it $25), 1 loose reg calls behind, V calls in SB, straddler calls, nit calls. 5 way

($95ish) Flop: A63

Checks to hero who bets $50, V calls, everyone else folds.

*Can I get away with smaller sizing?

($195) Turn: A

V checks, hero checks

*Meh. I kind of expect a guy like this to auto bluff the river if he has clubs or a straight draw that misses, so I opt to check here.

River: 7

V bets $60, hero folds

*Should I be calling all non clubs? I'm getting better than 4:1!

Last edited by kookiemonster; 11-20-2015 at 09:59 AM.
Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Quote
11-20-2015 , 11:34 AM
4 callers and an ace hits... I give up right there.
Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Quote
11-20-2015 , 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by Stupidbanana
Reasons for not c-betting hand two? Just because we whiffed or because it smacks Vs ranges? Or both?
Because the chance of getting everyone to fold, or getting only callers with worse hands, is extremely low. The bet doesn't serve as either a value bet or a bluff.
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11-20-2015 , 07:14 PM
How do some players seemingly decide they're just going to passive-hero you down no matter what?
I mean I don't get.

V - Seems like he plays enough, 30s. Handles chips/cards/etc, he's played like 4 hands really in an hour.

H - Should seem good/decent to table, tabled JJ once for a set, and a few raise pre/c-bet wins.

I'm in the Cutoff with 109 and make it $15
Villain in the BB calls


Check, I bet $20. Call


Check, I bet $50


Check, I missed it all... I bet $125
Villain thinks for a minute calls.
shows 77

And he doesn't seem like the soccer-dad type where "I have a pair, of course I call... I had a pair, I'm not even thinking what you had"

I play all actual hands like this A10-AK, 99-AA, etc.
Is he specifically putting me on KQ/109 and I'm just barreling? It's just odd, if that's your read why not check raise the flop/turn.

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11-20-2015 , 07:35 PM
why would he check raise you off the hand if you're going to put your whole stack in?
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11-20-2015 , 07:46 PM
Players make all sorts of bad plays. Just tell him "nice hand" and move on to the next one.
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11-20-2015 , 07:50 PM
Also what type of hands did you expect to call this flop and turn and then fold river. Not many, IMO.
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11-21-2015 , 07:58 PM
8 handed $1/2

Hero has a winning TAG image. $1000

V is young African American. Playing every hand, the top 30% for a $10 raise pf. Seems ABC post, maybe stabby. $380

V opens MP to $10, tightish player w. $100 calls OTB, hero raises AA in SB to $40, V calls, Button folds.

($85ish) Flop:A66r

Hero checks, V bets $45, hero calls.

($175) Turn: A

Hero checks, V bets $65 ($230ish behind), hero?
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11-21-2015 , 08:08 PM
Stabby African American seems like racist profiling.

Cawl and river a 6? Idk
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11-21-2015 , 09:03 PM
that A is a bad card for us actually. Call again, lead river small.
Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Quote
11-21-2015 , 10:31 PM
Originally Posted by mtagliaf
that A is a bad card for us actually. Call again, lead river small.
Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Quote
12-01-2015 , 03:24 AM
9 handd 2/3 game. Stacks vs main villain is 100b effective, he covers hero with $300

Hero has been experimenting with his game a bit lately such as limping suited Ace from EP/MP. The game I play in is particularly soft, and usually I will not attempt this move if I know there is a decent villain at the table. In this hand, however, most of the players were limp happy, and only raised with their premium hands.

Villain: early to mid 50s asian, not the super gambly type Asian, but more like the tight, play his hands face up kinda type. Most of the bet sizing I've seen from him have been standard HP bets for value, seen him bet HP as a bluff/semi-bluff as well. Generally, he's not super out of line and usually gives up on his bluffs if he see's resistance from multiple players in a pot. Def willing to multi barrel IP HU though. I believe he knows a little about applying pressure.

On to the hand:

Hero limps AT from EP, one limps, villain raises to $10 from EP. The table threshold for open raising is $12-15, and iso raising is $15+. From previous hands villain has turned over, he's raisin more than $10 from MP over limpers with QQ+ AQs/AKs, he's limping behind hands like Axs, SCs, 22-99, etc. The raise feels more like a sweeten the pot than a raise with a premium hand.

Plan for the hand: if I flop a FD, try to stack someone else with a lower flush, if I luck into 2p try to stack someone with a worst A, if i flop a single Ace c/c 1 street and c/decide turn. Anything else is a fold usually. Yes playing OOP with this hand sucks, but i'm playing against players that play their hands face up and I believe I can minimize my losses when I'm beat, and maximize my wins when I'm ahead.

2 people call, hero calls, limper calls. 5 to the flop

Flop ($50): AQ9

checks to villain, c-bet $25, folds to hero, hero calls. Hu to the turn

Turn ($100): 8 hero check and is about to give up to a DB as was the plan on the flop. But villain bets $120, hero's "why bet so much" senses goes up and goes into the tank... only to fold 2 minutes later.

I think folding here is correct more than 90% of the time as older regs are not bluffing this spot often for my call to be correct. As I was going through the hand at the table, I eliminated AK/AQ pre flop since I believe villain will iso bigger pre with those hand and not invite the community over to play. A $10 raise at this table rally don't mean anything to these players, and villains for sure know this. With QQ+ he raises more pre as well for the reasons above.

I don't think villain is ever iso'ing Q9, or A9s, I think he folds A9o, and limps A9s. It's possible he can sweeten the pot with JT/98 but why try to blow hero off the hand on the turn and not set up stacks with a more standard bet? Villain has played enough with hero to know hero doesn't put on the cape and doesn't call off light.

Question for you guys is, am I right to think this is a call sometimes given the size of turn bet by villain which is screaming please fold? We have blockers with the A and T in our hand.

Anyone ever calling this and essentially committing our stack with lol 1 pair? Or am I just leveling myself post sesh?

Last edited by Balerion1; 12-01-2015 at 03:32 AM.
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12-01-2015 , 12:11 PM
I'd fold to the cbet without a specific read. Small raise pre and cbet into 4 players says big hand.

Turn bet could be a big hand afraid of draws getting there even though the only draw already got there. It could be KK who doesn't know what else to do. Plan of l/c, x/c, x/c, x/c with this hand on this board against a villain not known to spaz is not a good plan.
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12-01-2015 , 12:16 PM

I'm pretty much cool with your preflop plan. However, given this is most likely a juicer raise with a marginal hand and no one else is likely to have much, with $30+ already in the pot I would also consider a limp/reraise. We're basically repping AA/KK and against regs with the proper image can often take this down preflop with a $50+ raise. And if we get called we still have a hand that can easily win postflop / possibly with a cbet. Something to consider, at least.

I would probably just fold the flop. This guy juiced the pot and is now still betting postflop into the world, which is strong. The only juicer hand he should be doing this that isn't made is JT.

JT just got there on the turn, so now we beat nothing that he's juicing the pot with. When someone juices the pot and then bets multiway and continues, they've hit their hand. He doesn't want our two pair / flush draw / etc. to catch up, that's why he's betting so much.

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12-01-2015 , 01:19 PM
I think you let this one go without a more definite read. I think he has 98s quite a lot and knows you likely have a lot of outs against him+cards you can bluff. If he respects your game he might just want to end the hand now. I think the worst hand he shows up with is a big combo draw with 25%+ equity against us.
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