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Pre flop check up posts. Pre flop check up posts.

11-26-2019 , 12:42 AM
Originally Posted by checkraisdraw
Here’s a funny one to revive the thread.

9 handed game. Everyone limps to a post in the cutoff who checks. We have 63s on the button. Call or nah? What is your limping range in a family pot scenario on the button?

This is 20/40 if it makes a difference.
Yeah, why not.
Pre flop check up posts. Quote
11-26-2019 , 12:46 AM
Originally Posted by checkraisdraw
Here’s a funny one to revive the thread.

9 handed game. Everyone limps to a post in the cutoff who checks. We have 63s on the button. Call or nah? What is your limping range in a family pot scenario on the button?

This is 20/40 if it makes a difference.
Of course I would call. I’d rather raise than fold.
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11-29-2019 , 11:43 PM
Originally Posted by reaper6788
Yeah, why not.
Cheap lottery ticket. Don't lose too much with 2nd or 3rd best. Make enough when you win.
Pre flop check up posts. Quote
11-30-2019 , 04:03 AM
Originally Posted by checkraisdraw
Here’s a funny one to revive the thread.

9 handed game. Everyone limps to a post in the cutoff who checks. We have 63s on the button. Call or nah? What is your limping range in a family pot scenario on the button?

This is 20/40 if it makes a difference.
Can’t be a big loser(unless there’s a reasonable chance it gets raised/3 behind), but I’m not convinced it’s a winner. Almost certainly need two pair+. Two pair is often second best. Trips isn’t a lock. Flush will lose sometimes. And a straight is very hard to make with 63. I would call 64s and likely raise 67s.
Pre flop check up posts. Quote
11-30-2019 , 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by hewasask8rboi
Can’t be a big loser(unless there’s a reasonable chance it gets raised/3 behind), but I’m not convinced it’s a winner. Almost certainly need two pair+. Two pair is often second best. Trips isn’t a lock. Flush will lose sometimes. And a straight is very hard to make with 63. I would call 64s and likely raise 67s.
Whats the purpose of raising 67s?
Pre flop check up posts. Quote
11-30-2019 , 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by mongidig
Whats the purpose of raising 67s?
You pretty likely won't get much fold equity for a flop cbet, but I'm guessing it's giving yourself odds to see a turn card on good but not great flops because you'll have the odds more often when faced with bets and raises. And you can get a four card flop often.

That said 76s is pretty ambitious to cut your implied odds with so many in the pot, I think one would want to save raising for bigger suited connectors that are more likely to flop overcards/top end of straight draw.
Pre flop check up posts. Quote
12-03-2019 , 10:48 PM
Very loose UTG limps. He has a somewhat wide raising range. It's folded to me in the CO with 5s6s. The players to my left are tight.

How about if I have 33's?
Pre flop check up posts. Quote
12-04-2019 , 05:50 PM
Originally Posted by mongidig
Whats the purpose of raising 67s?
Depending on the ranges you give the limpers you have good equity, and possibly even an equity advantage, and you have position. You have a hand that benefits in some important ways from a larger pot size. And you have a hand that is fairly easy to realize your equity with, so you benefit from getting the extra bets in now from hands that will have trouble continuing on a lot of flops/turns.

Originally Posted by reaper6788
I'm guessing it's giving yourself odds to see a turn card on good but not great flops because you'll have the odds more often when faced with bets and raises.
I do not think it is quite right to think of it as "giving yourself odds" to draw later on because you are paying an extra small bet now. You're paying 3SB to see the turn instead of 2SB (assuming no other raises).

Originally Posted by mongidig
Very loose UTG limps. He has a somewhat wide raising range. It's folded to me in the CO with 5s6s. The players to my left are tight.

How about if I have 33's?
I'd fold against players who will play decently post, and raise against players who I want to play as many pots as possible with.
Pre flop check up posts. Quote
12-11-2019 , 10:42 AM
If the button is opening 50% of hands and it's folded to us in the BB is the percentage of hands we should defend still around 70? I remember this number from my online day's. I also remember a rule of thumb was defending hands with 35% or more equity.
Pre flop check up posts. Quote
12-11-2019 , 11:15 AM
Super loose passive limps in the HJ. He plays probably 80% of hands. He limps with hands he should raise like A9o, KJo etc. The button is a very good lag/tag. The BB is a tight bad reg.

HJ limps, Button raises....We are in the SB with 55's. What is your play?
Pre flop check up posts. Quote
12-11-2019 , 03:23 PM
Fold. OOP and no implied odds.
Pre flop check up posts. Quote
12-12-2019 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by mongidig
Super loose passive limps in the HJ. He plays probably 80% of hands. He limps with hands he should raise like A9o, KJo etc. The button is a very good lag/tag. The BB is a tight bad reg.

HJ limps, Button raises....We are in the SB with 55's. What is your play?
Used to 3 bet here with 55 and probably high % of time.

Just too profitable to play pots vs HJ which sounds like a 80 VPIP 3 pfr fish.
Screw the LAGTAG button in my opinion.
Pre flop check up posts. Quote
12-14-2019 , 10:45 PM
Originally Posted by maka2184
Used to 3 bet here with 55 and probably high % of time.

Just too profitable to play pots vs HJ which sounds like a 80 VPIP 3 pfr fish.
Screw the LAGTAG button in my opinion.
I feel like 44's is a fold, 66's is a 3 bet. 55's are borderline.
Pre flop check up posts. Quote
12-14-2019 , 10:47 PM
A laggy player opens in MP , A TAG in the HJ raises, A loose button calls, and it's folded to me in the BB with 6c8c....
Pre flop check up posts. Quote
12-14-2019 , 11:01 PM
I would call. I assume you’re contemplating a 3bet but I see no merit to it.
Pre flop check up posts. Quote
12-17-2019 , 12:01 AM
Originally Posted by checkraisdraw
I would call. I assume you’re contemplating a 3bet but I see no merit to it.
Which question are you responding too?
Pre flop check up posts. Quote
12-17-2019 , 02:45 AM
Originally Posted by mongidig
Which question are you responding too?
6c8c. I wouldn’t hate a 3bet with other suited connectors.
Pre flop check up posts. Quote
12-17-2019 , 08:32 PM
Originally Posted by checkraisdraw
6c8c. I wouldn’t hate a 3bet with other suited connectors.
I wrote the question kinda screwy. It's 3 bets by the time it gets to me. I should have said the HJ 3 bets. Sorry!
Pre flop check up posts. Quote
02-13-2020 , 12:02 AM
UTG limps, HJ raises...average TAG reg... Pre flop maniac 3 bets from the CO, he is more of a calling station post....I am next on the button with 55's...Blinds are tight.
Pre flop check up posts. Quote
02-13-2020 , 12:05 AM
Originally Posted by mongidig
I wrote the question kinda screwy. It's 3 bets by the time it gets to me. I should have said the HJ 3 bets. Sorry!

86s I’d call.
Pre flop check up posts. Quote
02-13-2020 , 12:06 AM
Originally Posted by mongidig
UTG limps, HJ raises...average TAG reg... Pre flop maniac 3 bets from the CO, he is more of a calling station post....I am next on the button with 55's...Blinds are tight.

Pre flop check up posts. Quote
02-14-2020 , 03:56 PM
Originally Posted by rodeo
Pre flop check up posts. Quote
02-14-2020 , 04:00 PM
20/40 Half kill. Killer acts last unless a raise before him. Killer is in the HJ.

Two ep limps, button limps, I'm next with 98o. I would call in a non kill situation.

BB is a bit agro pre but I'm not overly worried about him raising. The killer is still left to act as well.
Pre flop check up posts. Quote
02-14-2020 , 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by mongidig
20/40 Half kill. Killer acts last unless a raise before him. Killer is in the HJ.

Two ep limps, button limps, I'm next with 98o. I would call in a non kill situation.

BB is a bit agro pre but I'm not overly worried about him raising. The killer is still left to act as well.
Getting 7.5 to 1 immediate but in the worst position. I’d probably fold, although it is an easy complete from the bb
Pre flop check up posts. Quote
02-14-2020 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by mongidig
20/40 Half kill. Killer acts last unless a raise before him. Killer is in the HJ.

Two ep limps, button limps, I'm next with 98o. I would call in a non kill situation.

BB is a bit agro pre but I'm not overly worried about him raising. The killer is still left to act as well.

Seems close. I’d probably call. Depends on how much I’ve had to drink
Pre flop check up posts. Quote
