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08-18-2009 , 02:08 AM
Originally Posted by Victor
depends on if that is a real commercial in japanland. if so then its like an 8.5. otherwise its like a 3. its not particularly clever, but it gets points for being absurd. and the absurdness factor is thru the roof if its a real commercial broadcast to millions of ppl.
LOL damn, didn't go as far as to rate it but I thought it'd be pretty sick if it was a real commercial too and just kinda meh if it wasn't.

Biased opinion since I'm Japanese but I thought it was fake unless its some random TV station that only showed porn
***Official Cereus Regs Thread*** Quote
08-18-2009 , 03:21 PM
Originally Posted by ZOMG_RIGGED!
I'll click on any link ILP ever posts because he brought me the Booty Meat video on youtube. Maybe someday he'll find something half that good and I dont want to miss it
I think I've done it but I can't post it in here for reasons you'll soon know. Google "Cake Farts Video". It should be the top result. I believe this video will change your life forever. I hope you or others haven't seen it yet.

Edit: I even think Palo will like it and I know DeathDonkey will love it given that his advanced tastes have already been established.
***Official Cereus Regs Thread*** Quote
08-18-2009 , 06:01 PM
Pulled this from Awkward Family Photos

ILP, plz to be posting your top 5 favorite RSS feeds.
***Official Cereus Regs Thread*** Quote
08-18-2009 , 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by thorleif
Pulled this from Awkward Family Photos

ILP, plz to be posting your top 5 favorite RSS feeds.
This made me kinda hot
***Official Cereus Regs Thread*** Quote
08-18-2009 , 08:25 PM
Originally Posted by Palomino
This made me kinda hot
So ILP isn't the only one into asians?
***Official Cereus Regs Thread*** Quote
08-18-2009 , 08:39 PM
The asians didn't make me hot obv. In fact, I didn't even notice them.
***Official Cereus Regs Thread*** Quote
08-18-2009 , 08:56 PM
Originally Posted by ILOVEPOKER929
I think I've done it but I can't post it in here for reasons you'll soon know. Google "Cake Farts Video". It should be the top result. I believe this video will change your life forever. I hope you or others haven't seen it yet.

Edit: I even think Palo will like it and I know DeathDonkey will love it given that his advanced tastes have already been established.
It was good but no where near as good as Booty Meat
***Official Cereus Regs Thread*** Quote
08-18-2009 , 08:58 PM
Originally Posted by Palomino
The asians didn't make me hot obv. In fact, I didn't even notice them.
thats not a white girls cave imo
***Official Cereus Regs Thread*** Quote
08-18-2009 , 09:07 PM
Originally Posted by ZOMG_RIGGED!
It was good but no where near as good as Booty Meat
booty meat has been removed by user. i'm sure people she knew found out about it. luckily some other ugly booty shaking girl copied the video and put it up. just do a search for booty meat.

seriously that girl was the best. it didn't look real at times.
***Official Cereus Regs Thread*** Quote
08-18-2009 , 09:12 PM
yeah, I knew it was still up even though she pulled it down. dont know what happened to her other video though
***Official Cereus Regs Thread*** Quote
08-19-2009 , 12:15 AM
Originally Posted by thorleif
ILP, plz to be posting your top 5 favorite RSS feeds.
I don't use an RSS yet. I know I'm behind the times on that. As far as my favorite places to go to find videos...Besides random google video or youtube searches, I like I also like the laughs or links section of 2+2. Another favorite website for articles and videos and other interesting links is

When it comes to searching for pics, besides google image, I usually go to,, and

By the way, that picture is classic and I'm definitely putting that in my collection. Great find!
***Official Cereus Regs Thread*** Quote
08-19-2009 , 12:27 AM
Originally Posted by ZOMG_RIGGED!
It was good but no where near as good as Booty Meat
Damn. Cake Farts was really my best shot. I've always liked this video but it's pretty popular so chances are you've seen it already.
***Official Cereus Regs Thread*** Quote
08-19-2009 , 12:38 AM
ILP, I wish she would have taken her pants off in that video.
***Official Cereus Regs Thread*** Quote
08-19-2009 , 12:57 AM
Originally Posted by ColeW123
ILP, I wish she would have taken her pants off in that video.
I know! That in a nut shell is why it can't beat out booty meat.
***Official Cereus Regs Thread*** Quote
08-19-2009 , 12:58 AM
I hear ya.
***Official Cereus Regs Thread*** Quote
08-19-2009 , 11:42 PM
sup /b/ros?
***Official Cereus Regs Thread*** Quote
08-24-2009 , 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by minuteman233
I don't get it...

This is so much better...

Last edited by PokarPhukar; 08-24-2009 at 07:14 PM. Reason: I'm so lonely.
***Official Cereus Regs Thread*** Quote
08-24-2009 , 08:38 PM
Originally Posted by minuteman233
If you like stuff like this you should go watch the South Park episode "Canada On Strike". All the oldschool youtube superstars are in that one.
***Official Cereus Regs Thread*** Quote
08-25-2009 , 12:38 AM
I will be signing up to play on Cereus soon, can someone explain why Ultimate Bet has an $1100 signup bonus and Absolute $500? I thought they combined, why the difference in signup bonuses and what are the advantages or disadvantages with the respective rooms one should be aware of? Thanks for any insight.
***Official Cereus Regs Thread*** Quote
08-25-2009 , 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by ILOVEPOKER929
If you like stuff like this you should go watch the South Park episode "Canada On Strike". All the oldschool youtube superstars are in that one.
omg omg omg I didn't know they had episodes online now. I've always wanted to rewatch Major Boobage
***Official Cereus Regs Thread*** Quote
08-25-2009 , 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by Xhad
omg omg omg I didn't know they had episodes online now. I've always wanted to rewatch Major Boobage
Yep, you can watch all the episodes from every season online. Now there might be 1 or 2 short commercials but it's still way better than watching on TV. And Major Boobage is a classic. South Park is the greatest show of all time imo.
***Official Cereus Regs Thread*** Quote
08-25-2009 , 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by ILOVEPOKER929
South Park is the greatest show of all time imo.

Though I think the last one or two seasons has not been quite up to par
***Official Cereus Regs Thread*** Quote
08-26-2009 , 01:30 PM
Due to copyright and other legal reasons, South Park video content cannot be viewed outside the United States.

***Official Cereus Regs Thread*** Quote
08-27-2009 , 02:00 AM
Originally Posted by skillgambler
Due to copyright and other legal reasons, South Park video content cannot be viewed outside the United States.

Well I'm not sure what's outside the United States but whatever it is, I'm pretty sure it's not important.

***Official Cereus Regs Thread*** Quote
