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PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread

04-18-2012 , 05:09 PM
Originally Posted by PandaLife
+1 for changing to lower case "k".
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
04-18-2012 , 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by lien
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
04-18-2012 , 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by PokerTracker
Hands Abbreviated is the defacto hand counting stat for PokerTracker 4's default HUDs, if you created a custom HUD then you will have to manually change the stat. This is intentional, PokerTracker should not assume we know what is best in your custom reports or HUD designs.

- TT
I did have a custom hud as default for the replayer, but all the huds that come with PT4 are still using the long Hands version.
Not that I need support to fix this or a shoulder to cry on, just thought I'd let you know
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
04-18-2012 , 06:15 PM
Originally Posted by Gollo
I don't know if it's right or wrong, but I found the "K" tilting too :S[
Originally Posted by PandaLife
+1 for changing to lower case "k".

Newest update was awesome, and I don't know if you did it on purpose or not but the HUD is now showing up in Pokerstars replayer for Zoom hands (haven't checked other games), which is GREAT! Thanks!
The change has already be made to revise this stat to show hands in this format: 2,134 = 2.1k. Expect it in an upcoming beta.

The HUD appearing in the replayer was a temporary test, we think that we will have to disable this because the HUD will not update as the hands are scrolled in the replayer. Sorry to get your hopes up, but there is a good chance this won't last unless we can figure out a way to display the HUD as the hands change.

Originally Posted by pasita
I did have a custom hud as default for the replayer, but all the huds that come with PT4 are still using the long Hands version.
Not that I need support to fix this or a shoulder to cry on, just thought I'd let you know
The functionality works as expected. The stat is replaced in the HUD Profile defaults, once the HUD Profile is in your system it is no longer considered a default. To overwrite any HUD profile with the corresponding HUD Profile Default you must click options in the HUD Profile Editor, and select Replace Current with Default as shown below.

PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
04-18-2012 , 06:58 PM
Originally Posted by WayneX2
I've been making my hud today and have run into a few problems.

Float turn - this stat includes limped pots and also hands where we raise pre flop and get donked into on the flop and then our opponent checks to us on the turn. Surely it should only be hands where we call a raise ip, call the flop and it gets checked to us on the turn?
This stat does not include limped pots or scenarios where the last agressor changes on the flop because float stats measures missed Cbet opportunities. The Cbet Turn definition is Percentage of the time that a player bet the turn given that he continuation bet the flop and had a chance to do so.. This allows Cbet stats to be used to measure Double and Triple Barrel betting. The Float Turn definition is the Percentage of the time that a player bets in position on the turn after the aggressor fails to continuation bet on the turn.. Float River is measured the same way - there must be a Cbet on the Flop & Turn before the CBettor check the river in order for a float to be possible.

Originally Posted by WayneX2
Probe river - not sure whats going on here but in my hud it displays 15 opportunities but when I filter for probe river opportunities I only get 10 hands (I imported the same hands into a new holdem manager database to check and I get 10 hands there as well fwiw).
This is actually a bug in the Probe River stat, we are working on a fix right now.

Originally Posted by WayneX2
What's the difference between call 2bet and cold call 2bet?
Call 2Bet includes times when the player limps then calls a single raise (a 2Bet). Cold Call 2Bet only tracks if the call is the first action taken by the player.

Originally Posted by WayneX2
I couldn't find the following stats
-check raise as pre flop raiser
-check raise as pf 3bettor
-cold 4bet
-fold to 3bet squeeze as caller
-fold to 3bet squeeze as pre flop raiser
Check raise as pre flop raiser and Check raise as pf 3bettor does not exist by default. The majority of people who need to measure this would be best served by using a filter instead of a stat. We can help you make a custom stat if needed though.

Cold 4Bet = Open 4Bet+ Preflop (notice the plus, we can track 5, 6, or greater bets too!)

PT4 uses Fold to PF Squeeze as a combined stat rather than separating it out into 2 sub-stats. Less is more, we try to eliminate redundancy whenever possible.

Originally Posted by WayneX2
Are you going to be adding anymore built in stats? I ask because I've read that custom stats slow down the hud a lot so if the only way I could get those stats would be to custom make them then that wouldn't be a viable option.

Custom Stats populate slower because they are uncached, they do not slow down the rest of the HUD however. In PT3 custom stats were fairly common for some players, but our goal with PT4 was to include every common stat that may have been custom in the past so custom stats would rarely be needed. Going forward, custom stats will only be used by (1) Players on the bleeding edge (2) Players who need time-sensitive stat changes (such as the yearly VPP stat update from PokerStars) (3) Players whose unique research needs requires the use of a custom stat. According to our research, the majority of time a custom stat will be used in a report in PT4, not in a HUD. Hopefully we have all of the necessary HUD stats covered for our users, the goal is to make the use of Custom Stats fairly rare!

- TT
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
04-19-2012 , 05:19 AM
Originally Posted by WayneX2
I've been making my hud today and have run into a few problems.

Float turn - this stat includes limped pots and also hands where we raise pre flop and get donked into on the flop and then our opponent checks to us on the turn. Surely it should only be hands where we call a raise ip, call the flop and it gets checked to us on the turn?

River float - this stat includes hands where we raise pre flop, get donked into on the flop, our opponent bets again on the turn and then checks the river to us. Not sure if it includes limped pots (small sample size in database)
Originally Posted by PokerTracker
This stat does not include limped pots or scenarios where the last agressor changes on the flop because float stats measures missed Cbet opportunities. The Cbet Turn definition is Percentage of the time that a player bet the turn given that he continuation bet the flop and had a chance to do so.. This allows Cbet stats to be used to measure Double and Triple Barrel betting. The Float Turn definition is the Percentage of the time that a player bets in position on the turn after the aggressor fails to continuation bet on the turn.. Float River is measured the same way - there must be a Cbet on the Flop & Turn before the CBettor check the river in order for a float to be possible.

- TT
Thanks for the reply TT.

For the float turn stat you are wrong. What you have written is how it should be but as you can see in the screenshot, what I said before is correct.

The first * shows a limped pot.
2nd * I raise a limp IP and get donked into on the flop and checked to on the turn
3rd * is another limped pot
4th * I 3bet IP and get donked into

Same for the float river stat.

1st * I raise a limp IP and get donked into on the flop and turn and checked to on the river
2nd * I raise IP, check back flop, call turn and get checked to on the river
3rd * a limped pot again

Check raise as pre flop raiser and Check raise as pf 3bettor does not exist by default. The majority of people who need to measure this would be best served by using a filter instead of a stat. We can help you make a custom stat if needed though.

Custom Stats populate slower because they are uncached, they do not slow down the rest of the HUD however. In PT3 custom stats were fairly common for some players, but our goal with PT4 was to include every common stat that may have been custom in the past so custom stats would rarely be needed. Going forward, custom stats will only be used by (1) Players on the bleeding edge (2) Players who need time-sensitive stat changes (such as the yearly VPP stat update from PokerStars) (3) Players whose unique research needs requires the use of a custom stat. According to our research, the majority of time a custom stat will be used in a report in PT4, not in a HUD. Hopefully we have all of the necessary HUD stats covered for our users, the goal is to make the use of Custom Stats fairly rare!
Not sure if you missed this or not - are you going to be adding more built in stats in the future?

A custom stat for check raise the flop as preflop raiser and check raise the flop as preflop 3bettor would be great, I have no idea how to make them myself.

More stats that I forgot about yesterday that I couldn't find
Raise preflop, check fold the flop
Raise preflop, cbet flop, check fold turn
Raise preflop, check back flop IP, fold to turn bet
Raise preflop, cbet flop, check back turn, fold to river bet

and the same for 3bet pots as well.

Thanks again
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
04-19-2012 , 06:40 AM
How can I remove the HUD from the replayer on stars. It is really annoying that I have to disable it every time I open the replayer.
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
04-19-2012 , 09:15 AM
I'm trying right now PT4 bet.
Why you made it so hard to use ? It runs faster than HEM2 but it is obviously for and expert user as I can see. Very hard to use.
To many hidden settings. If I wanna do something my first thought is that it can't be done in PT4 and it is only available in HEM2.
You must create a software easy to use and easy to see what you need.
If I would compare HEM2 to PT4 I would say that HEM2 is the windows OS, more easy to use and most used poker software, while PT4 is the linux OS: hard to use, but more faster but with less users since you need a very high IQ in order to find there what settings you need.
Look how easy you can see your hands in HEM for example:

You can easy see what hand you had, how did you played it and how much money have you won with it. You just need to click on the full house for example and you will see in the list all the hands where you have made a full fouse and how did you played it and how much money have you won with it. Very easy to understand and very easy to do what you need. I spent at least 2-3 hours to see how I could make this in PT4 but in vain. To many hidden settings and very hard to find the settings you need to do what you want.

More than this, you need to fix your hud position because it changes to other one if you were moved to another table in an MTT.

Why you don't put the option to add a voice and/or music to a video when you export them as a video. I do not want to record the video made again just for doing this and after that to upload it to youtube. You should give these option either. To add a voice in order to comment the hands played and the option to add music to your video if you want to.

Thank you !

Last edited by KohINoor; 04-19-2012 at 09:33 AM.
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
04-19-2012 , 09:21 AM
Originally Posted by elcid
On the play hands tab in the section "view today's hands' I would like to be able to choose a filter to show hands of the current session only.
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
04-19-2012 , 09:27 AM
How do I create a report like these form here not from "My reports" ?

Last edited by KohINoor; 04-19-2012 at 09:33 AM.
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
04-19-2012 , 11:11 AM

Quick Query, I want to look at hands where player cold calls a raise in BB, I'm using the hand range visualizer in the statistics tab and have set player position to BB, i have selected the cold call 2 bet preflop option however it is not showing me any hands.

When i select the VPIP option i can see several hands that cold called in the BB, please can you tell me what i am doing wrong.

PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
04-19-2012 , 11:17 AM
Further query, i want to filter by open raise size eg 2BB, 3BB etc isthere an option to do this ?
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
04-19-2012 , 11:30 AM
Originally Posted by KohINoor
Why you made it so hard to use ? It runs faster than HEM2 but it is obviously for and expert user as I can see. Very hard to use.
To many hidden settings. If I wanna do something my first thought is that it can't be done in PT4 and it is only available in HEM2.
You must create a software easy to use and easy to see what you need.
I have to agree here. Call it modern user interface design, back it up with research, I still find it unintuitive.
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
04-19-2012 , 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by Cangurino
I have to agree here. Call it modern user interface design, back it up with research, I still find it unintuitive.
It seems they need to hire up a software designer for helping them.
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
04-19-2012 , 04:02 PM
Hi, wondering if there is a tutorial for how to configure the little popups that show up when u hover over a particular stat? Thanks.
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
04-19-2012 , 04:10 PM
Found a bug...........

When you are in the statistics tab and overview. Let's say I have the session tab chosen and then drill down by double clicking a session. I now get to the tables I played during that session. All's well there.

To get out of this view I can click down the left hand side of the window to take me back to the main level session view...also fine.

But let's say I click one of the other views....let's say Stakes.....when I do that it takes me to the stakes at the level of drill down I was in (in this example I was at the tables view) so I see the stakes I played on the tables for that session I was in....but if I want to go back up a level to the main stakes view the area where I would click on the left hand side of the window is not there.

To get it back I have to go back to the session tab and climb back up.

Make sense?
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
04-19-2012 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by KohINoor
Why you made it so hard to use ? It runs fast.. but it is obviously for and expert user as I can see. Very hard to use.
To many hidden settings.
You must create a software easy to use and easy to see what you need.
Originally Posted by Cangurino
I have to agree here. Call it modern user interface design, back it up with research, I still find it unintuitive.

i didn't use hem, i was only a pt3 user and since last month a pt4-beta user, but i feel like i miss pt3 user interface..

pt4 seems to me not very intuitive like pt3 was with tabs/views/sections/subsections etc... i hope it is still only a matter of accommodation but still...

eg: what is the conceptual difference (in usage and purpose) of 'results' and 'statistics' tabs? besides "Report" drop-down-list, they seems the same (as functionality and construction)
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
04-19-2012 , 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by WayneX2
Not sure if you missed this or not - are you going to be adding more built in stats in the future?

A custom stat for check raise the flop as preflop raiser and check raise the flop as preflop 3bettor would be great, I have no idea how to make them myself.

More stats that I forgot about yesterday that I couldn't find
Raise preflop, check fold the flop
Raise preflop, cbet flop, check fold turn
Raise preflop, check back flop IP, fold to turn bet
Raise preflop, cbet flop, check back turn, fold to river bet

and the same for 3bet pots as well.

Thanks again
I can tell from your post that you come from HEM's naming system, without prior knowledge of the PokerTracker's naming system which has been around for significantly longer (entering our 11th year!). I hope this will help, we tend to use smaller stat names because it is easier to display in the HUD or in reports. Let me know if this clears up any confusion.

Raise preflop, check fold the flop = Fold to F Float Bet
Raise preflop, cbet flop, check fold turn = Fold to T Float Bet
Raise preflop, check back flop IP, fold to turn bet = Fold to Turn Probe
Raise preflop, cbet flop, check back turn, fold to river bet = Fold to River Probe

To see the definition of each stat click Configure -> Statistics. Use the search field to find the stat you need.

The addition of every new stat slows down import time by a few milliseconds, and in turn also slows down HUD and report rendering time. There are hundreds of stats we could have added, but most within the list that we considered are actually not needed as a stat - they work better as a filter. To increase performance we intentionally neglected some very specific or esoteric stats they are primarily used for post-game analysis since the sample size required would have to be extremely large - in the multiple millions of hands which makes HUD use of these stats useless. In case you were wondering, you now have the ability to verify assumptions on sample size through the use of the built in scatter graph tool. If you would like to see how to create filters for each of these scenarios we will be happy to help, or if you would like help creating custom stats for these situations then we can do that as well - but we don't think that will be the most useful method based on our research. Visit our forum to get help for making the custom stats if that is your choice, we will be there waiting for you!

PS: "Raise F Float Bet" will actually measure the scenario where the player opens and is the preflop agressor, a player IP calls, and the player checks OOP, the player in position floats, and the preflop agressor check raises. Keep in mind this will only apply to 2Bets preflop, 3Bet post are not included in this stat. We accept that this is not exactly what you were looking for and as I stated above we can help.

- TT

Last edited by PokerTracker; 04-19-2012 at 05:00 PM.
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
04-19-2012 , 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by WayneX2
Thanks for the reply TT.

For the float turn stat you are wrong. What you have written is how it should be but as you can see in the screenshot, what I said before is correct.
Thank you for making us aware of this error. The stat is in fact correct, but as you pointed out the written definition is wrong, please accept my apologies on behalf of PokerTracker for this misunderstanding.

We are going to address this right away by changing the written definition in the next beta to represent that our Float stat does in fact include limped post preflop as shown in the video example below. W

After some internal talk, we consider this situation to be a positive one, this minor error in the text definition of the stat allows us the opportunity to add a new "Bet vs Missed CBet" Stat. A Bet vs Missed CBet will be tracked as a float as well, but as shown above there are more opportunities to to float than there can be to Bet vs a missed CBet. We assume this will make many players very happy, and it assures that only poker tracker covers both situations equally.

Now we have a question for you.... what should we call Bet vs Missed Cbet? The stat name is too long to fit in most reports or HUDs, we welcome suggestions for alternative names or acronyms that works uniquely within the PokerTracker eccosystem.

- TT
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
04-19-2012 , 05:10 PM
Originally Posted by Eto Demerzel
How can I remove the HUD from the replayer on stars. It is really annoying that I have to disable it every time I open the replayer.
The replayer was added to Stars as part of a test, we do not anticipate it will remain because the full functionality of the HUD does not appear to be possible at this time. We may remove the HUD from the replayer in the next beta build.

Originally Posted by KohINoor
How do I create a report like these form here not from "My reports" ?
You can customize the reports found under the Results and Stats headings, but you cannot create new reports in these areas. Only the My Reports heading can host new reports created by users, or reports downloaded from our Customization Warehouse found here -

PS: We are working on the Warehouse toda, the product control does not currently work. This will be fixed shortly.

Originally Posted by elcid
On the play hands tab in the section "view today's hands' I would like to be able to choose a filter to show hands of the current session only.
I am afraid that is not possible, the Today's Hands reports are not designed to use the Quick, Simple or Global filters. You can however filter by X number of hands played today, or by marked hands/tags. Additionally you can define your 24 hour playing day in all reports by selecting Configure - > Report Settings as shown below.

If you want to track a specific session while playing without mixing the results in with other hands played within the 24 hour period then you can do so by using Results -> Overview -> By Session, but this is not a live report like you find in "view today's hands".

- TT
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
04-19-2012 , 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by simpsp31

Quick Query, I want to look at hands where player cold calls a raise in BB, I'm using the hand range visualizer in the statistics tab and have set player position to BB, i have selected the cold call 2 bet preflop option however it is not showing me any hands.

When i select the VPIP option i can see several hands that cold called in the BB, please can you tell me what i am doing wrong.

It is impossible to cold call from the big blind. Here is the cold call definition: Percentage of the time that a player called a preflop 2Bet without having any money in the pot (including blind money).

Instead you should use the Call PF 2Bet stat, this will give you the results you want! To add this stat, click the little wrench icon as shown below.

Originally Posted by simpsp31
Further query, i want to filter by open raise size eg 2BB, 3BB etc isthere an option to do this ?
Have you tried using the Global Filters found under "More Filters" ? Think of the Holdem Hand Visualizer as an alternative method of filtering, therefore if you cannot find the results you expect, always double check in the filters to see if your results are correct. The image below shows the filter you need, very simple!

PS: In PokerTracker 4 BB is interchangeable, we use it for Big Blinds in big bet games, and Big Bets in limit games. We acknowledge this is a bit confusing, so we are going to change the wording from BB to Big Blinds in this filter to help players be more efficient.

- TT
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
04-19-2012 , 06:24 PM
no idea what im doing wrong but i dont manage to get the hud to show up. Everything is importing and showing in the database but no hud is showing up. Not in the replayer or live while playing..

any idea?
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
04-19-2012 , 06:26 PM
Originally Posted by boywonder
Hi, wondering if there is a tutorial for how to configure the little popups that show up when u hover over a particular stat? Thanks.
These popups are called Tool Tips (Some people call them Hover Tool Tips because it matches the functionality). Tool Tips are not customizable, they are programed by default to display the following:
  • Name of the player
  • Full name of the stat (not the acronym - with the exception of a stat such as VPIP which is the full name)
  • Total value, times & opportunities for this stat in the player's database
  • The stat information specifically to the current table session.

Originally Posted by antneye
Found a bug...........

When you are in the statistics tab and overview. Let's say I have the session tab chosen and then drill down by double clicking a session. I now get to the tables I played during that session. All's well there.

To get out of this view I can click down the left hand side of the window to take me back to the main level session view...also fine.

But let's say I click one of the other views....let's say Stakes.....when I do that it takes me to the stakes at the level of drill down I was in (in this example I was at the tables view) so I see the stakes I played on the tables for that session I was in....but if I want to go back up a level to the main stakes view the area where I would click on the left hand side of the window is not there.

To get it back I have to go back to the session tab and climb back up.

Make sense?
I followed along but I could not see any bugs here, if I understand your issue correctly then this is by design to allow us to match filters where they are possible and where they are not. Drilling down is only possible in some reports such as the Overview which makes this a very complicated logic system to apply. If you think I am misunderstanding your issue, then can you please post a video or screen captures to help explain?

Originally Posted by lien
i didn't use hem, i was only a pt3 user and since last month a pt4-beta user, but i feel like i miss pt3 user interface..
pt4 seems to me not very intuitive like pt3 was with tabs/views/sections/subsections etc... i hope it is still only a matter of accommodation but still...
Most of our beta testers and literally all of the media reports to date disagree, the overwhelming opinion is that PT4's interface is leaps ahead of PT3 in usability. We accept that there will be some people such as yourself who disagree, and thats ok; we know it is impossible to met everyone's needs. Take a look at Adobe Photoshop, the new version currently in beta switched to a dark user interface which has been received with praise from most pro users of Photoshop, but many others have refused to upgrade because they find the new interface confusing even though it has been modified to reduce confusion. Some people are most confortable with things that are familiar, that is why PokerTracker 3 will continue to be supported for some time after the commercial release of PT4 so we can do our best to make players like you who prefer the PT3 interface as comfortable as possible.

With that said, only a few of our video guides are currently available, most of our tutorial material is still in development. Once the tutorial material is available you may find the PT4 method of interacting in the playing workflow to be much better than anything you have tried before - at least this is what we hope will occur. Thanks for giving PT4 a try though, we appreciate it!

Originally Posted by lien
i what is the conceptual difference (in usage and purpose) of 'results' and 'statistics' tabs? besides "Report" drop-down-list, they seems the same (as functionality and construction)
Results and Statistics reports are different due to the types of groupings that are possible. As a user of PokerTracker 3 you should be used to this differentiation, we separated reports by tabs and kept results oriented reporting under separate sections from stats oriented reporting. To make the differences really obvious just look at the Overview reports in both sections after clicking on the Advanced button. Then drill down a level. The differences should be very clear now.

- TT
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
04-19-2012 , 06:31 PM
another Q?

I have a laptop with two hard drives. 1 SSD and 1 normal HD. Any tips on how to setup PT4? I would like PT4 to run on the SSD but save it/the data on the HD because the SSD isnt that big.
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
04-19-2012 , 07:27 PM
Originally Posted by rh300487
another Q?

I have a laptop with two hard drives. 1 SSD and 1 normal HD. Any tips on how to setup PT4? I would like PT4 to run on the SSD but save it/the data on the HD because the SSD isnt that big.

You should manually install the Postgres SQL server on your SSD, you will gain significant speed improvements if properly installed and your Postgres server is tuned by PokerTracker 4! PokerTracker 4 should remain on the normal hard drive, you will not see a big performance boost by placing the application on the SSD, but you will see the boost when placing the database on the SSD. For help, please visit our forums.

- TT
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
