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Holdem Manager Support Holdem Manager Support

09-22-2009 , 05:39 PM
Originally Posted by BJLTNYK
Restarted my computer and re-imported all the HHs from today and it appears to be better I hope. Thx fozzy.
Classic - when all else fails, unplug it and plug it back in.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
09-22-2009 , 05:50 PM
ok I know its here somewhere, but I'm tilting too much to take the time to look,

My HUD isn't showing up on stars, I've re-installed HEM, downloaded the latest beta and the hands are importing fine, it's just not showing at my tables and I have no idea why/

Please help, im going to throw my laptop at the wall in a sec.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
09-22-2009 , 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by SlevinUp
ok I know its here somewhere, but I'm tilting too much to take the time to look,

My HUD isn't showing up on stars, I've re-installed HEM, downloaded the latest beta and the hands are importing fine, it's just not showing at my tables and I have no idea why/

Please help, im going to throw my laptop at the wall in a sec.
Your HM says 1.09 Beta 34 in the title-bar?

1) If not please update to the latest beta -
2) If that doesn't help, please answer these questions -
3) Post the answers in a new thread on the HM Forums -

Please reproduce the problem and post a screen shot -

with the following:

1) The table manager
2) The tables (including one with no stats)
3) The "importing\hud data" folder
4) The ...handhistory\screenname folder.
Please make 3 and 4 the detailed view with the dates and file sizes etc.

To attach it to a thread in the forums, look below the post reply button when you start a new thread and you'll see a manage attachments button. Click this and attach the file.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
09-22-2009 , 08:14 PM
My postgress password is different on my 2 computers. i am trying to overwrite my config file with the config file from the other computer/HEM... but when i then try to start HEM it says something about failure/password being incorrect and it reverts back to the old config... Anyway around this?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
09-22-2009 , 08:43 PM
I am actually planning to add a small SSD to my current PC for a dedicated postgresql drive, so I will let you know.
if you do, allow plenty of spare capacity for wear equalizing
Holdem Manager Support Quote
09-22-2009 , 09:07 PM
nevermind i figured it out.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
09-22-2009 , 09:16 PM
Originally Posted by sputnik365
if you do, allow plenty of spare capacity for wear equalizing
My DB is barely 2gb and I think the smallest SSD I can get is 30 or 40gb.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
09-22-2009 , 09:45 PM
something like the showdown hand tap
is there anyway to get that but for non showdown hands.
this is so i can see if i fail to take my big hand to showdown too much.
another thing if it's possible to have a list hand against on the showdown tap.
say one pair lose to X % two pair, Y % trips....etc
Holdem Manager Support Quote
09-22-2009 , 10:04 PM
Originally Posted by signuptoday
something like the showdown hand tap
is there anyway to get that but for non showdown hands.
this is so i can see if i fail to take my big hand to showdown too much.
another thing if it's possible to have a list hand against on the showdown tap.
say one pair lose to X % two pair, Y % trips....etc
I have no idea what any of this means. Can you please try and explain this in more details? What is a 'tap'?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
09-23-2009 , 02:03 AM
Uhg. Every second time I open HEM something new is wrong. So I just downloaded the newest update and it was working fine.

A couple days later I open it and now it says, "The following error occurred when opening the database: Failed to establish connection to ''

I acknowledge that and it brings me to the database control panel where it connects to PostgreSQL.

I'm running vista, I have UAC off. HEM was working 2 days ago FFS and I havn't changed anything.

Some people are just prone to tragedy :/ My friend never has any problems.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
09-23-2009 , 05:02 AM
why dont you make it so that the software automatically updates?
would be so much eaiser imo.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
09-23-2009 , 06:25 AM
Does anyone know how I can re-move HH files from the C:/HEM/....folder to their original location (eg. C:/Programs/Pokerstars/HandHistory/...) after HEM has imported them?

After HEM imported and moved the files to a different location, the hands do not appear in HEM and I'd like to try to import them again. Can anybody help?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
09-23-2009 , 07:31 AM
Originally Posted by fozzy71
I just forwarded the Boss Support thread (that you are posting in) on our forum to Roy for a response. I apologize for not pushing it to him sooner.
Hi Fozzy.

Any word from Roy on this yet?

// M
Holdem Manager Support Quote
09-23-2009 , 07:58 AM
Originally Posted by fozzy71
I have no idea what any of this means. Can you please try and explain this in more details? What is a 'tap'?
i'm mean in HEM
i can see all my showdown hand with winning %
how do i get something like that but with non showdown hand.
also with showdown hands
i did like more information
such as one pair win 46%. i did like to know what i kind of hands i usually run into with one pair, same goes with other hand like two pair, set...etc
Holdem Manager Support Quote
09-23-2009 , 08:02 AM
Hi again,

I hate posting here because it seems like I am just being ignorant, but I have really tried. I have been here since last night working and I cant get it.

I moved my HEM to program files out of the RVG, and then did the shortcut to that place. I re-downloaded the update, and no luck.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
09-23-2009 , 09:39 AM
Originally Posted by AcesVsMuck
Uhg. Every second time I open HEM something new is wrong. So I just downloaded the newest update and it was working fine.

A couple days later I open it and now it says, "The following error occurred when opening the database: Failed to establish connection to ''

I acknowledge that and it brings me to the database control panel where it connects to PostgreSQL.

I'm running vista, I have UAC off. HEM was working 2 days ago FFS and I havn't changed anything.

Some people are just prone to tragedy :/ My friend never has any problems.
I am going to guess your buddy is on XP and not Vista.

This is typically a firewall issue.

First try a simple reboot.

If no help, try this:

Start > Programs > PostgreSQL > 8.x > Stop Service

Start > Programs > PostgreSQL > 8.x > Start Service

Add exceptions to the windows firewall, even if it is off. If you have a 3rd party firewall, uninstall it completely before installing HM/SQL -

If you still cant connect:

For uninstalling SQL please follow these steps:

1) Uninstall PostgreSQL from the Windows Control Panel.
2) manually delete or rename the Program Files\Postgresql folders
3) run the command - start > run > cmd >
[PHP]net user postgres /delete [/PHP]
4) reboot.
5) Install the same version of PostgreSQL as your current DB using these instructions -

If you can not connect to your DB in it's new installation:

Please try following all of these FAQs, step by step:


If that doesn't help at all we may want to schedule a remote support session to assist you. Typically if I am unable to get it connected after those steps, I end up having to install a new/empty DB and then have the archives imported.

Originally Posted by R3AG4N
why dont you make it so that the software automatically updates?
would be so much eaiser imo.
Eventually it will auto-update, to the main version releases such as 1.08.04 and the upcoming 1.09 release. Those auto-updates will never be put into effect for all the various beta version updates. There have been almost 40 beta versions since 1.08.04, and most of the time we do not want everyone to be using ht newest beta version. With the recent FTP/Stars updates it became necessary for the majority of our users top update to the beta, but this is a rare situation.

Originally Posted by nikusch
Does anyone know how I can re-move HH files from the C:/HEM/....folder to their original location (eg. C:/Programs/Pokerstars/HandHistory/...) after HEM has imported them?

After HEM imported and moved the files to a different location, the hands do not appear in HEM and I'd like to try to import them again. Can anybody help?
I answered in the QQA thread. You have to trick HM, because it will assume them to be duplicates if you put them in the same/original HH folder they were imported from.

To get all your missed hands imported

1) Right-Click your Desktop > New > Folder.
2) Go to your \HMArchive folder - To verify the path, go to Options > Configure Auto Import Folders > Edit > Archive Folder: _________.
3) Open that folder and copy the hands (folders of hands) you think it has missed. The archive should be organized by \Month\DayOfMonth (example: D:\HMArchive\2009\07\31). Also get any hand files that are in your \poker site\hand history folder.
4) Paste them into your new desktop folder > HM > Import From Folder.

Originally Posted by Miraculix
Hi Fozzy.

Any word from Roy on this yet?

// M
If there was he would have posted in that thread. Can you bump that thread on our forums or PM me a link so I can give Roy another nudge.

Originally Posted by signuptoday
i'm mean in HEM
i can see all my showdown hand with winning %
how do i get something like that but with non showdown hand.
also with showdown hands
i did like more information
such as one pair win 46%. i did like to know what i kind of hands i usually run into with one pair, same goes with other hand like two pair, set...etc
Cash Games > Reports > Select Report Name from List > Hole Cards > Filter > Edit > More Filters > Other Filters > Saw Showdown = False

Originally Posted by soon2begator
Hi again,

I hate posting here because it seems like I am just being ignorant, but I have really tried. I have been here since last night working and I cant get it.

I moved my HEM to program files out of the RVG, and then did the shortcut to that place. I re-downloaded the update, and no luck.
I am a bit confused by what you did exactly, and why. Where did you move your HM files to? Did you uninstall/reinstall HM? Where did you install HM to? Did you make sure the update was installed tot he same path, if it was different from default path?

Post some screen shots, or else just email for a remote support session if you need some assistance. It will probably be easier for me to understand what you have done, and how to fix it, if I can actually see your machine.

Please email me at so we can schedule a Teamviewer session. Download the Quick Support Module. It does not need to be installed, as it can run directly from your Desktop/Directory. Please let me know what time zone you are in and what time/days are convenient for you.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
09-23-2009 , 09:43 AM
Originally Posted by fozzy71
I answered in the QQA thread.
Thanks for your patience, fozzy. I wasn't patient so I posted it in 2 threads, sorry for that
Holdem Manager Support Quote
09-23-2009 , 02:08 PM
I ask in the HM forums, and I got no reply
I email the support, and I got no reply
So I have to (cross)post the issue hoping someone will reply to me
Holdem Manager Support Quote
09-23-2009 , 04:32 PM
First off, I want to apologize if this is answered somewhere else, I couldn't find any information about it on the forums. Ok, so I was wondering just how accurate the "Luck adjusted winnings" for SNGs feature in HEM is. I am positive I've been running quite badly, but I was wondering if anybody out there can tell me how this feature of HEM works since it's not just $EV due to the nature of sit n goes. In addition to that, I am playing Double or Nothings, so it might even be more skewed...

Anyway, here's a screenshot of the last 600, thanks in advance for any help


Last edited by _dave_; 09-23-2009 at 07:41 PM.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
09-23-2009 , 04:49 PM
Originally Posted by fozzy71

If there was he would have posted in that thread. Can you bump that thread on our forums or PM me a link so I can give Roy another nudge.

PM sent.

// M
Holdem Manager Support Quote
09-23-2009 , 05:03 PM
Originally Posted by fozzy71
My DB is barely 2gb and I think the smallest SSD I can get is 30 or 40gb.
I have 7 day truncated logging and my psql directory is about 50GB

Last edited by sputnik365; 09-23-2009 at 05:12 PM.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
09-23-2009 , 05:33 PM
So I just got a new computer and I am trying to transfer HEM and my DB from my old computer to my new one. I followed the FAQs on backing up and restoring a DB and it worked on the first DB I did(the wrong one lol) and when I went to do my newer larger DB during backup I got this:

pg_dump: SQL command failed
pg_dump: Error message from server: ERROR: could not read block 8237 of relation 1663/237607/237830: Invalid argument
pg_dump: The command was: COPY public.compiledplayerresults_month (compiledplayerresults_id, totalhands, totalamountwon, totalrake, totalbbswon, vpiphands, pfrhands, couldcoldcall, didcoldcall, couldthreebet, didthreebet, couldsqueeze, didsqueeze, facingtwopreflopraisers, calledtwopreflopraisers, raisedtwopreflopraisers, smallblindstealattempted, smallblindstealdefended, smallblindstealreraised, bigblindstealattempted, bigblindstealdefended, bigblindstealreraised, sawnonsmallshowdown, wonnonsmallshowdown, sawlargeshowdown, wonlargeshowdown, sawnonsmallshowdownlimpedflop, wonnonsmallshowdownlimpedflop, sawlargeshowdownlimpedflop, wonlargeshowdownlimpedflop, wonhand, wonhandwhensawflop, wonhandwhensawturn, wonhandwhensawriver, facedthreebetpreflop, foldedtothreebetpreflop, calledthreebetpreflop, raisedthreebetpreflop, facedfourbetpreflop, foldedtofourbetpreflop, calledfourbetpreflop, raisedfourbetpreflop, bigbetpreflopsawshowdown, bigbetflopsawshowdown, bigbetturnsawshowdown, bigbetriversawshowdown, bigcallpreflopsawshowdown, bigcallflopsawshowdown, bigcallturnsawshowdown, bigcallriversawshowdown, bigbetpreflopwonshowdown, bigbetflopwonshowdown, bigbetturnwonshowdown, bigbetriverwonshowdown, bigcallpreflopwonshowdown, bigcallflopwonshowdown, bigcallturnwonshowdown, bigcallriverwonshowdown, turnfoldippassonflopcb, turncallippassonflopcb, turnraiseippassonflopcb, riverfoldippassonturncb, rivercallippassonturncb, riverraiseippassonturncb, sawflop, sawshowdown, wonshowdown, totalbets, totalcalls, flopcontinuationbetpossible, flopcontinuationbetmade, turncontinuationbetpossible, turncontinuationbetmade, rivercontinuationbetpossible, rivercontinuationbetmade, facingflopcontinuationbet, foldedtoflopcontinuationbet, calledflopcontinuationbet, raisedflopcontinuationbet, facingturncontinuationbet, foldedtoturncontinuationbet, calledturncontinuationbet, raisedturncontinuationbet, facingrivercontinuationbet, foldedtorivercontinuationbet, calledrivercontinuationbet, raisedrivercontinuationbet, totalpostflopstreetsseen, totalaggressivepostflopstreetsseen, vs_ep_raise_ip_fold, vs_ep_raise_ip_call, vs_ep_raise_ip_raise, vs_mp_raise_ip_fold, vs_mp_raise_ip_call, vs_mp_raise_ip_raise, vs_co_raise_ip_fold, vs_co_raise_ip_call, vs_co_raise_ip_raise, vs_sb_raise_ip_fold, vs_sb_raise_ip_call, vs_sb_raise_ip_raise, vs_ep_raise_oop_fold, vs_ep_raise_oop_call, vs_ep_raise_oop_raise, vs_mp_raise_oop_fold, vs_mp_raise_oop_call, vs_mp_raise_oop_raise, vs_co_raise_oop_fold, vs_co_raise_oop_call, vs_co_raise_oop_raise, vs_bt_raise_oop_fold, vs_bt_raise_oop_call, vs_bt_raise_oop_raise, ep_vs_raise_ip_fold, ep_vs_raise_ip_call, ep_vs_raise_ip_raise, ep_vs_raise_oop_fold, ep_vs_raise_oop_call, ep_vs_raise_oop_raise, mp_vs_raise_ip_fold, mp_vs_raise_ip_call, mp_vs_raise_ip_raise, mp_vs_raise_oop_fold, mp_vs_raise_oop_call, mp_vs_raise_oop_raise, co_vs_raise_ip_fold, co_vs_raise_ip_call, co_vs_raise_ip_raise, co_vs_raise_oop_fold, co_vs_raise_oop_call, co_vs_raise_oop_raise, bt_vs_raise_oop_fold, bt_vs_raise_oop_call, bt_vs_raise_oop_raise, sb_vs_raise_ip_fold, sb_vs_raise_ip_call, sb_vs_raise_ip_raise) TO stdout;
pg_dump: *** aborted because of error

Process returned exit code 1.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
09-23-2009 , 06:50 PM
I've been trying to manually vacuum my DB and I keep getting the following error message (verbose messages):
INFO: vacuuming "public.playervsplayer"
server closed the connection unexpectedly
This probably means the server terminated abnormally
before or while processing the request.

What do I need to do? Also, the amt of free space on my HD went from 232MB to 204MB. I thought vacuuming made the DB smaller? Any idea why I now have less space on my HD?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
09-23-2009 , 09:18 PM
Originally Posted by fiammaz
I ask in the HM forums, and I got no reply
I email the support, and I got no reply
So I have to (cross)post the issue hoping someone will reply to me
I have forwarded that thread to the developer for a reply.

Originally Posted by KingDino
First off, I want to apologize if this is answered somewhere else, I couldn't find any information about it on the forums. Ok, so I was wondering just how accurate the "Luck adjusted winnings" for SNGs feature in HEM is. I am positive I've been running quite badly, but I was wondering if anybody out there can tell me how this feature of HEM works since it's not just $EV due to the nature of sit n goes. In addition to that, I am playing Double or Nothings, so it might even be more skewed...

Anyway, here's a screenshot of the last 600, thanks in advance for any help

The EV calculations are made on every single hand that anyone was all-in. The total EV difference is then added together and the winning amount if modified by that.

So, for example, if you make it to the bubble without ever going all-in and then the 4th place person busts out when he goes all-in you will be a little bit lucky and your EV for the tourney will be lower than your actual won amount. Normally when you win money you will find your EV is lower and when you lose money you will find you have some EV dollars. That's just the nature of tourneys.

Originally Posted by Miraculix

PM sent.

// M
I sent it to him again, for what good it will do.

Originally Posted by sputnik365
I have 7 day truncated logging and my psql directory is about 50GB
I havent been playing much the past year or so, and have all but stopped playing now that I work for HM.

Originally Posted by DirDirDirty
So I just got a new computer and I am trying to transfer HEM and my DB from my old computer to my new one. I followed the FAQs on backing up and restoring a DB and it worked on the first DB I did(the wrong one lol) and when I went to do my newer larger DB during backup I got this:
Using the same SQL version? The same DB encoding? I hope you also exported that DB to text files, because I dont know if it will restore properly.

Originally Posted by DoubleFly
I've been trying to manually vacuum my DB and I keep getting the following error message (verbose messages):
INFO: vacuuming "public.playervsplayer"
server closed the connection unexpectedly
This probably means the server terminated abnormally
before or while processing the request.

Try fixing that index:

Or try to reindex the entire DB using PGAdmin > Right-Click DB > Maintenance

If that doesnt work, I would export the DB to text files, and try a new DB.

What do I need to do? Also, the amt of free space on my HD went from 232MB to 204MB.
How big (or should I say, How small?) is your hard drive? You should try to keep 5 or 10% of your hard drive free at all times, if possible. Even w/o knowing your HD size, I can say w/o a qualm, that you need to clean some crap (video, music, porn, w/e) off that drive.

I thought vacuuming made the DB smaller? Any idea why I now have less space on my HD?
Vacuuming doesnt really make it smaller in size. It removes and reorganizes the empty space and data, so there arent big chunks of empty space. Purging old observed/played hands and then running a vacuum should gain you some space, but you are looking at the wrong thing on your computer to gain some space back. You need to delete other things from your drive, that take up a lot more space than your database, if you don't even have a single GB of free space.

Use to find out what is taking up all the space.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
09-24-2009 , 02:54 AM
can you fix your ev?
it frustrate to run badly then look at the graphic to see..."that is"
study of hand history show otherwise.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
