Originally Posted by heyyo2
Can someone tell me how to set my own stats to hand numbers when i play in double or nothing sit and gos? When i play, i see like 500 for so and so player but for myself i see a new set everytime. How can the numbers i am playing at?
You can see your lifetime stats in any of the Manager's Reports tabs, etc. You can also see your (and other's) lifetime stats when playing, by going to HUD Options > Launch Active Player Details Window. HM shows villains lifetime stats (unless you filter the HUD by date or number of players) and it shows hero's table stats. This is by design.
HM is designed to only show your session stats at that table as we felt it was alot more useful for a couple of reasons
1) Alot of people will have a huge amount of stats on themselves so it saves lagging issues having to show these for yourself
2) Alot of regulars are very aware of their stats and when youve alot of stats accumalated it would take a huge swing just for 1 stat to change since youve such a big sample and so there not very useful
3) Its much more beneficial to see your session stats to get an idea of how aggressive or passive people will see you since you sat at that table. (again even if its against a reg youll know yourself your overall image or at least you should)
4) You can easily check your overall stats in the reports section to remind any stats but again most people know their stats pretty well.
Originally Posted by kulbekdo
Quick question... I recently got a desktop and I play hands on both my desktop and laptop. I was wondering what's the easiest/most convenient way to have my HEM database match up on both computers? I want both databases to be accurate with neither missing any hands. Thanks in advance!
The simplest would be to do a bulk export from one and a bulk import to the other. Then, if you play a session tomorrow on one PC, you can filter for 'Since Yesterday' or similar on the Hands tab, to get a bit of overlap of hands. Then select the Get All radio button to load all of the hands for the past day. Right-Click > Export All Hands. Then copy those hand files to a thumb drive and import them to the other.
If you want something a bit more technical -