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Holdem Manager Support Holdem Manager Support

05-30-2016 , 01:38 AM
Hello, my HM2 was going very slow and I didn't know how to fix it* but dealt with it. After a while, it just stopped opening. I uninstalled postgres to get rid of the problem. How do I reinstall without having any of the databases or hands in it?

*This has happened on every single computer (~7) that I've had since HM came out, how can I manage it so it doesn't lag so badly? I have only ~200k hands in my laptop version and it lags really badly as well.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
05-30-2016 , 05:48 AM
Originally Posted by .isolated
Hello, my HM2 was going very slow and I didn't know how to fix it* but dealt with it. After a while, it just stopped opening. I uninstalled postgres to get rid of the problem. How do I reinstall without having any of the databases or hands in it?
Make sure windows is fully updated until 'No New Important Updates are Found' (this may require multiple restarts and multiple 'check for updates'), including Internet Explorer (even if you use a different web browser).

1) Uninstall PostgreSQL from the Windows Control Panel.

2) Delete the \PostgreSQL\X.x\data folder that is left behind.

3) Delete the sub-folder(s) in c:\users\username\appdata\roaming\HoldemManager\Da tabase (XP - c:\documents and settings\username\application data\HoldemManager\Database).

4) run the command - start > programs > accessories > command prompt > right-click > run as administrator

net user postgres /delete

After you click 'Enter' for the code above also do that same for this code:

sc delete postgresql-8.4

and click 'Enter' again.

5) Restart your PC

6) Install PostgreSQL 9.4 from here.

7) Once installed you should disable the postgresql logging as instructed here.

*This has happened on every single computer (~7) that I've had since HM came out, how can I manage it so it doesn't lag so badly? I have only ~200k hands in my laptop version and it lags really badly as well.
What is your hard drive model, RAM and CPU? You can find this in your Control Panel - System - Device Manager. Sometimes lower spec PC's can contribute to lagging but that is not to say we can't still improve it further.

Are you running Notecaddy also and do you have many definitions or use any of the NC Edge or NC Advantage packages? Those can also have an impact on large database with large definitions. If you do I would suggest reading this thread which will help improve the performance when using NC.

You can also try the steps in the following AJA Performance Guide.

Please check these 2 FAQs and try all the steps there to see if they help:
- This FAQ resolves issues where security software continually try to scan files and processes which can slow down your PC
- This FAQ has general tips and solutions for performance issues

A few other things you could try to see if it helps when playing:
- Does it help you disable the Settings > General Settings > Miscellaneous > [ ] 'Automatically Refresh' option and restart HM2?
- Try leaving HM2 on the 'Home' tab when playing.
- Try picking a villain in the reports that only has a few hands in your database instead of your hero and restart HM2.
- Try creating a new smaller database with just hands from the past 1 or 2 months to use when playing -

If you continue to have problems, please reproduce the problem and zip/attach your HM2Logs folder with a detailed description of what you were doing and what problems you were experiencing.

Please zip and email the requested files via the 'Contact Support' link here and if there is a forum thread with additional information please link to this thread and let us know your forum name if there are several people in the thread.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
05-31-2016 , 09:35 AM
quick question: if i reinstall my PC/windows can I just install Holdem Manager 2 again without any problems?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
05-31-2016 , 09:41 AM
Originally Posted by Slugant
quick question: if i reinstall my PC/windows can I just install Holdem Manager 2 again without any problems?
Yes. You may have to reset your code to activate the software depending on how many times/computers you have activated it on before.

Your HM2 license is valid on two computers that you own. If you receive the message "there are no more activations available", you can reset your code.
For the steps to reset your Holdem Manager code please see this FAQ.

If you continue to have problems we need you to send us the \HM2Logs folder as explained in the last steps under 'Contact Support'.

Please see this FAQ to transfer/backup data before you reinstall Windows. This will ensure that you have your hand histories and HUD saved to import into a new computer, and as a backup to restore in case of an emergency. I recommend you do this at least once a month and keep the last 2 or 3 most recent backups (and your \HM2Archive folder) stored on an external drive and/or cloud storage site like dropbox or google drive.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
05-31-2016 , 01:04 PM
just wonder if it's possible to get popup with HM2 to insta pop when u click it? mine takes like 0,4sec or something before i can se the popup. Not that much time but when you multitable you need that time. Do i need any better hardware or can I change something in settings to make it insta pop? I have a Lenovo Y500 with i7. But i do not have a SSD. Maybe SSD will do it? Or do I need a even better PC?

Thanks in advanced!
Holdem Manager Support Quote
05-31-2016 , 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by DinBaba
just wonder if it's possible to get popup with HM2 to insta pop when u click it? mine takes like 0,4sec or something before i can se the popup. Not that much time but when you multitable you need that time. Do i need any better hardware or can I change something in settings to make it insta pop? I have a Lenovo Y500 with i7. But i do not have a SSD. Maybe SSD will do it? Or do I need a even better PC?

Thanks in advanced!
I am not sure how much improvement in popup speed you would see from an SSD. The most improvement would be database performance but that is obviously linked to the popups via the stats/info in the popup we pull from the database so you might see a bit of improvement but probably not as much improvement as you would see in the import speed and reports/filter refreshing.

Are you running Notecaddy also and do you have many definitions or use any of the NC Edge or NC Advantage packages? Those can also have an impact on large database with large definitions. If you do I would suggest reading this thread which will help improve the performance when using NC.

You can also try the steps in the following AJA Performance Guide.

How big is your database and how many hero hands are in the database? If you have a large database you can try to edit the hm2 config file to force HM2 to use more or less RAM and see if it helps. I have attached a text document with instructions if you want to try that also.

Please check these 2 FAQs and try all the steps there to see if they help:
- This FAQ resolves issues where security software continually try to scan files and processes which can slow down your PC
- This FAQ has general tips and solutions for performance issues

A few other things you could try to see if it helps when playing:
- Does it help you disable the Settings > General Settings > Miscellaneous > [ ] 'Automatically Refresh' option and restart HM2?
- Try leaving HM2 on the 'Home' tab when playing.
- Try picking a villain in the reports that only has a few hands in your database instead of your hero and restart HM2.
- Try creating a new smaller database with just hands from the past 1 or 2 months to use when playing -

If you continue to have problems, please reproduce the problem and zip/attach your HM2Logs folder with a detailed description of what you were doing and what problems you were experiencing.

Please zip and email the requested files via the 'Contact Support' link here and if there is a forum thread with additional information please link to this thread and let us know your forum name if there are several people in the thread.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-02-2016 , 03:40 PM
1. How do I set Postgres so that it can only be accessed locally and never remotely?

2. You offered a discount for upgrading from HM1 to HM2 in the past, do you plan to offer another discounted upgrade for HM3 (HM1 to HM3) when it eventually comes out?

Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-02-2016 , 03:43 PM
When I open my HEM, the RAM usage slowly starts to increase and goes all the way upto 8Gb and HEM freezes. This is just a recent problem. How can i fix this?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-02-2016 , 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by rakeme
1. How do I set Postgres so that it can only be accessed locally and never remotely?

2. You offered a discount for upgrading from HM1 to HM2 in the past, do you plan to offer another discounted upgrade for HM3 (HM1 to HM3) when it eventually comes out?

1 - I am not sure. This is something you should ask on a postgresql support forum IMO.

2 - HM3 is in the planning and early development phase and it is premature to establish even an initial target date for a Beta release. Once HM3 does become available for official release, we will offer tiered upgrade discounts which extend the largest discount to more recent purchasers of HM2. Further details on an HM3 upgrade program will be announced closer to a public release.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-02-2016 , 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by Squanderer
When I open my HEM, the RAM usage slowly starts to increase and goes all the way upto 8Gb and HEM freezes. This is just a recent problem. How can i fix this?
Please try a clean install of HM2. This will preserve your database and backup your HUD and settings.

1) Export any custom HUD configs.
2) Open the HM2 > HUD Settings > HUD Designer menu > Click 'Reset' > [x] All Configs > OK

Step 1 – Restore Default Settings:
First try restoring your default settings, often some settings files can become corrupt and cause these issues.

Step 2 – Uninstall and reinstall HM2 with Revo uninstaller:
Other times critical system files may not have been installed on previous updates and it can also cause these types of errors or in some cases antiviruses may have removed files that it mistook for unsafe. Doing a revo uninstall also removes old registry file information which might have become corrupt. You can download the free version here and there is a useful tutorial how to use it here.

Uninstall Holdem Manager 2 via Revo unistaller and then reinstall this version.

Please add this file to your firewall and antivirus exceptions and run it as Administrator.

Step 3 – Follow the steps in this FAQ.

Step 4: If the default settings work, please use the FAQ in step 1 to restore your settings and test them. If the problems then return you will need to reset your settings to default again and use those going forward.

If you continue to have problems with the default settings, please reproduce the problem, describe exactly what you were doing, and attach your \HM2Logs folder.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-03-2016 , 05:13 AM
Hi, I want to upgrade my (very old) postgres install. Which version should I use and is it ok to use the 64-bit one? I'll be using a fresh db, I assume I just enter the new postgres details when creating a new db.

Any settings I need to edit on the new version? Vaguely remember having to manually edit something in notepad years ago.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-03-2016 , 08:28 AM
Originally Posted by The Imp
Hi, I want to upgrade my (very old) postgres install. Which version should I use and is it ok to use the 64-bit one? I'll be using a fresh db, I assume I just enter the new postgres details when creating a new db.

Any settings I need to edit on the new version? Vaguely remember having to manually edit something in notepad years ago.
9.4 / 64 bit

Make sure windows is fully updated until 'No New Important Updates are Found' (this may require multiple restarts and multiple 'check for updates'), including Internet Explorer (even if you use a different web browser).

Please note that reinstalling PostgreSQL will mean losing all your old data. If you have access to HM2 and your database was not corrupt then please follow these instructions for backing up your database as a precaution in case you cannot reconnect after reinstalling PostgreSQL.

If you cannot access the database in HM2 then you can backup your database using this method but if your database was corrupt then the best solution is to reimport all your hands from C:/HM2archive folder or if your pokersite supports it you can request all your hands and summaries and reimport them as restoring a corrupt database will just restore all the problems you had.

1) Uninstall PostgreSQL from the Windows Control Panel.

2) Delete the \PostgreSQL\X.x\data folder that is left behind.

3) Delete the sub-folder(s) in c:\users\username\appdata\roaming\HoldemManager\Da tabase (XP - c:\documents and settings\username\application data\HoldemManager\Database).

4) run the command - start > programs > accessories > command prompt > right-click > run as administrator

net user postgres /delete

After you click 'Enter' for the code above also do that same for this code:

sc delete postgresql-8.4

and click 'Enter' again.

5) Restart your PC

6) Install PostgreSQL 9.4 from here.

7) Once installed you should disable the postgresql logging as instructed here.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-03-2016 , 09:33 AM
Cheers. All fine until the last step on command prompt - says

[SC] OpenService FAILED 1060:
The specified service does not exist as an installed service.

OK to ignore?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-03-2016 , 09:51 AM
Yes, you can ignore. The service you are trying to delete doesn't exist for some reason. It might have been removed in an earlier step/time.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-03-2016 , 01:29 PM
when my HM2 tells me my bb/100 is that excluding rake?
Also net winnings... is that after rake?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-03-2016 , 02:02 PM
Originally Posted by soreass3
when my HM2 tells me my bb/100 is that excluding rake?
Also net winnings... is that after rake?
That is correct. Those stats do not include rake.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-04-2016 , 05:33 AM
I played some zoom tourneys on yesterday, hud wasn't working so I updated HM2 at some point (closed stars etc.) There aren't any HH files for 4 zoom tourneys, tournament summaries are where they should be and other tourneys' HH and TS are fine. And without HH-file HM2 doesn't import just the summary amirite? Any ideas who stole the hh-files?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-04-2016 , 07:26 AM
Originally Posted by Finnisher
I played some zoom tourneys on yesterday, hud wasn't working so I updated HM2 at some point (closed stars etc.) There aren't any HH files for 4 zoom tourneys, tournament summaries are where they should be and other tourneys' HH and TS are fine. And without HH-file HM2 doesn't import just the summary amirite? Any ideas who stole the hh-files?
If the stars client wrote them and HM2 imported them they should have been archived. If they aren't in the original HH folder or \HM2Archive folder for some reason you will need to request them from pokerstars support. If you have the summaries to know the specific tournament numbers you can request them directly from the poker client's Requests menu. If you don't know the numbers you can request the last X hands or just email their support and ask for all your hands from that day.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-04-2016 , 09:43 AM
Thank you!
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-04-2016 , 08:53 PM
anyone else having problems with hands importing from stars?
all other sites are fine just stars,huds appearing on tables just not importing and nothing displaying in alert viewer is this a ps problem or hm?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-04-2016 , 08:58 PM
Originally Posted by thisisjimmybruv
anyone else having problems with hands importing from stars?
all other sites are fine just stars,huds appearing on tables just not importing and nothing displaying in alert viewer is this a ps problem or hm?
This is a bug in the PokerStars hand history format. *We have made them aware of the issue and they are working on a fix which will be available in the next PokerStars software update. *

Unfortunately their next update is not planned for another 2 or 3 weeks so we released a beta patch to our software to try and address the issue until they update the poker client.*

Please update to this version.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-04-2016 , 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by Holdem Manager
This is a bug in the PokerStars hand history format. *We have made them aware of the issue and they are working on a fix which will be available in the next PokerStars software update. *

Unfortunately their next update is not planned for another 2 or 3 weeks so we released a beta patch to our software to try and address the issue until they update the poker client.*

Please update to this version.

Customer Support
I am currently using the latest version of hm it was fine at first but then today it wasn't working
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-04-2016 , 09:26 PM
Originally Posted by thisisjimmybruv
I am currently using the latest version of hm it was fine at first but then today it wasn't working
Please send us a set of Feature Logging enabled logs/files as explained at the bottom of this FAQ with a detailed description of what you were doing and what problems you were experiencing and a link to this thread with your forum name.

With all the above information we should be able to narrow down what is causing the issue. If all the information is not included we will need to email you again to request it.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-05-2016 , 01:57 AM
Hi Fozzy

Wpn, bcp, hud is working, import seems to be working but when i go to reports/tournaments/tournaments i only have ther some of the tourneys i played, in some cases tourneys have only 1 hand, the buy in tag is incorrect, the duration also incorrect..

What can i do to fix this problems and have access to all the mtts i played?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-05-2016 , 06:02 AM
Hey quick question is hem2 hud working with the microgaming fun view?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
