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Survivor: One World Survivor: One World

05-21-2012 , 09:17 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
We obviously didnt watch the same season. Read and listed to some postgame interviews. Sophie and Albert were in full control every step of the way. The editors put the onus on Coach as he was the returner and the big character.
Didnt listen to Sophie's podcast yet. Both of them did not appear to be very likeable people. It only was on their radar when ozzy mentioned it to Sophie at final tribal and to Albert during jury questioning at tribal. Sophie and Albert dont get to execute anything without coach, and really foolish to bring a returning player such as coach to the end. Coach doesnt have to give a good speech, he just has to admit he lied that season.

How many winners have cried on survivor (not counting reunion)? sophie , boston rob ..
Survivor: One World Quote
05-21-2012 , 09:25 PM
Originally Posted by BonafiedGreat
I will respond to other posts later, but I wanted to specifically address this one. We know exactly who has spoiled every season of Survivor. Those people who did made huge mistakes. They are lucky we didn't sue them. And I don't think you will ever find a season spoiled again.

There is nothing we can do if disgruntled contestants decide to break their multi million dollar contracts.

I can tell you with absolute certainty that no one has any accurate spoilers for any of these seasons coming up or last season...

We know who Missyaes sources were for Samoa,HVV, Nicaragua. We know who MaxxFisherrs source was. None of those people will ever spoil another season of survivor. And none of those contestants who gave them spoilers will ever utter another spoiler again. I can tell you with absolute certainty.

I personally have absolutely no respect for anyone who would help someone break a multi million dollar contract. We could have ruined these peoples lives. They are lucky Mark is such a nice guy. Because 99% of the people in hollywood would have sued the sh*t out of them. These "Spoilers" obviously don't care about the people giving them spoilers. I will never understand why anyone wants to take such a risk like that and spoil the show!

That is all I am going to say about this.
How are the contracts worth multiple millions to the non-winners?
Survivor: One World Quote
05-21-2012 , 09:29 PM
Originally Posted by eltong

How many winners have cried on survivor (not counting reunion)? sophie , boston rob ..
Im not sure if you are counting this as a negative against her?

The rest of your comments are correct, only in the fact that they don't get to do any of what they did without Coach because Coach was their pawn. They were able to use him as the face while running things behind the scenes.

And listen to D&C's Sophiecast, it was excellent.
Survivor: One World Quote
05-21-2012 , 09:38 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
Im not sure if you are counting this as a negative against her?

The rest of your comments are correct, only in the fact that they don't get to do any of what they did without Coach because Coach was their pawn. They were able to use him as the face while running things behind the scenes.

And listen to D&C's Sophiecast, it was excellent.
sure, I like D/C style for guests otherwise.. this winners analysis is 3 hours!

Sophies tears made her seem more likeable to the jury, especially after the 2nd set of tears. Coach also made moves to convince people to join his alliance. He may not have stat but he sure had the charm. If coach is booted then they are like 2 cochrans, intelligence but lack all the necessary supplements to that.
Survivor: One World Quote
05-21-2012 , 10:08 PM
Originally Posted by Nootka
How are the contracts worth multiple millions to the non-winners?
I'm guessing there are multimillion dollar damages specified for breaking the contract.
Survivor: One World Quote
05-21-2012 , 10:10 PM
Originally Posted by eltong
Sophies tears made her seem more likeable to the jury, especially after the 2nd set of tears. Coach also made moves to convince people to join his alliance. He may not have stat but he sure had the charm. If coach is booted then they are like 2 cochrans, intelligence but lack all the necessary supplements to that.
You and I obviously view this season differently. I am quite confident that if Coach has to go for whatever reason, Sophie makes a different plan and still ends up on top. But the simple fact is, Coach didn't have to go. She knew he was loyal AND that she could beat him in FTC. A very valuable puppet to have.
Survivor: One World Quote
05-21-2012 , 10:24 PM
I mean there's been multiple interviews stating the jury were up in the air and it was coach's FTC performance that swayed it. Can we stop with the notion that she knew she'd wafflecrush him? She played well and won her season, it wasn't a fluke, and she had a good chance to beat anyone other than Ozzy the way it played out. Why isn't that enough?
Survivor: One World Quote
05-21-2012 , 10:29 PM
Originally Posted by Cardfish1
I'm guessing there are multimillion dollar damages specified for breaking the contract.
I thought he might be referring to that. But calling a contract that pays someone a few thousand a "multi-million dollar contract," just because it has a likely unenforceable liquidated damages clause, is a bit misleading.
Survivor: One World Quote
05-21-2012 , 10:33 PM
Originally Posted by eltong
Winner of Thailand, legend of Survivor. Also gets heat for killing a puppy?
Huh. Guess I did miss that season. Story about the puppy?
Survivor: One World Quote
05-21-2012 , 10:37 PM
Originally Posted by Dominic
Huh. Guess I did miss that season. Story about the puppy?
He's hot a puppy who was barking too loud when he was drunk. This was after the show.
Survivor: One World Quote
05-21-2012 , 10:39 PM
Holy ****
Survivor: One World Quote
05-21-2012 , 10:45 PM
Has ESPN's Gary Wise been back since 2+2 crashed?
Survivor: One World Quote
05-21-2012 , 10:48 PM
Originally Posted by Dominic
Holy ****
Heidik was in porn btw Dom.
Survivor: One World Quote
05-21-2012 , 10:48 PM
Originally Posted by eltong
I would like to see your ranking of the winners, either type of list.
Unfortunately, I mostly think these lists are ridiculous. I prefer the grouping by 'types' method. But I'm not much of a list maker which is sometimes a point of irritation with my husband when it's time to go shopping.

The thing about Todd is that he seems so non-threatening that I think he has an edge over people like Boston Rob, Yul, Tom Westman, and so forth who are or should be clear targets. He's capable of working with different types of people. He's a wolf in sheep's clothing.
Survivor: One World Quote
05-21-2012 , 10:51 PM
Originally Posted by eltong
Coach was in control of that season. She didnt have the sway to convince anyone to pull off big moves. Sure she won immunities when there are like 5 people left.. (coach and albert have proven to be turrble at challenges). she took credit for coach's alliance, he was the one to solidify the alliance of 5 and the glue of the 5. If ozzy figures out the puzzle she doesnt make final 3.
She didn't have sway over Coach's minions. But she had sway over Coach.
Survivor: One World Quote
05-21-2012 , 10:56 PM
Originally Posted by JimHalpert
I mean there's been multiple interviews stating the jury were up in the air and it was coach's FTC performance that swayed it. Can we stop with the notion that she knew she'd wafflecrush him? She played well and won her season, it wasn't a fluke, and she had a good chance to beat anyone other than Ozzy the way it played out. Why isn't that enough?
It was a big shocker that Coach tripped on his **** on the way to the milly.

No prior evidence available suggesting that Coach was a giant douche bag prone to engaging in massive douche baggery and that this particular character flaw might harm him at a FTC.
Survivor: One World Quote
05-21-2012 , 11:09 PM
Originally Posted by Soncy
It was a big shocker that Coach tripped on his **** on the way to the milly.

No prior evidence available suggesting that Coach was a giant douche bag prone to engaging in massive douche baggery and that this particular character flaw might harm him at a FTC.
Survivor: One World Quote
05-21-2012 , 11:58 PM
Originally Posted by VTChess
Has ESPN's Gary Wise been back since 2+2 crashed?
His wife had a baby a few days ago. I think he's busy.
Survivor: One World Quote
05-22-2012 , 12:31 AM
With all this talk about rankings and the fact we're in the offseason, I think it's time for the new survivor draft. Idk if it's better to just basically do the exact same setup as last time, or if theres a way to alter it somewhat to make it different/better, but it's something I want to do.

I'll even set up the spreadsheet and do all that.

Survivor: One World Quote
05-22-2012 , 01:45 AM
Originally Posted by wetleg
His wife had a baby a few days ago. I think he's busy.
this. plus a little thing called the WSOP is starting in like 5 days.
Survivor: One World Quote
05-22-2012 , 09:18 AM
Kinda new around here. What is a Survivor draft?
Survivor: One World Quote
05-22-2012 , 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by marknfw
Kinda new around here. What is a Survivor draft?
Survivor: One World Quote
05-22-2012 , 01:28 PM
First time poster but have been following this thread since discovering it from the Dom and Colin Podcast.

I really appreciate the effort Dom, Colin and Kos put into recording the latest podcast, although there were many points I don't agree about.

My biggest beef was with the analysis of Sandra's game. I understand that everyone has their own opinions but I felt Dom, Colin and Kos' hatred of Sandra's game clouded their analysis and it was very one sided and biased and I don't think that's fair.

I'm interested to know how far down Sandra is on Dom and Colin's list of greatest survivor players. We know what Kos ranks her from the podcast (pretty insulting!), and I'll state some reasons why I think she's much higher than that:

- Her social game allows her to integrate into the majority alliance at the start of the game, and avoid being one of the typical first 4 boots for being weak.
She is most vulnerable for the 1st 3 days or if the tribe starts with a long immunity losing streak (but so is Cirie and Tina because of their demographics)
- Her straight shooting honesty is respected by players and jury and is never held against her. Secondly this honesty allows her to be taken to the end by a player who misreads the jury like Russell.
- Her jury management is top notch
-As long as it aint me is not as simple as Dom and Colin assesses it. I take it to being playing the game day by day and constantly assessing her own position in the game and how to get to the end and being in a position to win. If her position doesn't allow her to win, she will attempt to make moves to further herself in the game.

Examples of moves Sandra has made to further her own game:
1. After Rupert was voted off, she took Tijuana into the bushes to spy on Fairplay and Burton and the target became Burton. She voted out Tijuana because Tijuana became too power hungry. Anyway Christa was supposed to go that round.
2. Sandra organised the flip on Burton and Fairplay and turned the lie back on them.
3. The coach boot
4. HvV F9 attempted flip. It made sense. Candice got scared.
These are just several examples of decent plays

You can't tell me that every person on Kos' list before Sandra would be able to make all these moves, let alone have the qualities described above.

Sandra is one of the most flexible players in Survivor and has been able to manouver around the disasters that have affected her game and still make it to the end and win.
She has yet to play her optimal strategy (having her alliance intact) but I am confident she would have made moves at the right time (like Cesternino).

I believe I have explained why Sandra is at least a decent player and not the pathetic player that Dom, Colin and Kos analysed in their podcast.

Interested to read about what you think?
Survivor: One World Quote
05-22-2012 , 01:37 PM
I agree with you fwiw Aaron. Those guys do disagree with me, but I think Sandra played a wonderful game both times she was out there and was more in control than the edit showed. I think her strategy of "anyone but me" is stronger than people consider, and plays out a lot like how some of the teams on the amazing race run. I rank Sandra in the top 5 all time. You don't win the game twice by accident, her social game is off the charts, and she is able to seem like no threat. Its a devastating combo, and what makes me think her equity is high in a random season.
Survivor: One World Quote
05-22-2012 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by JimHalpert
With all this talk about rankings and the fact we're in the offseason, I think it's time for the new survivor draft. Idk if it's better to just basically do the exact same setup as last time, or if theres a way to alter it somewhat to make it different/better, but it's something I want to do.

I'll even set up the spreadsheet and do all that.

This would be sweet
Survivor: One World Quote
