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Survivor: One World Survivor: One World

05-22-2012 , 06:17 PM
Originally Posted by Cardfish1
Question for KOS, Dom, Colin and other Sandra haters. I think more than half the players who have ever played Survivor were floaters. Where does Sandra rank among Survivor floaters?
Extremely high, but it helps that most floaters are totally inept wrt gameplay. Sandra at least has some intelligence, and as Aaron pointed out, there are some subtle pieces of her game that raise it above the average floater/under-the-radar doofus. However, I still don't think that's a "strategy" as much as it's just "tell me what to do, and I'll cross my fingers that they pick me as being the least threatening person."

Originally Posted by stewball
and Sandra would most likely still win
I think JT gets Boston Rob's vote, though that's obviously not the legit tiebreaker since the last pre-merge person wouldn't have seen anything from the post-merge game at all.

Originally Posted by VTChess
Btw this sounds like fun but I don't really have time to do write-ups. Not sure if I'll be able to be at a computer every 4-6 hours on some days due to my job. I wouldnt mind being part of a team but if it's just me then I might have to back out
I think it's too soon to do another draft, as the pool has only expanded by 30ish people. If it happens, though, I'll volunteer to be a judge.
Survivor: One World Quote
05-22-2012 , 06:24 PM
KOS, with a "must have 8/8 (9/9, 10/10) female male clause, the entire draft changes
Survivor: One World Quote
05-22-2012 , 06:33 PM
Didn't almost every single team do that?

I would be very interested to see where Kim gets drafted. I have a number in my head, but I don't want to say it and influence a potential draft. I could be way off.
Survivor: One World Quote
05-22-2012 , 06:42 PM
Originally Posted by K.O.S.
Didn't almost every single team do that?

I would be very interested to see where Kim gets drafted. I have a number in my head, but I don't want to say it and influence a potential draft. I could be way off.

most, not all

10m - 6F

but yeah, its not gonna be toooo different of a pool. The thing is when youre building your own season theres so many different ways you can mix and match people for entertainment I think it makes it enough different each time. Maybe not.

also: some people that didnt get a chance to do it last year might be interested?

idk was just trying to find something fun to do during the offseason
Survivor: One World Quote
05-22-2012 , 07:15 PM
Originally Posted by K.O.S.

I think it's too soon to do another draft, as the pool has only expanded by 30ish people. If it happens, though, I'll volunteer to be a judge.
I agree, I thought about this as well. I think I'd like to just stick to being a judge as well this time around.
Survivor: One World Quote
05-22-2012 , 08:03 PM
Kos is 100% correct about Sandra. She did nothing to win either season. It's mathematically possible to win two MTTs in a row buy open shoving every hand. That is basically Sandra's game. She relied 100% on luck.

Kos' pathological hatred of Amanda is crazy though. She's not great but not even in the bottom 25% of players.
Survivor: One World Quote
05-22-2012 , 08:12 PM
Don't really see how Troy was naive, he spent ep after ep trying to convince the people on the chopping block that they were going and flat out telling the girls on the bottom that they were on the bottom. Nobody wanted to believe him.
Survivor: One World Quote
05-22-2012 , 08:24 PM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
Kos is 100% correct about Sandra. She did nothing to win either season. It's mathematically possible to win two MTTs in a row buy open shoving every hand. That is basically Sandra's game. She relied 100% on luck.

Kos' pathological hatred of Amanda is crazy though. She's not great but not even in the bottom 25% of players.
Thanks on Sandra.

As far as Amanda goes, I just feel like she doesn't play for the win. She consistently aligns with better players, then refuses to make the one backstab that would win her the game. She's likely two votes (both of her own choice) away from being a two-time winner, but I think she's too emotional to backstab her friends. That's a piss-poor way to win Survivor. She's also a horrendous speaker, she lacks confidence, she's easily influenced by others, and she's incapable of making her own decisions. She's the female Rupert/James: she'll always make the merge but never win the game.
Survivor: One World Quote
05-22-2012 , 08:32 PM
Originally Posted by K.O.S.
Thanks on Sandra.

As far as Amanda goes, I just feel like she doesn't play for the win. She consistently aligns with better players, then refuses to make the one backstab that would win her the game. She's likely two votes (both of her own choice) away from being a two-time winner, but I think she's too emotional to backstab her friends. That's a piss-poor way to win Survivor. She's also a horrendous speaker, she lacks confidence, she's easily influenced by others, and she's incapable of making her own decisions. She's the female Rupert/James: she'll always make the merge but never win the game.
Well geeze when you lay it out like that ok.

I agree with all of that which makes me wonder if I don't feel the same. It coud be that I find her really hot!
Survivor: One World Quote
05-22-2012 , 10:32 PM
I thought James didn't make the merge on heroes vs villians?
Survivor: One World Quote
05-22-2012 , 11:17 PM
Okay, ubernit, they'll make the merge when healthy.
Survivor: One World Quote
05-23-2012 , 01:03 AM
I don't think Savage or Kos give JT enough credit. He is imo definitely a better overall player than Stephen simply because his natural charisma draws people to him. If JT gets medivaced instead of Joe then I don't think Timbera destructs as quickly. Stephen still has Taj and the HII but I don't think it's an easy a road as it was playing second fiddle to JT.

JT isn't as good a strategist but we saw in HvV that he has a lot of strategic acumen.

I don't think you can praise Russell for his cutthroat gameplay without also criticizing it for being largely emotional like Rafe and Amanda. He is easily manipulated by feeding into his insecurities. He gets rid of Coach because of a simple lie from Sandra, he gets rid of Danielle because she is closer to Parvati which is just stupid, you are playing for a final 3 just stick to the 3 and you may get votes for being the male that led the alliance.
Survivor: One World Quote
05-23-2012 , 01:09 AM
I think you have to drop JT a few spots on the all time rankings list because of what he did in HvV. I mean... that was just ridiculous.
Survivor: One World Quote
05-23-2012 , 01:11 AM
Results oriented itt
Survivor: One World Quote
05-23-2012 , 01:13 AM
I agree that JT is underrated by Kos and Savage, but it is understandable with his blunder in HvV and having Stephen with him in Tocantins
Survivor: One World Quote
05-23-2012 , 01:14 AM
Et tu, Brute?
Survivor: One World Quote
05-23-2012 , 01:17 AM
Wow... 5000th post... Didn't realize this...

Anyways... I want to say that these Survivor threads have been fantastic the last few seasons and years. I have enjoyed trolling you guys and adding in some strategy talks.

All the participation in Sheep and Power Rankings has always been fantastic. I have build some small relationships with some of you and have talked via PM, Twitter or Skype about more than Survivor. I have enjoyed it all.

Thanks for being apart of this thread with me!

That said... Boston Rob is the GOAT... and I am thinking of running Phees for this thread once I am out of the survivor POG game... which will be in like 2 days obv
Survivor: One World Quote
05-23-2012 , 01:20 AM
Originally Posted by JB91
I don't think Savage or Kos give JT enough credit. He is imo definitely a better overall player than Stephen simply because his natural charisma draws people to him. If JT gets medivaced instead of Joe then I don't think Timbera destructs as quickly. Stephen still has Taj and the HII but I don't think it's an easy a road as it was playing second fiddle to JT.
The thing is that the vast majority of the people on this forum give soooo much weight to the "controls the votes" aspect of the game (They did discover it via a knowledge/desire of knowledge of how to play a strategic game like poker) that they often undervalue any other aspect of the game. It makes plenty of sense. I'm sure if you went to and they had a survivor thread, they would overvalue the social aspects and undervalue the strategic ones.

It's the beauty of survivor. Everything is so subjective when you get to a certain level.
Survivor: One World Quote
05-23-2012 , 01:23 AM
I think the HvV play gets more hate then it deserves. It was a reasonable read of the situation. Def some results oriented mfs itt, well except in the case of sandra...

Natural survivor ability to survive and get votes is criminally underrated itt. Strategy/tactics are overrated. Sandra isn't top tier but she has great survivor equity.

Last edited by sufur; 05-23-2012 at 01:24 AM. Reason: slow pony and obv not as well said
Survivor: One World Quote
05-23-2012 , 01:23 AM
Originally Posted by sufur
I think the HvV play gets more hate then it deserves. It was a reasonable read of the situation. Def some results oriented mfs itt, well except in the case of sandra...

Natural survivor ability to survive and get votes is criminally underrated itt. Strategy/tactics are overrated. Sandra isn't top tier but she has great survivor equity.
I like this guy
Survivor: One World Quote
05-23-2012 , 01:24 AM
The JT idol play shows more thought and logic than like 90% of contestants on survivor ever show. It just ended up being wrong.
Survivor: One World Quote
05-23-2012 , 01:37 AM
The best part of the Survivor Draft Thread is how Soncy is universally regarded as the primary referee/judge/analyst of the seasons, and she makes it clear over and over that she's mainly evaluating based on how hot the guys are.
Survivor: One World Quote
05-23-2012 , 01:39 AM
hahahaha, with a side addition of "did they draft girls in general"

I loved it
Survivor: One World Quote
05-23-2012 , 01:42 AM
Originally Posted by JimHalpert
I like this guy
Survivor: One World Quote
05-23-2012 , 05:16 AM
Originally Posted by JB91
I don't think Savage or Kos give JT enough credit. He is imo definitely a better overall player than Stephen simply because his natural charisma draws people to him. If JT gets medivaced instead of Joe then I don't think Timbera destructs as quickly. Stephen still has Taj and the HII but I don't think it's an easy a road as it was playing second fiddle to JT.
All this proves is THAT cast was drawn to him. Dom nor KOS dispute that. I think the dispute is that your typical Survivor cast, take Nicaragua, China, Cook Islands, Panama, One World, Amazon, Pearl Islands and Marquesas as examples off the top of my head are not ones that J.T. has such powerful sway over. I don't think he's as adaptable to the people around him as Stephen is. Also Coach and to a much lesser degree Brendan shaped the dynamic of that season in a way that seldom ever happens and in a way that greatly benefited J.T! i wholeheartedly agree with Dom, there are several players in J.T.'s spot who end up the same way and i'm not even convinced that Joe isn't one of them.

Originally Posted by JB91
I don't think you can praise Russell for his cutthroat gameplay without also criticizing it for being largely emotional like Rafe and Amanda. He is easily manipulated by feeding into his insecurities. He gets rid of Coach because of a simple lie from Sandra, he gets rid of Danielle because she is closer to Parvati which is just stupid, you are playing for a final 3 just stick to the 3 and you may get votes for being the male that led the alliance.
This I 100% agree with. Not just that, but Russell is aggressive and tries hard to further himself but his methods are generally pretty terrible. They have worked so people overlook just how bad his Samoa strategy for instance was.

Originally Posted by sufur
I think the HvV play gets more hate then it deserves. It was a reasonable read of the situation. Def some results oriented mfs itt, well except in the case of sandra...
Originally Posted by JimHalpert
The JT idol play shows more thought and logic than like 90% of contestants on survivor ever show. It just ended up being wrong.
Yeah, but an aggressive bad play is almost always worse then being passive. Assuming the Cirie boot didn't kill his footing in the game (i think it may have, but most do not feel that way, it seems), then he didn't need to do something like this. The idol could have been used as leverage after the merge when he actually gets to talk to people, rather then doing a cold read on someone who he should know is undoubtedly one of the biggest villains or over the top characters in the history of the game based on him getting cast in this spot.

Regarding the podcast in general, I KOS, but i definitely feel like he's a bit less objective in evaluating player's game play then D&C are. As others have noted, making big moves in the game are often times overrated and i don't think evaluating a player's strength based on whether or not you would vote for them is even close to sound. For starters, we see such an edited version of the game that we have no idea who was truly in control much of the time. Secondly, the personal relationships made out there cloud everyone's judgement even if they do decide to vote for the "best player". I believe Eliza for instance was a true fan of the game who absolutely wanted to vote for the "best player" in Vanuatu but even as she was casting the vote she makes reference to the fact that she just likes Chris better. I'm definitely not convinced that in a vacuum she doesn't think Twila was the better gamebot. There's far more to the game then that though.
Survivor: One World Quote
