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05-26-2013 , 11:44 PM
what would you care less about?

Last edited by DoGGz; 05-26-2013 at 11:45 PM. Reason: grammar nittery
05-26-2013 , 11:47 PM
what a sick episode
05-27-2013 , 12:04 AM
GoT S3 Tourney - Round 1 Results:

- Jaime Lannister makes mincemeat out of Meryn Trant
- In a very tough fight Jorah Mormont kills Beric Dondarrion for the 7th time, and since Thoros isn't around he finally dies
- Jon Snow shows heart, but knows nothing about how to defeat Mance Rayder
- Ned Stark doesn't get much of a challenge from Yoren
- Jaqen H'ghar puts a sword through Jory Cassel's eye
- Bronn ends the rebellion of the King O' The North
- Brienne of Tarth easily overpowers Janos Slynt
- Barristan Selmy uses Vardis Egen to paint a new Picasso
- Syrio Forel is too nice of a guy to torture poor Theon Greyjoy, instead giving him a quick clean death
- Thoros of Myr's flaming sword narrowly edges out Blackfish in the end
- The Mountain chops Ilyn Payne in two
- The Hound turns his opponent from a Halfhand to a No-Head
- Rodrik Cassel kneels before King Robert, dead
- Khal Drogo kills Mago again, this time without being scratched
- Loras Tyrell gets the first and last laugh against Alliser Thorne
- Stannis Baratheon struggles a little but sends Benjen Stark MIA once again

Most of the fighters had easy victories in Round 1, now they mill about waiting to see who they fight in the next round.

Draw up shortly.
05-27-2013 , 12:24 AM
I went with Yoren over Ned because Yoren's death sequence was quite awesome (especially when you throw in the childhood revenge story he told beforehand) and because he, unlike Ned, actually had a positive kill/death ratio in the action we witnessed.

Went with Rodrik over Robert since the King was so out of shape.
05-27-2013 , 12:26 AM
GoT S3 Tourney - Round 2

The ground rules once again:

- you're speculating as to who a hypothetical 1v1 tourney fight based on what we know of the character as of S3E8 going backwards (future information is irrelevant for these purposes)
- fighters are all in their respective primes, in mind, body, and soul
- please PM me your picks in an unnumbered list
- you may discuss and debate this if you want
- whatever else i said before (i forget)

Stannis Baratheon vs Thoros of Myr

Who is the Lord of Light betting on in this one?

Barristan Selmy vs Syrio Forel

Should be a good fight between two skilled swordsmen.

Loras Tyrell vs Bronn

And again. Does style or guile take the day?

The Hound vs Jaqen H'ghar

Should be another good one, now we see what the mystery man is really made of.

Mance Rayder vs Khal Drogo

Probably depends on who gets home field advantage really.

Brienne of Tarth vs The Mountain

Winner becomes the heavyweight champion of Westeros.

Jaime Lannister vs Ned Stark

We saw this once before, but in their respective primes? Harder to call.

Jorah Mormont vs Robert Baratheon

Killing the King probably won't get you that pardon, so careful Jorah.
05-27-2013 , 12:27 AM
Originally Posted by dankhank
I went with Yoren over Ned because Yoren's death sequence was quite awesome (especially when you throw in the childhood revenge story he told beforehand) and because he, unlike Ned, actually had a positive kill/death ratio in the action we witnessed.

Went with Rodrik over Robert since I didn't read the rules.

Surprised at Mance winning, have we even heard anything about him being an adequate fighter...certainly haven't seen anything. Guess everyone just thinks Jon Snow is a little dids.
05-27-2013 , 12:29 AM
Originally Posted by Henrik Sedin
GoT S3 Tourney - Round 2

Jorah Mormont vs Robert Baratheon

Killing the King probably won't get you that pardon, so careful Jorah.
Oh snaps, he did it again!
05-27-2013 , 12:31 AM
Originally Posted by Wheatsauce
Oh snaps, he did it again!
i don't know what you're talking about

05-27-2013 , 01:06 AM
Originally Posted by dankhank
I went with Yoren over Ned because Yoren's death sequence was quite awesome (especially when you throw in the childhood revenge story he told beforehand) and because he, unlike Ned, actually had a positive kill/death ratio in the action we witnessed.

Went with Rodrik over Robert since the King was so out of shape.
he said in their prime
05-27-2013 , 01:07 AM
So I flipped on HBO tonight, and it turns out there was a new episode after all!
Looks like they recast Matt Damon as Loras and Michael Douglas as zombie Renly, but they didn't cut down on the sexposition!
05-27-2013 , 01:11 AM
Originally Posted by Wheatsauce

Surprised at Mance winning, have we even heard anything about him being an adequate fighter...certainly haven't seen anything. Guess everyone just thinks Jon Snow is a little dids.
He paid the iron price to become a king, which is impressive enough but to do it over wildings as a hated crow means he probably had to do a lot of killing to get his point across.

A lion thats in control of a pride is one of the toughest lions around, there is no two ways about it (This is not a Lannister reference).

05-27-2013 , 01:26 AM
Beric gave Hound a good fight even though he is far from his prime. I'm sure he could have crushed Jorah if he still had both of his eyes and all that.
05-27-2013 , 08:20 AM
Originally Posted by Planetist
Beric gave Hound a good fight even though he is far from his prime. I'm sure he could have crushed Jorah if he still had both of his eyes and all that.
Well he has died like 6 times and used the ol' fire sword trick against the hound and lost. So how good could he be?
05-27-2013 , 09:15 AM
In "Dark Knight Rises" there's this massive leap that can be only done without the safety rope. The reasoning is that when your life is in the line, you get that extra WIM.

Now that Beric knows that even if he loses, he will get a second chance, he subconciously becomes a lesser fighter. I think the first guy to kill him was The Mountain? Ain't no shame in losing to Mountain.
05-27-2013 , 09:37 AM
Also he comes back as less every time.
05-27-2013 , 10:18 AM
Not much happened in last night's episode but since there were no Theon torture scenes I give it a B+.
05-27-2013 , 10:28 AM
Why the eff wasn't episode 9 aired this week???????????
05-27-2013 , 12:01 PM
memorial day weekend is bad for TV
05-27-2013 , 12:04 PM
yeah theyve had ratings plummet for both their last two episode 9 and they had put most budget on them so far.

can understand the decision but so tilting D:
05-27-2013 , 01:38 PM
good stuff in those fight results/previews, Henrik Sedin's pen vs John Snow's sword imo
05-27-2013 , 08:50 PM
I like the Brienne vs Mountain "heavyweight champ" comment. Laughed.
05-28-2013 , 01:12 PM
yea that was absurd, when the dick leech finally got done swimming to kings landing and that music was going I was so pumped.
05-28-2013 , 02:14 PM
you seem like a fun person to hang out with.
05-28-2013 , 02:58 PM
Charred Rickon is the funnest person to hang with.
05-28-2013 , 03:42 PM
Too soon.
