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06-14-2012 , 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by LastLife
Also, I've watched that scene a few times. I don't think that Tyrion knew Pycelle was faking it. He acted the same way he always does. My guess is they just showed Pycelle talking like that to remind us, just like the season 1 finale.

Tyrion no longer has power or favor with anyone. He might not have even noticed him acting different, but even if he did, it wouldn't matter.
06-14-2012 , 04:44 PM
I don't think we know whether or not Tyrion picked up on Pycelle's change in demeanor but there was definitely a change and I would say we're supposed to assume it was deliberate.
06-14-2012 , 04:56 PM
I took it as Pycelle just giving Tyrion a "**** you" sort of vibe.
06-14-2012 , 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by sufur
I don't think we know whether or not Tyrion picked up on Pycelle's change in demeanor but there was definitely a change and I would say we're supposed to assume it was deliberate.
The scene in he finale he definitely acts different. My post is a little confusing. I was saying during the scene where Tyrion throws Pycelle in one of the black cells, Pycelle doesn't reveal himself.
06-14-2012 , 06:48 PM
Originally Posted by LastLife
The scene in he finale he definitely acts different. My post is a little confusing. I was saying during the scene where Tyrion throws Pycelle in one of the black cells, Pycelle doesn't reveal himself.
Oh, okay. I agree, that's the first time Pycelle doesn't act frail in front of Tyrion.


06-14-2012 , 07:41 PM


06-14-2012 , 11:27 PM
Dany has got to be at least 17 at this point in the plot, right?

And I think all the under 25 characters got bumped up a bit in age from book to show.
06-14-2012 , 11:28 PM
a year is a long time to wait for another season.

i hope the kids dont grow up and get cut like walt did from lost .-.
06-15-2012 , 12:49 AM
Yeah would it be wrong to ask the book people how old everyone is supposed to be?

If it is PM me please.
06-15-2012 , 12:54 AM
Originally Posted by tabbaker
Yeah would it be wrong to ask the book people how old everyone is supposed to be?

If it is PM me please.
i dont think it's a spoiler but

i just started reading and all the kids are a few years younger at least in the book than on the show. Bran is 7, Rickon is 3, Jon and Robb are 14, Arya is 9, and I think Sansa is 12. Dany is 13 too. pretty sure Catelyn Stark is 35 in the book... damn sure isnt 35 on the show.
06-15-2012 , 01:08 AM
Dany is ~17-18 in the show because the rebellion against the Mad King was 17 years ago (maybe 18 at this point in S2? it was 17 years ago during S1) and she was born right when that rebellion ended.

Jon is also ~17-18 since he was born during the rebellion.
06-15-2012 , 01:28 AM
They are older in the show. Also no chance this becomes a problem, obv the show will adjust ages as necessary.
06-15-2012 , 02:47 AM
Originally Posted by ballin4life
Dany is ~17-18 in the show because she has the sex.
06-15-2012 , 07:41 PM
There's no cure for being a ****.

Best line of the season?

Rewatching and through 4 episodes it's my favorite.
06-15-2012 , 11:09 PM
Weirdly the show hasnt been specific about ages or dates. I think, though I could be wrong, they gave the age of Jon in season one when he is talking to Benjen, but that is it.
06-15-2012 , 11:12 PM
The book is a little weird to me how young everyone is. Like 13 year old are going around with swords acting like bosses and 9 year olds are scheming and acting like adults. I just figured in this alternate earth people age differently cause wtf.
06-16-2012 , 12:24 AM
daenerys is 16 in the tv show
06-16-2012 , 12:43 AM
Originally Posted by Chilltown
There's no cure for being a ****.

Best line of the season?

Rewatching and through 4 episodes it's my favorite.
Born amidst salt and he a ham?

06-16-2012 , 03:09 AM
Originally Posted by STA654
Dany has got to be at least 17 at this point in the plot, right?

And I think all the under 25 characters got bumped up a bit in age from book to show.
Dany starts off at least 18 in the show for sure. No way they're portraying underage sex.
06-16-2012 , 03:10 AM
Originally Posted by Arseface
a year is a long time to wait for another season.

i hope the kids dont grow up and get cut like walt did from lost .-.
Unlike LOST, the first 4 seasons cover a lot more than 2 months.
06-16-2012 , 07:17 AM
Originally Posted by Chilltown
There's no cure for being a ****.

Best line of the season?

Rewatching and through 4 episodes it's my favorite.

"Any man dies with a clean sword, I'll rape his ****ing corpse!"

the Hound
06-16-2012 , 08:08 AM
Originally Posted by AlexM
Unlike LOST, the first 4 seasons cover a lot more than 2 months.
but what if arya becomes taller than sansa

and what if tywin becomes shorter than tyrion
06-16-2012 , 09:58 AM
Originally Posted by evildeadalive
"Any man dies with a clean sword, I'll rape his ****ing corpse!"

the Hound
Haha, I was just thinking of that when opening the thread. Definitely the best line.
06-16-2012 , 01:43 PM
Originally Posted by Kirbynator
daenerys is 16 in the tv show

She is at least 17. Robert was king for 17 years. She had to have left before he took the throne.
06-16-2012 , 01:44 PM
apparently says shes 16 in the show and gameofthrones.wikia says 18

