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06-18-2013 , 02:14 AM
Originally Posted by shakalakashakaboom
-In the throne room scene where Ned denounces the mountain, Baelish is really laying it on thick. Ned even seems to notice, but he's too naive and weak at the game to understand what Baelish could be playing at. Baelish is such a pro, he's not only playing Ned, but at the same time he's playing Pycelle and the Lannisters, all in the same scene. He's been nearly whispering the whole time, but when Ned and he walk away together, he looks slightly back at Pycelle, to make sure he's within earshot, then speaks up as he says "is it wise to pull the Lion's tail?" and we can see Pycelle listening in.
Going back and re-watching this scene is a gift. I missed the subtlety the first time, but on review it is clear as day. My hat is off to the directors as they truly understand exactly what they are doing, and are coming at it having a comprehension of the books, and how they want to adapt them, that none of us can even dream of. To nail this small scene as beautifully as they did is truly remarkable.
06-18-2013 , 02:47 AM
Just realized I have HBO Go. Was so annoyed S1 wasn't On Demand... I can just watch them online!
06-18-2013 , 02:56 AM
Originally Posted by wallacengrommit
Going back and re-watching this scene is a gift. I missed the subtlety the first time, but on review it is clear as day...

Last edited by Henrik Sedin; 06-18-2013 at 02:56 AM. Reason: it's nearly ruined by being like the least subtle scene evar
06-18-2013 , 04:07 AM
I'm rewatching Ep 1. (S1) Will that Magister, that gave Dany her eggs, come into play again?
06-18-2013 , 04:10 AM
also I really don't understand the math behind a Dothraki marriage. If 3+ die every marriage, then... Each couple has to conceive a bunch of children just to break even.
06-18-2013 , 04:13 AM
Originally Posted by DeHobo
Yea, I have a serious love for the war of the roses, if you scan my other posts in this thread you'll probably figure that out. But without it's allegory I'm not sure the GOT would have sucked me in, despite being a huge nerd. Fantasy and sci-fi generally bore me. Where as dynastic struggles are pure bliss.

Anyway, even if the first episode of the White Queen wasn't great there will be some dynastic S**t going down.
I love all things historic and especially medieval England. In case you don't know, while the Borgias on Showtime was absolutely horrible there is a French/German series called Borgia that is on Netflix that is very good and it was done in English, Renaissance not medieval of course but well worth watching.

I watched The White Queen tonight and very much enjoyed it. If you download Expat Shield proxy server you can watch the series on BBC online.

Guess we might need a discussion thread.
06-18-2013 , 04:16 AM
Originally Posted by DiamondDixie
Also does it make sense to have a third thread for people who are going back and reading the books but not reading past where we are in the show, as not to be spoilered. I'm about to start reading them but I'm stopping after the 1st half of the 3rd book because I don't want to know what happens before it's in the show.

In this thread we can't talk about the books at all, they don't exist in this thread. So does it make sense to have a middle of the road thread where we can discuss things that happened in the books and the time frame has already been covered in the show?
Originally Posted by forthwrite
The third thread idea makes way too much sense so it has been rubbished multiple times by the people in charge.

fwiw, I started this very thread with the intention of it being the 3rd thread.

My OP was then changed and the original TV thread was locked.
Can we get a weigh in on this from the mods. With 2.5 books done in the show it just makes sense.
06-18-2013 , 05:58 AM
Originally Posted by BobboFitos
I'm rewatching Ep 1. (S1) Will that Magister, that gave Dany her eggs, come into play again?
Coincidentally I re-watched s1e1 today too and had the same thought. I think we'll see him again.
06-18-2013 , 06:08 AM
Originally Posted by DiamondDixie
Can we get a weigh in on this from the mods. With 2.5 books done in the show it just makes sense.
To those who've decided to read the books after watching the show up to the point that the show is up to: would you recommend it? Does it enhance or hinder the way you watch the show now? I'm contemplating reading the books but don't want it to ruin my viewing experience going forward.

Might be best to answer in a spoiler just to be safe.
06-18-2013 , 06:21 AM
Originally Posted by Count Chocula
she's bat**** crazy, extremely obsessive, always acts self entitled, knows how to hold a grudge, doesn't seem to be one to share power... WHERE ARE MY DRAGONS!?
its almost like you didn't watch any of the episodes where she was married.

forced to marry some strange dude she's never met and who's language and customs are totally foreign to her she does what?

learns his language, eats a horse heart to fit into his culture, asks her slave to teach her how to please him sexually, acts obedient/subservient/respectful but yet still smart and self-possessed. never acted crazy/jealous and was overall the ideal wife.

but ya bro great point.
she walked into a fire with her dragon eggs (after already finding out earlier in the season fire doesn't hurt her) so ya she's obv nuts n can't be wife material.

06-18-2013 , 07:51 AM
The description Count Chocula gives fits her brother much better. Change DRAGONS to CROWN.
06-18-2013 , 08:38 AM
Originally Posted by BobboFitos
also I really don't understand the math behind a Dothraki marriage. If 3+ die every marriage, then... Each couple has to conceive a bunch of children just to break even.
There will always be enough dull affairs, just like IRL.
06-18-2013 , 08:50 AM
To everyone who thinks Joffrey might be behind Bran's assassin, what do you say about that scene with Jaime and Cersei where Jaime takes credit for it -- He was lying to her?
06-18-2013 , 09:27 AM
Originally Posted by Our House
To everyone who thinks Joffrey might be behind Bran's assassin, what do you say about that scene with Jaime and Cersei where Jaime takes credit for it -- He was lying to her?
I'm assuming you're talking about the scene where they just got back to KL and Cersei was all paranoid?

If you rewatch it, he wasn't taking credit for anything as the second assassination attempt hadn't even happened yet. It did however come across as him planning to do something about it, which is how I had been interpreting it until the Joff theory popped up.
06-18-2013 , 09:53 AM
Originally Posted by Dids
Post about books ITT and you're getting banned. This shouldn't be that hard.
LOL, it seems like this should be requoted like once a day just to get the point across to everyone.

Also the thread is super interesting with you guys speculating on Bran's killers and Bringing up scenes and such. Thats how good this show is, its not even airing and its still entertaining me.
06-18-2013 , 09:57 AM
Originally Posted by BobboFitos
also I really don't understand the math behind a Dothraki marriage. If 3+ die every marriage, then... Each couple has to conceive a bunch of children just to break even.
Meh, randoms were banging it out in front of everyone like dogs at the wedding. Im sure plenty of chicks are getting knocked up to cover it just on that wedding day.
06-18-2013 , 10:00 AM
I am rewatching the whole series so I am obviously picking up a lot more in the older episodes I didn't get the first time around.

I think there is a strong suggestion it was Jaime that hired the assassin to kill Brann.

S01-E03, around the 28 minute mark there is a scene between Cersei and Jaime, she basically is cussing him out about trying to kill a 10 year old. It's been a long time since he pushed him out of the window so you figure they would have had to have discussed that since then. What everyone is concerned about in episodes 2 and 3 is the assassin attempt and trying to investigate the dagger, etc.

Based on this one scene I'd say Jaime was the one who hired the assassin, without Cersei's knowledge.
06-18-2013 , 10:12 AM
Originally Posted by Cotton Hill
I am rewatching the whole series so I am obviously picking up a lot more in the older episodes I didn't get the first time around.

I think there is a strong suggestion it was Jaime that hired the assassin to kill Brann.

S01-E03, around the 28 minute mark there is a scene between Cersei and Jaime, she basically is cussing him out about trying to kill a 10 year old. It's been a long time since he pushed him out of the window so you figure they would have had to have discussed that since then. What everyone is concerned about in episodes 2 and 3 is the assassin attempt and trying to investigate the dagger, etc.

Based on this one scene I'd say Jaime was the one who hired the assassin, without Cersei's knowledge.
Feel like I'm recycling yesterday's discussion but it's fun so...

Why would Jaime organize a plot to assassinate Bran that includes bringing his brother down with it?

Only way he'd do it is if he was 100% convinced the Starks would never find out come the chance the assassination attempt would fail. And I don't think he's that dumb. If the attempt failed, the blade was an easy trail straight to his bro.
06-18-2013 , 10:19 AM
Watch that scene, I also thought it was Cersei, the scene almost comes out and says it's Jaime though.

Cersei: How could you be so stupid?
Jaime: Calm down.
Cersei: He's a child. Ten years old. What were you thinking?
Jaime: I was thinking of us. You're a bit late to start complaining about it now. What has the boy told them?
Cersei: Nothing. He's said nothing, he remembers nothing.
Jaime: Then what are you raving about?
Cersei: What if it comes back to him, he tells his father what happened.
Jaime: We'll say he was lying, we'll say he was dreaming, we'll say whatever we want to say. I think we can outfox a ten year old.
06-18-2013 , 10:37 AM
I know about it, it's exactly the same scene that had me convinced for the longest time. Now I'm just taking it as a scene used for misdirection.

To me it was J/C and an outside shot of it being LF as he seemed so plotty the first time we were introduced to him. Not a chance I would have ever even thought about Joffrey until it was brought up here, and looking back at how I judged the characters season 1 vs. now, plus how real plots are operated, the Joffrey theory just looks like a pretty sick reveal to me.
06-18-2013 , 10:39 AM
I don't see how the segment you posted implies Jaime tried to assassinate Bran. If anything, the fact that he was so nonchalant about Bran talking suggests he wouldn't have taken the risk of trying to assassinate him.
06-18-2013 , 10:48 AM
What clues do we have that Joffrey is behind the attempt?
06-18-2013 , 10:57 AM
Basically nothing except that he's crazy and sadistic.
06-18-2013 , 11:01 AM
Originally Posted by lycosid
I don't see how the segment you posted implies Jaime tried to assassinate Bran. If anything, the fact that he was so nonchalant about Bran talking suggests he wouldn't have taken the risk of trying to assassinate him.
Cersei is pissed at Jaime for trying to kill Brann. If Cersei had ordered the hit why would she be pissed off?

And is she really talking about him pushing him out of hte window? That was weeks and week ago (show time). Why would she all the sudden be pissed off about it now.

There were only two attempts on Brann's life, so she has to be calling him out for one of them.

I'm not sure why everyone thinks Jaime is such a saint. We know he already tried to kill him once, why is it such a strech to imagine he'd try again?

I think the Joffrey talk is kinda crazy, how would he know anything about what was going on? It's clearly Cersei and/or Jaime behind the plot, nothing else makes any sense at all.
06-18-2013 , 11:04 AM
Originally Posted by Our House
What clues do we have that Joffrey is behind the attempt?
He certainly had the motive (Tyrion bitchslapping him and dressing him down in front of the Hound), as well as having no qualms about ordering someone to kill others for him, even before he became king (the Hound killing Mycah for example).
