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Game of Thrones Bookreader Thread: ***TV SPOILERS ITT*** Game of Thrones Bookreader Thread: ***TV SPOILERS ITT***

05-07-2015 , 08:01 PM
Originally Posted by Anssi A
Selmy scene was also bad, basically Harpies ended up killing him when it was most unlikely (ie. when they no longer had any advantage)
Funny video on this subject

I'd guess you could chalk it up to being tired from fighting off so many.

Originally Posted by DoTheMath
Bad read, IMO. You are missing all the subtle complexities of rankings, and the copious evidence GRRM provides. Different people are best at different things and at different times.

Only 3 of the TV characters have a legit claim to being top swordsman in Westeros: Selmy, who is now past his prime, Jaime, pre-capture, and Ned, who fought Jaime to a standstill until his leg. Loras is a top jouster but third-tier sword. Syrio is good with an epee but would (probably did) lose in armoured combat to a mere competent. Mountain and Hound are good but lack cunning. Oberyn lost. Brienne has only beat third-tier Loras, manacled weakened Jamie, and wounded Hound. No evidence Robb Stark, Jon Snow, Bronn or Hotah are more than a bit better than an average knight. Bronn thought he'd probably lose to Mountain. Unsullied are team players, not brilliant individuals. Cage fighters lose to real knights. (The Yunkai Champion Belwas beat was not one.) Pre-Baratheon Kingsguard is where you'd expect to find the best knights of the day.
Mostly agree but think you're underrating Hound / Mountain. Mountain clearly has some cunning with his "act defeated and then strike" against Oberyn.

Originally Posted by Nootka
nothing about the show's treatment of dorne makes any sense. doran's refusal to go to war is nothing but one dimensional cowardice if he isn't simultaneously trying to make the pact with dany.
I'd guess that in the show he IS trying to make this pact, but it just hasn't been revealed yet. IIRC in the AFFC book it was not revealed until the very last line of the very last Dorne chapter ("Vengeance. Justice. Fire and Blood" - my only worry is that this line may get cut as it might not make sense to TV viewers since the house words "Fire and Blood" haven't been reiterated as frequently as in the books).

Originally Posted by KansasCT
Unless, you know, he gets beheaded by the sand snakes. I can totally see him playing the role of arys.
I'd guess that will be Bronn. Jaime still has to strangle Cersei at some point in the future.

Also I legit started giggling when Cersei sent Meryn Trant with Mace to Braavos.
Game of Thrones Bookreader Thread: ***TV SPOILERS ITT*** Quote
05-08-2015 , 12:02 AM
Wasn't the mountain 100% dead if oberyn didn't go into speech? Doesn't seem like cunning but taking advantage of an idiotic mistake
Game of Thrones Bookreader Thread: ***TV SPOILERS ITT*** Quote
05-08-2015 , 12:47 AM
Originally Posted by bottomset
Wasn't the mountain 100% dead if oberyn didn't go into speech? Doesn't seem like cunning but taking advantage of an idiotic mistake
Yes if Oberyn shouts at Gregor from four feet away, he wins.
Game of Thrones Bookreader Thread: ***TV SPOILERS ITT*** Quote
05-08-2015 , 12:48 AM
Originally Posted by ballin4life
Originally Posted by DoTheMath
Bad read, IMO. You are missing all the subtle complexities of rankings, and the copious evidence GRRM provides. Different people are best at different things and at different times.

Only 3 of the TV characters have a legit claim to being top swordsman in Westeros: Selmy, who is now past his prime, Jaime, pre-capture, and Ned, who fought Jaime to a standstill until his leg. Loras is a top jouster but third-tier sword. Syrio is good with an epee but would (probably did) lose in armoured combat to a mere competent. Mountain and Hound are good but lack cunning. Oberyn lost. Brienne has only beat third-tier Loras, manacled weakened Jamie, and wounded Hound. No evidence Robb Stark, Jon Snow, Bronn or Hotah are more than a bit better than an average knight. Bronn thought he'd probably lose to Mountain. Unsullied are team players, not brilliant individuals. Cage fighters lose to real knights. (The Yunkai Champion Belwas beat was not one.) Pre-Baratheon Kingsguard is where you'd expect to find the best knights of the day.
Mostly agree but think you're underrating Hound / Mountain. Mountain clearly has some cunning with his "act defeated and then strike" against Oberyn.
Yes it was very clever of him to get pinned to the ground by a poisoned spear through his chest, so he could deceive Oberyn into thinking it was over.
Game of Thrones Bookreader Thread: ***TV SPOILERS ITT*** Quote
05-08-2015 , 12:59 AM
A few parts of that I disagree with:

I think Jaime was winning vs Ned. The scene is shot like Ned is getting worn down imo.

I think that Bronn saying he would lose against the Mountain means absolutely nothing. Every swordfighter would lose against the Mountain. I also still think even Oberyn loses vs the mountain 9/10 times. We're very lucky that he won and the story can continue this way imo.
Game of Thrones Bookreader Thread: ***TV SPOILERS ITT*** Quote
05-08-2015 , 03:03 AM
the Jamie storyline is very hateable if you are looking for book Jamie. They have certainly changed his character. but I'm surprised more people are just missing that his goal is clear and logical - he wants to win the trust of Cersei back and getting Myrcella is how he's going to do this. if he fails, I'm sure there will be consequences.

it's also a situation where you have very popular characters that they want to continue showing. in the books Bronn all but disappears and that's disappointing. Jamie doesn't disappear but his wandering role wouldn't really work on the show.
Game of Thrones Bookreader Thread: ***TV SPOILERS ITT*** Quote
05-08-2015 , 09:48 AM
Two hands Jamie > Ned for sure. Ned was good but not elite
Game of Thrones Bookreader Thread: ***TV SPOILERS ITT*** Quote
05-08-2015 , 10:50 AM
Here's something else I've been wondering about. In the book, Cersei was regent because Tommen was too young to rule(8or9?). In the show, he's significantly older, 14ish, so why is she still in charge? If he's old enough to ****, he's old enough to rule right?

Or is she functioning as the Hand, as there doesn't seem to be one?
Game of Thrones Bookreader Thread: ***TV SPOILERS ITT*** Quote
05-08-2015 , 11:02 AM
I think people come of age at 16 in Westeros? So she probably has 1-2 years of being regent (in her mind).
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05-08-2015 , 07:29 PM
Tommen's show character is a total comic also, ridiculous
Game of Thrones Bookreader Thread: ***TV SPOILERS ITT*** Quote
05-08-2015 , 09:26 PM
Originally Posted by prizminferno
Tommen's show character is a total comic also, ridiculous
I'm not entirely sure why he had to be aged up, but he seems fine to me. Tommen is simply a pawn - as Obara says in the books, "The two queens are squabbling over Tommen like bitches with a juicy bone." And we see that being acted out fairly well, if a bit too obviously by Margery and Cersei.
Game of Thrones Bookreader Thread: ***TV SPOILERS ITT*** Quote
05-09-2015 , 12:22 AM
Tommen had to be aged to work in sex. HBO loves sex. That and they wanted to show Margery using a woman's power and TV viewers can only conceive of that as sexual.
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05-09-2015 , 12:54 AM
it's just weird they are having a 14? year old have a **** party
Game of Thrones Bookreader Thread: ***TV SPOILERS ITT*** Quote
05-09-2015 , 04:57 AM
Originally Posted by Bluegrassplayer
I also still think even Oberyn loses vs the mountain 9/10 times. We're very lucky that he won and the story can continue this way imo.
Why? Oberyn wasn't really ever in danger of losing until he went into his speech.
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05-09-2015 , 03:19 PM
In the book he is staying as far away as possible because he's aware if Gregor so much as touches him he's going to die. In the show he is dancing around within punching distance of Gregor, and even that would probably result in his death.

He is one mistake from death the entire fight. I can't remember exactly what happened in the show tbh, but in the book Oberyn gets so overwhelmed at one point that he drops his spear and just starts running from Gregor. Oberyn ends up winning using the ultimate fantasy genre cheese: using the sun to expose Gregor's "weak" belly, when there's not even a guarantee that Oberyn could pierce Gregor's armor with his spear which is kind of a big deal. (It's probably impossible tbh, but made for a great scene so whatever)
Game of Thrones Bookreader Thread: ***TV SPOILERS ITT*** Quote
05-09-2015 , 07:50 PM
This show got so bad, so fast.
Game of Thrones Bookreader Thread: ***TV SPOILERS ITT*** Quote
05-09-2015 , 07:59 PM
to be expected after book 3

i still think both the books and the show will be insane once the endgame starts
Game of Thrones Bookreader Thread: ***TV SPOILERS ITT*** Quote
05-09-2015 , 08:01 PM
Books for sure, hard to tell with the show.
Game of Thrones Bookreader Thread: ***TV SPOILERS ITT*** Quote
05-09-2015 , 08:04 PM
yeah thinking about it, the show will be sorely missing all the dreams and prophecies that will lead up to big events. Eh we'll see.
Game of Thrones Bookreader Thread: ***TV SPOILERS ITT*** Quote
05-09-2015 , 10:13 PM
I wish the show would literally get canceled tomorrow and they would just release the remaining eps from this season and call it a day
Game of Thrones Bookreader Thread: ***TV SPOILERS ITT*** Quote
05-09-2015 , 10:24 PM
waiting 6-7years/lifetime after winds of winter tho
Game of Thrones Bookreader Thread: ***TV SPOILERS ITT*** Quote
05-09-2015 , 11:31 PM
Originally Posted by IMDABES
I'm not usually that critical of fight scenes but the selmy & greyworm vs Harpys was brutal. It's like they forgot how badass the unsullied are supposed to be & the old man playing selmy just couldn't pull that scene off, the one on one fight vs that pit fighter in ADWD books would of been way more manageable for him one would think.
Unsullied are not amazingly badass individual fighters. They are unstoppable as a unit. What makes them amazing is their discipline more than their fighting skills, although they do also have those.
Game of Thrones Bookreader Thread: ***TV SPOILERS ITT*** Quote
05-09-2015 , 11:31 PM
I'll look forward to reading ADoS in 2023, lol
Game of Thrones Bookreader Thread: ***TV SPOILERS ITT*** Quote
05-09-2015 , 11:33 PM
Originally Posted by DoTheMath
Bad read, IMO. You are missing all the subtle complexities of rankings, and the copious evidence GRRM provides. Different people are best at different things and at different times.

Only 3 of the TV characters have a legit claim to being top swordsman in Westeros: Selmy, who is now past his prime, Jaime, pre-capture, and Ned, who fought Jaime to a standstill until his leg. Loras is a top jouster but third-tier sword. Syrio is good with an epee but would (probably did) lose in armoured combat to a mere competent. Mountain and Hound are good but lack cunning. Oberyn lost. Brienne has only beat third-tier Loras, manacled weakened Jamie, and wounded Hound. No evidence Robb Stark, Jon Snow, Bronn or Hotah are more than a bit better than an average knight. Bronn thought he'd probably lose to Mountain. Unsullied are team players, not brilliant individuals. Cage fighters lose to real knights. (The Yunkai Champion Belwas beat was not one.) Pre-Baratheon Kingsguard is where you'd expect to find the best knights of the day.
This is pretty accurate, although I think the Hound and Brienne are a bit better than described and Ned a bit less. Given that Ned's fight with Jaime was from his point of view, it may not have been going as well as he thought. Barristan and Jaime are clearly top.

Originally Posted by DoTheMath
They saw the Sons coming with enough time to form back-to back shield walls, but they didn't act like the well-drilled soldiers they were presented as. With both flanks protected by walls, they should have been able to hold off an unarmoured mob of dagger wielders indefinitely, or at least until somebody started dropping rocks on them from above.
This is also correct. Being outnumbered by rabble is irrelevant.
Game of Thrones Bookreader Thread: ***TV SPOILERS ITT*** Quote
05-09-2015 , 11:41 PM
Originally Posted by b00gal00ga
saw this explanation of why the Unsullied got their asses kicked:

"As for the Sons of the Harpy — one of the main gripes that the Meereenese ruling class has against Dany’s government is the closing of the fighting pits. The pits are both economically and culturally important to the Meereenese, and though the fighters are slaves, they’re slaves who genuinely enjoy killing other slaves for the entertainment of others. Closing the fighting pits put an unknown number of trained warriors on the unemployment line with nothing much to do. Except maybe kill Unsullied in the streets."
And with any kind of defensive position, the Unsullied would still win. There is no way the fighting pit fighters would have the discipline to fight them.
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