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Michigan Basketball Michigan Basketball

04-09-2013 , 01:01 AM
Originally Posted by Zimmer4141
The ending is always the same.

The path to the brink is different but the ending is always the same.

I'll have a different outlook after a few days but for now there's just emptiness and despair.

Jesus Christ, do I ever sympathize with this post, and I'm not even a diehard of this team.
Michigan Basketball Quote
04-09-2013 , 01:01 AM
Originally Posted by GREEAR10
Emptiness and despair.
Fitting words for tonight. Fitting words for all of my 30's actually. Really need TC's wife right now.
Michigan Basketball Quote
04-09-2013 , 01:03 AM
Michigan Basketball Quote
04-09-2013 , 01:06 AM
Michigan Basketball Quote
04-09-2013 , 01:07 AM
lol Beilein just admitted he thought Louisville was ALREADY in the 1 and 1 and was trying to make sure they fouled the RIGHT guy when that foul didn't matter.

GG MJW's theory he just posted about in the f4 thread saying Beilein was screaming foul the entire time.

lol Beilein.

Last edited by GREEAR10; 04-09-2013 at 01:09 AM. Reason: lol mjw also, obv
Michigan Basketball Quote
04-09-2013 , 01:10 AM

i mean, all day i never let myself believe. in the first half, i let myself believe.

serves me right.

team was worth it for the memories...
Michigan Basketball Quote
04-09-2013 , 01:12 AM
Zimmer, when you read this the next time and you're not feeling so down, I sincerely hope you had an amazing time this weekend - I can't even imagine what that atmosphere would've been like as a neutral, let alone as the fan of a program enjoying their long-awaited national redemption.

When I was 16, my grandfather got in touch with his ol' buddy Billy Barber - who was working with the Lightning at the time - and we had tickets ready for game 2 of the '04 Stanley Cup Finals. Our trip fell through because of an inability to find affordable flights; still haunts me that I don't know if I'll ever get another chance to see my Flames in a moment like that.

You said it yourself, iirc: you never know when you'll get another chance like this. You were there for your team, on the country's biggest stage, in one of the greatest title games of recent memory. That is so ****ing cool.

This is probably very hollow consolation right now, I understand that. But I hope that years from now, you'll look back on this run as one of the most epic sports experiences of your life.
Michigan Basketball Quote
04-09-2013 , 01:13 AM
Yeah. The bigger errors IMO were Spike's minutes (Levert!) and playing Morgan instead of Horford. And maybe should've tried the 1-3-1 earlier to see if he had something that he could go back to.

That 2-3 zone was a disaster and I think that's something to work on for next year. Might not be much of a help during B1G season, but I think it's a major player come tournament time... being able to switch defenses.
Michigan Basketball Quote
04-09-2013 , 01:27 AM
We just lost to the Sparty of Kentucky.

Just pile it on the ever growing list of Michigan/Detroit almost but just not quite moments that is growing pretty damn long even if you just look at post 08 Stanley Cup.
Michigan Basketball Quote
04-09-2013 , 01:32 AM
Okay, I'm not helping

Anyways, cheers everyone for giving me a boost on the wagon for this season. I'll be back so long as Stauskas keeps doing his thing at the Crisler. Might even need to get down for a game next season if possible.

G'night boys, and congrats again on a great season.
Michigan Basketball Quote
04-09-2013 , 01:33 AM
Not your fault.

I just need a place to vent and cause it annoys people less here than my irl friends I'm choosing to do it here.
Michigan Basketball Quote
04-09-2013 , 01:36 AM
I have to say that a few hours after it's over, it almost feels "normal" or "right" to of lost the game.

You shouldn't be able to get used to something like this, but I think I am. Obv gonna be hot in the hour or two after the game, but I think I'll be able to shake this fairly easy in the next few days and just laugh to myself at how standard it all is.
Michigan Basketball Quote
04-09-2013 , 01:40 AM
just so bad that we didnt abuse the hardaway mismatch...smith/hancock could have both realistically been fouled out of the game and jr should have had 30pts taking hancock off the dribble or posting up smith/siva
Michigan Basketball Quote
04-09-2013 , 02:01 AM
Pretty sick. Louisville had their 3rd best offensive efficiency on the season. We had the best against their defense. We had the worst defensive efficiency performance of our season.
Michigan Basketball Quote
04-09-2013 , 02:09 AM
pretty sick that in a 2 poss game with less than 1min the coach doesnt know their not in the bonus yet
Michigan Basketball Quote
04-09-2013 , 02:13 AM
Once again, that wasn't where the game was lost.
Michigan Basketball Quote
04-09-2013 , 02:18 AM
absolutely not, but just a microcosm of the entire night, beilein got outclassed buy pitino all night and it wasnt even close
Michigan Basketball Quote
04-09-2013 , 02:32 AM
I fail to see how outclassed = 1 point away from kenpom's predicted score.
Michigan Basketball Quote
04-09-2013 , 03:11 AM
This is so crazy that it just hasn't sunk in yet. What a whirlwind. 23 days ago, expectations were so low.

So much different than the Pistons or Tigers runs of recent memory, those that you knew months before the playoffs that we were picking up momentum. Like the NBA playoffs are 2 months long. 2 months! And in just over 2 weeks, this is over.

Anyway, hope you all survive another Tigazzzz season, my self banishment shall continue until some maybe some important September/October sporting events.

Mjw, congrats on your prosecutor job.
Ikes, congrats on getting into med school.
Greear, go to college this summer!
Tuma, hope you to see you at ES over the summer (but not at my table of course)
Burd, hope the Lakers get swept.
Deezy, congrats on your new house.

Go Blue.
Michigan Basketball Quote
04-09-2013 , 09:37 AM

Tough game, proud of the team. Like how the future looks
Michigan Basketball Quote
04-09-2013 , 09:54 AM
Setting aside the wings victory in 08:

Spurs/pistons game 7
Um/osu 06
Um hockey ot losses to nd in frozen four and umd in the title game
Wings/pens game 7
Tigers ws losses
Last night

For an extra lol state of Michigan toss in sparty final four loss to butler and title game loss.

Just so many damn times where we were on the precipice of greatness and the glory of a title. So since the pistons in 04, in the last decade we've gone like 1/8 in those spots?

This one hitting me harder than usual I think the combo of it being my favorite team in my favorite sport, taking the time off and spending the money to go to the game, and that I effectively had the biggest sports bet of my life on it all are combining to make this one a little tougher to swallow.

I'm happy with the direction of the team but you just never know when this opportunity is gonna come again.
Michigan Basketball Quote
04-09-2013 , 10:01 AM
Hardest loss ever for me, and I don't think anything is remotely close. I've been going to games for my whole life, just waiting for something like last night to happen. After being forced to sit through years of Brian Ellerbe, it's been such an amazing experience to watch this team. They deserved better. The future is insanely bright, fortunately.
Michigan Basketball Quote
04-09-2013 , 11:00 AM
% chance each guy comes back:

Thj 70%
Gr3 90%
McGary 70%
Burke .01% (please)
Michigan Basketball Quote
04-09-2013 , 11:56 AM
if McGary goes from "I don't even have a decision, im coming back."

then leaves....well, **** him.
Michigan Basketball Quote
04-09-2013 , 12:48 PM
so hard to be anything other than really upset at this point in time. To get all the way to the finals and lose is the worst possible feeling. What a run and I will appreciate what this team accomplished and what a great time I had in a few weeks but right now I'm just sad.
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