Originally Posted by dmyers1166
Then we get our money out .. and besides that years down the road. It took 4 years for the stars/tilt ones. Oh yea, might be regulated by then. We win DOJ, losing .. but the soft games here are going away quickly I have a feeling as only regs will deposit.
So far it seems the games have remained soft, IMO. Though, admittedly I have dropped down a level because I Cashed out AND because I wanted to focus on working on a few area's of my game that I felt were leaks. Still I don't remember seeing the type of plays I did over the last few days. Maybe just an adjustment period.
Regardless, I'd say that will be changing soon especially with the news and the fact that they are and will continue to be the new clear #1 choice, but I hope I'm wrong.
Also, Merge has already basically doubled in traffic since Friday. I think it will continue as players will feel more confident they will get their funds if any future DOJ action is taken. Before Cereus banned US players last night, Merge had more Cash Game Players then they did!
Over Under on Merge's Pokerscout ranking next week?