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Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW?

06-17-2010 , 01:25 AM
Originally Posted by rizeagainst
God knows that I don't believe in him. He knows that I don't believe in him based on the lack of compelling evidence as I see it.

Why doesn't he do something miraculous that would leave me no doubt that he exists? If he appeared before me right now and started having a conversation with me, that could be a start. My eyes and ears are open, I don't see anything, I don't hear anything. Are you really going to try to tell me that he is there talking to me and I'm just not doing enough to hear him?

I don't understand why god wouldn't do this if he does exist. Obviously I don't see ample reason to believe based on the evidence as I see it. God knows that. Doesn't he want to save my soul? Why won't he personally make an effort? Does he just not care? Does he want me to go to hell?

I don't see why this is an unreasonable request for an entity that knows everything, can do anything, loves everyone, and transcends time.

Shouldn't we all have the ability to witness things like Jesus' miracles, not just that fraction of people that happened to be lucky enough to be born at that time, in that place?

Why can't your god try? He created fallible human beings and then blames them at the end of their lives for having made a fallible decision in regards to existence?

Religious people always appeal to their personal experience as to why they think or "know" that god exists. Well I don't have any personal experience with god. I don't see anything in the world that leads me to believe that god exists. My eyes function like yours do. My ears function like yours do. Yet I don't see him and I don't hear him. What's the matter? I guess you're just the special chosen one that god cared enough about to interact with?

Or maybe, just maybe, you've read too far into some event(s) in your life and saw something that wasn't there.
Are your eyes and ears really open? Perhaps it would be too shocking for a human to have God in his ear all the time. Maybe there is more to it.

Why wouldn't God give proof? First off, think of what your trying to achive, God. That's not going to be easy.

Perhaps God has a way of talking, but some kind of human activity is stopping this from happening.

Maybe God thinks the human race is lame and violent. Or maybe God is passive.

Considering the people who claim to "know" God in the Christian attitude, I would be very doubtful those types have any connection with God, probably they like the feeling they get from telling people they are in the "IN" crowd and you are not, and they are probably the furthest from God.

There are a lot of people crying wolf.
Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Quote
06-17-2010 , 01:27 AM
jib, at least stop by to say "i dont agree", or something ffs. I realize its a hard line to defend that you're taking, but you started it.
Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Quote
06-17-2010 , 01:31 AM
Originally Posted by Gunth0807
It is quite simple. You are accountable for all your actions when you die. And if you have never heard of Jesus, how can you be held accountable for that? How can you go to hell for not believing something that you have never heard of?
I'm not talking about if you've never heard of Jesus, although you raise a good side point. I'm talking about being born into a different culture as a faithful person, and as a result being indoctrinated into and sticking to that cultures faith, instead of Christianity, because you're faithful. It's not fair that when you're a faithful person by nature and are lucky enough to be born into Christianity, you go to Heaven, but if you're faithful and unlucky enough to be born into another religion, you go to Hell. The personality that compels you to be a faithful Christian, and faithful to Christianity, is the same as the one that compels you to be a faithful Hindu, and faithful to Hinduism (or whatever else). The reward or punishment is based on happenstance, not on any character failing of the individual. You could also make the same case for atheists being born with an altogether unfaithful personality type, and therefore they're atheists (like 90-95% of scientists are atheists).

Originally Posted by Gunth0807
Anything else you want me to respond to?
There was this:

Originally Posted by soontobepro
There's at least one case in the bible where they were given proof as proof.

Edit: Thomas was given proof of Jesus' Resurrection.
Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Quote
06-17-2010 , 01:57 AM
Originally Posted by soontobepro
I'm not talking about if you've never heard of Jesus, although you raise a good side point. I'm talking about being born into a different culture as a faithful person, and as a result being indoctrinated into and sticking to that cultures faith, instead of Christianity, because you're faithful. It's not fair that when you're a faithful person by nature and are lucky enough to be born into Christianity, you go to Heaven, but if you're faithful and unlucky enough to be born into another religion, you go to Hell. The personality that compels you to be a faithful Christian, and faithful to Christianity, is the same as the one that compels you to be a faithful Hindu, and faithful to Hinduism (or whatever else). The reward or punishment is based on happenstance, not on any character failing of the individual. You could also make the same case for atheists being born with an altogether unfaithful personality type, and therefore they're atheists (like 90-95% of scientists are atheists).
To be honest, i have not studied too much of the other religions. I don't know if that was God's way of reaching out to places that are difficult for us as Christians to reach out to, or if they are being deceived. Someone with more knowledge will have to answer this. I am fairly certain that any religion that tells it's followers to kill Christians though is fighting God. I really wish i had more i could say regarding this.

If i had to guess, most atheists brought up in this world has had opportunities to learn and follow God's Word. The world of atheism does pull hard though. But who is really doing the pulling? And no offense, not being faithful enough is not really an excuse. All children are full of faith, whether they know God or not. It is the change of thinking to think that men are gods or i know everything that take away a faithful personality.
There's at least one case in the bible where they were given proof as proof.

Edit: Thomas was given proof of Jesus' Resurrection.
You do know Thomas was one of the 12 disciples right? Also if you read the story, there was a message God was telling through Jesus, which is why it had to happen that way.
Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Quote
06-17-2010 , 02:59 AM
Originally Posted by Gunth0807
To be honest, i have not studied too much of the other religions. I don't know if that was God's way of reaching out to places that are difficult for us as Christians to reach out to, or if they are being deceived. Someone with more knowledge will have to answer this. I am fairly certain that any religion that tells it's followers to kill Christians though is fighting God. I really wish i had more i could say regarding this.
This really has little if anything to do with the nature of non Christian religions and more to do with the nature of personality and faith. Hinduism isn't killing Christians yet you can be born into it and have a faithful personality type, and therefore be a lifelong Hindu, and go to Hell...the same person born into Christian circumstances would go to Heaven. This isn't fair.

Originally Posted by Gunth0807
If i had to guess, most atheists brought up in this world has had opportunities to learn and follow God's Word. The world of atheism does pull hard though. But who is really doing the pulling? And no offense, not being faithful enough is not really an excuse.
I'm not talking about outside influences on the prospective Atheist but internal drive. Some people are born with a personality that is more skeptical and questioning than others. They are not faithful by nature. These people naturally wind up as Atheists.

Originally Posted by Gunth0807
All children are full of faith, whether they know God or not.
I guess well have to agree to disagree here. This just isn't the case. All children lack faith in anything to begin with, and different children have different personalities that lead to them being or not being faithful.

Originally Posted by Gunth0807
It is the change of thinking to think that men are gods or i know everything that take away a faithful personality.
A faithful personality is that way naturally and stays that way for the most part.

Although I find it amusing that you think Atheists are "know-it-alls" when you're at the same time literally claiming to know all of the hardest questions about existence by being a Christian.

Originally Posted by Gunth0807
You do know Thomas was one of the 12 disciples right? Also if you read the story, there was a message God was telling through Jesus, which is why it had to happen that way.
Receiving a message or not, he got his secured spot/better shot at Heaven.
Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Quote
06-17-2010 , 03:11 AM
This really has little if anything to do with the nature of non Christian religions and more to do with the nature of personality and faith. Hinduism isn't killing Christians yet you can be born into it and have a faithful personality type, and therefore be a lifelong Hindu, and go to Hell...the same person born into Christian circumstances would go to Heaven. This isn't fair.
How well do you know their religious books?

I'm not talking about outside influences on the prospective Atheist but internal drive. Some people are born with a personality that is more skeptical and questioning than others. They are not faithful by nature. These people naturally wind up as Atheists.
There is nothing wrong with questioning. In fact God encourages council. But when you lose your childhood faith because you feel you no longer need to question, that is because that person thinks he/she knows it all. And atheism caters to that know it all feeling.

I guess well have to agree to disagree here. This just isn't the case. All children lack faith in anything to begin with, and different children have different personalities that lead to them being or not being faithful.
No, your wrong. Every single newborn child has faith in their parent/guardian. And that faith continues even after teen years.

Receiving a message or not, he got his secured spot/better shot at Heaven.
He was a disciple...

And the message was not for just him, it was for every single person in this world.

Although I find it amusing that you think Atheists are "know-it-alls" when you're at the same time literally claiming to know all of the hardest questions about existence by being a Christian.
Why are you lying about me? Did i just not state i can't really answer a question you just asked?

This is why i did not respond to your posts in the first place, but after you pretended like your posts were too much for a response, i decided to give you the benefit of the doubt.

Last edited by Gunth0807; 06-17-2010 at 03:27 AM.
Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Quote
06-17-2010 , 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by Gunth0807
It is the change of thinking to think that men are gods or i know everything that take away a faithful personality.
Originally Posted by Gunth0807
But when you lose your childhood faith because you feel you no longer need to question, that is because that person thinks he/she knows it all. And atheism caters to that know it all feeling.
Atheism is the exact opposite of knowing, its the acknowledgment that we don't know. When i stop having faith i lost my knowledge of why and how we got here.

Theists are the ones with knowledge about God and the reasons for us being here. Your the know it all's.
Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Quote
06-17-2010 , 01:15 PM
When atheists use theories as proof that the Bible is false, that is claiming they know otherwise, when in fact, they just believe otherwise.

And the theories they go by, put man in charge of all things. Add a little every man for himself. And what you get is people being dehumanized.
Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Quote
06-17-2010 , 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by Gunth0807
When atheists use theories as proof that the Bible is false, that is claiming they know otherwise, when in fact, they just believe otherwise.

And the theories they go by, put man in charge of all things. Add a little every man for himself. And what you get is people being dehumanized.
Could you tell my what scientific theory puts man in change of the universe because im unaware of it. As far as i know i have vary, vary, vary.... little power or knowledge about this universe. So im like the opposite of a know it all whos in charge.

As far as knowing if the bible is right or wrong, which has nothing to o with my point, both sides claim knowledge.
Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Quote
06-17-2010 , 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by batair
Could you tell my what scientific theory puts man in change of the universe because im unaware of it.

As far as knowing if the bible is right or wrong, which has nothing to o with my point, both sides claim knowledge.
Well their theory puts man in charge of this world, and everything in it.

Not only that their theory is bent towards that if their are other forms of life in other galaxies, they dehumanize themselves.
Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Quote
06-17-2010 , 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by Gunth0807
Well their theory puts man in charge of this world, and everything in it.
Which theory puts man in charge?

Not only that their theory is bent towards that if their are other forms of life in other galaxies, they dehumanize themselves.
Your using theory pretty loosely. But in any case if there is other life out there i dont see how it would take away our humanity.
Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Quote
06-17-2010 , 01:38 PM
Which theory puts man in charge?
If everything arrived from chance, and man are on top of the food chain, then they can pretty much do whatever they want. Not only that they put themselves above other humans who are in weaker positions.

Your using theory pretty loosely. But in any case if there is other life out there i dont see how it would take away our humanity.
Not really. Does Stephen Hawking not agree with what i am saying? Isn't in every alien-type movie, the aliens more advanced then us?
Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Quote
06-17-2010 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by Gunth0807
If everything arrived from chance, and man are on top of the food chain, then they can pretty much do whatever they want. Not only that they put themselves above other humans who are in weaker positions.
I wouldn't think many atheists would say we're at the top of the food chain of the Universe. Thats more of a theistic position.

Not really. Does Stephen Hawking not agree with what i am saying? Isn't in every alien-type movie, the aliens more advanced then us?
No i doubt he does. I bet he would say if there is life out there some of it is smarter then us and some of it is dumber then us.

Not that i agree with you premise more intelligent beings would take away our humanity. It would probably take away the self important egotistical nature of some humans. Which would be a good thing imo.
Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Quote
06-17-2010 , 02:10 PM
I wouldn't think many atheists would say we're at the top of the food chain of the Universe.
You pretty much confirmed everything i just said with this sentence. I meant to say top of the food chain on earth.
No i doubt he does. I bet he would say if there is life out there some of it is smarter then us and some of it is dumber then us.
There was just a thread with a link that posted him saying that if there was intelligent life out there, we would most likely be in danger.
Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Quote
06-17-2010 , 02:18 PM
Originally Posted by Gunth0807
You pretty much confirmed everything i just said with this sentence. I meant to say top of the food chain on earth.
I wouldn't think many atheists would say that either. Some bugs can kick our ass.

There was just a thread with a link that posted him saying that if there was intelligent life out there, we would most likely be in danger.
What does that have to do with making us less then what we are?
Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Quote
06-17-2010 , 02:29 PM
I got to say its amazing you can say atheists see themselves as the end all be all of the universe and then pout when there is a possibility we're not the end all be all because there might be more intelligent life in the universe. Just wow...

Last edited by batair; 06-17-2010 at 02:35 PM. Reason: Its got to be a put on, its just got to be.
Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Quote
06-17-2010 , 03:24 PM
I meant to say top of the food chain on earth.
Did you just conveniently skip over this part of my post so you can dish out your insults?

This discussion is over since now you are stooping to being intentionally dishonest.

And no offense, even a 6 year old can see that i pointed out several times that most atheists think that life on another planet would be more advanced then us.
Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Quote
06-17-2010 , 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by Gunth0807
Did you just conveniently skip over this part of my post so you can dish out your insults?
I answered that part of your post you must of skipped it.
Originally Posted by batair
I wouldn't think many atheists would say that either. Some bugs can kick our ass.
This discussion is over since now you are stooping to being intentionally dishonest.
Um show me where.
And no offense, even a 6 year old can see that i pointed out several times that most atheists think that life on another planet would be more advanced then us.
I answered that to. Intelligent life out there has nothing to do with taking away our humanity and making us lees then what we are. If someones smarter then you does that make you less then what you are and make you less Gunth0807 like?

Last edited by batair; 06-17-2010 at 03:48 PM.
Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Quote
06-17-2010 , 04:21 PM
I wouldn't think many atheists would say we're at the top of the food chain of the Universe.
I meant to say top of the food chain on earth.
But then you feel like you should post this after:
I got to say its amazing you can say atheists see themselves as the end all be all of the universe and then pout when there is a possibility we're not the end all be all because there might be more intelligent life in the universe. Just wow...
You can play your little game by yourself now.
Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Quote
06-17-2010 , 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by Gunth0807
And no offense, even a 6 year old can see that i pointed out several times that most atheists think that life on another planet would be more advanced then us.
Dude, "most atheists" don't think anything. We are NOT a homogenous group.

I can't speak for all atheists any more than you can speak for all hoody enthusiasts. How is this not simple?
Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Quote
06-17-2010 , 05:05 PM
Originally Posted by einbert
Dude, "most atheists" don't think anything. We are NOT a homogenous group.
If what i stated was false, there would be more tickets selling for movies where humans travel to other galaxies visiting life forms more primitive then us. It is a known fact this world is more bent on the idea that if there was other life, they would be more advanced then us. Show us otherwise.

Humans really are not as advanced as they think they are.
Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Quote
06-17-2010 , 05:13 PM
Originally Posted by Gunth0807
If what i stated was false, there would be more tickets selling for movies where humans travel to other galaxies visiting life forms more primitive then us. It is a known fact this world is more bent on the idea that if there was other life, they would be more advanced then us. Show us otherwise.

Humans really are not as advanced as they think they are.

Gunth's entire schtick one big level?
Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Quote
06-17-2010 , 05:16 PM
Originally Posted by All-In Flynn

Gunth's entire schtick one big level?
If you can show me one human being that looks actually looks like that walking earth right now, your post might mean something.
Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Quote
06-17-2010 , 05:20 PM
Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Quote
06-17-2010 , 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by All-In Flynn
Agreed. Gunth, i know you hate Christians and Christianity with all your body and mind (I mean why else would you waste time making Christians and Christianity look utterly ******ed), but your shtick is getting old.
Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Quote
