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Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW?

06-17-2010 , 05:49 PM
Originally Posted by dknightx
Agreed. Gunth, i know you hate Christians and Christianity with all your body and mind (I mean why else would you waste time making Christians and Christianity look utterly ******ed), but your shtick is getting old.
All you do is insult and lie now. Nothing i have stated is wrong, but it supposedly is because people like dknightx says so.

Your little gunth is wrong because gunth is a moron argument is getting old.
Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Quote
06-17-2010 , 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by Gunth0807
All you do is insult and lie now. Nothing i have stated is wrong, but it supposedly is because people like dknightx says so.

Your little gunth is wrong because gunth is a moron argument is getting old.
read posts 221, 222, and 223 in this thread. Try reading it very slowly and word by word.

but you are a <not as intelligent as I feel you should be person>, theres no argument needed there.

Last edited by Jibninjas; 06-17-2010 at 08:43 PM. Reason: potty mouth
Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Quote
06-17-2010 , 05:59 PM
I'm sorry i never watched that movie. So i thought it was advanced humans he was referring to. Either way AIF's post means nothing.
Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Quote
06-17-2010 , 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by Gunth0807
I'm sorry i never watched that movie. So i thought it was advanced humans he was referring to. Either way AIF's post means nothing.
Oh come on man. Seriously?

This is what you said:

"If what i stated was false, there would be more tickets selling for movies where humans travel to other galaxies visiting life forms more primitive then us. "

Avatar, a movie in which humans travel to another galaxy and visit life forms more primitive than us, is one of the highest grossing movies of all time.

Therefore, what you stated is false.

Can you just admit you are wrong for once?
Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Quote
06-17-2010 , 06:06 PM
Originally Posted by dknightx
Oh come on man. Seriously?

This is what you said:

"If what i stated was false, there would be more tickets selling for movies where humans travel to other galaxies visiting life forms more primitive then us. "

Avatar, a movie in which humans travel to another galaxy and visit life forms more primitive than us, is one of the highest grossing movies of all time.

Therefore, what you stated is false.

Can you just admit you are wrong for once?
So because it is one of the highest grossing movies of all time, that means that people have spent more money total watching that movie, then movies where the aliens are more advanced.

I suppose that also means because of that one movie, there are also more movies and shows where humans are more advanced then aliens.

I don't wanna hear you ever complain about someone defying logic ever again.

Yes or No (for clarity), do you really think mankind is more bent on the belief that if there is other life in other galaxies that we are more advanced?
Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Quote
06-17-2010 , 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by Gunth0807
So because it is one of the highest grossing movies of all time, that means that people have spent more money total watching that movie, then movies where the aliens are more advanced.
you do realize that there are more movies than avatar (highest grossing movie of all time, btw, not just one of them) that have aliens that are less advanced than humans. Ever heard of the "Aliens" series?

I suppose that also means because of that one movie, there are also more movies and shows where humans are more advanced then aliens.
of course not, but thats not what we are talking about now is it? Come on gunth, stay focused.

I don't wanna hear you ever complain about someone defying logic ever again.
dont blame me that you have the reading comprehension of a 5 year old, and cant explain your argument without sounding like a ****** who failed 9th grade english.

Yes or No (for clarity), do you really think mankind is more bent on the belief that if there is other life in other galaxies that we are more advanced?
mankind? you mean the average ****** like you who watches TV and thinks Noahs flood is real? probably not.

the average scientist? yes.
Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Quote
06-17-2010 , 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by Gunth0807
So because it is one of the highest grossing movies of all time, that means that people have spent more money total watching that movie, then movies where the aliens are more advanced.

I suppose that also means because of that one movie, there are also more movies and shows where humans are more advanced then aliens.

I don't wanna hear you ever complain about someone defying logic ever again.

Yes or No (for clarity), do you really think mankind is more bent on the belief that if there is other life in other galaxies that we are more advanced?
No, I don't think that is true in general. Realistically we do not have the capability to find life in other galaxies at present so if we encounter extragalactic life in the foreseeable future they will have to be more advanced then us. Also, the scenario of the underdog humans fighting off the evil advanced invaders makes for easier movie scripts. But in an absolute sense I do not think any reasonably intelligent person really holds one view over the other.
Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Quote
06-17-2010 , 06:17 PM
Simple yes or no.
Do you think the average atheist is more bent on the belief that if there is other life in other galaxies that we are more advanced?
Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Quote
06-17-2010 , 06:20 PM
No offense dknightx but part of growing up is realizing that "your a (insert)" is not a valid argument.

I know people under the age of 10 that know that by now...
Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Quote
06-17-2010 , 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by Gunth0807
Simple yes or no.
Do you think the average atheist is more bent on the belief that if there is other life in other galaxies that we are more advanced?
I am confused. I would say "No" there is no reason for a bias. Why do you feel there is? If the answer is buried somewhere back in this thread I apologize but I do not feel like digging for it.
Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Quote
06-17-2010 , 06:27 PM
sorry i misspoke. My opinion is that the average scientist would state that the vast majority of life forms we may encounter will be much less advanced then humans. I believe the average person will think that they will be much more advanced.

of course no one knows for certain, how could they?
Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Quote
06-17-2010 , 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by RLK
I am confused. I would say "No" there is no reason for a bias. Why do you feel there is? If the answer is buried somewhere back in this thread I apologize but I do not feel like digging for it.
There may be no reason for bias, but most likely if you ask anyone the first thing they think of when they hear the word alien, is flying saucers. (Not a bunch of goat herders, or single celled organisms)
Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Quote
06-17-2010 , 08:01 PM
Originally Posted by Gunth0807
But then you feel like you should post this after:

You can play your little game by yourself now.
I posted that because its true.

Your critical of atheists for their belief that they are the most important thing in the universe and then at the same time say that if there is intelligent life out it would lessen us because we wont be the most important thing in the universe. It like ironic.

I would still like you to show me where i was intentionally dishonest and lied. If not ill just take you are the lair whos intentionally dishonest.
Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Quote
06-17-2010 , 08:06 PM
Originally Posted by Gunth0807
How well do you know their religious books?
I'm not an expert, but I'm pretty solid on it not being about "killing Christians for sacrifice to the Hindu God" or whatever you're implying it "could be". This is an awfully convenient way for you to ignore the core of my argument, by the way.

Originally Posted by Gunth0807
There is nothing wrong with questioning. In fact God encourages council. But when you lose your childhood faith because you feel you no longer need to question, that is because that person thinks he/she knows it all. And atheism caters to that know it all feeling.
This is contradictory to the nature of the questioning personality. Atheists don't "no longer feel the need to question" when they lose their faith (if they ever had faith in the first place). Their questioning nature made them Atheists, and they continue to question after becoming Atheists. Atheists continue questioning about Christianity, and about anything and everything else after becoming Atheists (and before).

There are even Atheists that question so much they question their Atheism and become religious again, and go back and fourth, usually being Atheist most of the time and settling on Atheism eventually.

I would say It's usually the religious type of person that tends to be less questioning, and at some point questions much less or stops questioning their religions validity entirely.

Originally Posted by Gunth0807
No, your wrong. Every single newborn child has faith in their parent/guardian. And that faith continues even after teen years.
Well that's different than faith in ideas/beliefs. That's an instinct.

Originally Posted by Gunth0807
He was a disciple...

And the message was not for just him, it was for every single person in this world.
And how fortunate for him that he got his free pass. But not for the rest of us.

Originally Posted by Gunth0807
Why are you lying about me? Did i just not state i can't really answer a question you just asked?
Sure, but as a Christian you claim to know all of the hard questions as I said, the entire nature of existence, and the meaning of everything and why everything happens. Isn't that being a "know-it-all" by any reasonable definition?

Originally Posted by Gunth0807
This is why i did not respond to your posts in the first place, but after you pretended like your posts were too much for a response, i decided to give you the benefit of the doubt.
I haven't been lying about you...I've been honest this entire discussion. While were complaining though, you've seemingly been avoiding/ignoring the core of my argument about the nature of personality and faith.
Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Quote
06-17-2010 , 08:12 PM
Originally Posted by RLK
I understand your point. I just do not agree with it. Religions attempt to describe God. The same God could be the starting point but the effects of culture and human error could cause you to end up in very diverse places.

I never said my religion is the only one that could work for me. I suspect if I was born in Saudi Arabia I would be a Muslim and quite satisfied with that religion although not the fundamentalist variety. I could be a moderate Muslim but never a fundamentalist Christian for example, even though I am a Christian. This point completely fails, at least in my case.

What?? I have a copy of Origin of the Species which was published in 1859. His Descent of Man that specifically extends evolution to humans was published in 1871. He died in 1882. About the only thing in this quote that is accurate is that you do not know where to begin.

Well, since this is mostly name calling and I have never said that I believed that the Biblical stories are literally true coupled with the fact that you seem completely ignorant of the actual history associated with Darwin, I have lost all respect for you. Ramble on all you want. You completely failed in this debate.
No, I disagree. In fact, your second paragraph says it all. You claim to be a Christian, yet you admit that you would be satisfied being a Muslim if you were born in Saudi Arabia. If that is not the definition of a sheep, then I don't know what is. And debating with a sheep is waste of time...good day, sir.
Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Quote
06-17-2010 , 08:27 PM
Originally Posted by batair
I posted that because its true.

Your critical of atheists for their belief that they are the most important thing in the universe and then at the same time say that if there is intelligent life out it would lessen us because we wont be the most important thing in the universe. It like ironic.

I would still like you to show me where i was intentionally dishonest and lied. If not ill just take you are the lair whos intentionally dishonest.
Batair, are you kidding me?

Reread our discussion. If you are still confused i will waste my time laying it all out for you again.

I stated this before you posted your obnoxious post:

I meant to say top of the food chain on earth.
Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Quote
06-17-2010 , 08:35 PM
Originally Posted by Gunth0807
Batair, are you kidding me?

Reread our discussion. If you are still confused i will waste my time laying it all out for you again.

I stated this before you posted your obnoxious post:

You said.
Originally Posted by Gunth0807
If everything arrived from chance, and man are on top of the food chain, then they can pretty much do whatever they want. Not only that they put themselves above other humans who are in weaker position.
Everything includes everything in the universe.

I said.
Originally Posted by batair
I wouldn't think many atheists would say we're at the top of the food chain of the Universe. Thats more of a theistic position.

Last edited by batair; 06-17-2010 at 08:45 PM.
Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Quote
06-17-2010 , 08:38 PM
Originally Posted by soontobepro
I'm not an expert, but I'm pretty solid on it not being about "killing Christians for sacrifice to the Hindu God" or whatever you're implying it "could be". This is an awfully convenient way for you to ignore the core of my argument, by the way.
So nowhere does the Koran say fight and slay all the Christians?

This is contradictory to the nature of the questioning personality. Atheists don't "no longer feel the need to question" when they lose their faith (if they ever had faith in the first place). Their questioning nature made them Atheists, and they continue to question after becoming Atheists. Atheists continue questioning about Christianity, and about anything and everything else after becoming Atheists (and before).
Except most atheists have not put nearly as much effort in understanding and following God's Word as they do with their beliefs.
There are even Atheists that question so much they question their Atheism and become religious again, and go back and fourth, usually being Atheist most of the time and settling on Atheism eventually.
Proof of this outrageous statement please.
I would say It's usually the religious type of person that tends to be less questioning, and at some point questions much less or stops questioning their religions validity entirely.
Are you kidding me? I search for truth almost every second of every day of my life.

Well that's different than faith in ideas/beliefs. That's an instinct.
And when and why does that instinct go away?

And how fortunate for him that he got his free pass. But not for the rest of us.
Free pass huh? You try being a disciple in those days.

Sure, but as a Christian you claim to know all of the hard questions as I said, the entire nature of existence, and the meaning of everything and why everything happens. Isn't that being a "know-it-all" by any reasonable definition?
I never claimed this at all, this is one of your lies. I have actually claimed the exact opposite. I do not know everything.

I haven't been lying about you...I've been honest this entire discussion. While were complaining though, you've seemingly been avoiding/ignoring the core of my argument about the nature of personality and faith.
Yes i have pointed out a couple lies. Feel free to prove me wrong. Another lie is you claiming you have been honest this entire discussion.

I am not ignoring anything but it would be a lot easier to have an actual discussion with you if you didn't lie and make outrageous statements like Thomas had a free pass. There are no free rides in life.
Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Quote
06-17-2010 , 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by Butcho22
jib, at least stop by to say "i dont agree", or something ffs. I realize its a hard line to defend that you're taking, but you started it.
I don't agree. But I don't think that the conversation is going anywhere, and I feel that is my fault. I just don't think that I am articulating my position well.

This discussion will come up again, and hopefully then I will have a more succinct argument.
Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Quote
06-17-2010 , 08:45 PM
Wow batair, wow.

If everything arrived from chance, and man are on top of the food chain, then they can pretty much do whatever they want. Not only that they put themselves above other humans who are in weaker position.
I wouldn't think many atheists would say we're at the top of the food chain of the Universe. Thats more of a theistic position.
So men don't feel like they have authority over earth???

So there are other humans on other planets???

Can someone please explain to batair in atheist language what he is doing here?
Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Quote
06-17-2010 , 08:51 PM
Originally Posted by Gunth0807
Wow batair, wow.

So men don't feel like they have authority over earth???
Generally Christians are the ones who feel the have dominion over the earth, in my experience.

So there are other humans on other planets???
Not that i know of. But if there are intelligent non human aliens out there it doesn't take away my humanity anyway, so your point is pointless.

Can someone please explain to batair in atheist language what he is doing here?
Thats not necessary i had my fill of your lying ways.
Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Quote
06-17-2010 , 08:56 PM
Generally Christians are the ones who feel the have dominion over the earth, in my experience.
No batair, Christians are specifically taught to love their neighbor as much as them self.
Not that i know of. But if there are intelligent non human aliens out there it doesn't take away my humanity anyway, so your point is pointless.
Stephen Hawking disagrees with you. So does independence day.

Thats not necessary i had my fill of your lying ways.
What have i lied about?

Seriously that is not cool calling someone a liar on a public message board if you have no basis to that statement. Not only is that childish, you are actually breaking a commandment.

Last edited by Gunth0807; 06-17-2010 at 08:58 PM. Reason: .
Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Quote
06-17-2010 , 10:15 PM
Originally Posted by Gunth0807
No batair, Christians are specifically taught to love their neighbor as much as them self.
Don't be intellectually dishonest now we're taking about the earth, and i said "dominion over the earth" not "dominion over our neighbor".

Some Christians teach the earth, its animals and the universe were all created for humans to have dominion over. Its all Gods Kids playground to rule over.

Atheism really has no teachings on the subject of us being the bestest thing going.

Stephen Hawking disagrees with you.
If he says if there are aliens they are all smarter then us and it will take away our humanity and make us less then what we are, then i think hes wrong.

So does independence day.
Star Trek > Independence Day.

I think i see where this went wrong. When you say take away our humanity you really mean kill humanity but you just used the wrong words. When normal people say somethings going to take away their humanity they mean their humanity will be lessened or demeaned.

So it seems like your theory is that atheistic science theory's are going to cause us to be knocked off by bad aliens. Interesting.

What have i lied about?

Seriously that is not cool calling someone a liar on a public message board if you have no basis to that statement.
You said i was intentionally dishonest and since i know i wasn't i know you are lying.

Not only is that childish, you are actually breaking a commandment.
We are no longer under the OT commandments because Jesus fulfilled the Law and all that NT new covenant stuff.

Last edited by batair; 06-17-2010 at 10:22 PM. Reason: i cant help myself...
Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Quote
06-17-2010 , 10:19 PM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
I don't agree. But I don't think that the conversation is going anywhere, and I feel that is my fault. I just don't think that I am articulating my position well.

This discussion will come up again, and hopefully then I will have a more succinct argument.
fair enough. i would appreciate if you could either start a new thread about this or post a clearer version of your position itt whenever you're ready. thanks for being honest with your reply.
Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Quote
06-17-2010 , 11:25 PM
Don't be intellectually dishonest now we're taking about the earth, and i said "dominion over the earth" not "dominion over our neighbor".

Some Christians teach the earth, its animals and the universe were all created for humans to have dominion over. Its all Gods Kids playground to rule over.

Atheism really has no teachings on the subject of us being the bestest thing going.
Christians do not teach that they have dominion over the earth, or the universe. God has dominion. We do have dominion over the animals though, whether you believe in God or don't. But when it comes to man, we are all equal. So there is nothing wrong or dishonest about what i stated.

But if you believe in earth was created from chance and we all evolved from apes, that pretty much does away with every person is created equal.

If he says if there are aliens they are all smarter then us and it will take away our humanity and make us less then what we are, then i think hes wrong.
That is not what he said, nor what i said. It would be so much easier to discuss with you if you stick to the points instead of making your own up.
I think i see where this went wrong. When you say take away our humanity you really mean kill humanity but you just used the wrong words. When normal people say somethings going to take away their humanity they mean their humanity will be lessened or demeaned.
Even a primitive man like myself could see that evil would rather enslave then kill. DUCY?

So it seems like your theory is that atheistic science theory's are going to cause us to be knocked off by bad aliens. Interesting.
Can you show me where i claimed this? This is the dishonesty i am talking about with you. You twist words around, then call me a liar. Again, please stop doing this.

You said i was intentionally dishonest and since i know i wasn't i know you are lying.
Well maybe you didn't do it intentionally, but i think i made it clear what you did. If you are still wondering i will lay it out again.
We are no longer under the OT commandments because Jesus fulfilled the Law and all that NT new covenant stuff.
Please share more.

Last edited by Gunth0807; 06-17-2010 at 11:26 PM. Reason: You can help yourself, it is called trying.
Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Quote
