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Life before we were born? Life before we were born?

10-04-2009 , 08:53 AM
Originally Posted by Praxising
Have you ever even read the Gospels? Are you familiar with the "widow's mite?"

I'm beginning to think you are a secretly a Satanist here to keep people from the Love of God in Jesus Christ.
Life before we were born? Quote
10-04-2009 , 09:55 AM
Originally Posted by Praxising
I'm beginning to think you are a secretly a Satanist here to keep people from the Love of God in Jesus Christ.
lol wat
Life before we were born? Quote
10-04-2009 , 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by Pletho
But until you decide to quit believing what you want and solely stick to the word of God...
I keep quoting what you say is the Word of God, )but never can back up) and you are the one who keeps saying it doesn't say what it says. Sounds like I'm not the one believing what they want to believe.
Life before we were born? Quote
10-05-2009 , 01:06 AM
Originally Posted by Pletho
You really are twisting the word to say what you think, you have done this with others verses already also.
Originally Posted by Praxising
I am?
Originally Posted by Praxising
Have you ever even read the Gospels?

I'm beginning to think you are a secretly a Satanist here to keep people from the Love of God in Jesus Christ.


get back on your meds
Originally Posted by Pletho
I was going to be nice but, no matter how many bibles you own, you have not got a clue about what you are talking about.

You misquote, wrongly divide and highly misunderstand the word of God.
Originally Posted by Praxising
I keep quoting what you say is the Word of God, )but never can back up) and you are the one who keeps saying it doesn't say what it says. Sounds like I'm not the one believing what they want to believe.
Originally Posted by Praxising
It's always been obvious to me that Pletho has had a genuine mystical experience. We agree completely on everything that is essential, as far as I'm concerned.
Oh my.
Life before we were born? Quote
10-05-2009 , 01:28 AM
Originally Posted by fekev
lol wat
It was a bit o' tongue in cheek - yanno - just pimpin' him a little.

Still..... he does say some appalling stuff.
Life before we were born? Quote
10-05-2009 , 01:55 AM
Originally Posted by Praxising
It was a bit o' tongue in cheek - yanno - just pimpin' him a little.

Still..... he does say some appalling stuff.
If you know the word so well, tell me something..........

Why do you believe that you can talk to dead people when the word of GOd specifically says that a medium is evil? It also gives a very vivid and specific account about this in the old testement and shows this to be off Gods will and not good at all, because you are talking to D.S. and not dead people who are on the other side.

Why do you think people exist before they are born? That in itself shows that you are a little kooky. Only a mind that is a little twisted and not to sharp could believe that someone exist before they exist..........

You have shown a few verses to back these claims up but each verse was mis-interpeted and way out of context, which is common with spiritualist who like to call themselves Christians.

If you want to be a palm reader or medium or necromancer or anything of the spiritual sort, go right ahead but do not use the holy word of God to further your cause.

Anything that you try and prove with the word to back up your ridculous claims can easily be proven wrong by anyone with biblical knowledge and understanding. Does this mean you will admit you are wrong, I doubt it, but anyone else seeing the biblical evidence that is contrary to your statements and is honest can at least see through your balony........

You probably think te people on T.V. who are mediums actually are talking to dead people also and you might even go as far to think they have Godly powers, but which god? There are two powers in the universe, one is the true God and the other is not, both have power to do things in this world.

You seem to be having trouble distinguishing where the power is coming from and if its evil or good...........
Life before we were born? Quote
10-05-2009 , 09:05 AM
Originally Posted by Praxising
I disagree. I am such a believer in free will that I believe we all choose to come here. I believe we choose the lives we will be in, and accept the challenges of those lives.

I also believe (not "know" just believe right now until I might not later on maybe) that everything happened at once. That is - my life was lived already before I got here. I think part of our challenge here is to make better choices than our predecessors. To choose peace and not hate. Forgiveness and not vengeance. To make This Side better.
Of course you believe this. Its the only choice you've got, imo. Its the only possible straw you can grasp at in order to save your God from being a monster.

Of course, that doesnt make it true, and I dont recall making any such choice, but I'm sure you'll have no problem handwaving that one.
Life before we were born? Quote
10-05-2009 , 09:10 AM
Originally Posted by vhawk01
Of course you believe this. Its the only choice you've got, imo. Its the only possible straw you can grasp at in order to save your God from being a monster.

Of course, that doesnt make it true, and I dont recall making any such choice, but I'm sure you'll have no problem handwaving that one.
God's not a monster. God had a choice to destroy the human race in the Garden of Eden or take corrective action. He took corrective action.

Do you know what it takes to create the human race?

I don't so I don't question God when he takes corrective action.

If you don't think he needs to take corrective action then go find one perfect person in the world. Its impossible because even the seemingly perfect people sooner or later reveal a flaw, a crack. In their lifestyles, in their personality and/or in their behavior. Some people learn how to make lemonade when life gives them lemons but some people don't. Why is that?
Life before we were born? Quote
10-05-2009 , 09:30 AM
Originally Posted by Splendour
God's not a monster. God had a choice to destroy the human race in the Garden of Eden or take corrective action. He took corrective action.
You make it sound like that was the non-monstrous decision...
Do you know what it takes to create the human race?

I don't so I don't question God when he takes corrective action.
Then why bother having an opinion on the subject? You have admitted you cant understand God, so how can you claim he isnt a monster? How would you know? No matter what he did, no matter how monstrous, you wouldnt be able to tell the difference.
If you don't think he needs to take corrective action then go find one perfect person in the world. Its impossible because even the seemingly perfect people sooner or later reveal a flaw, a crack. In their lifestyles, in their personality and/or in their behavior. Some people learn how to make lemonade when life gives them lemons but some people don't. Why is that?
This is irrelevant. I dont care if he needs to take corrective action or not. It makes no difference. Tearing the wings off flies is cruel, even if the flies cant grasp why I'm doing it.
Life before we were born? Quote
10-05-2009 , 09:46 AM
Originally Posted by vhawk01
You make it sound like that was the non-monstrous decision...

Then why bother having an opinion on the subject? You have admitted you cant understand God, so how can you claim he isnt a monster? How would you know? No matter what he did, no matter how monstrous, you wouldnt be able to tell the difference.

This is irrelevant. I dont care if he needs to take corrective action or not. It makes no difference. Tearing the wings off flies is cruel, even if the flies cant grasp why I'm doing it.
Well God is love and apparently true love requires free will.

He could have scratched Adam and Eve and started over but he'd still have to give the new batch of people "free will". They might have done the same thing ad infinitum requiring God scratch out multiple batchs. But God is holy. He very carefully picks who he snuffs out and when he snuffs them out. The Hebrews couldn't even enter the Promised Land until the generation already residing in the land was a thoroughly evil generation. So God helped a good people against a bad people. Sometimes he has to reform a partially bad people using either good people or bad people. His ability to adjust and to know when to make a massive correction or a small correction is one of the things that makes God so confusing.

But a good poker player knows that the adjustment is the tricky thing about the game and life is very similar to a game of poker. Players struggle with knowing exactly how big an adjustment to make depending on table dynamics. God is no different only his scale is a lot bigger. Instead of the table he has the whole world to adjust.
Life before we were born? Quote
10-05-2009 , 09:59 AM
Oh there's one other thing we all forget when we study the Adam and Eve story. They loved God and he loved them.

Who wipes out the people they love for a single infraction even if they know that the one infraction will lead to more and more infractions?
Life before we were born? Quote
10-05-2009 , 10:01 AM
Originally Posted by Splendour
Oh there's one other thing we all forget when we study the Adam and Eve story. They loved God and he loved them.

Who wipes out the people they love for a single infraction even if they know that the one infraction will lead to more and more infractions?
A kind and just and loving God does.
Life before we were born? Quote
10-05-2009 , 10:19 AM
Originally Posted by vhawk01
A kind and just and loving God does.
Oh you will have to explain that conclusion and how you weighed and measured it before arriving at it.
Life before we were born? Quote
10-05-2009 , 11:24 AM
I guess he hated everyone else during the Noah times.
Life before we were born? Quote
10-05-2009 , 11:56 AM
Originally Posted by vhawk01
A kind and just and loving God does.
Let me restate my understanding of what you are saying here.

Your personal view is that "the human race should never have existed because of the presence of sin"?

Is this an accurate statement of your position?
Life before we were born? Quote
10-05-2009 , 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by Eddi
I guess he hated everyone else during the Noah times.
Is hatred a necessary component of judgment?

Don't trial judges pass sentences without hatred of defendants?
Life before we were born? Quote
10-05-2009 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
Let me restate my understanding of what you are saying here.

Your personal view is that "the human race should never have existed because of the presence of sin"?

Is this an accurate statement of your position?
Probably close enough. They should never have existed on Earth, with free will. No kind or loving God would have done such an evil thing.
Life before we were born? Quote
10-05-2009 , 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by vhawk01
Of course you believe this. Its the only choice you've got, imo. Its the only possible straw you can grasp at in order to save your God from being a monster.
Talking to atheists is a lot like talking to Creationists, y'all have like - four basic modes of attack and you reiterate it over and over.

The "God as monster" one is getting kinda old, tho.' You could at least endeavor to be entertaining.
Life before we were born? Quote
10-05-2009 , 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by Praxising
Talking to atheists is a lot like talking to Creationists, y'all have like - four basic modes of attack and you reiterate it over and over.

The "God as monster" one is getting kinda old, tho.' You could at least endeavor to be entertaining.
??? There is no way that you are forced to face this on a regular basis, none of the regular posters use this line, really at all. What are the four basic modes you are going for?

Also, sorry if its getting kinda old. Is that like how "pointing out how stupid the Wager is is getting kinda old" or "pointing out how stupid the ontological argument is is getting kinda old?" It may be old, but of course it is true.

I like your solution to the problem, though. You are smart enough to realize that any god who would create free beings that have a chance at Hell is an evil God. Kudos. Your solution is to try to shift that blame to us. Now, we CHOSE to be created with free will, or something. Your strategy has some pretty gigantic hurdles for you to get over, of course, but its a lot better than the normal routine, which is saying that Earth>>>>Heaven, which is just lol.

Not sure why you hate on me calling God a monster, since it seems you fully agree with me that the standard Christian god is indeed a monster. Thats why you invented this extra step about how we chose our lives in some mystical, Rawlsian land, aforehand.
Life before we were born? Quote
10-05-2009 , 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by Praxising
Talking to atheists is a lot like talking to Creationists, y'all have like - four basic modes of attack and you reiterate it over and over.

The "God as monster" one is getting kinda old, tho.' You could at least endeavor to be entertaining.
What exactly are the four modes? Can you be a bit more specific. You've established the "God is a monster" what are the other three?
Life before we were born? Quote
10-05-2009 , 04:14 PM
Originally Posted by vhawk01
??? There is no way that you are forced to face this on a regular basis, none of the regular posters use this line, really at all. What are the four basic modes you are going for?

Also, sorry if its getting kinda old. Is that like how "pointing out how stupid the Wager is is getting kinda old" or "pointing out how stupid the ontological argument is is getting kinda old?" It may be old, but of course it is true.

I like your solution to the problem, though. You are smart enough to realize that any god who would create free beings that have a chance at Hell is an evil God. Kudos. Your solution is to try to shift that blame to us. Now, we CHOSE to be created with free will, or something. Your strategy has some pretty gigantic hurdles for you to get over, of course, but its a lot better than the normal routine, which is saying that Earth>>>>Heaven, which is just lol.

Not sure why you hate on me calling God a monster, since it seems you fully agree with me that the standard Christian god is indeed a monster. Thats why you invented this extra step about how we chose our lives in some mystical, Rawlsian land, aforehand.
Well if the whole hell thing must get you in a constant up roar if you could believe in God maybe you'd be a Christadelphian:

quote: They believe that the words devil and satan are references to sin and human nature in opposition to God. According to Christadelphians, these terms are used in reference to specific political systems or individuals in opposition or conflict. Hell is understood to refer to death and the grave, rather than being a place of eternal torment.[85] Christadelphians do not believe that anyone can go to Heaven. Instead, they believe that only Christ Jesus went to Heaven, and when Christ Jesus comes back to the earth the true believers will live in the Land of Israel which will be the Kingdom of God on Earth. Christadelphians believe the doctrines they reject were introduced into Christendom after the 1st century,[86] and cannot be demonstrated from the Bible.
Life before we were born? Quote
10-05-2009 , 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by Eddi
I guess he hated everyone else during the Noah times.
Actaully the Flood was held back by God until Noahs family were safe, the flood was caused by D.S. and this is talked about in I & II Peter.

This all happened by D.S., it was Gods grace that held the flood back, which was a result of all the evil on the planet.

The flood was a direct result of UNGODLINESS and was perpetrated by D.S. who were trying to stomp out the Christ line, the promised seed of the woman who was promised to redeem mankind back in Gen 3:15........

1Pe 3:19 ............the spirits in prison;

1Pe 3:20 Which sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water.

2Pe 2:4 For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast [them] down to hell, and delivered [them] into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment;

2Pe 2:5 And spared not the old world, but saved Noah the eighth [person], a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly;
Life before we were born? Quote
10-05-2009 , 04:32 PM
God damn it Pletho, you're dumb.
Life before we were born? Quote
10-05-2009 , 04:47 PM
David Sklansky caused the flood?

what is a DS? demon spirit?
Life before we were born? Quote
10-05-2009 , 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by thirddan
David Sklansky caused the flood?

what is a DS? demon spirit?
Devil Spirit......
Life before we were born? Quote
