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06-23-2016 , 05:21 PM

no u
06-23-2016 , 05:33 PM
Originally Posted by FranFran

no u
Not sexist, but flase.
06-23-2016 , 05:38 PM
I'm gonna try REALLY hard to make this my last for now...

But the joke-y tone of sexism sometimes gets under my skin.

I don't understand why we're ok with acknowledging that racism is a srs. problem, but somehow sexism gets an eye roll and condescending smirk.

Women didn't get the vote (constitutionally) for 50 years after African American Men.

In ~1920, It was illegal for women to get information on Birth control, even though childbirth was the leading cause of death for women. We were just expected to give birth over and over until we died in agony.
Margaret Sanger is on interesting person on this.

Most states would have allowed GW to beat or rape me for any reason at all, and even the ones with laws on the books, wouldn't have actually considered stopping it until the 70s or later.

"She was asking for it, look how she was dressed" defenses worked within most of our lifetimes.

I won't bore you with a lengthy description of current woes...but I make less, am expected to do more, am defined by my motherhood more than my individual personality, I am less able to enjoy my life, sex, work, my body....the list is endless.

Why is the intense social pressure for girls to let guys analy penetrate them less offensive than an unwarranted traffic stop of an African American Male?

Just because we've been prisoners trapped in a corset and our own social structures doesn't make the loss of freedom any less obscene.

...and it bothers me whenever the very real problems of ANY woman are downplayed or ignored. We don't talk about Hillary the same as other candidates, and her platform cannot be the same as a man's because of the prejudice she has to address to increase her appeal to voters.

The least we could do is acknowledge that.
06-23-2016 , 05:39 PM
^5 mmmK

06-23-2016 , 05:49 PM
kristy you sound like you're on your period or something. trying eating some chocolate to calm your hysteria
06-23-2016 , 05:50 PM
Kristy, your post is more effective if you leave out, "I don't understand why we're ok with acknowledging that racism is a srs. problem, but somehow sexism gets an eye roll and condescending smirk." It's all the same struggle, and just unnecessary to pit two marginalized groups against each other; that's what the white patriarchy wants you to do.

It's not about who has it worse, people of color or women or LGBTQ folks or the poor or people with mental illness or some other group. Black people can make the same argument: "I don't understand why we're ok with acknowledging that sexism is a srs. problem, but somehow black lives matter gets an eye roll and condescending smirk."

It's about recognizing that all of these groups are marginalized and discriminated against, and that these discriminations cannot be separated from one another as they are all symptoms of the cancer that is the white-supremacist-capitalist-patriarchy.

Last edited by gregorio; 06-23-2016 at 05:59 PM.
06-23-2016 , 05:53 PM
that's a more diplomatic way of saying what i said, right.
06-23-2016 , 06:08 PM
Yo. I've been out until 11 pm, on a school night no less, playing snooker with some of the family. I don't really like snooker since I suck at it, but it was still enjoyable. Now I'm walking home, and it's starting to rain.
06-23-2016 , 06:09 PM
Ups, wrong thread.
06-23-2016 , 06:10 PM
This is basically the mra's problem. Their premise is that, we have it so tough because every other group but white men get preferential treatment, whereas the real problem is that we don't have adequate supports in place for people with mental health issues like Aspergers, anxiety/social anxiety, mood disorders, personality disorders etc.

As a result, young white men with a range of mental health issues who find it difficult to thrive in many areas of life compared to people with whose mental health issues are less severe or restricting, blame it on the premise that women, people of color, etc, get preferential treatment. The actual problem is these struggling-with-life-and-relationships MRAs don't get the support they need, but people of color or women facing similar mental health issues are much worse off.

Last edited by gregorio; 06-23-2016 at 06:16 PM.
06-23-2016 , 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by gregorio
Kristy, your post is more effective if you leave out, "I don't understand why we're ok with acknowledging that racism is a srs. problem, but somehow sexism gets an eye roll and condescending smirk." It's all the same struggle, and just unnecessary to pit two marginalized groups against each other; that's what the white patriarchy wants you to do.

It's not about who has it worse, people of color or women or LGBTQ folks or the poor or people with mental illness or some other group. Black people can make the same argument: "I don't understand why we're ok with acknowledging that sexism is a srs. problem, but somehow black lives matter gets an eye roll and condescending smirk."

It's about recognizing that all of these groups are marginalized and discriminated against, and that these discriminations cannot be separated from one another as they are all symptoms of the cancer that is the white-supremacist-capitalist-patriarchy.

This was a very good troll. My hands literally shook reading the first two paragraphs where my point is ignored in favour of chastising me for your subjective and false, interpretation that I suggested in order to elevate sexism to the level of racism, we strip racism of some of its poignancy, or the idea that I don't believe the two issues are equally serious.

Only you, who is so amazing at this stuff usually, could have pulled it off.

My heart straight-up broke a little.
06-23-2016 , 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by Da33le
Ups, wrong thread.
yeah, why are you posting that in a politics thread?
06-23-2016 , 06:13 PM
To me, "I don't understand why we're ok with acknowledging that racism is a srs. problem, but somehow sexism gets an eye roll and condescending smirk" implies:
A. We're ok with acknowledging that racism is a srs. problem
B. We're not ok with acknowledging that sexism is a srs. problem
I disagree with that, and I'm sorry if I've misinterpreted something.
06-23-2016 , 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by gregorio
This is basically the mra's problem. Their premise is that, we have it so tough because every other group but white men get preferential treatment, whereas the real problem is that we don't have adequate supports in place for people with mental health issues like Aspergers, anxiety/social anxiety, mood disorders, personality disorders etc.

As a result, young white men with a range of mental health issues who find it difficult to thrive in many areas of life compared to people with whose mental health issues are less severe or restricting blame it on the premise that women, people of color, etc, get preferential treatment. The actual problem is these struggling-with-life-and-relationships MRAs don't get the support they need, but people of color or women facing similar mental health issues are much worse off.

I like this point a lot. Not that I have great evidence to support this...but I think socialised medicine, including mental health care, in the US would do more to stop mass shootings than gun control ever could.
06-23-2016 , 06:19 PM
Originally Posted by gregorio
To me, "I don't understand why we're ok with acknowledging that racism is a srs. problem, but somehow sexism gets an eye roll and condescending smirk" implies:
A. We're ok with acknowledging that racism is a srs. problem
B. We're not ok with acknowledging that sexism is a srs. problem
I disagree with that, and I'm sorry if I've misinterpreted something.
I don't think this is what you believe, but it's how I interpret what you wrote.
06-23-2016 , 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by gregorio
To me, "I don't understand why we're ok with acknowledging that racism is a srs. problem, but somehow sexism gets an eye roll and condescending smirk" implies:
A. We're ok with acknowledging that racism is a srs. problem
B. We're not ok with acknowledging that sexism is a srs. problem
I disagree with that, and I'm sorry if I've misinterpreted something.
You may be an exception, but imagine if a guy you liked and respected walked up to you and said, "You're racist!" Now imagine the same person saying, "You're sexist!"

Can you honestly tell me you feel the same about both? Do you think most people would?

I can say that one issue is taken more seriously than the other without diminishing the first. I'd like to elevate the latter to the same level of importance.
06-23-2016 , 06:32 PM
You're Sexy
06-23-2016 , 06:38 PM
Hi Schlitz
How come you're never around anymore? Is it my space talk...'cause I'd try to tone it down a bit for you.
06-23-2016 , 06:51 PM
Nah, I'm just busy. Aidsing up the Sporting Events forum, on-call at work this week.

all you guys just the way you are
06-23-2016 , 06:55 PM
Originally Posted by Kristy
"She was asking for it, look how she was dressed" defenses worked within most of our lifetimes.
A black woman juror in the OJ: Made in America documentary said that she discounted all the testimony that Nicole was beaten because any woman could just leave her abuser - so obviously Nicole didn't fear for her life because if she had she'd have just left.
06-23-2016 , 06:57 PM
think I want this as my next avi
06-23-2016 , 07:01 PM
Originally Posted by allinontheturn
A black woman juror in the OJ: Made in America documentary said that she discounted all the testimony that Nicole was beaten because any woman could just leave her abuser - so obviously Nicole didn't fear for her life because if she had she'd have just left.
06-23-2016 , 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by Kristy
your subjective and false, interpretation that I suggested in order to elevate sexism to the level of racism, we strip racism of some of its poignancy, or the idea that I don't believe the two issues are equally serious.
If God came down and told me that as of tomorrow I could no longer be a white man. That he was going to turn me into a white woman or a black man and I got to choose I would snap call white woman.
06-23-2016 , 07:07 PM
But mostly I'd be bummed I couldn't stay a white man
06-23-2016 , 07:16 PM
Yeah, that OJ Simpson 5-part 30 for 30 ESPN thing is unreal. Amazing upsetting graphic.. I guess the crime scene photos are eventually available as public record os. Must see TV

9 hours os in total length
