Originally Posted by gregorio
But I think (in North America), overt acts of extreme racism are more common because of the frequency and severity of these acts by the justice system and various local-to-national policing and security forces.
And I'm saying the number of women victimized by men is neither infrequent or insevere.
I know what you think you're saying, and I understand why lots of people feel that way. It just isn't the reality.
While African Americans face horrific injustice, and I don't need a comparison to prove theyre both serious, I'd like to respond to the quoted with some numbers:
~1100 African Americans were killed by police last year
~11,000 American women were
killed by their partners.
A woman is battered by her partner every ~9 seconds
1 in 5 women will be the victim of attempted or completed rape in her lifetime.
1 in 2 women will be the subject of sexual violence other than rape
...and that's just abuse and rape...one small fraction of the issues women face.
I hope you'll revisit your idea that racism is more extreme, common, painful.