Hi, I'm back home.
Yesterday was a f**kin adventure.
Yesterday afternoon, AFTER the surgery, I get told that I just hadta go pee, they would cut me loose.
Yeah, nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
my wound did minor gushage.
So, the surgeon's gotta go back in, no anesthesia 4 me, fires up his little soldering iron cauterizes all over the wound. Burned and stung like hell. So they keep me overnight. I'm not set up 4 dinnertime, they feed me turkey sandwiches, chocolate ice cream, and Shasta cola until I damn near pop.
And they get me some Tylenol 3's. Watching the Jets almost pull it off. Hospitals cable remotes are chit, no numeric keypad, you gotta scroll thru 90 odd channels. So I missed the walk-off homer from the Giants.
No way to get comfy w/ my leg, but I'm finally sleepy. Crash after Letterman until 3am. Hear this old guy caterwauling... "NURRRSE! NUUUUUURRRRRSSSSSSSSSSSE!". about 45-minute bursts of this crap. Dude, like use the call button!
About 6am, nurse explains they have an alzheimer's guy on the floor.
He's still going on scream rages.
They're lucky I didn't go angry and look for his ass, dude woulda ate a pee bottle.
About 12 noon [and oh-hey-while-you're-here-how-about-a-flu-shot?] some orderly leaves me to wait 4 a cab, in the wrong location ofc.
F**k this. I live like 1 block away. Bail out of wheelchair [in outright defiance of state regulations] and f**king walk home.
Brag: No ebola, yet. Mebbe this f**king wound will heal.
I was sposed 2 get some antibiotics too, they even clusterf**ked that.
G00t 2 b back, guyz. [even u, elrey]