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Vegas Vlog thread (Trooper et all) Vegas Vlog thread (Trooper et all)

04-01-2016 , 09:57 PM
LOL, nice vlog trooper. Almost had me. I like the setups, "visit ATM" and "like to be a tourist and play craps". A+ acting too. Had me convinced until you said you had quads on the flop and were looking like you suffered another cooler.
04-01-2016 , 10:05 PM
Originally Posted by "JibJab"
Such incredible unhappiness oozing from the posts telling, repeatedly, how someone ele should run their life. I sense they are incapable of recognizing how fulfilling life is for someone who is being creative and independent.
I'm not unhappy, just sympathetic. The "blind supporters" think poker is some sort of abstract art where you just colour outside the lines, and every picture has equal merit. However, playing successful poker is a something that has concrete steps. Success in poker is measurable. If you've been watching these videos for long, then you know he didn't move to Vegas to play poker casually. He didn't move there to work a second job and make a few bucks from poker. He moved to play 1/2 FULL TIME.

So, when you try to play Dr. Phil and claim anyone offering support/advice is a hater/ has an unhappy life, you're dismissing valid advice. Stop getting butt hurt over nothing.
04-01-2016 , 11:32 PM
Is there anyone who reads this thread who plays poker seriously on any level that thinks this guy is going to last in poker without some major improvements to his game or philosophy?
04-01-2016 , 11:56 PM
Originally Posted by Lover959
i remember now why I had you on ignore, goodbye
04-02-2016 , 12:12 AM
I'm a low level poker player but I don't understand going all in 100 bb with 2 pair, especially when your two pair didn't include top pair on the turn. I used to be more aggressive with these types of hands (would never push all in though) but had trouble getting people fold hands that threatened me by making bigger bets. I often just got called by better hands. I found that I got beat by better 2 pair or a set so now I generally might bet them, check them, or check call them depending on the board but don't check raise them, bet too big, and certainly wouldn't go all in.

For a cash game player, I think you find yourself pushing all in too often when you don't have the nuts or at least a really strong hand and sometimes it looks like you do it too early in a hand. For example, if you waited to push all in until the river and saw the board pair up with deuces then you might have saved some money at that point. This was a similar story to some of your big pairs that got cracked a couple of a weeks ago which you vlogged about. I think your tendency to go all in with relatively weak hands is what's causing asymmetrical sized wins and losses.

Also it would be cool if you took questions from the audience about their personal problems and offered them advice. I would like to a see a Trooper advice show soon. Take care.
04-02-2016 , 12:42 AM
Originally Posted by "JibJab"
Such incredible unhappiness oozing from the posts telling, repeatedly, how someone ele should run their life. I sense they are incapable of recognizing how fulfilling life is for someone who is being creative and independent.
It's interesting how people perceive comments so differently. I see the majority of posts in this thread as fans wanting to help TT97. He's clearly talented behind the camera and has a lot of charisma. The bad news it that when it comes to poker his arrogance is only surpassed by his ignorance.
04-02-2016 , 01:20 AM
Originally Posted by Semihat
I'm a low level poker player but I don't understand going all in 100 bb with 2 pair, especially when your two pair didn't include top pair on the turn. I used to be more aggressive with these types of hands (would never push all in though) but had trouble getting people fold hands that threatened me by making bigger bets. I often just got called by better hands. I found that I got beat by better 2 pair or a set so now I generally might bet them, check them, or check call them depending on the board but don't check raise them, bet too big, and certainly wouldn't go all in.

For a cash game player, I think you find yourself pushing all in too often when you don't have the nuts or at least a really strong hand and sometimes it looks like you do it too early in a hand. For example, if you waited to push all in until the river and saw the board pair up with deuces then you might have saved some money at that point. This was a similar story to some of your big pairs that got cracked a couple of a weeks ago which you vlogged about. I think your tendency to go all in with relatively weak hands is what's causing asymmetrical sized wins and losses.

Also it would be cool if you took questions from the audience about their personal problems and offered them advice. I would like to a see a Trooper advice show soon. Take care.
out of all the advice trooper has received, this is by far the worst
04-02-2016 , 01:25 AM
Originally Posted by surfinillini
Gotta C-bet the KK there. If you get resistance you prob have to shut down or turn your hand into a bluff on the turn but cbetting KK in that spot in a game like that is standard.
Agreed. Bet/Folding the flop is going to be better than check/calling and much cheaper.
04-02-2016 , 01:36 AM
Originally Posted by Trooper97Fan
There may be some truth to this. He may be playing too many hands.
It is hard to determine this without all of the information at the table. At my typical 1/2 game, I probably go from 20/20 to 45/10 depending on the table dynamics. If Hero is able to make superior decisions vs the Villains postflop, it may be higher variance but for sure a + EV style.
04-02-2016 , 01:46 AM
Troop... Just wanted to drop you a line. Very impressed with the 60 day streak of Vlogging. I love the vids. As for the downswing, volume is the key to variance. You will be fine. Keep the seats warm for me and I will hit you up in July. GL.
04-02-2016 , 01:49 AM
Originally Posted by "JibJab"
Such incredible unhappiness oozing from the posts telling, repeatedly, how someone ele should run their life. I sense they are incapable of recognizing how fulfilling life is for someone who is being creative and independent.
It's mainly just frustration from people who want to see him do better IMO. Some people are frustrated because they have some ideas that they are sure would help him and if he took the advice they are sure he would do much better. Trooper is obviously smart enough, disciplined enough and talented enough to do very well in Vegas. So I think they see the potential there and want to see him crush these games like he is capable of doing and move up to 2-5.

Last edited by Steve00007; 04-02-2016 at 02:16 AM.
04-02-2016 , 02:07 AM
Just as I was talking about a winning session full of bad beats, it happened to me tonight. I lost to a four outer with a flush to a guy who called my pfr with Q5 off and riverd fives full. I lost where I flopped trips to someone with J3s that rivered a flush (why can't the heart river fill me up?), I lost with AK against 10 10 where they flatted pre, flopped quads and it went check, check. K on the turn (same guy with the Q5 off) and I lost with Troopers favorite hand, 97, where I flopped top 2 against 77, and I finished the session +280. Gotta minimize those losses. Droolers do amazingly stupid things that are hard to understand.

"I'm never just calling there." - Trooper

I feel like I have the opposite leak. Like where I flopped trips tonight and the lady rivered a flush and bet $40. I just called, when I should have folded.
04-02-2016 , 02:13 AM
The recent results obviously don't do anything close to showing his true ability. If he stays confident (and I mean confident, not arrogant) and has these skills down

in addition to all the other skills he has he should be fine. If he does a decent job PF which gets him into a lot of favorable situations postflop and doesn't pay off the fish too much and still has his confidence then he should start beating the games again without too much trouble.
04-02-2016 , 02:24 AM
Originally Posted by Steve00007
It's mainly just frustration from people who want to see him do better IMO. Some people are frustrated because they have some ideas that they are sure would help him and if he took the advice they are sure he would do much better. Trooper is obviously smart enough, disciplined enough and talented enough to do very well in Vegas. So I think they see the potential there and want to see him crush these games like he is capable of doing and move up to 2-5.
Also to add to this, imagine if Trooper took advantage of the free coaching when it was offered to him around 8-9 months ago. How much would it have helped? I don't know. You guys can try to guess that for yourselves. But I'm sure some think it would have helped him, and again he didn't even have to pay for it.
04-02-2016 , 03:05 AM
If you've been watching these videos for long, then you know he didn't move to Vegas to play poker casually. He didn't move there to work a second job and make a few bucks from poker. He moved to play 1/2 FULL TIME.*
Ding Ding Ding!!

OK, now that we feel better... Please refrain from further tap tap tap... deaf ears gonna deaf ear...please please please, let me enjoy myself now!! This thing is possible yeeeeeeeers of one-horse-town bumpkin entertainment and you are not seeing it..let it be, please. I beg you, vent @ HOMEGAMES ONLY!!

Is there anyone who reads this thread who plays poker seriously on any level that thinks this guy is going to last in poker without some major improvements to his game or philosophy?*
Who cares... please let the dude ego/tough guy/subconsciously project truth... you cats aint seeing how truly "real" this ****s is, geez

Dont listen to this crap Tim. Buncha crazies imo. Please keep doing exactly what you are doing. Moar ****ty looking pizzas, donuts & greasy burgers please. Bring back "Slut Parade" women hate & do more "exploit the
homeless bummmz by filming their demise", Tunnels epp would be epic... cmon dude let the real Tim flow!!! You almost had it a while back...but somebody BTS got in your ear and ruined that!! Do YOU man!!

Waaaay too much "fan" gullible ITT IMHO (also ridiculously entertaining, thank you fans)

What happened to Harry yo??

Last edited by NoQuarter; 04-02-2016 at 03:35 AM.
04-02-2016 , 03:06 AM
The people giving advice aren't trolls but in saying that it is getting tedious seeing lengthy posts over and over again giving the same advice.
04-02-2016 , 03:24 AM
Originally Posted by IAMthepokerhack
Bukafax, Borg, Wright, mreps and the rest-I'm curious, why are you so personally invested in this? Do you somehow feel diminished by these vids? Why is it so important to make sure everyone knows how superior your decision making skills are? (although we don't know this, and really there is no way for us know)

While I agree that we all get better at the game by working with others, who cares what I think?(and by extension, who cares what anyone here thinks?)

Its his path, he gets to choose.

Relax a little. We have all heard what you have to say, if he ends up failing you can post a smug "I told you so" if that makes you feel better.

Meanwhile if Tim feels like he needs help, he can reach out to whoever he feels comfortable with, be it Limon, Squid, wj94 or others. Enjoy the ride-Tim's videos have improved exponentially, would it be so bad if his YouTube channel blows up, and millions of people think they can beat the game too?
I think my post have been mostly in opposition to the feedback of the others. I don't give poker advice per se, I do give my two cents on how I would play a hand or handle a situation. Sorry you don't like it my post, you are welcome to skip them. I do it for several posters myself.

But isn't giving our perspectives kinda the purpose of the thread? Idk.
04-02-2016 , 03:38 AM
Borg23 is correct in mostly everything he says. Why take me seriously? I've won at stars msnl+ since 2006.

That said, Trooper seems happy playing 1/2 for a while with no clear plan of any changes and seems more interested in video making long term anyways over poker. He's clearly not going to take any 2p2 posts seriously at this point after calling many intelligent comments "trolls/haters". Comments that imply he isn't perfect at poker just activate his ego immediately and when that happens to someone logic goes out the window and emotion takes over.

He will realize borg/other wise ppl itt were correct in a year or 3 and until then he can work on his youtube stuff mainly while scraping by at 1/2. Who knows maybe his youtube channel will take off and all of this wont matter

GL trooper, but I urge you to not waste another day and start making +EV decisions not only on the tables, but off them as well.

Last edited by adam001; 04-02-2016 at 04:08 AM.
04-02-2016 , 05:18 AM
lol you fooled me trooper wp.
04-02-2016 , 10:47 AM
Most people don't have a problem with suggesting that Trooper get coaching. Its just the continual barrage of it, in addition to the negative tone of those posts.... a lot of people referring to his vids/life as sad and depressing, etc etc.

Yes, this is a forum, meant for discussion. If people think your addition to the forum is pathetic and hurtful, we are free to "discuss" that as well.

The "haters" keep harping on the fact that Trooper won't listen to their advice. Yet they don't listen to any of the people telling them that they sound like a hater. Why not change the tone of your posts a little and/or stop badgering Trooper?
04-02-2016 , 11:07 AM
Originally Posted by winnercircle
I'm not unhappy, just sympathetic. The "blind supporters" think poker is some sort of abstract art where you just colour outside the lines, and every picture has equal merit. However, playing successful poker is a something that has concrete steps. Success in poker is measurable. If you've been watching these videos for long, then you know he didn't move to Vegas to play poker casually. He didn't move there to work a second job and make a few bucks from poker. He moved to play 1/2 FULL TIME.

So, when you try to play Dr. Phil and claim anyone offering support/advice is a hater/ has an unhappy life, you're dismissing valid advice. Stop getting butt hurt over nothing.
You don't understand. I want nothing but the best for you. You seem dissatisfied with your life and the choices which led you to where you currently exist. I suggest you branch out, step over some lines you have never stepped over before.

I want you to be happy, but I see you expressing a deep-seeded unhappiness in your posts on this thread. Repeatedly, you point out what you perceive as someone else's flaws. This, clearly, stems from a need to justify your own life and choices.

The ad-nauseam, long-winded, posts here scream for you to improve your life, to open yourself to outside advice. Don't be so stubborn.

Couple of suggestions. Seek out some creative learning opportunities. Take some art classes, make sketching or painting a priority. Maybe sign-up for creative writing classes. Better yet, begin videography. Make movies of your everyday life.

Again, hope you can see your way clear to taking advice, if not now, the near future. I don't want to see you in this same state three or four years from now.

All the best in forum land!

04-02-2016 , 11:26 AM
I dont think expecting someone to show up at the poker table having cleaned oneself sometime in the last week is asking too much.

Or tipping a waitress a dollar as your personal beverage slave is asking too much.

His parents clearly have failed this toolbox.
04-02-2016 , 11:37 AM
well that was aggro...I think you need some art classes yo
04-02-2016 , 11:53 AM
I've been a huge fan of the vlog and have watched the move to Vegas playlist more times then I can count but wanted to throw my opinion in.

1. Just because you disagree with troop's decisions doesn't make you a hater. A few of the guys accused of being haters have made the most sense and their thoughts are always thought out and seem to come from a place of experience.
2. Troop never told us his bankroll but often would answer questions about it kinda giving us an idea about where he was at but doesn't anymore. Which as an audience that would be the first thing you would ask I would think.
3. Also this vlog is great because it's honest, but it's moving to a place that's not so honest. We don't even know if he is backed or whether he is playing on his own or doesn't ever post a graph or appear to use any poker software.
4. The videos are great and keep it up troop, but listen to what people say even if you disagree.. Lots of smart and successful poker players on here.
04-02-2016 , 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by Bulljive
I've been a huge fan of the vlog and have watched the move to Vegas playlist more times then I can count but wanted to throw my opinion in.

1. Just because you disagree with troop's decisions doesn't make you a hater. A few of the guys accused of being haters have made the most sense and their thoughts are always thought out and seem to come from a place of experience.
2. Troop never told us his bankroll but often would answer questions about it kinda giving us an idea about where he was at but doesn't anymore. Which as an audience that would be the first thing you would ask I would think.
3. Also this vlog is great because it's honest, but it's moving to a place that's not so honest. We don't even know if he is backed or whether he is playing on his own or doesn't ever post a graph or appear to use any poker software.
4. The videos are great and keep it up troop, but listen to what people say even if you disagree.. Lots of smart and successful poker players on here.
Well said.

Also a point must be made that not only is Trooper running below EV in all in pots, but in laundromats as well. 6 ****in hours to do laundry foh.
