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Ongoing video poker "TR", how long will this last? Ongoing video poker "TR", how long will this last?

01-09-2023 , 01:21 AM
Nice hit!
Ongoing video poker "TR", how long will this last? Quote
01-09-2023 , 01:41 AM
Wow great hit!
Ongoing video poker "TR", how long will this last? Quote
01-09-2023 , 04:36 PM
Since we’re posting hits to inspire Leon’s next TR


Finally hit my UX low roller (almost) white whale- dealt Royal with a 12x multiplier. The actual white whale is 12x on all lines but I’ll take it!

Not bad for a $1.50 bet.

Ongoing video poker "TR", how long will this last? Quote
01-10-2023 , 02:13 PM
OK folks, we're going to give this a try. First of all, nice hits on those recent posts. I'm going to post part of my recent TR I just got back from- for some reason imgur was not letting me upload all of my photos. It would randomly pick and choose which ones it would upload which of course won't work. I then spent a very long time trying to find a new image hosting site. I'll write up just a little of day 1 here as a test and if it works I'll continue, if not I will have to find another option.
Ongoing video poker "TR", how long will this last? Quote
01-10-2023 , 02:19 PM
Getting popcorn :-) welcome back and happy new year!
Ongoing video poker "TR", how long will this last? Quote
01-10-2023 , 02:22 PM
Has no one told you you can just copy/paste images directly into posts now, leon? Or you can use the image button in the post toolbar (the one with the mountains).
Ongoing video poker "TR", how long will this last? Quote
01-10-2023 , 02:27 PM
Jan TR part of day 1


arranged this trip just after my last disaster trip. I can't even remember when that was, I just know I've been away from Vegas for months. My bankroll has been slowly dwindling with infrequent trips to the local. Looking back on it, 2022 was just a horrible year. I might have had some big hits, but overall it was ice cold and every key decision point (eg, being dealt 4 aces on UX 10 ways), didn't work out well at all. As hot as I ran 2020 and 2021, 2022 was the exact opposite.

I'm going with a buddy who plays primarily craps- he's been around for, count 'em, 3/3 disaster trips. If I didn't know better, he's my black cloud. Plan is to eat some good food, see the new cirque show at NYNY, and open 2023 with a bang.


Thurs- get in, dinner at SW steakhouse
Fri- show at NYNY, dinner at L'atelier de Joel Robuchon
Sat- dinner at the new supper club Delilah
Sun- leave for home

Gambling plans-

I've got 50k. I'm really going to try to avoid any first day implosions, and part of the reason I booked the show for Fri vs Sat is specifically to get that in early, get out of the Wynn if I'm getting buried, etc. The last time I came with this guy by the time our show rolled around I was stuck over 40k and had been on life support after 24hrs. So all of my moves this trip are geared to never needing to be on life support, obv, but otherwise to stave it off as long as possible.

His plan for craps is also somewhat interesting- I'm going to partner with him 50/50 and he buys in, plays, etc. We're doing this to effectively double his rating which makes no difference to me. It ends up being less exposure for me than if I just bought in on my own. His system will be to get all the inside numbers for 440$, first hit go to 550$, second hit come down to 320$ across. So if we get two hits he's basically paid for for the roll. From that point, he's going to press hard and collect every time he gets to a new color, but ultimately try to get to table max fast. It should be a relatively low variance way to play, overall, likelihood of a small win is really low but opportunity for a big win is there. As he puts it, "I'm content to hover/lose a little, waiting for that one roll to come along". So be it.

I REALLY REALLY REALLY need a win here. Let's do it.

Start of Day 1

Plan was to leave late AM on SW. I'd been sweating the recent SW debacle, vaguely worried that their obv systemic problems was somehow going to screw me. Sure enough, 1 hr before I was planning to go to the airport, I get a text message saying our flight was unilaterally cancelled, no explanation. F$$#@ SW! I immediately hop on the app, find a flight leaving an hour EARLIER, book it and then call friend. He's able to rebook which is good, but now he needs to hurry and pack and confirm with his wife she's still able to drive us. Luckily, all things happen without issue, and we're at the airport just a bit late for this new, earlier flight.

Weather has been pretty crappy in SD the last few days, and I'm sweating that as well. We're not off to a good start this trip and I tell friend I won't be confident until we're in the air.

We wait on the tarmac for a while, which adds to my anxiety.

Finally, we're in the air.

Not the greatest Vegas shot, my seat didn't give me any opportunities.
Ongoing video poker "TR", how long will this last? Quote
01-10-2023 , 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by marknfw
Has no one told you you can just copy/paste images directly into posts now, leon? Or you can use the image button in the post toolbar (the one with the mountains).
I'm figuring that out. Still a bit of a pain bc I have to manually hunt for images. At least it works. Rest of Day 1 inbound shortly.
Ongoing video poker "TR", how long will this last? Quote
01-10-2023 , 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by leon
Jan TR part of day 1

Thurs- get in, dinner at SW steakhouse
Fri- show at NYNY, dinner at L'atelier de Joel Robuchon
Sat- dinner at the new supper club Delilah
Sun- leave for home
I'm super jealous with this lineup. It's also depressing that I don't consider Delilah new... which means you've been away far too long.
Ongoing video poker "TR", how long will this last? Quote
01-10-2023 , 03:33 PM
OK, pivoting a bit. Given it's far easier for me to upload batches of photos now, I'm going to write the TR text first, then interject bunches of images as they come. It'll be much easier for me this way, and hopefully no worse for the reader.

We meet the limo driver and arrive at the Wynn uneventfully. FINALLY, this trip can start! I've got a Parlor suite, 1500$ F/B credit, and 5k free credit. Get checked in, grab a double of Booker's (the fine whiskey display is still there, but noticeably devoid of good stuff. Most of my usual favorites are nowhere to be found), and belly up to "my" UX machine. The same machine that basically has abused me all of 2022.

The intention is to cap losses at 10k today. This immediately proves it might be difficult as I'm down 5k within a hour. Just icy. Friend has gone off to play craps. I didn't want to use free credit, but I've got to stop feeding in bills. I decide to use 1000 of the 5000 I've been given.


After. 40% payback. Just great.

That goes in the blink of an eye, and I try again, but with 2k free credit this time.


End. About 90% payback. Much better. but still not great.

I keep losing at UX and finally can't handle it anymore. WHERE IS MY HEAT?! I head over to hi limit, play the multiline machine just to get any hits. At this point I'll take anything. I know I'm decreasing the chance of a monster by leaving UX, but I'm also turning down the variance and increasing the chance of just hitting a regular jackpot.

As you can see, things got much better. Starting hitting almost immediately, things stayed good, and I got my ticket up over 10k. Once I got unstuck increased my bet a bit. Gave some back and decided to switch to spin poker deluxe.

Thought this one was interesting. Dealt 3 to a straight flush, managed to hit on the all important center line. I know I'm going to be thinking how easily this came in later when I miss 1/47 shots over, and over, and over...

Also a good hit.

A little while later, first dealt quads of the trip!



Because this is spin, any kicker is going to count at least 4 lines. Conversely, I've only got 3 draws instead of 12. PLEASE DON'T SKUNK ME!!!


S!@#T! S!##T! I really needed kickers! Just one and this a 5 digit hand. This is just a wasted golden chance, no two ways about it.

I go to 15 lines.

Jeez. Straight flush on the center line, again. I'd give both back to be able to get a kicker on that quad 4s draw.

Really running well now, I gotta say.

I go to 20 lines. This next one deserves a spoiler.


So I don't play much spin poker deluxe. I know anything over 9 lines gets a little funky, exactly where the lines are, etc. And I know the center spot is really, really important. But it wasn't until this hit that I found out JUST HOW MANY LINES go thru that middle. That is, count 'em folks, ELEVEN lines where I made quads. 11 x 2000 = 22,000. 9 x 10 = 90 LOL. That 2 absolutely could not have come in a better spot.

I am now well, well, up. Let's keep this going.

I'm assuming things cooled off, bc the next pic is back at UX.

Second dealt quads of the trip, at UX!


Meh definitely forgettable.

It's time for dinner. Buddy and I head down to SW. He's getting creamed at craps (thus, I am as well). We both get the Kobe NY and a smattering of sides. I manage to not over order, knowing I'm going to be super full from all the fat.

After dinner, it's more craps for buddy, more UX for me. I get pummeled again, and soon find myself use up free credit, again.


Oh sure, 2 straight flushes holding three, but I can't make a 1/47 or 1/22.5 shot for premium quads come in on UX to save my life.

End. About 95% payback, WITH those two straight flushes. No more free credit left.

I head back to hi limit. I remember this being ok, but overall net loser.

That's enough. I head to bed just after midnight. A little later than I wanted, but at least I'm not stuck. The good news is I did put that huge voucher in the safe at some point and used cash to slow things down. The bad news is I know I ran like crap at UX and despite being up over 30k at some point in the day, I gave back a lot after dinner and finished up just north of 20k. I managed most of my first day goals, but that's too much to give back too quickly.

Day 1 result- + 22k
Dealt quads- 2

Day 2 coming soon...
Ongoing video poker "TR", how long will this last? Quote
01-10-2023 , 04:07 PM
Pretty good start.

There is not a much better feeling at vp than landing the card you need in the center spot of Spin Poker.
Ongoing video poker "TR", how long will this last? Quote
01-10-2023 , 04:24 PM
Let’s Go!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ongoing video poker "TR", how long will this last? Quote
01-10-2023 , 11:03 PM
Originally Posted by leon

Not the greatest Vegas shot, my seat didn't give me any opportunities.
Isn't it bad to be able to see into the engine?
Ongoing video poker "TR", how long will this last? Quote
01-11-2023 , 03:27 AM
pretty awesome day 1!

was that a Yorkshire Pudding side from SW?
Ongoing video poker "TR", how long will this last? Quote
01-11-2023 , 10:50 AM
Originally Posted by pig4bill
Isn't it bad to be able to see into the engine?
I thought the same thing. Maybe there was a hairy caveman guy riding on the wing, tearing pieces off.
Ongoing video poker "TR", how long will this last? Quote
01-11-2023 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by marknfw
I thought the same thing. Maybe there was a hairy caveman guy riding on the wing, tearing pieces off.
On the plus side, leon has just been named captain of the Enterprise.
Ongoing video poker "TR", how long will this last? Quote
01-11-2023 , 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by marknfw
I thought the same thing. Maybe there was a hairy caveman guy riding on the wing, tearing pieces off.
I'm pretty sure the cowling slides open. Maybe for cooling???
Ongoing video poker "TR", how long will this last? Quote
01-11-2023 , 08:16 PM
Originally Posted by Tom Ames
I'm pretty sure the cowling slides open. Maybe for cooling???
They're for the thrust reversers after landing and pushes the air forward to help slow the plane.
Ongoing video poker "TR", how long will this last? Quote
01-11-2023 , 08:47 PM
Originally Posted by PilotMatt
They're for the thrust reversers after landing and pushes the air forward to help slow the plane.
Ongoing video poker "TR", how long will this last? Quote
01-12-2023 , 04:39 AM
Glad the day 1 rungood is back. sick center line
Ongoing video poker "TR", how long will this last? Quote
01-12-2023 , 01:41 PM
Day 2

Wake up around 6am which is decent for me. Head downstairs, grab coffee, and get to work. It's cold, until I hit my third dealt quads of the trip!


Again, kind of meh given it's ultimate X.

Other than that hit, X remains cold, and eventually I find my way back to the hi limit room and the multiline machine in there. This machine and spin poker are keeping me alive/completely different than UX.

I'm pretty sure I went and played UX again before breakfast, bc I know by the time I met up with my buddy I was definitely stuck for the AM, 5K? or so.

I change it up a bit and get the short rib benedict and side of bacon. Everything 6-7/10, short rib was a little too sweet.

Buddy continues to take a beating in craps, I continue to run bad at UX. These three pics are all I've got from pre-lunch, which is WAY too few hits to survive at UX. I go back to hi limit.

All of these are pre-dinner. I took a nap somewhere in there bc we've got a show then a huge meal at L'atelier de Joel Robuchon tonight. I can pretty much summarize this session as- win at hi limit, lose more at UX. I think I'm stuck 10k on the day now.

We head to NYNY for the new Cirque show Mad Apple. Pretty excited to see a new show!

The show was great. I'd summarize it as your typical Cirque acrobatics, with far more comedy, a little traditional magic act, music and more audience involvement thrown in. The acrobatics were awesome as always, and the comedian was legit hilarious. He was more like an MC throughout the show. A lot of the performers sang and played their own instruments. Definitely an upgrade from typical Cirque. They also started the show with a real bar upfront, next time I'll just grab my drink there for the experience. 9/10, will definitely be back (the magic was ho hum).

Now it's on to one of my favorite restaurants in Vegas! Buddy is wary, he appreciates good food but is more frugal than I am. I tell him that for the money, he's about to have one of the meals of his life. Plus, he doesn't drink so this should be more than affordable for him.

We both get the set (not tasting menu). It's more than enough food, and we try and coordinate so we're basically getting different stuff and sharing. I think we both got the same appetizer but otherwise spread out. 8/10 for me (in retrospect I shouldn't have gotten the appetizer with the chick peas, I'm not a huge fan of legumes) and I was shocked at how limited their bourbon list was. Next door at the full restaurant they have all the Pappys etc, not that I'd ever pay out of pocket for any of that. Best they had at L'atelier was Blanton's, which let's get real is rapidly approaching "paying for the name, and it's not even anything special" status. Still a quality experience, and buddy put it at the top 5 meals in his life, so there is that.

Afterwards, we head back to the Wynn. It's close to 11pm now, but I've gotten a second wind. Buddy desperately needs a craps win so he's staying up. I need to try and undo this entire day. Let's play!

More UX. More pummeling. At some point, I get disgusted and give the old school machines some action. Still have never been dealt 4AWAK at the Wynn. If any machine is going to do it, it's the one that really put my 2019-2021 sun run into hi gear. I've been dealt every single made hand on the machine EXCEPT 4AWAK, and it's dealt me royals on back to back trips before. Obv way cooled off since then...

I end up going to bed a little after midnight. I stayed alive on these older machines, but F***ing UX. CANNOT hit a big hand on the machine, and I'm running bad in general there as well. Hardly any draws, way below avg, and of course miss basically all of them too. I have given back almost 20k today and am basically even for the trip. I can't help but think, as I head to bed, that were it not for UX I'd probably be up 30k or more.

Day 2 result- -19k
Overall- +3k
Ongoing video poker "TR", how long will this last? Quote
01-12-2023 , 08:56 PM
oof....seems like a painful day. thanks as ever for the write up

the show looks awesome.

re l'Atelier...which also looks awesome what was cost per head?
Ongoing video poker "TR", how long will this last? Quote
01-12-2023 , 09:47 PM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
oof....seems like a painful day. thanks as ever for the write up

the show looks awesome.

re l'Atelier...which also looks awesome what was cost per head?
I want to say 125$ per? That was the base price before tax/tip. We both got slight upgrades to different dishes (the meat and souffle were more), and with my drink, call it 300ish total.

While we're on the subject, I would definitely get the tasting menu. So much more value, you get 8-9 dishes and I think it's ~ 200$ per. The only reason I didn't get it was bc I knew I would beyond full at the end and didn't want to be wasteful, either from a food or monetary perspective.
Ongoing video poker "TR", how long will this last? Quote
01-12-2023 , 10:28 PM
Originally Posted by leon
I want to say 125$ per? That was the base price before tax/tip. We both got slight upgrades to different dishes (the meat and souffle were more), and with my drink, call it 300ish total.

While we're on the subject, I would definitely get the tasting menu. So much more value, you get 8-9 dishes and I think it's ~ 200$ per. The only reason I didn't get it was bc I knew I would beyond full at the end and didn't want to be wasteful, either from a food or monetary perspective.
thanks and yep, I had a quick scan of the menu and the full tasting menu seems better value. Might as well do it properly if you're going to do it
Ongoing video poker "TR", how long will this last? Quote
01-13-2023 , 03:18 PM
Day 3, 4

I wake up just after 6am. Still really tired, I'm just up bc of typical Vegas fever. I know I should try and sleep more, preserve this (small) win, etc but I just can't. Also, I'm aware this is my last full day in Vegas and I'm basically even from a bankroll perspective. There have been SO many times I would have killed to have 50k stake with 1.5 days to go. With those thoughts, I just say screw it and get out of bed.

I head to ultimate X, with the now typical results- it's just a hoover-vacuum M'Fing money drain. Head back to hi limit.

At least I can hold my own here. At some point I must have lost the small amount of cash I put in, bc I know I put the big ticket in the machine. Start running better, go to 20 lines and soon get dealt quads #4 of the trip!


Meh card value, but can't complain at 20 lines.

Clearly moved to spin at some point when the multiline machine cooled off. I'm pretty sure I had tons of draws at spin, but basically blanked them all. I remember it being a frustrating session.

I think I broke even for the hi limit room portion, but lost at least 4-5k starting with ultimate X. I'm now stuck for the trip. We do a room service breakfast, and I forgot to take pics. Catch up with buddy- last night was no better than any other session, and he's stuck almost 7k total (so 14k collectively). Although he's a gambler and knows the swings, I can see it's starting to bother him. He also feels bad he's losing for me as well, but I reassure him that had I been playing with him "on my own", I'd be stuck just as much or even more (220$ inside which is my share is a small bet for me). So we finish up breakfast and head downstairs recharged and ready to go.

I can't remember if I went straight back to UX or hi limit, but I do know this session sucked. I still have not made 4 aces w/kicker from drawing 1. I'm doing pretty well on 2,3,4s but I have not been dealt nearly the expected amount of trip aces, and I'm drawing like crap on top of that. I get dealt trip 2,3,4 many times but blank them all. Still not getting trip aces. Finally, I make a hand-

LOL twice, after zero for the rest of the trip. At least I got this one out of the way!

Keep hammering at it, and slowly but surely give money back. It's just not happening and I decide to play craps with buddy, change it up a bit. I'm down 8k on the day and 5k for the trip.

I find buddy and buy in a little short given I'm still partnered with him. I don't want him to have to change his bet sizing, and we ARE partnered to try and artificially bump up his rating, after all. I decide to come in for 3k, get 6 and 8 180$ each, same bet to get my money back and then press aggressively.

The table's certainly not the worst I've been at but it's not great either. I make a small win courtesy of one roll where I got 6 to 1200, but since buddy was getting all the numbers across, he wasn't able to capitalize as much on what was otherwise an unremarkable roll. He books a small loser. I get a little bored of craps and head back to VP.

I hit UX, AGAIN. Get nothing, AGAIN. I'm really starting to hate this machine. Head up for a nap, stuck 10k for the trip now. After my nap, more craps with buddy, we both book a small loser. More VP...

Objectively, this is a good hit. Got the quad, with kickers in 2/3 slots. Buddy was sweating me and got to see it too.

Unfortunately, that is the ONLY hit from the PM pre dinner session. You all know what that means- I lost. I'm now stuck about 15k for the trip. Summary so far- lots of good hits. 4 dealt quads. Doing pretty well at multi-line and spin poker. Way under dealt trip aces, and bringing them in. AND- UX F'ING sucks. SUCKS.

We head to Delilah for dinner. I've been here once before, I believe on the TR that never was last year after I got completely destroyed and demotivated to post. I will confess, bleeding back almost 40k in 1.5 days had a small part of me thinking "meh F it" at this point in the trip too. Obv I decided to keep plugging away,

Overall, a quality meal. I wish we had been seating where we could see the pianist and singer. As a fellow pianist, I love watching other people play. As you can imagine, it's pretty loud in there, at times too loud. I guess you can't have it all, if there's going to be live music it's going to be loud. 8/10 overall.

Buddy is down to his last bullet. He's stuck 10k and has 2k left on him. He's debating whether to short buy tonight, or save it for tomorrow. He's assuming I'm done partnering with him, but I reassure him I'm not. We come up with a plan- we still partner, but he needs to short buy anyways. 2k tonight, 2k tomorrow. If the table doesn't immediately prove itself, well he's going to bed.

For my part I decide to play craps. I have to avoid a last night implosion. Right now I can tolerate a 15-25k loss. A 40-50k loss, esp after being up the first day might make me murder someone. So we hit the craps tables, play for a while and nothing's happening. I book a small loser and buddy, who honestly SHOULD be playing a pretty low variance, hovering-type of game (he gets his money back after two rolls, having 1/2 the numbers!) actually does manage to hover for once. I head over to VP. I really need a good session!

I manage to avoid UX- hit an old school machine, win a little, hit the hi limit machine, hang about even. Then, FIFTH dealt quads of the trip!



I cannot describe how RELIEVED I felt after this hit. I had the speed on the slowest setting, got to see all the cards come out one by one, etc. I'm up again. I can actually play with some freedom too. It's been at least a year since I've been dealt 234 w/kicker. I know that for a fact, mostly bc I know I didn't hit this hand once in 2022. With the volume I put in, that is TOO LONG of a drought. At least I've broken that completely unwanted streak. I stare at the hand for a bit, then increase lines and get back to business!

This machine is starting to heat up. Got another 4awak from trip aces too (STILL under expectation on that one, though).

I unlock my jackpot from the 4awak and hit deal. I know this 100% for a fact, the VERY next hand is DEALT QUADS number 6!



So, so, so close to 3 dealt premiums with kicker in maybe? 10 min? One ace off just one hand again (yes I realize that's actually not that close). And then, the very next hand, almost a 40k hit. I apologize for not taking a before pic, in my excitement I got ready to video but forgot the before pic. After is obv- hit about the expected number of kickers. Quite happy I'm at 20 lines. MAN, if it could have just dealt me the kicker...

I'm now well, well up. I'm reminded, AGAIN, why I can't stop playing VP. For all the pain and suffering, when it hits, it's just... you feel like you can't lose. Like it's printing money. Getting dealt those 3 aces and then immediately quad 3s makes every one of those "maybe the machine is due" feelings which you intellectually know to be complete BS are maybe actually true. It's a dangerous, dangerous game folks.

OK. I know I stepped up to 25 lines now, max bet. Get dealt trip aces and BLANK. 4 to a royal, BLANK. Uh oh, PLEASE not now. I'm playing 25 lines and getting the draws, but it's not connecting. I switch to spin poker, again play 20 lines and again get draws but blank them all. I can't even connect on regular trips. I give back 8k before I come to my senses- NO LATE NIGHT IMPLOSIONS!

It's after midnight. I get up, text buddy. He's at Encore, still playing, just slowly bleeding. I decide to join him, bask in this win and maybe actually go on a craps run?

The place is PACKED. Sat night, Vegas, CET convention, etc. I actually hate these conditions but I realize I'm an OMC at heart. I find buddy and there's room at his table.

In retrospect I never should have played. Obv I lost, and it's not the money. I purposely bought in short to cap my loss, I just wanted to have fun and maybe book a win. The reason I say I shouldn't have played is bc at the other end of the table was a gaggle of late 20-early 30s women, clueless, loud and clearly just there to have a good time. For me, those are STEREOTYPICALLY the most tilt inducing sessions and this one was no different. 4 women, all of them throwing the dice off the table the majority of rolls. Some 50 yr old douchebag next to them is obviously hitting on them, idiot tells the first girl to "always call same dice when the table's hot". Girl has no idea what he means, so he tells her just keep saying "same dice", loudly, every time they go off the table. Right, bc this roll is so hot. It literally took her 5 rolls to even establish a number, she threw the dice off the first 4 rolls. Loud clamoring for "same dice" every time, with douchebag egging them on.

OMG SO TILTING. One of my pet peeves is women who are past college age, but still scream in a dog-whistle pitch shrill voice when they're trying to be seen. Give me a woman with brains who looks like Jennifer Connelly, Kate Walsh or Nicole Kidman (pre-surgery) any day- maturity, elegance, brains. That's where it's at.

Anyhoo... maybe this clown show will make up for it with some good rolls. 1st woman- torture, out. 2nd woman- torture, shrill screaming, dice off table, out. 3rd, 4th, same result. Meanwhile douchebag keeps hitting on these decidedly average but oh so annoying women. At some point, I got annoyed enough that I said to the dealer and my buddy, "dude. Enough. There is precisely 0.0% chance any of these women sleep with you. Just SHUT UP, shut them up and let's get a roll!". I say this loudly enough that I hoped he would/wouldn't hear. I'm not interested in conflict and know comments like these are definitely neg EV in the long run, but I can't help myself. Douchebag didn't hear but one of the women definitely did, she actually looked up and SMILED at me! OMG you are truly clueless.

So- we take that beating. It's past 1am and we slink away into the night. Gave back almost 3k that session, buddy is almost felted. What an annoying way to end what was, in all analysis, a truly magical post dinner VP session.

Day 3 result- +20k
Overall- +23k
Dealt quads- 6

Day 4, final day

Sleep like GARBAGE this last night. I slept until 7am, but given I went to bed at almost 2am and I got up at least 4 times to take a piss, I feel like crap.

I stick a couple K into UX, hoping somehow the machine has decided to wake up. Nah bro, it's still garbage. Head to hi limit and quickly get it back.

I give back 5k before breakfast (Tableau) again.

Back to my usual steak and eggs.

Post breakfast, I book another 3-4k loser, take a break, and I talk with buddy. If he goes behind the line a bit and I partner with him, he's got enough for one short session. I'm good with that. I actually tell him I think I'm done with VP for the trip- I've had too many last days where I give back too much, and I cannot remember the last time I've had a good last day at the Wynn. I've gotten bailed out this trip, no doubt about it. Psychologically after 2022 I HAVE to book a win here. If I somehow book a loser after all the downs and ups of this trip, it'll destroy me. He agrees that's a good plan, so we start with craps, and we hover for a bit, but then it turns really cold. I'm down 3k and buddy is basically felted.

Well s#$%t. We still have hours to go. It's ok, I'm still up 10k. I can play VP for a bit. Feed 1k into UX- last shot. AND, it's still terrible. Feed another 1k in. Gone. Head to hi limit.

Hit this second hand in!

After the standard UX loss, coupled with the immediate comeback from the hi limit machine, you know where this is going. Yep, I can "feel" this hi limit machine is going to really get somewhere the last day. So I stick with it, and it never goes anywhere. Well, maybe spin poker will get somewhere...

This was the most frustrating mini-session of the whole trip without doubt. I must have gotten dealt trip aces with kicker three times. 4 to a royal once. Any of those would have paid 16k. trip 234 at least 5 times. Even regular trips- BLANKED THEM ALL. Before I know it, I'm stuck another 5k, and I'm only up 5k for the trip. HOW THE HELL did I give back 18k today??! Looking back on it, I still don't see a point I could have gotten up from that spin poker machine. I KEPT getting draws, and kept missing them. Each one making you think "well, the next one's gotta hit", then that next one really does come up soon, BUT you miss. Over and over. Such a trap.

I cash what was once a near 70k ticket in, pack up my stuff and get ready to go. Stuff 500$ in the old school machine bc we've still got plenty of time.

I know I spun the 500$ up to over 1000 (hit quad aces twice, no kicker LDO). Hit these jackpots. Give some back, get more in return. Could THIS be the save we're looking for??! I spin 500 up to almost 4500 at it's height. It's pretty close to when we're going to order lunch at Red8, eat and head to the airport. I'm really pleased with this last mini-bullet, and I'm now almost 10k up again!

Cue doomswitch.

OMG. I don't think I've ever given back ~5k on a 50$ bet machine so quickly. 4, 3, 2k. Meh F it, play down to 1k. Meh F it, I only stuck 500 in. Meh, I decided at the beginning I was going to fire this 500. AND... busto. Disgusting. It lasted MAYBE 10 min? playing on turbo.

I get up, dejected. We grab Red8 (for Red8, definitely 8 or 9/10, they got the spiciness just right), throw that food down then head to the airport. A fun trip, a good trip, but I've got some things to work on...

Day 4 result- -18k
Overall- +5k
Dealt quads- 6
Partnering with buddy- -12k (meaning, I would have booked a 17k winner at VP)

Post trip thoughts-

First and foremost- I REALLY have to curtail the ultimate X. I used to use it to take shots. Clearly I've had some big wins at the game. However, there is not a doubt in my mind that despite hitting 40k several times, a bunch of 20ks etc I'm net loser at the game. The main problem is the variance- I'm under rolled to play 10 (maybe even 5) line UX. When I make it my main game, it's just too easy to lose 20-30k in the blink of an eye, and then barring a miracle I'm screwed. I hit too many miracles early and failed to appreciate just how cold the game can be. NO MORE. From here on out, it's back to regular multiline or spin, obv still neg EV but at least it'll be slower in theory. I can take shots at UX if I'm up. I'm already looking forward to coming back and AVOIDING those machines lol.

More craps- despite buddy getting f@#$ed, I really like his system. Assuming decent sessions, he really should be able to hover for quite a bit while always positioning himself to take advantage of a hot roll, should one come along. My old way with 6 and 8 gets too boring- I've lost track of the numbers of legitimately good rolls that I've seen come and go where I am basically a spectator bc innumerable 4s, 5s, 9s and 10s roll but of course only 2-3 6 or 8. So if I'm going to play I'd rather still just play relatively low neg EV, be better positioned to press press press if the roll comes AND buy in for less. Looking forward to this too.

Things I did reasonably well- playing slower, not getting absolutely butF#$@ed the first day, booking shows/food earlier in the trip to avoid days of beatings without a break. I'll keep working at this too.

All in all, not a bad start to 2023 after a disaster 2022. Thanks for reading!
Ongoing video poker "TR", how long will this last? Quote
