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06-26-2021 , 05:26 AM
Originally Posted by pocket_zeros
Their operation would fall under Nevada's cottage industry food bill, which permits certain types of food including candy to be made in a home without the usual health permits. All that's required is a simple registration with the county.

Link: https://www.southernnevadahealthdist...od-operations/

Here is the problematic wording it seems to me.

Where and to whom ones’ products can be sold is regulated. I don’t think this allows for online sales, but I could be wrong.

Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
06-26-2021 , 05:50 AM
Originally Posted by Dream Crusher
Surprise surprise, mrducks is talking out of his ass again in order to attack Trooper, or in this case in order to attack Lady Trooper, and for what? For making ****ing lollipops WTF?!?!
mrducks is a goat poster in the thread.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
06-26-2021 , 06:13 AM
Originally Posted by Randall Stevens
I saw a couple other vlogs from her and it seemed ok. I would like some more table video and hand history from the table, but like everything else. I'm a fan.
Every hand she goes over seems like she just smashes the board. (Well besides the missed FD that she tried to donk on the river for small with 6 hi)
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
06-26-2021 , 06:14 AM
Originally Posted by ChipsOmNom
What are the crazy "reverse implied odds in life" that Ben Deach continues to allude to? Other than getting divorced, what happened to him? Does anyone know?
I don't really watch any of the poker vlogs anymore. Back when I did I used to watch Ben's as he seemed like a decent fella. I think the last one I watched he was due to have a child with his partner. Are they seperated now? Is he still working for the news channel?
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
06-26-2021 , 06:27 AM
Sprklipop has been reported to the southern Nevada health district for failure to properly register with them
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
06-26-2021 , 10:04 AM
I can't imagine why no vlogger really wants to participate here other than pman. Won't take long and he'll be gone too. I wonder which one of you guys is Cylvmitchell? It's sad you don't have anything better to do than **** on someone's attempt to make a living.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
06-26-2021 , 10:27 AM
Originally Posted by marknfw
I can't imagine why no vlogger really wants to participate here other than pman. Won't take long and he'll be gone too. I wonder which one of you guys is Cylvmitchell? It's sad you don't have anything better to do than **** on someone's attempt to make a living.
It's sad isn't it, live and let live I say. All of the needless negativity on here says more about this forum than the vloggers.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
06-26-2021 , 10:38 AM
Can't wait for Trooper to open up a lemonade stand in front of his garage and see all the hysterical pearl clutchers want to send in a SWAT team.

Remember before Facebook when all the Suburban Karens were spreading wild rumors about satanic cults slipping LSD into kid's trick or treats on Halloween to get them hooked? I guess some of them post on two plus two now.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
06-26-2021 , 11:07 AM
wow - what a bummer. I am not a lollypop guy, but if I were and I wanted to support trooper and the missus I would have zero issues buying em and supporting them. Its kind of like supporting a bake sale. They arent gunna put crushed up glass in there or anything. And they are going to do their best to keep their cooking surfaces clean and prolly do a better job than I do at cleaning and I dont worry about getting sick from my kitchen.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
06-26-2021 , 11:24 AM
Originally Posted by Bighurt52235
Is there some sort of disconnect between those two that I'm missing?
Other than the fact that he's not a losing player and even if he was, then his YT income makes it very hard for him to go broke... nope.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
06-26-2021 , 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by squid face
wow - what a bummer. I am not a lollypop guy, but if I were and I wanted to support trooper and the missus I would have zero issues buying em and supporting them. Its kind of like supporting a bake sale. They arent gunna put crushed up glass in there or anything. And they are going to do their best to keep their cooking surfaces clean and prolly do a better job than I do at cleaning and I dont worry about getting sick from my kitchen.
Same here. I would imagine their kitchen is a lot cleaner than a ton of factories where food is processed/packaged. Aren't there some food items where a certain percentage of insect parts is acceptable? I too wouldn't have the slightest hesitation trying one of their products. Not the coffee though! I'm a coffee snob and roast my own beans, so I'm going to have to pass on the old coffee, lol.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
06-26-2021 , 11:36 AM
Roast your own beans, wow that sound like a PITA. Is it really that much better than anything you can buy?

Yea, if Trooper really stores the beans in the garage with no AC, that is not good for bean storage and for sure degrades the beans. Some garages have an AC vent but some may just keep it closed unless you use it for an office or something.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
06-26-2021 , 12:02 PM
When it comes to cleanliness and quality control, Trooper and Lady Trooper are in the same level as Walter White trying to kill that one fly. They are very thorough and very perfectionist when it comes to the hygiene of their foods. I'll eat anything made in Trooper's and Lady Trooper's kitchen any day.

But I won't dare eat anything mrducks makes in his kitchen. That's because I speculate that he possibly and probably cuts mushrooms and tomatoes on the same table that he sits on butt naked when he makes posts, and he likely never cleans that table...and he does not wipe too well. He has no business making speculative statements like this:

"Also, having watched Trooper videos with his disgusting cracked skin on his hands, the mess of clean and dirty clothes on his floor, and knowing just how dusty Las Vegas is and the fact that they live in an apartment rental so their air conditioning definitely doesn't have high enough grade air filters and they aren't replaced frequently enough so all those sticky lollipops cooling on the kitchen counter are going to get all of Trooper's dry skin flakes and dust on them before they are nicely wrapped and shipped out."

Last edited by Reggie Steer; 06-26-2021 at 12:20 PM.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
06-26-2021 , 12:16 PM
Pman in your last video you said in the $6 6k you hit a flush on the turn and villain hit a higher flush and that you all had equal chip stacks. You posted that HH on twitter a while back and that's just not what happened. Stay accountable and if you keep finding yourself in these spots where you're just flat out lying or genuinely misbelieving the way you played poker to skew it in your favor you probably have a degenerate gambling problem.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
06-26-2021 , 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by marknfw
I can't imagine why no vlogger really wants to participate here other than pman. Won't take long and he'll be gone too. I wonder which one of you guys is Cylvmitchell? It's sad you don't have anything better to do than **** on someone's attempt to make a living.

Jesus can’t imagine someone actually doing this. The type of people that come on here to post that kind of stuff don’t actually have the initiative to do this. Can you imagine how that call would go.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
06-26-2021 , 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by TPeck
Pman in your last video you said in the $6 6k you hit a flush on the turn and villain hit a higher flush and that you all had equal chip stacks. You posted that HH on twitter a while back and that's just not what happened. Stay accountable and if you keep finding yourself in these spots where you're just flat out lying or genuinely misbelieving the way you played poker to skew it in your favor you probably have a degenerate gambling problem.
I purposely misquoted it to see who would correct me.

Congratulations, you win! Foiled again with my attempt to betray my audience!
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
06-26-2021 , 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by Dream Crusher
Cars are going in slow motion with that 35 Mph speed limit on the Vegas freeway. Trooper might as well just ride his boosted board down the freeway.
I'm trying to imagine this and am cracking up. Trooper on his boosted board with his arm extended out holding his camera flying down I-15 as semi trucks and crazy Vegas drivers whip by him. All the while, he is ranting about bad drivers and being late for something.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
06-26-2021 , 05:02 PM
Rampage vs Trooper is an excellent prism to view the results of having good people skills.

Trooper comes across abrasive and few here will defend him except under the most narrow of circumstances/issues. 95% of posts are of the "what's his deal?" variety.

Rampage, no one dislikes him as a person and almost all criticism comes from his poker skills, not who he is. He openly admits he is not great at poker and still has a huge smile when he says it. The "10K challenge?" Who could possibly root against him getting that back? Personally, I think he could crush 1-3 with his fearlessness, but at the higher levels it just doesn't work as well. Yet, he is always playing as high as he can.

Trooper is probably twice Rampage's age and yet he hasn't learned the most basic skill in life, which is managing to not be a jag. Or to at least keep it all internal and not expose that part of yourself to others.

I started watching Rampage during the summer lockdowns, expecting to dislike this young kid, but I just cant. Same with those college kids at SMU, Next Gen. They come across down to earth and admit their failings openly. They all seem genuinely happy and appreciative of their opportunities and the gifts they have.

Honesty, a smile, and self-deprecation gets you far with people, and Trooper has never learned this.

I've found since my late 20's that the nicer and more honest you are with those around you, the happier you'll be. I feel bad for Trooper, carrying around that quiet rage against everyone who walks by him on the strip, and at the table etc. I wonder if it is an act?

Mean, nasty people are their own worst enemy and hold themselves and their happiness back far more than they could ever imagine.

Maybe if he stopped wearing that hoodie in 110 degree heat on the strip he might literally and figuratively cool off a bit. What kind of psycho wears a hoodie on the strip in the summer?
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
06-26-2021 , 05:09 PM
Originally Posted by parisron
Roast your own beans, wow that sound like a PITA. Is it really that much better than anything you can buy?
It's not too much of a PITA. I spend about an hour, maybe 2 per week roasting just for me. It was a pain when I first started and quite a few family members wanted to buy coffee from me, but now that I've stopped that, it's not bad.

It really is quite a lot better than anything you would buy in a grocery store. It's on par with what you get from local micro roasters but way more cost effective. When I buy 60kg bags of green beans I'm paying between $4 and $5 per lb vs $15.50 for 12oz that the local place charges.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
06-26-2021 , 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by marknfw
It's not too much of a PITA. I spend about an hour, maybe 2 per week roasting just for me. It was a pain when I first started and quite a few family members wanted to buy coffee from me, but now that I've stopped that, it's not bad.

It really is quite a lot better than anything you would buy in a grocery store. It's on par with what you get from local micro roasters but way more cost effective. When I buy 60kg bags of green beans I'm paying between $4 and $5 per lb vs $15.50 for 12oz that the local place charges.
Swooping in to take over Trooper's poker coffee market share? I set up the Trooper coffee bashing and you swoop in with your amazing product offering to steal the business. Teamwork makes the dream work.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
06-26-2021 , 07:02 PM
Resorts World

Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
06-26-2021 , 08:23 PM
Resorts World will never recover after that lashing Trooper just gave them.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
06-26-2021 , 08:43 PM
Originally Posted by BSumner
Rampage vs Trooper is an excellent prism to view the results of having good people skills.

Trooper comes across abrasive and few here will defend him except under the most narrow of circumstances/issues. 95% of posts are of the "what's his deal?" variety.

Rampage, no one dislikes him as a person and almost all criticism comes from his poker skills, not who he is. He openly admits he is not great at poker and still has a huge smile when he says it. The "10K challenge?" Who could possibly root against him getting that back? Personally, I think he could crush 1-3 with his fearlessness, but at the higher levels it just doesn't work as well. Yet, he is always playing as high as he can.
Depending on your definition of "crush," Rampage did crush 1/3 at Encore Boston Harbor prior to the pandemic (when they still had poker).
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
06-26-2021 , 09:12 PM
Must have missed it, what did trooper think of the chicken sandwich
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
06-26-2021 , 09:20 PM
After he ordered on the kiosk and paid, he found out they were out of chicken. lol
He had to wait in a huge line to get refund. Inspired rant at end.
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