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05-21-2021 , 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by trob888
Just let it go. People as stupid as Venice will never realize how stupid they are.
Found a case of the Dunning-Kruger Effect.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
05-21-2021 , 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by VeniceMerchant
The definition of logic is reasoning conducted or assessed according to strict principles of validity.

You were guessing, not logically determining a fact.
Definition of 'logic':

Merriam-Webster: a) science that deals with the principles and criteria of validity of inference and demonstration : the science of the formal principles of reasoning
Oxford: 1. a way of thinking or explaining something
American Heritage: 1. the study of principles of reasoning, especially of the structure of propositions as distinguished from their content, and of method and validity in deductive reasoning.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
05-21-2021 , 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by YoungManCoffee
It's weird how Mariano has a policy of turning his hand over immediately and not forcing the recs to show, and he has moved up from 1/3 to 10/20 in 2 years, but Trooper's GTO neanderthal standoff method has kept him at 1/2 since the era of flip phones.
Mariano isn't concerned with knowing what the opponent had because it is trivial. If the guy shows up with a bluff that he doesn't want to show, then the odds are he was bluffing to bluff, not because he had the perfect blockers for that situation, because he isn't thinking like that. So to call with top of range and hope to see the guy turn over T high no draw and think that you are somehow going to use that going forward is illogical.

This goes hand in hand with the argument a week or so ago when people were arguing whether Trooper works hard or is lazy. He may actually be doing a lot of stuff, but none of it goes together or is going in one direction towards a common goal. He has clearly thought a lot about slow rolling and why he shouldn't show first, etc... If he spent that time thinking about proper opening and continuing ranges he would be a better poker player. Instead he needs to come up with a plan to slow roll players he doesn't like and then spend time coming up with justification to explain it to everyone in his vlog, despite no one knowing about it unless he told them in the first place.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
05-21-2021 , 03:02 PM
Conjecture: an opinion or conclusion formed on the basis of incomplete information.

If you argued this Socratically in court, Jaman would win 100% of the time. At no point does your "deductive reasoning" pass the burden of proof.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
05-21-2021 , 03:44 PM
Just.. stop. Everyone.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
05-21-2021 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by punkass
Just.. stop. Everyone.
This. AIDS.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
05-21-2021 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by punkass
Just.. stop. Everyone.
Just: adjective, based on or behaving according to what is morally right and fair.

Stop: verb, (of an event, action, or process) come to an end; cease to happen

Everyone: pronoun, every person
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
05-21-2021 , 05:17 PM
Originally Posted by mrducks
He's completely blind to the fact that the stuff he complains about bad players doing is the same type of crap that he does at the tables. Not showing your cards in turn is less bad than taking a walk from the table for 30+ minutes and then coming back to just rack up.
The Fire Sauce bath he gives the Taco Bell would cause me to leave the table for 30 minutes then rack up.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
05-21-2021 , 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by YoungManCoffee
It's weird how Mariano has a policy of turning his hand over immediately and not forcing the recs to show, and he has moved up from 1/3 to 10/20 in 2 years, but Trooper's GTO neanderthal standoff method has kept him at 1/2 since the era of flip phones.
Yeah you don't learn **** by making some random fish show, and you don't give away anything by showing in that situation - fish don't learn, and you won't be taking the same lines against better players. If anything you might be laying out some mild deception.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
05-21-2021 , 06:12 PM
Originally Posted by YoungManCoffee
It's weird how Mariano has a policy of turning his hand over immediately and not forcing the recs to show, and he has moved up from 1/3 to 10/20 in 2 years, but Trooper's GTO neanderthal standoff method has kept him at 1/2 since the era of flip phones.

I don't think the two are related.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
05-21-2021 , 07:34 PM
In a micro scale, youre right, ones opinion on who shows cards first doesnt matter. BUT on a macro scale, caring about is indicative of you not being as good at poker. No idea who mariano is at all, caring about who shows first at 1-2 is ridiculous, caring about some guy who doesnt know how to play being told to "be more aggressive" by his friend in a nightly tournament is ridiculous.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
05-21-2021 , 07:45 PM
Originally Posted by mrducks
Trooper seems to be oblivious to the fact that most of his "fans" are laughing at him.

It seems like people enjoy watching his rants because they are laughing at him and his stupidity. He's the clown in his vlog, even after editing the vlog himself. It's like a Peter Griffin or Homer Simpson character where you tune in to see what dumb thing he's going to do this episode and you laugh at his misfortune.

When the homeless guy walked by close to him, Trooper gave him the angriest look ever. Or when the security guy was watching him pace back and forth in front of Aria with a camera (probably suspicious behavior), he stared him down with anger. When he sees someone cross a street against the light, he just boils with anger. It's funny because we're watching a crazy person get irritated by completely innocent things like someone just threatened his life.

Then add in the irony of the things he insults other people about. Calls everyone walking the strip a loser while walking the strip every single day of his life. Complaining about how much Starbucks sucks but going back multiple times a day for more punishment.

Heck, I've watched more of his vlogs recently and am looking forward to the next one hoping for another big stupid rant to laugh at.
Yep. The only ones I've watched non-ironically since 2017 were to see if he followed the same stupid script of walking strip, ranting, and thinking finding a Taco Bell is a challenge.

Narrator: They all follow the same stupid script.

But seriously, it cannot be healthy to hate and verbally wish death on everyone you see who behaves differently than you.

When was the last time a single person in this thread verbally or mentally wished someone else's death? Trooper does it like 4 times out loud on recorded camera.

Trooper said he would kill himself if he photobombed someone on the strip. Is he projecting!?
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
05-21-2021 , 07:49 PM
I want to photobomb trooper next time I'm in vegas. Seriously I really want to. This can't be healthy.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
05-21-2021 , 08:05 PM
Originally Posted by punkass
I want to photobomb trooper next time I'm in vegas. Seriously I really want to. This can't be healthy.
Check out the Bally's Starbucks about 3:30 pm. Look for guy in black hoodie and black baseball hat.

Bonus points if you photobomb in mask.

Warning: He will call you a loser and wish you died and post it on youtube.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
05-21-2021 , 08:19 PM
Trooper Thursday with no Plexi or masks.

Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
05-21-2021 , 08:25 PM
Based on his routine of hitting the strip around 3 or 4pm everyday and having not eaten all day. We could guess he maybe wakes up around 9am-10am and starts pounding coffee and working on editing his vlog for 4+ hours with no time to eat. What else would he be doing all that time everyday and have no time to eat?
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
05-21-2021 , 08:39 PM
Originally Posted by parisron
Based on his routine of hitting the strip around 3 or 4pm everyday and having not eaten all day. We could guess he maybe wakes up around 9am-10am and starts pounding coffee and working on editing his vlog for 4+ hours with no time to eat. What else would he be doing all that time everyday and have no time to eat?
Contemplating how Covid is everything but a pandemic.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
05-21-2021 , 08:49 PM
Originally Posted by parisron
Based on his routine of hitting the strip around 3 or 4pm everyday and having not eaten all day. We could guess he maybe wakes up around 9am-10am and starts pounding coffee and working on editing his vlog for 4+ hours with no time to eat. What else would he be doing all that time everyday and have no time to eat?
You think he wakes up that early? He left the game last night at 1:30am.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
05-22-2021 , 03:15 AM
Latest Trooper Results:



2021: +3,682

Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
05-22-2021 , 05:37 AM
Originally Posted by YoungManCoffee
It's weird how Mariano has a policy of turning his hand over immediately and not forcing the recs to show, and he has moved up from 1/3 to 10/20 in 2 years, but Trooper's GTO neanderthal standoff method has kept him at 1/2 since the era of flip phones.
+1 embarrassing the guy has -EV that outweighs the EV gained from me knowing for a fact whether he overplayed his top pair or missed his draw and bluffed

if i'm playing a pro i call and wait for them to table, if i'm playing a rec and i call and immediately table my hand

never understood the people who feel they need that extra bit of info on a dentist playing for the first time in 2 years at the risk of him not enjoying playing and racking up early or changing to a friendlier table
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
05-22-2021 , 09:41 AM
Originally Posted by rickroll

never understood the people who feel they need that extra bit of info on a dentist playing for the first time in 2 years at the risk of him not enjoying playing and racking up early or changing to a friendlier table
Trooper did it cause Trooper was going to feel sad if the guy had quad 7's that beat his QQQ77 full house and to secondary to punish the guy.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
05-22-2021 , 10:15 AM
People who behave like Trooper ruin poker games. It's -ev for everyone.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
05-22-2021 , 10:27 AM
The people most adamant on seeing the cards are the people least equipped to use that information.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
05-22-2021 , 10:40 AM
Trooper has probably been angled one too many times. Some angler types never show first. I don't think it's the worst thing in the world to make your opponents abide by the rules of the game. Is it a dick move? Perhaps, but poker is a dick game played by a bunch of dicks.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
05-22-2021 , 11:29 AM
The thing is if you are strong mentally and have a great understanding of poker, being slowrolled won't do anything to you or will be a minor annoyance that is quickly forgotten. I don't hold grudges like Trooper does.

People who slowroll either do it to tilt you or it's unintended from a rec player.

I always fast roll if I'm first to show. I will pause to let someone show first if they are suppose to but if they show reluctance, I'll just roll my hand over. It impacts my win rate more to get in more hands vs knowing one hand of my opponent who I will most likely never play with again.
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