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Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs

05-20-2021 , 10:04 AM
Originally Posted by mrducks
What do you want when all of her thumbnails show a ton of cleavage and her videos are like 90% her holding the camera where it's just her face and a ton of cleavage as she is either eating or walking around the strip. There is very little content in her videos other than this so who do you think would be watching them?
The Lady Trooper comment section is starting to remind me a little of the Marle comment section. A bunch of dudes in there that think she is a 10/10 and hate on the guy she is with. It looks like some haters have started using it as a place to criticize him too because she doesn’t delete comments like he does.

Originally Posted by OFA
Love how these Youtubers who make money from showing their personal life all of a sudden dont discuss their personal life.... F*ck sake thats funny
Trooper actually doesn’t show much of his personal life and it’s obvious he and Lady Trooper think a lot of personal stuff is none of the viewers business. It’s mainly a coffee, food, gambling and Vegas vlog. When I saw his blog a while back I wondered if it was the same person sometimes because he wrote a lot of other stuff he never mentions in his videos.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
05-20-2021 , 10:13 AM
Originally Posted by parisron
Lady Trooper hanging with Trooper. So they said they are still together.
Meh, this doesn’t prove anything. It could just as easily prove she put him in the friend zone. He had lunch with Kelly too when they weren’t together. And people aren’t saying she left because she got a job. You would think if they were together, she would mention it in her comment section instead of ignoring the issue when people asked and saying she doesn’t want to talk about personal stuff.

I thought he was going to respond in a video. I guess it’s possible they could be together though; people get curious because they try to be secretive about stuff.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
05-20-2021 , 10:20 AM
Originally Posted by foatie
Trooper doesn't do hand reviews though.

It's just meshing together one take rants + Vegas scenery shots in the same storyboard sequence, almost down to the second when the next for the b-roll.

The last 4-5 minutes of his videos, usually post session where he talks to the camera until the sign off is usually one take. If he can't put that together in 2-3 hours max then that's just inefficient.
Morons ITT were saying it takes 5 minutes.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
05-20-2021 , 10:53 AM
Originally Posted by WeGotSpidah
Small sample size but I have a feeling that poker bunny is very based
And red-pilled.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
05-20-2021 , 11:15 AM
Originally Posted by pig4bill
Watching recent Trooper vlogs, the Strip seems overrun by lowlife, and not just on weekends. I hope the WSOP stays at Rio as long as possible.
I was in Vegas 3 weeks ago. It was definitely a change from what I was used to on the strip, lots of people with their stimulus money blowing it. There is a reason that casino's had their best quarter EVER in the US last quarter.

Originally Posted by trob888
[inside casa del trooper, talk about coffee/lolipops/reese's]
[driving to strip timelapse]
[walking around strip footage]
[where should I eat?]
[where should I play?]
[walking to poker room]
[fold 93o]
[rant outside]
[fold J4o]
[rant in parking garage]
I've literally seen this Trooper Vlog 1,738 times ... this got a good laugh out of me.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
05-20-2021 , 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by trob888
[inside casa del trooper, talk about coffee/lolipops/reese's]
[driving to strip timelapse]
[walking around strip footage]
[where should I eat?]
[where should I play?]
[walking to poker room]
[fold 93o]
[rant outside]
[fold J4o]
[rant in parking garage]
hahahhaha yep
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
05-20-2021 , 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by Hellmuth was right

Oh wow she’s loony. Asking for a friend where can I still find her now removed pornhub vid?
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
05-20-2021 , 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by 18000rpm
For the clueless people who said it takes minutes to edit Trooper's video, here's PokerBeast saying he took 8 hours to edit this 12-minute video consisting only of hands (@10:45, he probably included part 1 but still that's 4 hours to edit a simple hand-reviews video).

Kind of lost me when I heard him utter these words:

Usually when someone is thinking, their brain is processing what’s going on.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
05-20-2021 , 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by Dream Crusher
Morons ITT were saying it takes 5 minutes.
Of course it doesn't take 5 minutes, but it also doesn't take as long as people think they do.

When someone has shot as many b-rolls as Trooper does, he already has a very good idea of what he wants to put in the video.

Basically most of what he puts in the video are single shots with very little editing if any.

His timeline would be rather straight forward:

[---single shot of him speaking into camera---] [---b-roll 1---] [---single shot of him speaking into camera---] [---b-roll 2---] [---single shot of him speaking into camera---]

Then you add the audio.

Just think of it like this.

Imagine someone who speaks into a camera for 15 minutes unscripted. Then you cut it into segments and add b-rolls and some music in the background.

Of course it will still take time to do all of these, but on a scale of 1 to 10, this is about as easy as it gets.

It makes sense if he wants to release a video every day and not invest so much time in editing. I would give him an award as a producer, but probably not as an editor.

Last edited by Tanqueray; 05-20-2021 at 01:40 PM.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
05-20-2021 , 02:23 PM
New Live Vlog at the Wynn!

Comment on this editing
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
05-20-2021 , 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by 18000rpm
For the clueless people who said it takes minutes to edit Trooper's video, here's PokerBeast saying he took 8 hours to edit this 12-minute video consisting only of hands (@10:45, he probably included part 1 but still that's 4 hours to edit a simple hand-reviews video).

This video is much more time intensive than the same video that Trooper puts out every day. This video has a lot of graphics, which while not difficult to do, are just very labor intensive. You need to figure out every point in the video when you want to change the graphic.

A single hand has the starting graphic, then the pot size changes with EVERY bet, then the flop comes, and then the pot keeps changing, and then the turn card, and then the river card, and all the while the pot size changes with every bet multiple times per street. There is a ton more clips and cuts and actual editing work that goes into this. Also, the audio involves scripting your words to match the length of the video. Yes, you can pause the video if you want to explain something more complex but you need to edit and do all this which takes a lot more time. This is called EDITING.

Trooper's vlogs are a handful of clips since most are just a long multi minute rant even if he gets distracted by a honking car or someone yelling as they walk by. Even when he moves the camera to avoid a photobomb, he doesn't take the few minutes to cut out that part like almost every YouTuber does.

His b roll are nice shots for sure but his editing is half assed at best. He does not have a high quality vlog but just releases a poor quality vlog everyday because he does not care anymore. He is just churning a 10 minute video every day. It's quantity over quality which has been the case always. He is going for views which equal revenue for him so he realized that throwing together a lazy vlog everyday for 8-10K views is easier than putting in the effort on 2 vlogs a week which will probably only get 25-35K views today as a best case scenario. He is not willing to put in the work to GROW his channel so that weekly video gets 100K or 500K views like the other poker vloggers get.

If you ever see vlogs have an outtakes bit at the end, that are all the clips that they cut out and tossed that were funny but didn't make the final cut. Trooper has no bloopers because EVERYTHING makes the final cut. There is no quality control.

Trooper might take 2-3 hours a day to make his videos but an average person who has made thousands of YouTube videos can edit a Trooper video in under an hour, not counting the time to upload to YouTube or transfer the files from his camera to his computer. But you can start the transfer and walk away so I don't count that as "editing" time.

Trooper either lies that it takes him forever to do it everyday or he is just really, really slow at it. I'm sure his normal editing session involves getting up to make coffee 4-5 times, walking to grab a Reese's Cup 3 times, and then 35-70% of the time is spent watching random videos on YouTube that he gets distracted by. If he worked editing videos in an office, he would either be much more effective or would get fired.

The reason he doesn't want to work for "the man" is that he doesn't like to focus and be efficient and work hard. He enjoys taking his time and not rushing to do things (that's why he's always late) and while that might be nice, it's why he is lazy, unproductive, and does everything so slowly. He even talks slowly which is why so many people watch his videos on 2X. That's why all he manages to do in a day is film and edit an easy 10 minute video and play poker for 2-4 hours.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
05-20-2021 , 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by trob888
[inside casa del trooper, talk about coffee/lolipops/reese's]
[driving to strip timelapse]
[walking around strip footage]
[where should I eat?]
[where should I play?]
[walking to poker room]
[fold 93o]
[rant outside]
[fold J4o]
[rant in parking garage]
Nails it. Every video.

I'm gonna take a stab at Trooper Thursday today just to see what it's all about.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
05-20-2021 , 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by killogram
If ya look closely, you'll notice that Im walking away from my car not towards it
You can actually see it in the video over my shoulder.

Good looking out for the concern though my man 🙏🏾
Such a class act.
Doesnt get snarky or snap at the guy who wonders if he drove under the influence

Just points out he didnt and thanks him for his concern.

Society needs more people to get to this place of maturity.

Much respect my friend!
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
05-20-2021 , 03:37 PM
Yeah, Jaman seems like a solid guy. Defended Trooper when Boski was trying to troll him in one of the games.

It's strange how people just blindly assume he's gonna drive drunk. Maybe it's based on their own limited thought process, and they can't see (that Jaman is smarter than them).
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
05-20-2021 , 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by Bighurt52235
Nails it. Every video.

I'm gonna take a stab at Trooper Thursday today just to see what it's all about.

Awesome please report back on this.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
05-20-2021 , 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by mrducks
This video is much more time intensive than the same video that Trooper puts out every day. This video has a lot of graphics, which while not difficult to do, are just very labor intensive. You need to figure out every point in the video when you want to change the graphic.
Just copying and pasting the cards alone take quite a bit of time. Even 5 minutes per hand will add up.

And this is just prepping the graphics.

Originally Posted by mrducks
A single hand has the starting graphic, then the pot size changes with EVERY bet, then the flop comes, and then the pot keeps changing, and then the turn card, and then the river card, and all the while the pot size changes with every bet multiple times per street.
Play, rewind, stop, edit graphics, rewind to make sure it matches.

Super time consuming, which is the reason why most poker vloggers take one of the three routes:

1. Just run the tape and try to talk over it. Make graphics that fit into the same time as the tape.

2. Just talk and not try to match the tape. So you often see chips going in on the turn when the vlogger is still narrating the flop.

3. Some people just don't even bother with the graphics and just talk over some non-moving still images.

Originally Posted by mrducks
There is a ton more clips and cuts and actual editing work that goes into this. Also, the audio involves scripting your words to match the length of the video. Yes, you can pause the video if you want to explain something more complex but you need to edit and do all this which takes a lot more time. This is called EDITING.
For audio to match the play...

Ya, that's probably the most time consuming part of these vlogs. Knowing when to freeze, when to keep going, and then match it all up to make it flow...
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
05-20-2021 , 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by VeniceMerchant
Yeah, Jaman seems like a solid guy. Defended Trooper when Boski was trying to troll him in one of the games.

It's strange how people just blindly assume he's gonna drive drunk. Maybe it's based on their own limited thought process, and they can't see (that Jaman is smarter than them).
I can only speak for myself, but when I got to 40+ years old and had some seriously bad crap happen to me the previous decade or so, I learned that few things are worth getting upset/mad at. It's liberating.

I dont even get pissed at annoying drivers any more, it's just not worth it to me to get worked up enough to even say "F-n jagbag!" alone in the car on the Kennedy in Chicago.

Case in point, a few years ago I played K5s at a 2-5 table and cracked the guy on my left's AA. Huge pot, felt a little silly, but wutyaguna do? I was like the 4th caller and he only made it $20 pre. Villian was pissed. He had been losing a lot that session, he was maybe 25 years old

He started ranting at me, then he calmed down a bit so I truthfully and weakly told him, "sorry, that's a sentimental hand for me, it's the one my daughter said was "her hand" when she was little"

Villian basically shouting, "I dont give a **** about your stupid daughter!" and the room all went quiet and looked over at us, and I paused, just giggled sheepishly, shrugged my shoulders and looked at him and said, 'well I do, she's a great kid" Everyone at the table laughed and I just looked away

Villian didnt get the reaction he wanted I guess and just sighed heavily and the game went on.

If I were 25 years old, maybe I dont react as passively.

I'm far happier since I realized few things are worth getting worked up over
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
05-20-2021 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by VeniceMerchant
Yeah, Jaman seems like a solid guy. Defended Trooper when Boski was trying to troll him in one of the games.

It's strange how people just blindly assume he's gonna drive drunk. Maybe it's based on their own limited thought process, and they can't see (that Jaman is smarter than them).
He left dinner after drinking and was walking near his car. Where's the "blindly" part?
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
05-20-2021 , 05:07 PM
Originally Posted by pocket_zeros
He left dinner after drinking and was walking near his car. Where's the "blindly" part?
Exactly how TF am I supposed to know which car is his in the vlog. My insurance rates went up a lot when I moved to Vegas. Already too many stories of DUIs and reckless driving out here.

No shade to Jaman, but the statement about not playing intoxicated poker caught some of us off guard cause we didn't know if he was getting a ride home or riding himself home.

He (Jaman) already addressed the concern in this thread though.

Looking forward to more of his videos though. Quality content.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
05-20-2021 , 05:42 PM
Originally Posted by mrducks
02-02-2021 to 03-12-2021
2nd Row, 4th Floor
Paris Casino Parking Garage
Las Vegas, NV
Reference: Security Guard Steve

03-13-2021 to 03-29-2021
Back Left Corner, 3rd Floor
Bellagio Casino Parking Garage
Las Vegas, NV
Reference: Security Guy on a Bike

03-30-2021 to 4-16-2021
2nd Underground Level
Palazzo Casino Parking Garage
Las Vegas, NV
Reference: Fellow Hobo Carl

04-17-2021 to 05-19-2021
Top Floor Penthouse
Harrahs Casino Parking Garage
Las Vegas, NV
Reference: My Instagram

5-20-2021 to Present
Somewhere in Florida
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
05-20-2021 , 06:06 PM
Originally Posted by ICuRaRook
New Live Vlog at the Wynn!

Comment on this editing

I strongly recommend you contact The Trooper for tournament lessons. He absolutely crushes them, you don't.

He's at the Westgate for Trooper Thursdays, contact him there.

Good luck!
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
05-20-2021 , 06:09 PM
21 days in a row vlogs for Trooper. Long rant about slow rolling. Trooper doesn't slow roll, only to punish a player that deserves it.

Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
05-20-2021 , 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by ICuRaRook
New Live Vlog at the Wynn!

Comment on this editing
good stuff, watched and liked on youtube
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
05-20-2021 , 06:30 PM
Originally Posted by pocket_zeros
He left dinner after drinking and was walking near his car. Where's the "blindly" part?
Oh, I forgot, proximity to your car is evidence of drunk driving. Case closed then.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
