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Pokercast League Cycle#4 - Trash Talk/Standings/BBV Thread Pokercast League Cycle#4 - Trash Talk/Standings/BBV Thread

11-14-2009 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by superboy82
Why are three of the names in red in mvp?
Cash leaders
11-14-2009 , 06:00 PM
I thought of that but i have more cash (and far less points) than the 3rd place one (don't remember who it was and to lazy to look.)
11-14-2009 , 07:31 PM
Originally Posted by superboy82
Why are three of the names in red in mvp?
For the MVP you need to play at least 6 events to qualify. The 3 in red are the highest of those that have played 6 or more.
11-14-2009 , 10:31 PM
35 minutes to go - 10 registered

Tunaman is playing all the games he loves so much

gogogogogogogoooooooooo --- get in the game
11-14-2009 , 10:44 PM
oh fml...this is the night when we get all the extra cards?

11-14-2009 , 10:52 PM
HORSE Saturday starting in less than 15 minutes ... take that horse down:

11-14-2009 , 10:56 PM
More like

11-15-2009 , 12:22 AM
Poker Stars $3.00+$0.50 Limit Stud Hi/Lo Tournament - t80/t160 Limit + t16 - 8 players - View hand 369094
The Official Hand History Converter

Seat 1: t1564 M = 6.31
Seat 2: t2196 M = 8.85
Seat 3: t2150 M = 8.67
Seat 4: t1426 M = 5.75
cis4life: t2990 M = 12.06
Seat 6: t1263 M = 5.09
TrialLawyer (): t2170 M = 8.75
Seat 8: t2241 M = 9.04

3rd Street: (1.6 SB)
Seat 1: xx xx T ____Seat 1 folds
Seat 2: xx xx A ____Seat 2 calls
Seat 3: xx xx 3 ____Seat 3 folds
Seat 4: xx xx T ____Seat 4 folds
cis4life: xx xx 7 ____cis4life calls
Seat 6: xx xx 2 ____Seat 6 folds
TrialLawyer: Q T 9 ___Hero calls
Seat 8: xx xx 2 ____Seat 8 brings in for $24

4th Street: (2.8 SB) (4 players)
Seat 2: xx xx A 8 ____Seat 2 checks
cis4life: xx xx 7 2 ____cis4life checks
TrialLawyer: Q T 9 6 ___Hero checks
Seat 8: xx xx 2 5 ____Seat 8 checks

5th Street: (1.4 BB) (4 players)
Seat 2: xx xx A 8 K ____Seat 2 checks____Seat 2 folds
cis4life: xx xx 7 2 J ____cis4life bets
TrialLawyer: Q T 9 6 3 ___TrialLawyer calls
Seat 8: xx xx 2 5 7 ____Seat 8 folds

6th Street: (3.4 BB) (2 players)
cis4life: xx xx 7 2 J Q ____cis4life bets____cis4life calls
TrialLawyer: Q T 9 6 3 8 ___TrialLawyer raises

7th Street: (7.4 BB) (2 players)
cis4life: xx xx 7 2 J Q xx____cis4life bets____cis4life 3-bets
TrialLawyer: Q T 9 6 3 8 K ___TrialLawyer raises___TrialLawyer calls

Johnny killed me....... flush under flush.....sigh
11-15-2009 , 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by Johnny Douglas
For the MVP you need to play at least 6 events to qualify. The 3 in red are the highest of those that have played 6 or more.
Thanks. That makes sense.

I'm in for today. If you guys don't mind, I think I'll win this one.
11-15-2009 , 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by superboy82
Thanks. That makes sense.

I'm in for today. If you guys don't mind, I think I'll win this one.
Fine. I'm playing the 1/4 million today, so I get to win that one then.
11-15-2009 , 03:32 PM
That's fine. I'm not in that one so that doesn't bother me.
11-15-2009 , 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by superboy82
Thanks. That makes sense.

I'm in for today. If you guys don't mind, I think I'll win this one.
Well i didn't win but i can't complain about 2nd.
11-15-2009 , 09:21 PM
We've reached the halfway mark:

Here's the top 12: Rankings

Here's the MVP board: MVP
11-15-2009 , 09:43 PM
I realize this isn't league related, but this is pretty much the only place I post at 2+2, and it's my biggest win.

PokerStars Tournament #210666841, No Limit Hold'em
Buy-In: $1.00/$0.10 USD
4232 players
Total Prize Pool: $4232.00 USD
Tournament started 2009/11/15 11:20:00 CT [2009/11/15 12:20:00 ET]

Dear superboy82,

You finished the tournament in 1st place. A USD 658.21 award has been credited to your Real Money account.

You earned 713.58 tournament leader points in this tournament. For information about our tournament leader board, see our web site at


Thank you for participating.
11-15-2009 , 09:45 PM
Originally Posted by superboy82
I realize this isn't league related, but this is pretty much the only place I post at 2+2, and it's my biggest win.

PokerStars Tournament #210666841, No Limit Hold'em
Buy-In: $1.00/$0.10 USD
4232 players
Total Prize Pool: $4232.00 USD
Tournament started 2009/11/15 11:20:00 CT [2009/11/15 12:20:00 ET]

Dear superboy82,

You finished the tournament in 1st place. A USD 658.21 award has been credited to your Real Money account.

You earned 713.58 tournament leader points in this tournament. For information about our tournament leader board, see our web site at


Thank you for participating.
Very nice win - congrats sb
11-15-2009 , 09:46 PM
hopefully this run drained all your run-good for the league

congrats, nice score
11-15-2009 , 09:50 PM
Nice job Super! 4K+ runners!
11-15-2009 , 11:03 PM
Nice job. Blows my biggest online score out of the water. Burns quite a bit after I Matusow'ed during the final five of my 90 man to go out in 5th (from good chips to 0 with TPDK)
11-15-2009 , 11:27 PM
Email for week #3 has been shipped.

The first five characters of the subject line are: "[PCL]" so you can set your spam filters accordingly. Or make sure you can receive emails from:

"pokercastleague[at]" and "pokercastleague2[at]"

Last edited by Johnny Douglas; 11-15-2009 at 11:28 PM. Reason: initialed my post by accident.
11-16-2009 , 01:42 AM
Mine came through this week fine and I didn't adjust anything for my email. Only one I've never received was last week.
11-16-2009 , 02:58 AM
Originally Posted by superboy82
I realize this isn't league related, but this is pretty much the only place I post at 2+2, and it's my biggest win.

PokerStars Tournament #210666841, No Limit Hold'em
Buy-In: $1.00/$0.10 USD
4232 players
Total Prize Pool: $4232.00 USD
Tournament started 2009/11/15 11:20:00 CT [2009/11/15 12:20:00 ET]

Dear superboy82,

You finished the tournament in 1st place. A USD 658.21 award has been credited to your Real Money account.

You earned 713.58 tournament leader points in this tournament. For information about our tournament leader board, see our web site at


Thank you for participating.
Excellent. Very nice. Just curious...for how long did you play?
11-16-2009 , 03:03 AM
Originally Posted by Smitty300
Excellent. Very nice. Just curious...for how long did you play?
judging by the start time of the tourney and the time that he posted, I would say it was somewhere in the 8 hour and 15 minute range.
(email says it started 12:20 ET and post was at 8:40 ET)
11-16-2009 , 11:20 AM
Yeah, it was over 8 hours. Worth every second. It was a hell of a lot better than what I make in 8 hours at my job, that's for sure.
11-16-2009 , 10:08 PM
Originally Posted by superboy82
Dear superboy82,

You finished the tournament in 1st place. A USD 658.21 award has been credited to your Real Money account.
Sweet! Congrats!
11-17-2009 , 11:01 PM
Missed the league game tonight. Crap. It's one of the two I know I can play each week and I had to miss. Traffic screwed me bad tonight. Sucks.

I know this is probably not the forum for this but this is the only forum I participate in at all so, here goes. Do any of you folks know anything about Crazy Pineapple? My weekly tournament group is playing on Wednesday next week since our regular night, Thursday, is Thanksgiving. We decided, for a change of pace, to play Crazy Pineapple.

Does anyone know any of the strategy differences vs. Hold 'Em? I was thinking of playing it more like Omaha actually since, with the extra card that gets to see the flop, the hands are probably going to be big.

Also, just as a matter of gameplay, does everyone throw in their 1 card in order after the flop, or do you just chuck it in whenever? Does it even matter? Is the card thrown before or after the flop bet?

I'm looking forward to this new game and I'd like to at least have a little edge on my opponents.

Thanks in advance for any help/tips.
