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PokerCast Episode 246 - Ben "Sauce123" Sulsky PokerCast Episode 246 - Ben "Sauce123" Sulsky

11-28-2012 , 03:50 PM
great show, ive never posted in this sub-forum but i listen to the show weekly and enjoy it even if you guys talk about nonsense, You guys go together like John and Smith ...

11-28-2012 , 05:30 PM
Just got to the end of last week's show (21 Nov 2012 show) where Adam asks for listener feedback. So, here it is:

Awesome weekly show, guys!! I am impressed that you are able to put together 2.5 hours of audio poker-tainment on a regular basis. Recently, the Greg Merson interview was particularly good.

Favorite repeat guests: Terrence Chan, Shaun Deeb, and Lon McEachern!
Please keep it coming!

p.s. As a never-miss-an-episode listener since you went to PCA in January 2008, one of my favorite sound bites in the show is the introductions where (Bunnner?) says "....Hi----" which sounds like the Japanese word for "yes", but said *very* slowly.
11-28-2012 , 06:55 PM
Greats show, Sauce123 hand analysis was great stuff.
11-28-2012 , 08:03 PM
Just reg'd here to fulfill your Billy Squier needs because I don't want a week without the pokercast. Best!
11-28-2012 , 08:18 PM
Originally Posted by Cangurino
Adam, Mike,
Where's the pix of Bunner's mo?
11-28-2012 , 09:03 PM
Originally Posted by AdamSchwartz
No need to final table, the above is all that is required
Excellent. Checked Google Maps and Vancouver is only 3,166 miles from where I live. One day...
11-28-2012 , 09:18 PM
Originally Posted by Bunner
Pardon me, but is that Chelsea kit you are sporting?
11-28-2012 , 10:17 PM
Originally Posted by Mike Johnson
Pardon me, but is that Chelsea kit you are sporting?
We should drop him in the pub across the street from Stamford Bridge with a handful of celery and his old Liverpool kit
11-30-2012 , 04:28 AM
Thought I would add my two cents here.

I tune in to a LOT of podcasts. I have at least an hour commute daily, and generally work alone where I can listen to podcasts for most of the day. Years ago I listened to pretty well all the poker podcasts out there. I'll still periodically listen to one or two others, but I avidly listen to the Pokercast and have never been disappointed.
Its you guys who keep me in touch with the poker news. I'd be lost without you!

(However, I wouldn't be too upset if you got rid of Boba Fett's commercial.)
11-30-2012 , 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by AdamSchwartz
We should drop him in the pub across the street from Stamford Bridge with a handful of celery and his old Liverpool kit
How can he go from LFC to CFC?

Does he love Rafa that much?

Oh, and started listening to the poker cast about three months ago and I love it. Makes me lol on the train into work and get some funny looks, but so worth it imo.
11-30-2012 , 04:46 PM
Finally finished the Ben Sulsky interview, and for someone who as you said hasn't given many interviews, he was really well spoken and handled it very well. I don't know his age so not sure if he is like 20 or 23 or 27 or something but I was impressed either way.
11-30-2012 , 05:16 PM
Originally Posted by that_pope
Finally finished the Ben Sulsky interview, and for someone who as you said hasn't given many interviews, he was really well spoken and handled it very well. I don't know his age so not sure if he is like 20 or 23 or 27 or something but I was impressed either way.
24 I believe. Same age as Greg Merson. Interesting that both the current world champ and the winningest online player of the year are both the same age.
11-30-2012 , 06:32 PM
Hey Mike Adam and Bunner,

Just wanted to let you know that I love the show.
I have been listening every show for a long time and enjoy how you guys are outspoken about controversial topics, and do interviews in general.

Keep it up!
12-01-2012 , 03:04 AM
I listen to most of the podcasts, i usually skip some during the wsop coverage as i find it meh (not just your stuff, in general i don't really care about wsop).

Anyway, i find it by far the best poker podcast.
12-01-2012 , 01:48 PM
Can somebody shop Bunner into the yougonnagetraped.jpeg? Dude looks predatory.
12-01-2012 , 04:52 PM
great interview with sauce!
12-02-2012 , 02:04 PM
I am in the same boat as what many have already said. I listen every week on the way to and from work in the car. My poasts have fallen somewhat since I am rarely on the actual pc at home these days after my freedom to play poker on the interwebs was taken away.

The omaha strat stuff with Sauce was awesome. Really good guest.
12-03-2012 , 02:17 PM
Was this enough posts to fill your egos? Guess I'm not enough to satisfy you.
12-03-2012 , 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by SallyWoo
I think you guys do a great job on the show. I starting listening a few years back when I was backpacking in New Zealand and needed something to listen to (a friend recommended your show). I don't think I have missed an episode since. You are literally the only poker media that I follow.

Keep up the good work.

Welp, there goes my chances of being the best LHE player listening to the podcast.
12-03-2012 , 02:42 PM
Originally Posted by that_pope
Was this enough posts to fill your egos? Guess I'm not enough to satisfy you.
While it certainly has done a good job of ego stroking, it wasn't really the intention.

Our contract is up in a couple months and while we were prepping for this show we were talking about what we were going to do about that. We looked at the week's previous show with Merson and saw only about 30 posts on what we thought was a good interview.

We get raw numbers from Apple regarding downloads, but they are so large that I have a hard time believing them even though our hosting costs etc reflect the number of the downloads. So if the main piece of empirical evidence we have (posts in the show thread) was telling us less people are engaged by the show each week, we didn't want to overstay our welcome. Canadian thing.

It was kind of off the cuff talking about it on the show. We didn't really have time to consider all the issues that listeners raise itt about listening later etc.

Last edited by AdamSchwartz; 12-03-2012 at 03:25 PM.
12-03-2012 , 02:49 PM
You guys know I listen, so don't stop!
12-03-2012 , 04:19 PM
I noticed that some podcasts change their name in the iTunes store periodically, like Someshow will become NPR - Someshow, that way anyone who is downloading but not listening drops off.

But announce such a thing prominently on the previous week's show, because we'll just think you took a few weeks off.
12-03-2012 , 07:33 PM
Originally Posted by that_pope
You guys know I listen, so don't stop!
How will you have time to listen now that you have a Twitter account?
12-04-2012 , 05:13 AM
Originally Posted by Bunner
Can believe that in the month of November you would wear such a horrible thing...

The mustache suits you though.

Last edited by chasepoker; 12-04-2012 at 05:16 AM. Reason: horrible shirt obv
