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08-06-2010 , 05:52 PM
limit holdem strategy was pure gold also!!!

Last edited by inthepub5; 08-06-2010 at 05:52 PM. Reason: limit holdem is an CRAZEE GAME
08-06-2010 , 06:34 PM
I am happy that micromania kind of continues and that the higher vpp/fpp rate still applies. When I look at how much rake I pay at 2NL/5NL I am always a little worried about new players. They have to beat the better players and the rake. Not easy imo.
08-07-2010 , 01:06 AM
Originally Posted by Palikari
I am happy that micromania kind of continues and that the higher vpp/fpp rate still applies. When I look at how much rake I pay at 2NL/5NL I am always a little worried about new players. They have to beat the better players and the rake. Not easy imo.
I'm trying to discern if this will continue indefinitely, or just until the cash game servers reboot the micro tables.
08-07-2010 , 04:07 AM
todd brunson = comic book guy....

i was laughing hard on this one.
08-07-2010 , 05:30 AM
Originally Posted by Johnny Douglas
I'm trying to discern if this will continue indefinitely, or just until the cash game servers reboot the micro tables.
The end of the 10X is not currently delayed due to technical reasons, it's due to active choice.

No decision has been made on the future of the 10X rate, it's simply being left in place for now.
08-07-2010 , 08:44 AM
Originally Posted by PokerStars Steve
The end of the 10X is not currently delayed due to technical reasons, it's due to active choice.

No decision has been made on the future of the 10X rate, it's simply being left in place for now.

I think it's a really good decision. But maybe it's just me hoping that the fish survive the rake at 2/5NL so I can find some at 10/25NL
08-07-2010 , 01:05 PM
Originally Posted by Mike Johnson

[x] over 700 posts in less than 8 months
[x] 3:43am
[?] in a hurry
[x] too much time on my hands
[x] Northern European Idiot
[x] in a hurry

listening now

Originally Posted by pokernutssss
Thanks for that
08-07-2010 , 10:19 PM
Excellent show. Great strategy segment.

08-07-2010 , 10:32 PM
LOL. I love how many people have de-lurked in our forum. Talon chick's was particularly epic.

08-07-2010 , 10:59 PM
No matter how much of a donk someone is (myself included) they can post here without getting fried.

So wheres the hud for the wsop facebook game
08-07-2010 , 11:42 PM
Originally Posted by PokerStars Steve
The end of the 10X is not currently delayed due to technical reasons, it's due to active choice.

No decision has been made on the future of the 10X rate, it's simply being left in place for now.
Nice! Thanks for chiming in. Seems to have breathed some life into the micros!
08-08-2010 , 03:30 AM
good interview guy's. enjoyed it a lot. jungleman is a cool cat gl to him in the challenge.
08-08-2010 , 09:58 AM
Originally Posted by feint06
LOL @ the BarryG ad
They"ll never stop !! LOL
08-08-2010 , 08:55 PM
Originally Posted by Johnny Douglas
LOL. I love how many people have de-lurked in our forum. Talon chick's was particularly epic.

Could you please let me know what de-lurking is....

Sorry...still a newbie, and suffering from some heat stroke
08-08-2010 , 11:06 PM
Originally Posted by talonchick
Could you please let me know what de-lurking is....

Sorry...still a newbie, and suffering from some heat stroke
A lurker is someone that reads forums (may or may not have an account) but doesn't post. They just sorta "lurk" there unknown to the community at large.

"De-lurking" (don't know if that's a real term) is (I guess) you coming out of the proverbial lurking closet.

Nerd brag: One of the authors cited in the wikipedia article is on my thesis committee.
08-09-2010 , 04:58 AM
You mentioned the deuces cracked podcast in the show. Are there any other good podcasts out there? The DC and 2+2 casts both come out on tues/wed or so, and i need something to listen to for the second half of the week!
I tend to listen to Two Jacks in the Hole from sunday night through to tuesday. is a little late casue I finish DC by friday but does the job.

is not poker related is comedy by Scott Huff and Joe Stapleton with some hot chick who cant read quite funny. i figure two poker things in a week is more than enough otherwise my neigbours will start thinking I am an addicted gambler more so than they do now....

hope the plug helps you find some light non-poker relief at the end of your week.

ooh and scott huff does something with pokerati on friday nights "the poker beat" dont like it so much as this one, but is still good - and ESPNpokeredge is a like a news show and does an interview normally aswell again is friday night my time so thursday evening your time I would guess.

Last edited by FSL009; 08-09-2010 at 05:05 AM.
08-09-2010 , 03:50 PM
thx for the recommendations. Am checking them out atm.
08-09-2010 , 04:04 PM
+1 to Two Jacks in the Hole. It's the only other podcast I listen to. Also, I seem to run very well while grinding and listening to it.
08-09-2010 , 07:31 PM
Originally Posted by Johnny Douglas
A lurker is someone that reads forums (may or may not have an account) but doesn't post. They just sorta "lurk" there unknown to the community at large.

"De-lurking" (don't know if that's a real term) is (I guess) you coming out of the proverbial lurking closet.

Nerd brag: One of the authors cited in the wikipedia article is on my thesis committee.
Ahhhh....I wasn't a true lurker....more absent. Look at me racking up the posts now this pace I will hit 100 before 2015.
08-09-2010 , 08:04 PM
Originally Posted by talonchick
Ahhhh....I wasn't a true lurker....more absent. Look at me racking up the posts now this pace I will hit 100 before 2015.
Are you planning something big for your 10th?
08-09-2010 , 09:28 PM
Not that they probably come here to often but sorry jackie for calling you some hot chick that cant read..

Jackie Bray - definately hot absolutely not doubts about that. But has improved her news reading skills as well for sure.

Didn't feel comfortable with the post....saying that...
08-09-2010 , 09:43 PM
Originally Posted by FSL009
Not that they probably come here to often but sorry jackie for calling you some hot chick that cant read..

Jackie Bray - definately hot absolutely not doubts about that. But has improved her news reading skills as well for sure.

Didn't feel comfortable with the post....saying that...
You missed her. She came in, looked for you and then stormed off when she saw what you posted. gg you.
08-10-2010 , 10:44 PM
Great show but I have to take exception to use of the term Deadbeat Dad. You obviously have no clue how most fathers end up in that situation. Until you know don't pile on. I don't know what happens in Canada but in the US it usually goes something like this.
1) Get married
2) Have kids, be good dad
3) Mom wants divorce
4) Mom get's divorce lawyer
5) Sleazy divorce lawyer tells mom to go for sole custody
6) With or without protracted custody battle or cause father loses kids
7) The government moves in and gives father second class unconstitutional citizenship
8) Dad realizes he just got ****ed by the government and courts
9) Mom files and gets restraining order with no evidence of abuse
10) Sleazy divorce lawyer sends police to father's work place to deliver restraining order
11) Father loses job
12) Courts imput income and refuse to lower support payments to mom which are roughly half of what dad used to make.
13) Father starts missing payments
14) Father gets called Deadbeat by ignorant people in the media.

I could go on and on about what a scam Family Law is. You could be next.
08-10-2010 , 11:02 PM
Originally Posted by LeopoldTheThird
Great show but I have to take exception to use of the term Deadbeat Dad. You obviously have no clue how most fathers end up in that situation. Until you know don't pile on. I don't know what happens in Canada but in the US it usually goes something like this.
1) Get married
2) Have kids, be good dad
3) Mom wants divorce
4) Mom get's divorce lawyer
5) Sleazy divorce lawyer tells mom to go for sole custody
6) With or without protracted custody battle or cause father loses kids
7) The government moves in and gives father second class unconstitutional citizenship
8) Dad realizes he just got ****ed by the government and courts
9) Mom files and gets restraining order with no evidence of abuse
10) Sleazy divorce lawyer sends police to father's work place to deliver restraining order
11) Father loses job
12) Courts imput income and refuse to lower support payments to mom which are roughly half of what dad used to make.
13) Father starts missing payments
14) Father gets called Deadbeat by ignorant people in the media.

I could go on and on about what a scam Family Law is. You could be next.
The term is a commonly accept synonym for people who are financially capable of paying a fairly settled child support arrangement but purposely dodge their parental responbility. Yes, your above example certainly occurs and I couldn't agree more that there are a tremendous amount of vultures in our society(I have a story about a friend that would blow you away). But to generalize that your 14 point agenda is the standard might be pushing it(not sure what your definition of 'usually' is). Are you really inferring that Deadbeat Dads don't exist at all?
08-10-2010 , 11:38 PM
Originally Posted by Mike Johnson
The term is a commonly accept synonym for people who are financially capable of paying a fairly settled child support arrangement but purposely dodge their parental responbility. Yes, your above example certainly occurs and I couldn't agree more that there are a tremendous amount of vultures in our society(I have a story about a friend that would blow you away). But to generalize that your 14 point agenda is the standard might be pushing it(not sure what your definition of 'usually' is). Are you really inferring that Deadbeat Dads don't exist at all?
No roughly 10%-20% of those paying Child Support either abandoned their kids or were removed for real cause. The other 80%-90% simply got screwed by a messed up system that assumes there should only be one parent after a split. Remember mom gets the Child Support money not the kids. Mom can do ANYTHING she wants with that money. Once the dad gets stamped as non-custodial he has zero rights as a father, forever. Given the choice most kids would not choose what the courts do which in many cases, essentially makes them fatherless.
