Pokercast 351 - The 2015 WSOP schedule preview, Ivey wins another $250k challenge and more!
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Originally Posted by AdamSchwartz
You're free to do that, the question is why do you care what others do?
Of course, the answer is homophobia.
Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 221
Appreciate the show. Had a couple of thoughts on this one.
1. Lay off Doyle. I don't know exactly what he said, but people are born a gender (male or female). It's not that crazy to be upset that a hero and role model of his has decided late in life he really isn't male.
2. It is not decided that there are more than 2 genders. Very clear there are only two genders. That is decided science.
3. Since you guys are so concerned with being PC - how can you judge a male for entering a ladies event? They might be feeling like a woman that day. Since there are more than 2 genders, how can we even have a ladies event? Isn't that discriminatory to all the people who are neither male or female? Where are the events for them???