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Pokercast 351 - The 2015 WSOP schedule preview, Ivey wins another 0k challenge and more! Pokercast 351 - The 2015 WSOP schedule preview, Ivey wins another 0k challenge and more!

02-14-2015 , 12:49 AM
I'm a recreational player and recently got to play a 7-handed mix game tournament. The best part is that we got to play 5 handed for about 2 hrs to start. So yeah, some recreational dudes like shorthanded play.

Side note-it was at EMBARGO (look up BARGE poker if interested) and it was an EBOLA tournament, all limit games: Stud 8/Badugi/O8/low ball (A-5 single draw)/Omaha High
I hate tournaments, but this is the kind of mix that makes it fun for me.
02-14-2015 , 02:50 AM
Originally Posted by M1kRo
Recreational players love six max. More action.
Yeah it definitely depends on the player. In the show I was basically talking about the "old man coffee" playing 10% of hands type player who you'll see in a low stakes NL game.
02-14-2015 , 03:17 AM
mr big time green name bet u wont ban me ross i dare you
02-14-2015 , 09:22 AM
I find it interesting that the hosts and Mason have such opposition to copyright infringement. Considering that the vast amount of links to media in this forum are the infringing versions posted to youtube, pokertube, GIF sites, and similar (an example is even in Ross' earlier post in this very thread with a GIF of an NHL broadcast from a third party site).

Ross' drops are generated from interviews, music, and sources the show doesn't own and the show doesn't attribute to the actual owners. Have the media owners been asked for permission to use the clips for the bumpers and segment introductions? Where is the bumper music sourced from? Is your use of it properly licensed in each of the countries your show is listened to in?
02-14-2015 , 09:26 AM
Hi Adam, T.C., and Ross! Link regarding Erik Lingren payout list at FullTilt?
02-14-2015 , 09:36 AM
Originally Posted by cf410
I find it interesting that the hosts and Mason have such opposition to copyright infringement. Considering that the vast amount of links to media in this forum are the infringing versions posted to youtube, pokertube, GIF sites, and similar (an example is even in Ross' earlier post in this very thread with a GIF of an NHL broadcast from a third party site).

Ross' drops are generated from interviews, music, and sources the show doesn't own and the show doesn't attribute to the actual owners. Have the media owners been asked for permission to use the clips for the bumpers and segment introductions? Where is the bumper music sourced from? Is your use of it properly licensed in each of the countries your show is listened to in?
"The Internet's Own Boy" would agree with you, and suggest this information is for all to share. As long as it is not being used to make money.
02-14-2015 , 10:11 AM
Originally Posted by kokiri
A quick question about the bounty tournament discussion you were having: Terrance said that in a normal tournament there is an incentive to not bust opponents where you have a financial interest in them, but that the bounty provides you with an incentive to bust them. If that's the case, surely the bounty tournament contains both incentives which, unless one is dramatically larger than the other, ought to cancel each other out to some extent. Doesn't that make the bounty tournament LESS liable to collusion than a regular tournament, not more?
The problem mostly shows up when one player gets very short and we are not close to the money. Suppose the buyin is $1000 with 5000 starting chips. Say a guy gets down to 500 starting chips; his equity is worth a little more than $100, say maybe $120. In a regular tournament if this guy busts to someone he's swapped with, the "team" loss is $20 overall. So there is a very small disincentive to bust someone you've swapped with. But if this were a bounty tournament, let's say $800+200, then the team actually gains ~$180* from the event. That's an order of magnitude more significant. Like I said though, the problem is one that is sort of inherent to swapping and backing; the bounty just shines a bigger spotlight on it.

* actually slightly less, maybe $160, because of the small probability the short stack ends up busting other people later in the tournament

Last edited by TChan; 02-14-2015 at 10:18 AM.
02-14-2015 , 10:15 AM
Originally Posted by cf410
I find it interesting that the hosts and Mason have such opposition to copyright infringement. Considering that the vast amount of links to media in this forum are the infringing versions posted to youtube, pokertube, GIF sites, and similar (an example is even in Ross' earlier post in this very thread with a GIF of an NHL broadcast from a third party site).

Ross' drops are generated from interviews, music, and sources the show doesn't own and the show doesn't attribute to the actual owners. Have the media owners been asked for permission to use the clips for the bumpers and segment introductions? Where is the bumper music sourced from? Is your use of it properly licensed in each of the countries your show is listened to in?
Suggest reading section 3.

Originally Posted by whosleeps?
Hi Adam, T.C., and Ross! Link regarding Erik Lingren payout list at FullTilt?
Sorry, once again we fail at show links - Lindgren lawsuit doc - WSOP payout structures over time - Vicky Coren-Mitchell sounds off on men in ladies events.

Anything else we missed?
02-14-2015 , 12:15 PM
That is rich. Infringing on copyright while claiming fair use.

Originally Posted by TChan
Suggest reading section 3.

Sorry, once again we fail at show links - Lindgren lawsuit doc - WSOP payout structures over time - Vicky Coren-Mitchell sounds off on men in ladies events.

Anything else we missed?
02-14-2015 , 01:25 PM
Another great episode it only took 351 to get a shout out Although lee wasnt sure of the Prog SKO question I was glad u asked TY for that
02-14-2015 , 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by Svadhyaya
That is rich. Infringing on copyright while claiming fair use.
More like claiming fair use to show that they're not infringing on copyright.

The sound drops are pretty much fine. The bumper music is what teeters on copyright infringement, which is why many podcasts stick to the royalty-free stuff. But again, it's generally pretty safe (on a de facto basis, maybe not de jure) because of the amount of the song used.

Edit: oops, forgot the main purpose of replying. None of this is inconsistent with Parvis' or Malmuth's opposition to PokerTube, which runs complete content specifically for the purposes of generating traffic (and thus, revenue) to its site. Huge difference between that and dropping a two-second snippet.
02-14-2015 , 04:44 PM
@Adam: Not really a tic but you do have a favorite word : "fantastic"
I even make bets with a friend on wether or not you're gonna say it on the show!!
02-14-2015 , 10:04 PM
Still wading through the three-hour beast and liking it so far. This episode provided an opportunity for a callback to few things:
1) a while ago, maybe before you even officially started calling it "Favorite Things," either Adam or Mike mentioned as a favorite thing;
2) a couple episodes ago there was a lengthy discussion of how football coaches don't use and/or understand EV calculations;
3) I claimed that maybe coaches understand EV calculations, but don't have the balls to risk making the unconventional +EV play because of how it will look if it goes badly.

All leading up to this: after the Super Bowl, ran this article, "A Head Coach Botched The End Of The Super Bowl, And It Wasn’t Pete Carroll," which basically claims that Carroll could possibly have made the right EV call. I don't know if I agree (or even know enough to agree or disagree), but if it is right Carroll might be the exception to my rule.
02-15-2015 , 05:09 AM
If history is any indication, the idea of a Heads up Shootout for the invitational is a bad one. With all the likely sit outs this could take a while. Of course the sit out problem may not be as bad as in the past but it's a shame we lost some institutional memory of this problem.

I'm having trouble finding it so if it's not up yet please consider not doing a shootout.
02-15-2015 , 07:36 AM
haven't heard back from stars yet... It should be up in the next few hours though so I'm assuming if people are registering today they should be at their computers.

I'll post tourney ID here when they get back to me.
02-15-2015 , 08:58 AM
Another great show guys! Maybe it's just me but you sound more relaxed and having more fun when you don't have guests (esp multiple guests), maybe because you have ample time to ramble freely. I am not hating on the interviews but I really like the rambling .

On the verbal tick subject, the most common one among all the poker podcasts I listen to, is "you know". For some reason everyone repeats it over and over, even in the same sentence. A recent Ed Miller interview I listened (whom I 'd expect to be very articulate since he is such a good writer) was probably 35% "you know" and 65% rest words. Maybe it's a stress related matter when talking to an audience or something like that.

Lastly, thanks a lot for the shoutout guys . But damn it Adam, I get it with all the other names from the mailbag but the fact that you managed to mispronounce "aLza" is beyond me hahah
02-15-2015 , 11:30 AM
Originally Posted by STinLA
A Head Coach Botched The End Of The Super Bowl
Just a general comment, coming from watching the CFL and only the occasional Super Bowl, I couldn't figure out what the problem was.
02-15-2015 , 12:21 PM
1143748405 Invitational ID
02-15-2015 , 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by TChan - WSOP payout structures over time
Big thanks to TChan and AdamSchwartz for bringing up my WSOP payout analyses, there's some more on the 1,000-entry payout structure for 2015 in an article I did for PokerNews late last month, and a new post on my site with a chart comparing the 2015 proposal with actual payout tiers from 2014 and 2009 (the last year with $1M paid to all November Nine players).

02-15-2015 , 02:24 PM
gl all

Last edited by johnjohn44; 02-15-2015 at 02:33 PM.
02-15-2015 , 03:19 PM
ty centebakkie, streaming in 40 mins guys
02-15-2015 , 03:52 PM
Originally Posted by Hammerhands
Just a general comment, coming from watching the CFL and only the occasional Super Bowl, I couldn't figure out what the problem was.
The consensus among Monday morning quarterbacks is that you should rush and not pass when you are less than a yard away from the end zone and you have a guy whose nickname is "Beast Mode" who was 5th in the league in rushing yards in the regular season who is hard to stop even when you *know* he's going to get the ball.

And although the responsibility/blame always rests on the shoulders of the head coach, Darrell Bevell is the offensive coordinator. I don't know whether the head coach ever vetoes the offensive coordinator's calls in these situations.
02-15-2015 , 04:41 PM
Didn't watch the game, but game theory says that even when you have a huge offensive weapon you still should play a mixed strategy - the defense has to pile their resources into defending against it, and so not using the weapon becomes much more effective as well.
02-15-2015 , 07:27 PM
Originally Posted by kokiri
Didn't watch the game, but game theory says that even when you have a huge offensive weapon you still should play a mixed strategy - the defense has to pile their resources into defending against it, and so not using the weapon becomes much more effective as well.
Cue "but... but... but... it's the biggest game of the season, the long run doesn't matter"
02-15-2015 , 09:59 PM

My gf usually laughs at me for religiously listening to the pokercast. She thinks it lacks in depth etc. etc. I relayed her your commentary on the whole Doyle/Bruce Jenner deal and you certainly turned her on to the meta-game you two are so capable of pulling off. Your intellect obviously spans beyond poker and that's what makes the podcast so appealing to me. Keep up the good work!
